I'll try to see about answering your criticisms:

1) Not much can be done about that I guess. I didn't think it was an issue.

2) I spoke with my salesperson at one time about having no Bluetooth and apparently Porsche does not want to risk having any sort of virus infect their systems by means of Bluetooth technology. Silly if you ask me but Benchmark has a solution that seems to work well.

3) I think this is a reprogrammable option? I could be wrong though. I seem to remember reading somewhere on here about that. Wish I could remember where/how to make it beep.

4) I guess it's a design flaw. I think I remember seeing a thread about that too.

5) Yeah, I wish they had that too...the Cayenne has it but not the 986/987/997.

6) Rumors have it that the updated 997 will have LED tailights. I'm not sure WHY they didn't include it in the first place. I have those LED bulbs like I showed you. I'll have to see if those work without those glitches.

7) Germans don't seem to like the idea of a touchscreen GPS. I don't think any of them have it.

Every car has their pros and cons...you just listed a lot of the cons but hey, the pros makes up for it, right?