Pink Panther said:
I'd say that if you are happy with your 997S, don't try the 997TT because if you do you will want one. The power difference is huge. That great wall or torque is intoxicating. If you like fair ground rides the TT will tick all your boxes.

997TT - tested and ordered for Sept 07

I'd have to agree on that. I am toying with putting my name down for the 2 year waiting list, just when my warrantee on my C2S Cab runs out.

I was firmly in the 'say no to upgrade' camp before I drove the Turbo last week! That rock-steady acceleration is indeed addictive. So take a test-drive at your bank-balances peril... If I had the money I'd look at the F430 and Gallardo too but those are a bit out of my price ranges for now. If not then I'd have a real dilemma!

Boy would I miss the better looks + PSE + Cab roof of my current car though if I 'upgraded'. Shame I couldn't afford to keep both

Now just need to decide between the Turbo's Manual (+SS) or the much heavier but faster Tiptronic...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.