JL13 said:
Holminator said:
Sounds like they didn't have any data on your actual speed--radars off & Lidar not deployed. Sounds like they wanted to scare you--common police tactic in the States when they don't have enough evidence. I'd recommend getting one of these: www.valentine1.com. It's saved me several thousand dollars in the last few years!

Does this radar really works? I heard that it is not as good as the escort and there are new radar on the street now that the rader detecter can't detect. I have the Solo S2 Escort and it sucks!!!!! every time it goes on the cops is beside me or directly behind me. There are no time for reaction!
Well, I really doubt that people who drive this kind of car won't get a speeding ticket since it is such a fun car to drive!!!
I called my lawyer to day and he said that it is hard for me to get the ticket completely off, i might have to end up taking some driving classes.. Oh Well, as long as my licence is not taken away and preventing me drive this beautiful beast, I am fine with that!!

I have a friend, who had an Escort; we like to ride in formation around some backroads near my home that I call the Nanjamoy Circuit. We use FRS radios, too. I consistently detected bogies before he did and had fewer false alarms, partly because of the arrow indicator, which tells you the direction of the emittor, which no other detector has! He dumped the Escort for the V1 as well. The Escort's flaw is the battery more than anything else. Weak battery equals low detection threshold. I hardwired my V1 into the car so when the vehicle fusebox.