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    Re: Tesla


    Still no deaths or injuries due to FSD. It’s a beta program. I must say Elon has huge balls toying with FSD while everyone is targeting him ala Trump. It would take very little to stage an accident and everyone would buy it hook line and sinker. You may recall the Tesla S plaid that caught fire supposedly. Funny how after Elon hinted at arson the guy disappeared. 
    Keep the news coming, it is a pretty good at revealing truth if you look. 


    If anything, I see Elon as Obama. Trump isn't clever enough to manipulate people like how Obama and Elon does it, Trump is just a straight shooter that some people find offensive. 

    Anyways, enough about politics in this thread. 


    Sadly politics in the auto business is all too real. Has nothing to do with trump as much as it is always powerful interests who don’t exactly have our best interests in mind. Musk is a target and people will fall for it. Just like people will buy every other EV on the planet due to FUD.  Once the investment is made it is hard know when you have been tricked. 


    Cause he wanted himself to be one.

    It keeps him, and Tesla, in the spotlight. Which helps him immensely on how to manipulating TSLA prices, without crossing the legal line, at times.

    You think Elon have your best interest in mind? That's naive thinking. Elon think of no one else but himself. Everything he said in public is to manipulate the stock price to his advantage. If the stock price is deflated, he will find some vapourware to talk about to prop up the price to secure his loans. he also talk up the price with pipe dreams just so he can cash out his stocks. You think he cares about all those 'betas'? Absolutely not! He got 'customers' PAYING him to try out betas, instead of him hiring people to test. That's some major savings to the bottomline. He is playing the system to the fullest, like how Obama was playing the system back then. They both one of the cleverest in their field to do so.

    Don't be so naive to believe any word he says. Like the Google founders that proclaimed 'Don't be Evil', and yet Google is the most evil company there is, with Facebook coming in a close second, abusing all the data customers are forking over. Freely.




    Re: Tesla

    You may be correct about Facebook (meta) and google and the rest but as a Car consumer I can only state the experience and pleasure of Tesla ownership is unlike any other product much less any other car company. What you are describing are literally paranoid ramblings as though you have already fallen for it hook line and sinker. Glad you highlighted that part. You have fallen for it so hard you actually buy very other EV out there to convince yourself. To say you are bias against Tesla ( on the verge of paranoid ) is an understatement. 
    It is a fabulous car and there are no dealers to screw with. The price is what it is and reliability and speed and safety is exceeded only by its economy. People who wish to take part in the beta are 100% willing and paying customers who not only volunteer to try FSD but they are happy to do so. No one is holding a gun to their head. The negative FUD is not coming from owners but from the same media and big business who, again, don’t give a shit about consumers. Notice you don’t see the media asking happy Tesla owners about their experience and they can’t find any unhappy owners. If they do they are in a cult or fan boys. They rent or borrow cars they hate to start with and then they write what people who have not driven a Tesla should be afraid of. Ask any owner and you will see they are as bewildered by the FUD as I am. 
    If you wanted to know if a car is good would you believe all the owners of the car or the people who are going bankrupt trying to compete against it?  Name one car company who has a better reputation with their customers and a worse one with the competition  and press and government?  That should tell you all you need to know. 
    One more clue - they don’t even advertise, sell all the cars they make and are more valued than the biggest companies in the business combined. Perhaps you are very mistaken. 
    Musk is not out three buying islands and breaking bridges to move his boat. He is creating better schools for his SpaceX families. Safer and cleaner cars for the world, looking toward saving humanity in case our planet is toast someday, building solar solutions and hoping to prevent and cure illnesses using new medical technology.  I am assuming you think he is using the rest of that time to undo all that good and take money from our pockets - because of course - wait for it - he does not have enough already.  Sure, that makes sense and follows logic. Not
    There is some hard core envy or brainwashing going on I hope some can see it in time.  
    I may be a happy Tesla customer and overwhelmed by the awesome products but at least that is reality and not fiction.  Not to mention it is a positive way of living in reality. 

    Re: Tesla

    Saving humanity... hallelujah! lol ... you really have gone down the rabbit home Leawood indecision

    Re: Tesla

    TesIa on autopilot crashes into state trooper's cruiser... (video)




    Re: Tesla

    Carlos from Spain:

    Saving humanity... hallelujah! lol ... you really have gone down the rabbit home Leawood 

    my point was he is far removed from how he is depicted by Whoopsy. Certainly more so than other auto makers, billionaires or even governments.  Do you think I’m closer to the truth or is Whoopsy. Maybe this is the real question. 
    It takes deep pockets to run a hate campaign against someone yet that is pretty easy to always fool some people even if it goes against their own self interest. It is almost impossible to spend money to trick people in liking something that is not good or beneficial already.  Do you think I don’t know a good car when I see it?  Ask yourself why all of Elons customers are happy as can be with him and only his competition hates him or those he will put out of business. Hmmm?  Seems like there is an easy explanation to me.  His products are better his competition is freaking out. They have a ton of worthless ICE inventory in a few years with no one to buy it. 

    Re: Tesla

    Sorry but Nick pretty much nailed it yes... and it's not like he said anything we haven't actually seen him do which makes it even more obvious.

    Fanaticism is just clouding you Leawood. Saving humanity... he, he, that was pretty funny... maybe he should found a church like the scientology guy...

    Re: Tesla

    Unlike normal car makers, Tesla only make EVs, so they aren't flexible enough to adjust for customer tastes. They have to force everyone to drive EV in order to stay in business.

    Ford, GM, VAG etc make all sorts of cars, be it EV, hybrids, or normal cars. Whatever a customer wants, they have at least one model to offer. This is called free market business model, they don't force customer to only pick one kind of car. 

    Tesla fanatics have been spreading FUD about 'traditional' car makers don't want to switch to EV cause they need to 'protect' their existing business. Well guess what? SELLING CARS IS THEIR BUSINESS!! It doesn't matter if it's a pickup, a hybrid, a EV, a sedan, a SUV, diesel or gasoline or hydrogen powered. They are ALL CARS!! There is NOTHING to protect. They are just adjusting to market conditions. They will make what their customer want. There isn't a giant demand for EVs yet, there is no point for them to switch 100% to EVs, that would just means they gonna be stuck with hundreds of lots full of unsold cars, and THAT is what going to put them out of business. Not Tesla. 

    Elon doesn't have that luxury to adjust production to fit what the market wants. He needs to force people to switch to EVs in order to stay in business. He is the pioneer in that segment, he CREATED the demand. He first cars aren't the best, still aren't. But they are competent enough, good enough that people started to switch over. Which also increase the demand for EVs. One could say the other car makers are riding on the coat tail of Tesla. Not wrong. Tesla took all the initial risk, which also gave them the monopoly of the segment for a while. Now a few years down the road, the segment has grown and people want choices instead of being forced to buy a Tesla if they want a EV. 

    In the EV segment, Tesla stands to lose the most as they are the dominant player, like Nokia/Motorola with cell phone back then. They need to keep innovate and stay ahead of everyone else. The software side of things they are still ahead. So is public charging network. But on the hardware side they are falling behind with them sticking with 400V system while others leapfrogged into the 800V system. Another group are also heavily into solid state battery research to increase the power density. 

    Tesla is literally being surrounded in the segment right now. They have the biggest piece of the pie, but below them the Japanese and Koreans are coming in hot and heavy. On top there is Lucid, Porsche,  Audi and now Mercedes and others eager to stick their head in. BMW just made their serious entry into the mainstream segment to go head to head with Tesla, not to mention Hyundai with their high end offerings that's right in the middle of Tesla's product mix. Heck, Rivian already beat them to the punch for the EV truck segment, and Ford is coming in a close 2nd as their production of the Lightning just started. GM and Ford are also hot on their heels with their own versions of advanced cruise control. 

    Battery EVs aren't the be all end all solution to every transportation problem. They are good at certain things, but not everything. There will still be a need for other forms of propulsion fro decades to come. 





    Re: Tesla

    That is some terrific rationale. I see how it all makes sense to you. 
    Tesla forces people to buy there cars. Lol.  They would be better off making ICE cars as well - funniest thing I have ever heard.  I am spreading FUD about ICE cars?  I don’t even spread it about other EVs. Elon as a person is a lot more trustworthy and aware of the customer than - let way the VW board. Or Mary of GM fame. 
    Ever consider the mixed message of selling ICE and EV?  It is not about giving customers a choice at all. It is about being the best at something and not wasting resources in something you don’t believe in.  How insane would it be and how would investors react if Teslas next factory made ICE cars?  
    Ask any current automaker if the transition from ICE is a problem for them?  
    Love this thread - 


    Re: Tesla

    Leawood911: Elon as a person is a lot more trustworthy and aware of the customer than - let way the VW - 

    He is known worldwide precisely for the opposite, of course Muskites will just use the strawman fallacy but there are literally multiple web pages that keep track of all the lies and false promises Musk makes, this one is just a summary of "some" of them...

    Re: Tesla

    Carlos from Spain:
    Leawood911: Elon as a person is a lot more trustworthy and aware of the customer than - let way the VW - 

    He is known worldwide precisely for the opposite, of course Muskites will just use the strawman fallacy but there are literally multiple web pages that keep track of all the lies and false promises Musk makes, this one is just a summary of "some" of them...

    You made my day. These are a list of all the oppositions talking points. None of their cars come even close to what Elon is trying to achieve. And if you look at what he has delivered it blows away any of their specs. The plaid is much quicker than anything else in its price range so to call not hitting 2 seconds to 60 a lie or massive deception is spot on FUD. Anyone else got FSD this far along?  Anyone even able to do autopilot as well ?  Is any car as safe? Is anyone else running Robo taxis or anything close in the future?  Notice not a single significant complaint about the car from owners !!!  The satisfaction rate is over the top to the extent they can’t make enough of them fast enough with zero advertising AND the media trying to hype the competition.  The fact that you take these articles seriously and can’t see it is exactly what I am talking about.   
    How many ads has Tesla paid for in Road and Track or anyone?  Zero $. Is there any car which can do the things the way Tesla is lying about so horribly?  Meanwhile people here are seriously defending huge simple maintenance service costs and ignore sleazy sales tactics.  
    One way to test if you are in the right is to simply ask what Musk and Tesla should do?  Should they next time indicate 0-60 in 2.1 seconds or write including roll out in bold?  Should they not work on FSD and safety technology?  Should they stop over the air updates?  Should they not imagine robot taxis once FSD is working?  Should they give people zero credit for being able to control a level 2 autonomous car while we allow other car markers to sell level one all day long?  Some of these complaints are very absurd if you take the time to examine the solution they obviously don’t propose.  It gets in the way of thinking logically.  Cheers


    to complete my analysis and show that I took the time to actually read and think - 

    Without doubt the Cybertruck is going to be delivered. Nobody in the industry doubts this. Seen the Austin factory personally.  The Roadster, Semi are clearly on the way.  No need to make a $35k car if you can’t make the others fast enough. Have you seen the profit margin per car or resale values? Is it expensive if f you don’t lose half your value in one year?  Lol

    Those who bought Model S and X as well as some Model3 while supercharging was included will always have free supercharging. You can buy these on the used car market and they will always be free to supercharge.  The price for some of these was very high when new, the used price is not that much more than cars without free supercharging because the benefit is not that valuable if you can charge at home which is what you do 99% of the time. Anyway, Is it not normal for companies to try different pricing approaches or even change prices? Again- no customer is complaining or lost supercharging benefits if they had them or was lied to.  

    then they reach - battery swap stations , as though one can’t change their mind when an idea makes no sense. 
    their service literally comes to your door if needed and is miles ahead of other not to mention the reliability and lack of costs to begin with. Are we really worried there are not enough $2500 oil change dealers?  Of course we are!! 
    My favorite is NO MORE capital raises!  What does that even mean?  Think about this one - a lot. Very telling and absurd.  Seriously. Those darn for profit enterprises. They are taking investors money and putting it to use for them. We must stop them so investors give money to better places we recommend.  Lol.   I don’t see the original investors or owners complain. Maybe that is the side to be on. 

    Re: Tesla

    Sorry but that is a lot of whataboutsm and wishful thinking to avoid the actual subject of my post, he is the least trustworthy guy in the industry, no one has a track record like him of making false promises, even FSD he promised 9 years in a row now, with a straight face to the camera. Like I said, Musk should found a church because anything he says is belived like faith for many yes

    Re: Tesla

    It is already a church. The Church of Tesla-ism.

    Tesla is the greatest, Elon is the greatest. Nothing else is better. Tesla is for everyone. Everyone else is wrong if they say bad things about Tesla.

    Unfortunately we live in a liberal world, where people have CHOICES. One brand does't fit them all. 

    For some, a Tesla fits their bill, and are happy with it. That's fine. No one has any problems with that line of thinking.

    For others, they find products offered by Elon lacking, or not up to their standard, they are free to chose something else that's better. That's fine too. But somehow the Tesla people can't accept that something else is better at something, and start going at it. 

    Even something simple and straight forward, like point out the truth, would earn some form of argument back. It's literally a cult like culture. 





    Re: Tesla


    Even something simple and straight forward, like point out the truth, would earn some form of argument back. It's literally a cult like culture. 

    That pretty much sums it up

    Re: Tesla

    It is not the only one. Apple with the iPhone and Steve Jobs had huge success with this cult culture. People like to be followers of a great leader.

    Re: Tesla


    It is not the only one. Apple with the iPhone and Steve Jobs had huge success with this cult culture. People like to be followers of a great leader.


    That statement is so offensive to the late Steve Jobs it's not even funny.

    Even the most diehard Apple hater will admit Steve never had to resort to lying or bending the truth to manipulate stock prices. Or give out empty promises that keep dragging on. 

    Elon, like Obama, is a great speaker. They know exactly 'how' to manipulate people via speeches and emotions. IT's a natural born gift they both have. 

    Steve on the other hand would rather let his product do the talking instead. Think my first iPhone was the iPhone 5 or 6, forgot. Didn't jump on it until the product had matured. Early version just simply isn't good enough, I'd much rather keep my Blackberry.

    Even now the iPhone still sucks on input. The touchscreen keyboard is just horribly bad, not that any Androids are any better. 

    Is the iPhone the 'best' phone out there? Nope. To some it is, it's simple enough to use and powerful enough, the biggest advantage is the integration with other Apple products, like they say, it just works. 

    For other people, Android works much better for their needs. More apps, more customizations, better camera, etc. 




    Re: Tesla

    I don't think want one was referring to the methods, Jobs was completely different than Musk, but just that they both, in their own way, had similar cult following they created.

    Re: Tesla

    Carlos from Spain:

    I don't think want one was referring to the methods, Jobs was completely different than Musk, but just that they both, in their own way, had similar cult following they created.


    Plenty in this world right now are trying to put Elon Musk with Steve Jobs in the same sentence.

    But at this moment in time, Elon is closer to John McAfree than Steve Jobs. Pioneer in their fields, genius but eccentric. Full of questionable behaviour. 





    Re: Tesla


    It is not the only one. Apple with the iPhone and Steve Jobs had huge success with this cult culture. People like to be followers of a great leader.


    That statement is so offensive to the late Steve Jobs it's not even funny.

    Even the most diehard Apple hater will admit Steve never had to resort to lying or bending the truth to manipulate stock prices. Or give out empty promises that keep dragging on. 

    Elon, like Obama, is a great speaker. They know exactly 'how' to manipulate people via speeches and emotions. IT's a natural born gift they both have. 

    Steve on the other hand would rather let his product do the talking instead. Think my first iPhone was the iPhone 5 or 6, forgot. Didn't jump on it until the product had matured. Early version just simply isn't good enough, I'd much rather keep my Blackberry.

    Even now the iPhone still sucks on input. The touchscreen keyboard is just horribly bad, not that any Androids are any better. 

    Is the iPhone the 'best' phone out there? Nope. To some it is, it's simple enough to use and powerful enough, the biggest advantage is the integration with other Apple products, like they say, it just works. 

    For other people, Android works much better for their needs. More apps, more customizations, better camera, etc. 

    Nick, why is it offensive? Steve Jobs was very good in marketing. I never said he made false promises because the guy was very commited and serious with technology trying to make people's life better. If you can recall in his later years with Apple changes the way he dressed and wore something like a uniform (he got the idea from Japan I think). If you check the media of the day many Apple followers and journalists said that Apple was a cult and Jobs their leader. They did that so you keep buying Apple products, marketing tool. Elons products presentations look similar to Job's product presentations.

    Btw I got the iPhone 3GS and at some point I was very stressed to buy it because I saw it was the future and wanted to experience it. Since then I never tried anything else. iPhone works fine for me.

    If I get a Tesla and it works with no issues I couldn't care less about Elon's false promises.

    Like I said I refuse to drive around with 500kg dead weight that I don't know why it is there so I am shocked with BMW for example why they will introduce these overweight cars.


    Re: Tesla

    Of course. Happy Sunday to me. I am back into the cult officially for the 100th time. 

    You guys crack me up. FSD being late is a huge lie and all the Tesla owners hate their cars because they can’t drive themselves. Not
    It amuses me how these ‘lies’ only upset those who hate Teslas.  Owners and those planning to buy one simply don’t care. Perhaps this is not the best way to drive people away from the brand. Try innovation and superior products instead. I mean really. 
    The debate over who the most evil billionaires is?  You guys earn enough money to grow up and stop being jealous of Elon. There is no comparison to anyone here close enough to get all bent out of shape you just look silly. As though any of you can make such judgements. Omg. 

    Re: Tesla


    Of course. Happy Sunday to me. I am back into the cult officially for the 100th time. 

    You guys crack me up. FSD being late is a huge lie and all the Tesla owners hate their cars because they can’t drive themselves. Not
    It amuses me how these ‘lies’ only upset those who hate Teslas.  Owners and those planning to buy one simply don’t care. Perhaps this is not the best way to drive people away from the brand. Try innovation and superior products instead. I mean really. 
    The debate over who the most evil billionaires is?  You guys earn enough money to grow up and stop being jealous of Elon. There is no comparison to anyone here close enough to get all bent out of shape you just look silly. As though any of you can make such judgements. Omg. 

    Didn't know you had left the cult lol Smiley... but calling everyone who disagrees with you haters is a trademark of cult culture, so is saying the reason they don't agree with Musk is not because his of his well documented lies but because they are jealous? really leawood? yes ... maybe you should ask yourself why Musk outright lying to it's customers repeatedly doesn't bother you at all... another trademark. 3 out of 3. Happy Sunday.​​​​​​​


    Re: Tesla

    It is much less difficult to rationalize a Tesla purchase than my life long 911 addiction. Lol. Same for $2500 oil changes.  
    I still don’t hear of any customers complain about all these lies you talk about. Nothing burger. What he had delivered is miles ahead of what anyone else is years away from. Can you think of any other promises which are called lies by his competition.  

    Re: Tesla

    I know you have gone pretty down down the rabbit hole, but didn't realized you view with Tesla is THAT twisted. 

    You see all those Teslas sitting on dealer lots as trade ins? That's your answer. 

    If a Tesla is as good as you claimed them to be, why would someone get rid of it and buy a better car?

    What is the thing you called 'miles ahead' 'Years away'?

    Tesla is already years behind VAG in charging. They are still stuck on last generation 400V system. 

    As for advanced cruise control, Ford, GM are already ahead, they have better driver monitoring than Tesla's Autopilot. Which Tesla still fails to address. 

    Autonomous driving? As I understands, Tesla's FSD is already behind Google's Waymo in decision making. 

    The 'superior' range that can be achieved by Tesla have been eclipsed by Lucid. By quite a margin.

    Battery? Many others are working on solid state batteries, a far superior technology than what Tesla is currently using. 

    About the only thing Tesla is ahead is market share, but that's also dropping quickly with increased competition in the segment. Tesla went from what? 90% market share not a few years ago down to ~50% I think is the latest figure. 






    Re: Tesla

    Not twisted at all. I’m just a happy customer like all the other Tesla customers. I suggest you buy one so you can be the first to bitch about it or maybe learn a bit about the car. 
    None of the cameras or fancy Lidar for the lucid have software to run it. Not even cruise control works. Hmmm

    Tesla owners like me are trading in their cars because they can trade their two or three year car with 30k miles on them hafor new ones for free and in some cases make money.  Try to buy a new one without a wait. You say it is possible. Maybe used ones. Good luck with that.  Btw every GM bolt is sitting in a shop waiting for batteries they don’t have to replace. GM sold less than 30 EVs in the fourth quarter - but I’m sure their  customers never feel lied to. Lol. 
    Ask Sandy Monroe or the VW board chairman about years ahead. Give me a break. 
    So many customers are asking about 800 volt. I hear Porsche screwed up all the on board chargers with cheap parts. 
    Googles fsd is a geo fenced joke - seriously. You know tech don’t embarrass yourself.  How many are there on top of that?   
    when your Lucid is out of juice where are the thousands of charging stations.  As mentioned there is lots about Lucid not quite right. Including its 1/4 mile pace (wait, was that a lie?  Who cares?)  with enough batteries range is easy lol. Lucid may turn out to be a decent car but not enough of them now to tell us much. 
    When the next EV market share leader takes over let me know.  And when those millions of cars with better batteries hit the road I will be thinking of you!

    Time will tell. I love this thread. Happy Valentines day to me!

    Re: Tesla

    Just an FYI, I just drove by the local Tesla lot, there is ~50 new cars just sitting there waiting to be bought.........

    Plenty more used ones are being advertised on various brands' dealership lots also. Those aren't Tesla for Tesla swaps, those are Tesla for something else swaps. 




    Re: Tesla


    Just an FYI, I just drove by the local Tesla lot, there is ~50 new cars just sitting there waiting to be bought.........

    Plenty more used ones are being advertised on various brands' dealership lots also. Those aren't Tesla for Tesla swaps, those are Tesla for something else swaps. 

    You can’t buy those like you think. You get on the app, select your model and specs and then you see the price and delivery date.  If you go in to see an advisor they will run the app for you. Lol. Good luck going into a Tesla dealer and walking out with one new. Obviously you have not tried.  The used ones you see on other lots are going to be as expensive as new ones. 

    Re: Tesla


    Just an FYI, I just drove by the local Tesla lot, there is ~50 new cars just sitting there waiting to be bought.........

    Plenty more used ones are being advertised on various brands' dealership lots also. Those aren't Tesla for Tesla swaps, those are Tesla for something else swaps. 

    During the next year, it may become evident to the financial markets that TesIa allegedly has a limited demand issue (i.e. not supply constrained) and equity analysts will be forced to ask more telling questions about - inter alia - those end of quarter fleet sales, inventory levels, secondary price fixing, lease accounting, regulatory risk, executive compensation, accounts receivable, horrific build quality, lack of customer service, increasing competition, HR issues, over-reliance on carbon credits, SEC investigation of solar panel defects, public equity market manipulation through gamma squeeze via short-term options traded by related-parties, limited useful life of product and inevitable redundancy, declining customer retention, along with the significant reputational risk that would follow if a regulatory ban on the flawed (and dangerous) FSD technology resulted in mandatory customer refunds, company accounts having to be re-stated and executive compensation clawed back, with an inevitable clear out of the board, auditor resignation and class-action lawsuits from shareholders and customers, further weighing on the share price...  Smiley which case a few people (loyal fans included) might be a just a little disappointed!  Smiley

    Re: Tesla


    Just an FYI, I just drove by the local Tesla lot, there is ~50 new cars just sitting there waiting to be bought.........

    Plenty more used ones are being advertised on various brands' dealership lots also. Those aren't Tesla for Tesla swaps, those are Tesla for something else swaps. 

    You can’t buy those like you think. You get on the app, select your model and specs and then you see the price and delivery date.  If you go in to see an advisor they will run the app for you. Lol. Good luck going into a Tesla dealer and walking out with one new. Obviously you have not tried.  The used ones you see on other lots are going to be as expensive as new ones. 


    Is that what Elon tells you?

    Obviously you have no idea about what's happening in the real world. 

    Teslas are stocked on lots waiting fro people to just walk in and buy them. Start already years before. I had already told a story here a few years ago when one of my friends walked into the Tesla showroom and walked out with a Model 3 within an hour. He is one die-hard Tesla convert. He's been trying to convince everyone Tesla is the best. Still one of my golfing buddies after all these years. 

    Plenty more of my friends have done exactly that. Just walk into the showroom and walk out with a car, like nay other dealerships. 

    If I actually wanted to buy one, I can have one the same day, like literally I get off my computer, drive there, grab a car and come home, and get back on the computer.





    Re: Tesla

    Boxster Coupe GTS:

    Just an FYI, I just drove by the local Tesla lot, there is ~50 new cars just sitting there waiting to be bought.........

    Plenty more used ones are being advertised on various brands' dealership lots also. Those aren't Tesla for Tesla swaps, those are Tesla for something else swaps. 

    During the next year, it may become evident to the financial markets that TesIa allegedly has a limited demand issue (i.e. not supply constrained) and equity analysts will be forced to ask more telling questions about - inter alia - those end of quarter fleet sales, inventory levels, secondary price fixing, lease accounting, regulatory risk, executive compensation, accounts receivable, horrific build quality, lack of customer service, increasing competition, HR issues, over-reliance on carbon credits, SEC investigation of solar panel defects, public equity market manipulation through gamma squeeze via short-term options traded by related-parties, limited useful life of product and inevitable redundancy, declining customer retention, along with the significant reputational risk that would follow if a regulatory ban on the flawed (and dangerous) FSD technology resulted in mandatory customer refunds, company accounts having to be re-stated and executive compensation clawed back, with an inevitable clear out of the board, auditor resignation and class-action lawsuits from shareholders and customers, further weighing on the share price...  Smiley which case a few people (loyal fans included) might be a just a little disappointed!  Smiley

    Imagine demand if they advertised. Lol. Bring it on. What a nice list of stuff. HR issues, like not being a Union shop and paying workers more or are you referring to the race card they are trying to use on Tesla?  Fleet sales like Hertz w/o discount?  The list you built is impressive. It would worry all the other automakers for sure.  Even build quality - maybe you have not heard much about the new casting process.  Carbon credits - you don’t miss a thing. Limited useful life when others are selling cars which will last half as long with many more maintenance costs. FSD refunds?  Where did that come from… do you know the tiny number of people who paid for this. All the car reviews figure it into the price of course as it adds $10k. I always love that part of the price comparison.  Best are all the regulatory issues you fear, as though the rest of the industry is not regulated. 
    What is funny is your extreme need for Tesla customers and investors to be disappointed like we have by all other companies. You missed the boat eh?  I get it. Better luck next time. I’ll cross my fingers for your doom and gloom to come true for you.  The good news is if you look hard enough you will find little wish lists like yours all over the place on the internet to feed your confirmation bias.  
    Let me know when you find disappointed customers or even some not raving about the product.  Next fine me investors who have gone long since the start and let me know how they feel.  
    I love this thread and especially long lists of crap. 

    Re: Tesla


    Just an FYI, I just drove by the local Tesla lot, there is ~50 new cars just sitting there waiting to be bought.........

    Plenty more used ones are being advertised on various brands' dealership lots also. Those aren't Tesla for Tesla swaps, those are Tesla for something else swaps. 

    You can’t buy those like you think. You get on the app, select your model and specs and then you see the price and delivery date.  If you go in to see an advisor they will run the app for you. Lol. Good luck going into a Tesla dealer and walking out with one new. Obviously you have not tried.  The used ones you see on other lots are going to be as expensive as new ones. 


    Is that what Elon tells you?

    Obviously you have no idea about what's happening in the real world. 

    Teslas are stocked on lots waiting fro people to just walk in and buy them. Start already years before. I had already told a story here a few years ago when one of my friends walked into the Tesla showroom and walked out with a Model 3 within an hour. He is one die-hard Tesla convert. He's been trying to convince everyone Tesla is the best. Still one of my golfing buddies after all these years. 

    Plenty more of my friends have done exactly that. Just walk into the showroom and walk out with a car, like nay other dealerships. 

    If I actually wanted to buy one, I can have one the same day, like literally I get off my computer, drive there, grab a car and come home, and get back on the computer.


    Lots of used ones on the lot. That is nice. Try to buy a new one. 

    Re: Tesla

    Said it a few times, those are NEW ones on the Tesla lot. Anyone can walk in and walk out with a new Tesla right there and right now. There is an over supply of new Tesla in my city for a few years now. 

    That's in addition to the USED ones on varies dealerships. 

    Why are you in denial? 

    Also mentioned a few times too is that Vancouver is the biggest market for Tesla on a per capita basis.







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