Just imagine a battery and/or charging tech breakthrough at some point in the future, and it will happen (this tech is just too young) and then you can literally see the resale value of any ELV tank over night. Hybrids? Not so much but similar situation: New tech, lots of advances over time and resale value will be horrible.

This is why I meant that it is going to take at least another 20 years before ELVs will make it to the mass markets. People who drive nowadays new cars costing 15-30k EUR...new...won't be interested in an ELV and the others may have higher expectations when it comes to range, quality and comfort (luxury).

I do not envy Tesla, this is a very very difficult market. Probably the major reason behind Porsche's hybrid approach and I am pretty sure others will follow. Putting your money (and tech/development) on ELVs only may work for Tesla because they basically have a monopoly in this domain right now but god forbid if the big manufacturers wake up and they will. As soon as this makes sense and as soon as it is profitable for them.

I 100% agree with your analysis Smiley