I still don't have the car John. Some dim f*@%wit on the assembly line managed to install the wiring loom without correctly seating a protective plastic collar that stops it chaffing against the bulkhead opening. The result is that a wire has rubbed through it's protective sleeve and arced and a new loom now has to be installed. To say I'm livid is an understatement. I had joked to my dealer that aving a car built the day after Italy were knocked out of the World Cup was worrying.... little did I realise it was a prophetic statement It was only down to a very thorough pre delivery inspectio by the senior tech at my dealer that the fault came to light. He does everything belt and braces thank goodness.

To make matters worse the truly shambolic way the factory seems to be dealing with the request for a replacement loom beggars belief. The request was put in on Monday and the factory said they would check the production line for a replacement item on Tuesday. They then checked yesterday and said one wasn't available on the line and cannot give a further answer on availability until today when they have checked their stores!! What on earth happened to IT inventory checking?  

It's just farcical and has really taken the shine off the whole experience. I will see what further developments happen today but even if a loom is sourced and put on a next day delivery it's doubtful my car will be ready until some point next week as there will be extensive testing required after fitting a new front loom.



There used to be an old adage about American cars, you want to check the build plate before you get off the lot and never accept one that was built on a Monday, Thursday, or a Friday because the flaws would be numerous and quality would be lacking compared to one built on a Tues, Thurs, or ideally a Wednesday.

Friday, their minds are on the weekend and rushing to get things done, counting the minutes until the shift ends. Thurs is payday and they're thinking about the bills - money they have to spend. Monday they're just coming off the weekend and no one is at their prime on a Monday.

I see the adage still holds true.


...the only thing stopping you in all likelihood, is you!