The 996 sounded great with the sport exhaust option, the Mk-1 997 as well, but with the Mk-2 997 the sport exhaust was not the same, it was more muted and timid, fearing this would be the end of the old sounding sport exhaust maybe due to noise regulations, the 997 GTS version at the end of the generation cycle brought it back. And along with the 991 the sport exhaust started to sound great again, but in the 991 GTS they have taken it even further to the point that its one of the best sounding 911 I have heard.


The GTS does not sound the same as a CarreraS with sport exhaust, they have given it a unique sound, more aggressive and with a deeper engine growl. I’m sure part is due to the admission modifications the GTS has but part has to be by design on purpose. You can even feel the rise in vibrations from the car when you activate the sport exhaust.


It not easy to explain with words but compared to the CarreraS its more lower pitched and less muffler like. They seem to have given lots of importance to the sound in the GTS that even with the sport exhaust deactivated, the GTS still sounds different. In fact, while in the CarreraS when you deactivate the sport exhaust, the sound turns into the regular exhaust sound, in the GTS the change is only partial, it is still louder and more aggressive than normal exhausts. If the 996/997/991 CarreraS goes from for example 10 to 0 when deactivating the sport exhaust, in the GTS it goes from 10 to 5.


And the exhausts on this unit are still new, with a few thousand kilometers they will get fully burnt in and will sound to 100% of their potential, as is usual with all sport exhausts.