MKSGR said:
VKSF said:
0two9 said:
It is pretty much the "balls" when it comes to luxury sedans. BMW has nothign to counter it at all.

If I needed a family hauler/commuting limo, S65 would be my easy choice....world's safest, most comfortable sedan....

BMW doesn't have a buyer base for $100K+ cars, let alone roughly $200K commuter cars....given how profitable 55/65 are for Merc, it's obvious BMW/Lexus would go after this lucrative mkt if they could....

But given BMW can't seem to even develop competent brakes and has steering feel about as anesthetic as an S/CL's (where's the performance car [Email]touch@BMW??)....and[/Email] BMW can't seem to even develop competent air cond sys or fit its cars w/>22gall fuel tanks (where's the GT car [Email]touch@BMW??)[/Email], I'm not at all surprised BMW has never succeeded in the $100K+ league....

Guys buying $200K 65's who also enjoy non-straight-line performance/feel typically own P/F for wkend use in the curves and use 65 for daily straight-line commuting duty....BMW does neither straight-line commuting nor wkend mtn twisties particularly well....

Not only for safety reasons I still prefer the A8 W12. There is nothing better than 4WD for a powerful car... Also, I like the discrete looks and the (design and build) quality of the interior of the A8.

Interesting viewpoint, MKSGR....personally have no need for a sedan/SUV, so use 996TTS as my rainy-day car Curious why Audi over S-Class 4Matic for rainy/slushy road use (commuting around cold, wet/snowy urban regions, not for ski trip duty)? Seems to me Merc has innovated more safety features than any other co. (aside from P)....is Audi notably innovative on that front as well? My brief expces w/Audi left me underwhelmed by steering feel/chassis dynamics/brakes/interior design&ergonomics....
Wouldn't a Cayenne be an even safer snow weather choice than an Audi?