John H:


  It's sad that this is even being discussed in this forum but it is a pretty big deal for Porsche drivers if Porsche becomes a division of VW, which is where this looks like it is heading. 


Apart from WW's ego, why is it such a big deal if Porsche becomes a part of VW... so long as it's run as a separate division?

After all, Ferrari has been 85% owned by the Fiat Group since 1969, but is still run autonomously.  Similarly so with Maserati.

VW would be mad to swallow up Porsche and then integrate it into one entity.

If VW apply similar tactics with Porsche as Fiat has, for so long, with Ferrari and Maserati, I don't see a major problem at the consumer end..



A difference IMO is that VW Group have been building up Audi as a sports brand (TTs vs. 987s, R-series vs. 911) with strong Motorsport activity where Porsche also compete (ALMS, 24H races) and this is bound to lead to conflict of interest.

They cannot (after all this effort and success) downgrade Audi to make space for Porsche and OTOH Porsche is not a 6.000 cars per year brand like Ferrari/Maserati that can be clearly above everything else in the VW Group.

It's not where you're going, it's how you get there that counts