LOL: I truly hope you're being sarchastic.

Kimi has 6 wins, Alonso 6. McLaren owns the others completely.
By the end of the season Kimi will probably have most wins.
Not that it counts for much, but calling yourself champion on that background is a joke IMO.

Alonso got around 50 points because of bad luck from Kimi.
Look at the statistics and do the math.
Guess winners win and losers get crowned champions.

If you really applaud this way of becoming "champion", I would be honored to be called a loser.

Anyways: Listen to this sob story from the "champion":
""I come from a country that has no tradition in F1 and I had to fight alone as I had no help from anybody."

HAHAHA. If that isnt the sorriest excuse for a man I have ever heard of.
Champion my ass.