Really? Even small paint shops mix it from a system.. means they can make any colour from about 40 ingredients. Would amaze me if Porsche messed around dealing with inventory for n different pre-mixed paints.. would seem very clunky given their alleged super-fancy new paint shop.
Expensive super fancy new paint shop that can handle many different body style, 2 Taycans, Boxster, Cayman, and half a million 911 'styles'.
It was specifically mentioned my build date isn't set yet as they need to wait for paint to arrive. My factory delivery date however is set late enough that it should be ok. Process actually went quite quickly, I put in my order for the car first week of December and got everything approved and 'scheduled'.
I am guessing their fancy paint shop doesn't have a 'mixing' room. Regular production paint range are delivered JIT in containers to be piped in. custom order paint cars also run on the same paint line but the colours are added to the system 'JIT'. So each car gets it's own 'batch', even if 2 Riviera Blue car comes along within the day.