What a great review Carlos, thank you amigo!Smiley

I agree with you on the interior, I have a GT4 that has an almost idential setup and I also went for the smoker's package, it ads a 12V socket too. But one thing I have realised is the loss of storage for your phone. In the 997 there was that nice hole underneath the PCM to store small items, there is nothing in the new 911. Annoying as I always use my phone to chose music or place phone calls. It sits in the side pockets now. Small details but not very practical I guess.

I agree with you on the steeting, it's actually fine, until you drive the car back to back with a 997.

We had the same 997 I remember, -20mm chassis Carrera S, what a brilliant setup that was.

Do you find that the new DFI engines have become too linear compared to the 997 for example? There is more power, it's undeniable but with the old units, there was that power surge between 5500 and 7500rpm and somehow that's missing with the newer models or at least, it's not as pronounced.