
East_rider911. Hahahah - I'm now laughing at my own post. I had forgotten about that, great spot and thanks for pointing it out to me!  You must have a great memory to remember my vigourous defence of PDK at that stage!

I was just re-reading the whole thread and came across your orignal silverstone post. I think your comments on PDK are very valid indeed, but for me the biggest problem I have with PDK is its around town capabilites. Its then to me that the inherrent "Tiptronic" nature of the system is exposed to the maximum.

Just to add a little sanity and defend my stance on the original post - At that stage I had not driven PDK and I believe given it was July 08, that not many other people had too. Everything was mainly speculation.  At that point I had assumed that Porsche would get it right and that their sequential would be as good as BMW's SMG. I had loved my 4 years of BMW SMG ownership and really thought they had the technology spot on. How could Porsche get it so wrong if BMW could do it right! Well what I hadnt factored for, is that I assume somebody at Porsche insisting that PDK was going to be a Tip replacement, not a 3rd gearbox option, and that they were not to upset the existing Tip owners by making it too sporty and "hard" to drive.  Ironically I suspect the Tip nature of being easy to drive around town will make it appeal to many people, as for most they want to save the thrills for the twisties, and have a car thats easy around town. For me with my 90% around town, thats where I have to get my thrills and feedback - PDK isnt for me. I made a miskate and I hold my hands up now! I appologise to anybody I "savaged"  in a previous post in my defence of PDK! hehehe Smiley

Re the GT3, I test drove a GT3 mk1 (in lux not clubsport spec) round town last week and found it very compliant indeed. I did have some worries in this respect so I insisted on the test drive being on my test track, not theirs this time!  The only real negative is that the cluch is much less forgiving than on C2S and I almost (I caught it though!) stalled it twice - DOH! Some of this I guess was having been out of a manual for 6 weeks. The overall experience was ceratinly of a car I could be happy with day to day. Not so of my previous experience of a full spec clubsport GT3RS - really hardcore and too much for me. Much of this must be the clubsport spec though.  Im assuming GT3 mk2 will benefit from the Gen2 softer ride and that the improved creature comforts inside will make mk2 an even easier place to be than mk1.

You end up not liking the PDK where most find it to be perfect Smiley the city that is.

Good to know you will have your problem solved the bets way possible Smiley

