If you don't like PASM, then the base 997 is your only choice. Do a search on this forum to see why you might not want PASM.

If you are going to load up your base 997 with options, then you should go for the S.

To me, the base 997 is about saving $ for those with a lower budget and about not having PASM. I have a non S 997 and have zero regret or second thought. I love the car.

By getting the non S, I now will have enough left over to get maybe a BMW 550 for the wife (If only its butt wouldn't be so ugly.), or trade to a used 997 tt down the road.

If "being slower" is an issue, remember between all the 8 or however many permutations of the 997 (cabriolet, 4 wd, tip vs. manual, etc., etc.), the base 997 with manual is about the second fastest. So you are not really "suffering" that much with less power. That is, you don't hear (fortunate ) cabriolet S owners complaining their cars being slower than the S coupe, right?

Hope this helps. Just my (humble) opinion.

sterio said:
I am soon making my order for a new 997 but I am comfused.
All the 997 S owners are talking about not buying the base model.
Can YOU, owners of the base 997 give me help of chosing between 997/997 S.
Are You satisfied with your base 997 or are you thinking that you did wrong not buying the 997 S?

If money was no question = 997S, But it is all about value for money that counts for me!

Thanks for your help guys!!!