Let's take a guess:
1. you ordered a Cayman S
2. you are a Porsche dealer

Which one is it?

To be serious: you seem to forget one thing. English isn't my mother language. How many different languages do you speak? Can you imagine how hard it is for me to read all these posts, even comment them from time to time AND to post my own stuff too? I'm no English teacher, I didn't study English, I didn't live or work in the UK/USA/Australia/etc., so please give me the doubt of somebody who tries hard to HELP and to make a few people understand a few subtle things which aren't usually known or visible to the public.

I want to "justify" buying a 997 or Boxster? Are you kidding me? Have you read my 997 review? My Boxster review? If I would have the money and wouldn't need to care about my neighbors and the friends of our kids, I would buy a Lamborghini Murcielago tomorrow.

Right now I'm in the process to get a new car, still not sure if it is going to be a 997 Turbo or a 997 GT3 due to various personal reasons. So do you really think I would bash the GT3 if I would get a Turbo or vice versa? How long do you know me? A few weeks? A few months? I'm into the Porsche "internet world" since 1997, more than eight years and I think I earned myself a certain respect in the Porsche community. You don't like my opinion about the Cayman S? That's fine to me, no problem. But accusing me of being biased towards a certain Porsche model is more than funny, honestly. I may be biased towards Porsche, maybe.

And finally an explenation why I'm using the word "real" that much, it is very simple. A lot of so called "reviews" out there are simply not "real" reviews. A journalist sits in a Cayman S, drives around for half an hour and you call that a review? C'mon, you must be kidding me.
Or all those rumors and the gossip travelling around internet forums and even the press, it is more than disturbing. Funny enough, a lot of people believe it.

So please, say about me what you want, you can say that I'm a liar, that my opinion or even my statements are wrong but never again accuse me of trying to justify buying the cars I bought. Because this is 100% BS. Period.

I may start to understand what this is all about: I grabbed into a hornet's nest I guess. Because of people like you, I actually started the whole "don't expect too much from the Cayman S" posts but now I realize that to some people, this may be a matter of "life and death".

A good example for that: my dealer is having a Cayman S launch event end of this month. This event will be very special because it is a somehow new model and Porsche hopes to get a few new customers for the Cayman. Since it is going to be a very special event, including dancing, music, etc., people will be invited, not everbody can come. My dealer already sent out the invitations but it seems that so many people are hot about the Cayman S, they called and begged to be invited. The more delicate part of this actually "positive" situation: the people who were begging to come weren't actually those who Porsche expected to attend. It seems that there is a strong rumor floating around that the Cayman S is faster, better, nicer, more sexy, bullet-proof, indestructable, whatever compared to ALL Porsche they have ever built.

Congratulations to Porsche marketing and dealers worldwide, they did a terrific job.