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    For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    I picked this off a Ferrari chat site;

    banned call
    By Tom Evans, last updated April 12 2005

    A transport pressure group yesterday demanded the end of the popular BBC2 programme 'Top Gear', claiming it promotes irresponsible driver behaviour. It wants a replacement show called Third Gear, which would promote "sensible driving in sensible vehicles."

    The group, Transport 2000, which is chaired by sometime Monty Pythoner and latter-day globetrotter Michael Palin, said that the programme had an obsession with big and "unnecessarily powerful" cars and ignored the interests of women drivers. It said the alternative programme would encourage responsible motoring based on less environmentally damaging cars, considerate and safety-conscious driving, and exploration of alternatives to the car. The group particularly took aim at the show's flamboyant main presenter, Jeremy Clarkson, who is also a ubiquitous newspaper and magazine columnist. They claim his "distinctive image... is in danger of encouraging a 'yobbish' attitude on the road. " Jeremy Clarkson: In the firing line

    Transport 2000's Steve Hounsham said: "Everyone is talking about how to reduce car use, cut climate change emissions and make the roads safer but, to quote in perhaps its own language, Top Gear effectively sticks up its fingers to this... If we must have Jeremy Clarkson on the television, let's give him something useful to do, such as trying out public transport or road-testing new bicycles. Perhaps he would like to drive a bus; he'd find it just as much fun as a Ferrari."

    The group lists Top Gear's mortal sins in full:

    - "Following complaints made to the BBC, the programme team was sent back to Oxford twice to refilm a piece about the closure of the High Street to through traffic because it failed to present a balanced view of the scheme.

    - To test the claims made for a 4x4, the programme really did try to take the vehicle to the top of a mountain in Scotland, "through a sensitive peat bog causing substantial ecological damage."

    - "In an infamous episode", Jeremy Clarkson tore up on camera information from Transport 2000's website presenting the dangers of speed.

    - In a race against colleagues using public transport and plane, Clarkson drove a Ferrari more or less non-stop from London to Switzerland and was stopped by police for speeding on the way.

    - Clarkson deliberately drove a car into a tree in a car park in Somerset to test the strength of the car in a crash. The programme ended up apologising and paying compensation to the local parish council for the damage caused.

    Despite this multitude of crimes, 'Top Gear' has proved a smash-hit ratings winner since it was relaunched in its new hour-long, high-budget format in October 2002, and it is one of the most popular programme on BBC2. The BBC has defended the programme, saying "none of the [Top Gear] presenters advocate or encourage dangerous driving, and high performance cars are always tested in a controlled and safe environment."

    "The programme regularly features discussions of issues across the whole gamut of motoring. It does review fast cars but it has also recently featured the new Smart car, as well as a series of items on restoring cars and a second-hand car challenge. To say Top Gear encourages just a macho or yobbish attitude simply isn't true."

    "Half of its regular audience of 3 million viewers is women. A recent example [of discussing green issues] would be in December 2004, when an engine was featured that was half electric and half petrol powered."

    I guess we all better back Jeremy on this one. Otherwise our sport cars are headed for oblivion.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Hippie environmentalists bug me.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Sometime Monty Pythoner and latter-day globetrotter Michael Palin, said ... "If we must have Jeremy Clarkson on the television, let's give him something useful to do, such as trying out public transport or road-testing new bicycles. Perhaps he would like to drive a bus; he'd find it just as much fun as a Ferrari."

    So, ... this Palin guy really is a professional jokester

    He must have taken part in the Monty Python episodes that weren't funny.

    He should go into investigative reporting on things like freezer burn or panty hose that run.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    If taking a bus was as fun as a Ferrari then I must have been really spoiled coming home from school everyday for years.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    To me top gear is one of the very greatest tv shows ever, because it's really the only Car tv show that not only tries to be funny sometimes, but it really is...
    Probably clarkson's show polarizes that much, that either you love or you absolutely hate it, guess that's similar to our 911's ...

    P.S.: can't wait for the 22nd of may for top gear to start again!

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    So let Clarkston just move on to another baboon cage.

    His reviews are full of himself. He staked out the "I was bullied in Public School and need a fast car to prove I am a real man now" territory really well in his reviews.

    Im surprised they kept him around for as long as they have.
    Maybe his strident anti American moralizing and churlish
    taunts at Germans gave him a long leash for awhile.

    He's always seemed more caught up in himself than in the car he was testing. Maybe that is cute and charming to some,but it does wear thin over time. His columns read like
    some type of bizarre self psychotherapy.

    As for his purported "eco crimes" and lack of "social responsibility" I guess Britain has no sense of humor left at all except if its directed at those who live across a channel or an ocean. Its also rather sickening to see Michael Palin take up the sword of political correctness.
    What sort of mindset does it take for a hackneyed comic
    to be proclaimed Minister of Social Thought?

    The BBC has already shown itself to be a cesspool of self appointed social engineers, so what should anyone expect when it comes to editorial direction and automobile reviews?

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Clarkson is an entertainer, and a very successful one at that.
    So what if half the review is about his dog? That's his style, one should expect exactly that from him.
    He's funny and has a very acute sense of finding flaws and idiosyncrasies to laugh at with the cars he's testing.

    Read his TimesOnline column, very entertaining material

    PS: I used to hate the guy

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    JimFlat6 said:
    He's always seemed more caught up in himself than in the car he was testing. Maybe that is cute and charming to some,but it does wear thin over time. His columns read like
    some type of bizarre self psychotherapy.

    I couldn't have said it better!

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    for every gallon of gas those a hybrid saves, i will burn 3 driving around for fun.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Moogle said:
    for every gallon of gas those a hybrid saves, i will burn 3 driving around for fun.

    Aren't GT3s LEV.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    This transport 2000 group is insane. I don't mind if someone has a different opinion, but they don't really support theirs and their website sounds like so much propaganda.

    Myth: "Speed doesn't cause accidents. There are more important contributing factors to crashes like drunkenness, tiredness or just plain boredom at driving slowly."

    Fact: Speeding is not only unlawful but irresponsible and threatens other motorists and road users who want to travel safely. Government advice is that drivers need to take regular breaks to avoid tiredness, and drink-driving is illegal and dangerous. Many drivers don't realise that speed is responsible for more deaths than drink-driving.

    In the year 2002, 59 per cent of drivers exceeded the 30mph speed limit in urban areas, down from 65 per cent in 2001. In 2002, 3431 people lost their lives on our roads: a third of these fatal crashes were due to excessive speed and 179 of the dead were children. The Association of Chief Police Officers says that speed is the most important factor in road crashes, more so than even drink or drug driving.

    So the myth is wrong because the association of chief police officers says so? What the heck is that? I've had a CHP officer tell me how obstruction of traffic kills more than speeding because the speeders have to go around the idiots in the left lane driving 65. This officer pulls over those left lane people and tickets them for obstruction of traffic. Of course people who drive recklessly fast are dangerous, however, their excessive speed is simply a symptom of their general disregard for safety and bad choices in driving style. I commute 500 miles a week and can easily tell a safe driver from a not safe one and I've seen many speeders that are very safe. You have to look at the whole picture of how a person drivers, not just their speed.

    "Skilled drivers do not drive above the limit: they know the law and the consequences of car crashes."

    Umm no, the best drivers I know speed, it's just that they are slow at the right times because they are aware of how you need to respond to different situations.

    This website angers me.

    Aside from the safety issue the environmental argument against Top Gear and our culture doesn't make sense either. There is a difference between the car as a hobby and the car as transportation. Top Gear is about a hobby. I'd have nothing against transport 2000 encouraging the use of environmentally responsible commuter cars as long as they acknowledge that there's nothing wrong with having a weekend "fun" car. This is because that fun car isn't driven as much and most people aren't car nuts so they don't even have a weekend car. This would show that they understand the difference between the hobby and the transportation and would mean that they would stop misplacing their effort by attacking sports cars... idiots.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    W8MM said:
    JimFlat6 said:
    He's always seemed more caught up in himself than in the car he was testing. Maybe that is cute and charming to some,but it does wear thin over time. His columns read like
    some type of bizarre self psychotherapy.

    I couldn't have said it better!

    While I don't mind Clarkson's way of behaviour it is pretty interesting to see how the whole shop developed. In fact it was Tiff Needel, skilled and professional racing driver, who was head of the show and influenced its appereance. J. Clarkson was something like the silly boy driving along and doing some reports alongside Needel.

    If you compare Needel's new programme Fifth Gear with Clarkson's current presentation of Top Gear, it is clear that both aim at two slightly differing target groups. I would hardly understand if housewifes watch Fifth gear, much to advanced and lacking the flashy bit that make rather inexperienced viewers feel at home rather at Top Gear.

    In fact let's just wait how the whole thing develops, I see it as a bad sign that interest groups already arouse due to Clarkson's excessive attitude. As long as other car shows are not affected I can live with it.

    Should anyone of you read Clarkson's review in the Times (?) than it is interesting to see that he is lacking that aversion against certain countries and brands! He in fact makes a point with some of the stories he's telling, but only with some...

    P.S. Britain is, according to my knowledge one of the most unattractive country regarding high-performance cars.

    P.P.S. From what I've seen the Clarkson's race with his colleagues was from Britan to the South of France and in fact in an Aston Martin DB9.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Ferdie said:
    While I don't mind Clarkson's way of behaviour it is pretty interesting to see how the whole shop developed. In fact it was Tiff Needel, skilled and professional racing driver, who was head of the show and influenced its appereance. J. Clarkson was something like the silly boy driving along and doing some reports alongside Needel.

    If you compare Needel's new programme Fifth Gear with Clarkson's current presentation of Top Gear, it is clear that both aim at two slightly differing target groups. I would hardly understand if housewifes watch Fifth gear, much to advanced and lacking the flashy bit that make rather inexperienced viewers feel at home rather at Top Gear.

    Took the words out of my mouth, that is exactly as it was and is now. I always watch Top Gear, its Clarckson is entertaining kind of like a clown, its like the yeallow press of the car programs for the masses, funny but not to be confused with a good source for trustworthy information, or seriuos-knowledgeable driver impressions of a car, etc. For that you have to trun to Tiff and his team of Fifth Gear.
    BTW in last week's Fifth Gear, the guy who bought Scummacher's Ferrari F1 (MY2003 I think) for himself last year, crashed his Maserati MC12 in the snow!... that hurt to watch, but they guy has a great mentality about supercars though.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Ferdie said:

    P.P.S. From what I've seen the Clarkson's race with his colleagues was from Britan to the South of France and in fact in an Aston Martin DB9.

    They did two races, 1 with a DB9 the other in Ferrari 612

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Carlos from Spain said:
    BTW in last week's Fifth Gear, the guy who bought Scummacher's Ferrari F1 (MY2003 I think) for himself last year, crashed his Maserati MC12 in the snow!... that hurt to watch, but they guy has a great mentality about supercars though.

    I enjoyed that part - the guy drove the MC12 6 hours to the track in bad weather.. got some scratches and chips on the paintwork and said it 'gives the car character', then later laughed when he crashed the car. Good to see someone enjoying cars properly instead of just polishing them and leaving them in the garage.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Martin Tyler said:
    I enjoyed that part - the guy drove the MC12 6 hours to the track in bad weather.. got some scratches and chips on the paintwork and said it 'gives the car character', then later laughed when he crashed the car. Good to see someone enjoying cars properly instead of just polishing them and leaving them in the garage.

    Exactly! unfortunately there are 1 of these for every 10 poseurs

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    I ask myself one question: Would I be happier if Jeremy was booted from the airwaves? Would I prefer watching Tiff all the time?

    In a word, NO!

    Variety is the spice of life.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    I watch both shows as well, and never miss Top Gear because its "entertaining" and funny, the more the merrier like you say.

    Also don't worry about Clarkson, he is goig to have those Transport 2000 fairy group for breakfest when he gets back on the air with the new season, they are going to get a hard time

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    These people do not have any idea what they are talking about, absolute rubbish if you ask me. If they were to take Top Gear off the air, I am more than sure that the BBC's ratings would probably drop a considerable amount. Furhtermore, with all due respect, I would much rather drive a Ferarri than drive a bus.

    But let me be serious, with the termination of Top Gear who knows what will come next. Believe me, I am a serious fan of hybrid technology and feel that it is an essential technology for the life of our environment. But with the censorship of automobile information and other sport related topics, I feel that it will create a downward spiral towards the diminishment of motorsport.


    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Ferdie said:
    P.P.S. From what I've seen the Clarkson's race with his colleagues was from Britan to the South of France and in fact in an Aston Martin DB9.

    The "other" race was with a Ferrari 575 or 612 (I forget which), but seem to remember that it was only the windscreen wipers which failed during the trip. The race ended in Verbier, Switzerland, if I remember correctly.

    Blame that guy Alzheimer if any of the above is incorrect.


    fritz (I think)

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Has anybody checked to see if the article Nick quoted didn't originate on maybe? :-)

    Just a thought!

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    fritz said:
    Has anybody checked to see if the article Nick quoted didn't originate on maybe? :-)

    Just a thought!

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    I love Top Gear, although im german, i still seem to laugh about his jokes towards the germans.. simply because most of his generalizations are true.. I love the one in which he tests the black Carrera GT.. simply amazing, thats how they all should talk about cars..

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Yargk said:
    fritz said:
    Has anybody checked to see if the article Nick quoted didn't originate on maybe? :-)

    Just a thought!

    Thanks for the link!
    Reading as much as I could without falling to sleep confirmed my suspicions. This site is just a less-funny poor relation of "sniffpetrol". There's no way it can be meant to be serious. See what you think, but keep a pillow at the ready.

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    fritz said:
    There's no way it can be meant to be serious. See what you think, but keep a pillow at the ready.

    Judging from the following articles I think Transport 2000 is a serious organization. The BBC does not publish articles about prank websites, does it? Please take a look:

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    What I found disturbing was the post below. It confirmed my supplications that many of these people actually believe that everyone else will just start thinking like them if they are informed. An equivalent statement would be me telling them that they don't love cars just because they haven't driven a Ferrari. The question is how do you make these people understand that car enthusiasts aren't just ignorant of other forms of hobbies that they approve of.

    It's this type of thinking that makes it "obvious" to them that we need to see the end of the car as soon as possible instead of a mindset that would accept cars a good solution that may need improvement. They'd do a lot more good if they just encouraged responsible commuter cars for the average person and accepted that a few people would want a little more power. People using SUVs to commute do a lot more damage than the sports car enthusiast.

    Top Gear
    22 April 2005

    Programmes like Top Gear are always going to try and show off the biggest, fastest, etc. Either it should be taken off air altogether or forced to reflect more the fact that cars damage the environment and can be very anti-social. Maybe it should feature cycling, trains, even buses, who knows? All these things can be fun and interesting as well (honest - it just takes imagination). I`d like to see Jeremy Clarkson do a month-long video diary of cycling in Manchester... he`d soon be less mouthy about speed cameras etc.

    Robert Salford

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    Yargk said:
    Moogle said:
    for every gallon of gas those a hybrid saves, i will burn 3 driving around for fun.

    Aren't GT3s LEV.

    i take solace in the knowledge that the damage to the environment is mostly done before the gas gets into a car and that i'm accelerating the use of said gas

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    From the Transport 2000 website - they should stick to their day jobs!!!!

    Transport 2000 has produced ideas for the first couple of episodes of the new all-green alternative to Top Gear, currently the focus of a campaign to send it to the scrapyard to be recycled into Third Gear.

    Third Gear will have viewers in stitches on Sunday evening but leave them making responsible transport choices on Monday morning. The new all-green replacement for Top Gear will promote sensible driving in sensible vehicles, rather than madcap dashes to Switzerland in a speeding Ferrari, tank-like rampages across sensitive peat bogs in a 4x4 and deliberate collisions with trees to test the strength of front bumpers. It will replace Top Gear's two-fingered 'salute' to the environment, road safety and other road users like cyclists, with a friendly embrace.

    It short, it will be devoted to encouraging responsible motoring based on less environmentally damaging cars, considerate and safety-conscious driving, and thorough exploration of alternatives to the car.

    But Jeremy Clarkson could still present the new show because, let's face it, his face is as much a fixture on the television screen as Tony the Tiger's is on a packet of Frosties. And he does have his strengths. He is amusing, in a laddish sort of way, and falls into the "I'll do anything to get on TV" mould which makes for entertaining viewing. But he has his drawbacks. The damaging emissions from the over-powered cars he likes to drive are frequently matched by those from his own mouth, which knows no boundaries. And he comes across as yobbish; he is to responsible driving behaviour what a bag of chips is to haute cuisine.

    But Third Gear gives him the chance to present a new image: the greener, more caring Jeremy, willing to slow down for old ladies crossing the road and perhaps even to stop to help the odd cyclist mend a puncture. But there is no reason for him not to be funny in presenting Third Gear's more responsible take on cars, and transport in general.

    Here is the running order for the first two editions of Third Gear, the first to be broadcast on 5 June, World Environment Day, with the follow up a week later during Green Transport Week/Bike Week.

    *Jeremy test drives a range of new 'shopper' bicycles and assesses the advantages of front basket over rear rack. He takes a trip to his local organic food store and stocks up on green lentils, brown rice and mung beans before stacking them carefully on his bike for the journey home along traffic-calmed Liverpool Road in north London. Once he gets home, he measures the amount of lentils, rice and beans left in the bags before cooking himself a nutritious meal.

    *Jeremy is invited by Transport for London to "see it from the bus driver's point of view" and operate the No. 19 bus through the heart of London during the morning rush hour. Jeremy begins to appreciate considerate behaviour from motorists and is pleasantly surprised by the comfortable, value for money journey he provides for his passengers.

    *Jeremy tests out national rail and the London Tube by taking his Brompton folding bicycle from his home in the Cotswolds to Westminster Station, where he joins a demonstration outside Parliament calling for the Government to do more to improve public transport. On the way, he harangues and lampoons train and Tube representatives on why they make it so difficult for people with cycles to use public transport.

    *Jeremy drives from London to Paris in a Smart Car, while colleagues try out Eurostar and a plane journey. On arrival at the Eiffel Tower, they all fill large balloons with gas to represent the amount of carbon dioxide their journeys have pumped into the atmosphere. Jeremy and his train-travelling colleague go away with a green halo and get to keep their balloons.

    *Jeremy spends a week living in a flat alongside the commuter racetrack that is the A40 West Way in west London. He staggers out with a headache on the Friday morning and stops a motorist at random with a list of alternatives for making the journey. The driver finally agrees, under the stare of the cameras, that on Monday he will catch the train from Oxford or look at the daily coach service. Jeremy takes two aspirin and heads back to the Cotswolds to recover.

    *Jeremy joins a police mobile speed camera unit on a dangerous section of the A1 in North Yorkshire. As the police wave drivers into the layby, Jeremy approaches to gently remonstrate with the speeders and sign them up for an advanced driver safety course. Later he joins a demonstration in which 3500 people lie on the road (which his new police friends have kindly closed off) to represent the total death toll on Britain's roads each year. Ten minutes later, he gets up with an oil stain on his jacket to turn to camera to say: "I was once a boy racer but today I have decided to join Transport 2000."


    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    By the way I think they are all mentl!!!! IMO

    Re: For you Jeremy Clarkston haters

    MAVERICK said:
    fritz said:
    There's no way it can be meant to be serious. See what you think, but keep a pillow at the ready.

    Judging from the following articles I think Transport 2000 is a serious organization. The BBC does not publish articles about prank websites, does it?

    The BBC publishes "Top Gear", which you could describe as a "prank" car program?



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