Hello all,
First: Thanks for a great and informative FORUM
I have been searching the topics for the answer but could not realy find it. I am e newbie so maybe I missed the right serach tricks...
I am in the phase of buying a C4S. I have two interesting "comparable" offers from dealers.
Both cars have the same colour, milage and age.
But one of them miss the PSE and the other miss the Sport Chrono.....Witch one would you take?
Or do I need to find one with both?
Is the Sport Chrono a must also for manuals?
I would belive it is more inportant for a tip car?
Like active driving and somethimes on tracks.
I could do without the looks of the clock, so if I am not missing anything important the one with PSE is my favorite so far.....

Thanks in advance for any help!