nberry said:
MKSGR said:
nberry said:
ha said:
Just look at the 0-300 time of the Veyron!!!!! It hits the 300 mark before the SLR reaches 250..

P.S. Those 599 numbers can't be right... NO WAY!

I agree those numbers are unbelieveable.

Regarding the Z06 997TT match forget it. The Z06 is a faster car. That ship has sailed. Also, the Ford GT is faster.

The 997GT2 would be a better match for the Z06 and Ford GT.

- The 997TT is faster than the Z06 a lower speeds
- The Z06 is faster than the 997TT in the mid-speed range
- The 997TT is faster than the Z06 above 250kph
- The Z06 has a slightly higher top-speed than the 997TT

Where is the Z06 a faster car? The test results contradict your statement

Both cars are in the same league.

Is this the only test you want to refer to? If so, the 1/4 mile test clearly shows which car is faster. If you want to use track performance, name the track and test which shows the 997TT beat the Z06.

BTW, if the numbers on the 599 are correct, I believe it will beat the CGT. Simply amazing for a $270,000 GT car.

I have seen various tests of Z06 and 997TT on tracks. In some cases the Z06 was quicker in other the 997TT was quicker.

The above is the only high-speed test available of both cars to date. In this test, the 997TT is quicker in some speed ranges, the Z06 is quicker in other...

The conclusion: Both cars are in the same league (as far as performance is concerned). No other conclusion is possible