VKSF said:
RC said:
AmirGT2 said:
Which color would you think the 997TT will look best in?


I'm trying to go for this combo:

1. black exterior
2. PCCB brake
3. black interior with yellow stitching
4. yellow seatbelts
5. black dials
6. black painted wheels

I'm spec'g blk/blk w/blk painted wheels, PCCB, red seat belts, red stitching, alum dials, and every poss leather option (to convert the plastic std P interior into a F-like leather-lined cockpit)...identical spec to my current 996TTS Coupe.....IMO most amazing look is car w/this spec in motion, esp the appce of the big yell PCCB calipers behind swirling blk wheels w/colored P crest blur...and w/colored belts adding another interesting, but minimalist color touch easily visible from outside....

IMO, a simply intimidating color combo like blk/blk w/minimal touches of color is easy choice ...to me, any car in silver/grey tones is too "friendly"-appearing and nondescript.....and even when dirty, a blk 997TT will have an "old-money", performance-focused, not styling-focused/"trying too hard" look to it....

And doesn't everyone who can afford a discretionary $150K sportscar have a convenient, competent handwash place/detailing guy who'll keep your blk car looking clean and swirl-free btwn messy drives/rainy days??? What's the oppty cost of washing a car yourself? I'd rather spend that time working my day job so I can buy more toys for playtime....

I couldn't agree more. Last week I test drove a black/black Gallardo and hated the attention it illicited on just the test drive. To me the car is about the experience of driving a car with such incredible performance. Of course, I think the cars are gorgeous but, I think considering how one color would differentiate tha car more from a prior model to a stranger is up there with BMW and Mercedes owners pulling the numbers off there cars.