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    Re: Tesla


    It is just one of those weird things that I would not have considered at all either. If he has not tried it he might be surprised. I don’t think you need any to argue against trying something new. The hottest sex I have ever had was a beautiful chubby girl. Surprised me too. Lol. 


    Sorry bud, can't do it. Chubby one means I walked the other way already. Not going to try and find out. I have standards.

    I get that. Unlike a model3 I would not want you to try that if you don’t think it will be fun. 
    Cheers Buddy!  Hope you have an amazing Friday!  

    Re: Tesla

    TesIa is generously offering a free suspension upgrade [recall] to over 29,000 customers with Model S and Model X...  C7BEAB03-A272-4B0C-AF73-D01AEAA5AA36.gif


    ...along with a Model 3 service bulletin [recall] to ensure the patented water-scoop under-tray still works to remove the rear bumper... Smiley


    ...while recently delivered Model Y are being inspected [recalled] to check the glass roof is easily removable by customers in high winds... Smiley



    ...these bonus recalls will undoubtedly help TesIa to achieve record deliveries in 2020 Q4 by simply re-delivering old cars...  BF822CAF-50E5-4C47-9B23-F36F9B8F5A9C.gif

    ...well done by TesIa on achieving manufacturing quality that is genuinely outstanding! Smiley

    Re: Tesla


    Tesla earnings out. 

    The only highlight, GAAP net income: $331 million. EV credit sales: $397 million.

    Another quarter that the 'positive' income is propped up by sale of credits instead of actually selling cars. 


    In other words: without subsidies (trading proceeds from emission rights are subsidies) Tesla would be as dead as any other EV product. To date, EV only (!) survives because of subsidies. This is a very important problem, all around the world, not a single exception...


    Tesla was 'profitable' for the last 5 quarters, but they are only because of the sales of the credits for the last 4 quarters. 

    That's one reason why Tesla wasn't included in the S&P after posting 4 'straight' quarters of profit as 3 of those 4 aren't actually profitable. 

    Nick, if Biden wins the election Tesla will be In good position to  increase profits and growth. It could be a huge buy. Musk companies products are well aligned with Biden’s environmental plans. Smiley


    A good memory is fine but the ability to forget is the one true test of greatness.

    Re: Tesla

    Politics?  Okay, who cares. Good luck with that. 

    Re: Tesla

    Boxster Coupe GTS:

    TesIa is generously offering a free suspension upgrade [recall] to over 29,000 customers with Model S and Model X...  C7BEAB03-A272-4B0C-AF73-D01AEAA5AA36.gif


    ...along with a Model 3 service bulletin [recall] to ensure the patented water-scoop under-tray still works to remove the rear bumper... Smiley


    ...while recently delivered Model Y are being inspected [recalled] to check the glass roof is easily removable by customers in high winds... Smiley



    ...these bonus recalls will undoubtedly help TesIa to achieve record deliveries in 2020 Q4 by simply re-delivering old cars...  BF822CAF-50E5-4C47-9B23-F36F9B8F5A9C.gif

    ...well done by TesIa on achieving manufacturing quality that is genuinely outstanding! Smiley

    How do you conclude they will redeliver old cars as new? 
    It sounds like they are addressing customers concerns.  The fact that you spend your time trolling the internet to cut and paste Tesla issues which then somehow support your out of the blue conclusion is puzzling to me.  Amusing and puzzling 🧐I should say. No doubt my defense of Tesla rather than your conclusion will be seen as cult like behavior. Smiley

    I bet the VW board would like guys like me defending them if guys like you ever start going after them for quality and ethical concerns.  
    Looking forward to your next outrage and summary. 

    Re: Tesla

    Boxster Coupe GTS:

    TesIa is generously offering a free suspension upgrade [recall] to over 29,000 customers with Model S and Model X...  C7BEAB03-A272-4B0C-AF73-D01AEAA5AA36.gif


    ...along with a Model 3 service bulletin [recall] to ensure the patented water-scoop under-tray still works to remove the rear bumper... Smiley


    ...while recently delivered Model Y are being inspected [recalled] to check the glass roof is easily removable by customers in high winds... Smiley



    ...these bonus recalls will undoubtedly help TesIa to achieve record deliveries in 2020 Q4 by simply re-delivering old cars...  BF822CAF-50E5-4C47-9B23-F36F9B8F5A9C.gif

    ...well done by TesIa on achieving manufacturing quality that is genuinely outstanding! Smiley

    How do you conclude they will redeliver old cars as new? 
    It sounds like they are addressing customers concerns.  The fact that you spend your time trolling the internet to cut and paste Tesla issues which then somehow support your out of the blue conclusion is puzzling to me.  Amusing and puzzling 🧐I should say. No doubt my defense of Tesla rather than your conclusion will be seen as cult like behavior. Smiley

    I bet the VW board would like guys like me defending them if guys like you ever start going after them for quality and ethical concerns.  
    Looking forward to your next outrage and summary. 

    Leawood, please don’t take any criticism of TesIa personally — you are just a happy customer, so enjoy it buddy! Smiley 

    In any case, Tesla has made it clear in a letter to the NHTSA that they have done absolutely nothing wrong...  BF822CAF-50E5-4C47-9B23-F36F9B8F5A9C.gif






    ...apparently it is all down to those terrible TesIa drivers foolishly damaging their own cars! Smiley

    So when are you ordering Full Self Driving for your perfectly built TesIa Model 3 taxi?  Smiley


    Re: Tesla

    No problem. I don’t know how many times I need to say that I don’t take it personally. It is your problem not mine. I think I have said this repeatedly as well. The letter from Tesla speaks for itself as do the statistics - did you read it??.  NO injuries, no accidents and drivers who don’t know how to drive plus shitty roads. Is he curious how other cars suspensions do on Chinese roads. Not that you care but your audience for these is not me. I just like to comment on the ridiculous nature of these posts.  
    The Taxi reference is awesome. It is built to last forever. But it is also the most fun and fastest taxi ever. If you were a Taxi driver and this was your car you would make a ton of money not to mention tips from amazed and delighted customers.  Cheers.  I take it you also have not driven a Model3 performance.  Lol 

    Re: Tesla


    No problem. I don’t know how many times I need to say that I don’t take it personally. 

    Maybe I would be more believable if you stop using that passive-agressive sardonic tone every time you reply to someone about Tesla? Smiley


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Tesla


    Tesla earnings out. 

    The only highlight, GAAP net income: $331 million. EV credit sales: $397 million.

    Another quarter that the 'positive' income is propped up by sale of credits instead of actually selling cars. 


    In other words: without subsidies (trading proceeds from emission rights are subsidies) Tesla would be as dead as any other EV product. To date, EV only (!) survives because of subsidies. This is a very important problem, all around the world, not a single exception...


    Tesla was 'profitable' for the last 5 quarters, but they are only because of the sales of the credits for the last 4 quarters. 

    That's one reason why Tesla wasn't included in the S&P after posting 4 'straight' quarters of profit as 3 of those 4 aren't actually profitable. 

    Nick, if Biden wins the election Tesla will be In good position to  increase profits and growth. It could be a huge buy. Musk companies products are well aligned with Biden’s environmental plans. Smiley

    Yes and no. It actually doesn't matter who will be the next President. Tesla isn't the only EV maker anymore. They will not be the sole source of emission credits for long. Their quasi monopoly on consumer EV have ended and their market share will keep decreasing with every incoming EV from existing car makers or newcomers.

    Basic free market economics. To maintain a monopoly in a free market is impossible, there is no one product that will satisfy everyone. People wanting a more luxurious EV won't buy a Tesla. People wanting a cheaper EV also won't get a Tesla. People who want imports also won't buy a Tesla. 

    Up until a few years ago, there is really only one EV segment, nice general purpose EV segment, and everyone has to buy a Tesla, they don't have a choice, unless they want to settle on a short range city use only EV. While that EV segment is expanding, it is being carved out quicker by competition. Car makers start carving out that one big slice into smaller specialized chunks like in a normal car market.





    Re: Tesla


    It is just one of those weird things that I would not have considered at all either. If he has not tried it he might be surprised. I don’t think you need any to argue against trying something new. The hottest sex I have ever had was a beautiful chubby girl. Surprised me too. Lol. 


    Sorry bud, can't do it. Chubby one means I walked the other way already. Not going to try and find out. I have standards.

    I get that. Unlike a model3 I would not want you to try that if you don’t think it will be fun. 
    Cheers Buddy!  Hope you have an amazing Friday!  


    I am beginning to think Teslas are like durians. Some people that tried it love it and swears by it, but most just stay away, won't matter how delicious it will be, they won't care. 





    Re: Tesla

    Here is a philosophical question. Is Elon's Tesla a Ponzi scheme?

    A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors. And no plans to actually make a profit.

    Elon is the initial investor. His exit strategy is the monster of a CEO package he negotiated earlier. Everything he has been doing is to hit to crazy targets in order to get paid, regardless of customer satisfaction or safety or worker condition.

    All the 'hyped' future products is a way for him to attractive new investors, either via purchasing Tesla's stocks, or putting down deposits, or simply just buying a car. 

    Building out factories after factories is another way to attract later investors to pump money into his company. 

    Emission credits is considered another 'investor', basically government artificially pumping money into Tesla to keep it afloat, and Elon has been siphoning those credits via his pay package. 

    The key to being a Ponzi scheme is that there is no plan to actually make a real profit, 'profit' only comes from later investors' money. So does Tesla have plan to profitability? Do Elon actually have a plan to make Tesla turn a profit the regular way, like not counting government subsidies as 'profit'? Almost 10 years now, and they haven't proof they can actually make a profit selling cars. 

    All their cash flow is borrowed money, not their own. 'assets' all have loans attached to them. Even the sale of FSD can be considered a loan from customers as they haven't still delivered the actual working product. 

    Some people swear it isn't a Ponzi scheme, as it is delivering cars everyday to customers. Madoff's clients also swears he wasn't running a Ponzi scheme either as they got real regular investment profit from him too. Look what happened when the ballon popped. 

    Interesting angle to look at things. 






    Re: Tesla

    Man that pay package is really getting to you. I’m sorry to hear that. It seems I’m happier with my shitty job making peanuts. 
    Ever wonder if other business operate this way?  Or is it just Tesla?  
    One way to prove your theory is to take all your handy cash and short this pig. I mean really. I would if I were you. 

    Re: Tesla

    Carlos from Spain:

    No problem. I don’t know how many times I need to say that I don’t take it personally. 

    Maybe I would be more believable if you stop using that passive-agressive sardonic tone every time you reply to someone about Tesla? Smiley

    Carlos. I’m sorry. I will try harder to prevent incorrect mind reading. Rest assured I mean what I say unless I add the sarcastic warning. Your English is amazing. Cheers 🍻 

    Re: Tesla

    Haha it's s easy to get you going, anything negative towards Tesla will elicit a reaction, like clockwork.

    Now why would I want to short Tesla and play against irrational people? I made enough already and can enjoy life now, extra money I made won't make me any happier than I already am. What's an extra million? 10 million? A billion? I don't work for someone so I don't have to show my boss my quarterly results or hit a certain target number. 

    I have achieved, what some people called financial freedom, and focused on my new career as a professional slacker.






    Re: Tesla

    That sounds awesome. Professional slacker!  
    I’m pretty fast paced - get up around 4 am and get to work.  I reply to emails and texts a lot quicker but I never forget to feed the friendships here.  Wish Elon would read this and give me a free Roadster. Come on guys - put in a good word. 

    My great-grandpa on moms side retired wealthy at 40. This when all of us achieved financial freedom. In some cases it led to wasted lives and little achievement. Or worse. After a couple of generations things normalize and you tend to focus on making your own way and working hard for the best reasons.  Safety net always helps but never using it is priceless.

    Re: Tesla

    Tesla Model 3 identifies flags as traffic signal: 

    Another example of the pitfalls of Tesla's simple deep machine learning pattern matching approach to near autonomous driving systems.  This approach makes verification of the system highly questionable, yet there are a few drivers more than willing to risk their lives, and more importantly, the lives of others on these underdeveloped systems.  


    Re: Tesla

    interesting. Under 2 seconds is of course not possible. 

    Re: Tesla

    But if its written with big letters on a publicity board then it must be true, also Musk says it is possible and he never exaggerates or makes false claims...


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Tesla


    interesting. Under 2 seconds is of course not possible. 


    Nothing can get into your brain? Explained to you many times already, if there is suitable tires available, there is at least 10 if not 20 cars CURRENTLY on the road that can break 2 seconds 0-60. Literally cars are limited by tire traction, not power.

    Cars have more power than traction, waiting for the traction part to catch up. Elementary physics.







    Re: Tesla

    My take is, human will runs out of materials to make lithium batteries before they ran out of fossil fuel. 

    New breakthrough is needed for energy storage, better battery. 

    Or, if we increase the density of charging stations and charging speed, then batteries on cars can be made smaller, just more frequent charging. Like driving V12 Ferraris, 5 min stop for gas every 250km isn't that bad. Or, if all cars are hybrids, then the fossil fuel will also longer and raw materials for batteries can last longer too. Win win again.


    On a side note, Tesla is suppose to be on track to delivery half a million cars this year. Toyota give or take sells ~12 million a year. So it takes Toyota ~2 weeks to sell the same amount of cars Tesla sells. If Toyota is valued like Tesla, then it will be worth ~4.4 trillion. Or put it the other way, Tesla should be worth ~$16billion instead of $400billion. ~$17 per share at current price level. That's how far apart reality is vs Tesla valuation.







    Re: Tesla


    interesting. Under 2 seconds is of course not possible. 


    Nothing can get into your brain? Explained to you many times already, if there is suitable tires available, there is at least 10 if not 20 cars CURRENTLY on the road that can break 2 seconds 0-60. Literally cars are limited by tire traction, not power.

    Cars have more power than traction, waiting for the traction part to catch up. Elementary physics.

    The Roadster will have booster rockets like Knight Rider


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Tesla


    My take is, human will runs out of materials to make lithium batteries before they ran out of fossil fuel. 

    New breakthrough is needed for energy storage, better battery. 

    Market will push Li, Co other rare earths to even higher levels necessitating either smaller batteries, different tech, or alternate financing models for mobility...

    Re: Tesla

    Carlos from Spain:

    interesting. Under 2 seconds is of course not possible. 


    Nothing can get into your brain? Explained to you many times already, if there is suitable tires available, there is at least 10 if not 20 cars CURRENTLY on the road that can break 2 seconds 0-60. Literally cars are limited by tire traction, not power.

    Cars have more power than traction, waiting for the traction part to catch up. Elementary physics.

    The Roadster will have booster rockets like Knight Rider

    That was not even a tesla story. I don’t know what to say.  It was our good buddy Nico and a Swiss EV. 

    As a side note - with computer controlled electric motors traction is much less of an issue than with an ICE. Picture a dog chasing a cat on a tile floor.  It is not just about the instant torque but the ability to provide the maximum amount of power every split second of the acceleration run.  While you can even further optimize tires for this for even larger gains the you simply can’t control the ICE engines power output to such an instant degree.  You never take this into account even though you have the Taycan which certainly demonstrates this to you.  I recall you like the traction from the snow tires. Guess why. 

    Re: Tesla

    “New Audi RS e-tron GT electric supercar to boast around 700bhp” (Auto Express)

    The hot Audi RS e-tron GT will use a triple-electric motor set-up and our exclusive images preview how it could look...  E0F26BDD-E91B-4EF4-964B-7C4204B9E420.gif

    (16 October 2020)

    It has been confirmed that a hot Audi RS e-tron GT will crown the German brand’s electric performance car line-up. The RS e-tron GT will be the first fully electric vehicle to be developed by Audi Sport, and it will go on sale alongside the regular saloon in the middle of next year.

    Audi had intended to launch the standard e-tron GT at this year’s Los Angeles Motor Show, but plans were scrapped due to the ongoing pandemic. The grand unveiling is now scheduled for early in 2021, but already Audi has confirmed that a hot version will be launched at the same time. It marks quite a shift in strategy at Audi Sport, whose models tend to be launched around two years after the arrival of the regular version.

    Previewed in our exclusive images, the RS e-tron GT will be clearly marked out by a unique aero-optimised bodykit, flared wheelarches and an aggressive rear diffuser designed to create more downforce at higher speeds. The roof and some trim will be made from carbon fibre, to help save weight.

    Under the skin, the e-tron GT, as well as the hot RS version, will be based on the same platform as the Porsche Taycan. Audi has yet to issue any official details or performance data on the powertrain, but the e-tron GT will use a triple-electric motor set-up, whereas the Taycan only uses two.

    A large 95kWh battery is expected to be fitted to the RS model, while two electric motors will be attached to the rear axle and one on the front. Active and fully variable torque vectoring will control the power split at the rear wheels to maximise agility and handling. Audi even says the triple-motor set-up allows “the capacity to perform controlled drifts”. Unique chassis tuning, re-engineered suspension and a lowered ride height will all feature on the RS.

    Using the Taycan as a benchmark, expect power from the RS e-tron GT to be in the region of 700bhp. That will ensure a 0-62mph time of around three seconds. The large battery should enable a range of around 250 miles on a single charge, while the platform has been developed to accommodate rapid charging at a rate of 270kW. The flagship model is expected to cost in excess of £120,000 when it arrives, while lesser versions of the e-tron GT should start from around £80,000.

    All versions of the e-tron GT will be produced at Audi’s Böllinger Höfe facility in Neckarsulm where the R8 supercar is also built. The flexibility of the site also allows the company to produce additional body styles, should Audi choose to broaden the e-tron GT line-up.



    Re: Tesla

    It does look quite good


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Tesla


    Here is a philosophical question. Is Elon's Tesla a Ponzi scheme?

    A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors. And no plans to actually make a profit.

    Elon is the initial investor. His exit strategy is the monster of a CEO package he negotiated earlier. Everything he has been doing is to hit to crazy targets in order to get paid, regardless of customer satisfaction or safety or worker condition.

    All the 'hyped' future products is a way for him to attractive new investors, either via purchasing Tesla's stocks, or putting down deposits, or simply just buying a car. 

    Building out factories after factories is another way to attract later investors to pump money into his company. 

    Emission credits is considered another 'investor', basically government artificially pumping money into Tesla to keep it afloat, and Elon has been siphoning those credits via his pay package. 

    The key to being a Ponzi scheme is that there is no plan to actually make a real profit, 'profit' only comes from later investors' money. So does Tesla have plan to profitability? Do Elon actually have a plan to make Tesla turn a profit the regular way, like not counting government subsidies as 'profit'? Almost 10 years now, and they haven't proof they can actually make a profit selling cars. 

    All their cash flow is borrowed money, not their own. 'assets' all have loans attached to them. Even the sale of FSD can be considered a loan from customers as they haven't still delivered the actual working product. 

    Some people swear it isn't a Ponzi scheme, as it is delivering cars everyday to customers. Madoff's clients also swears he wasn't running a Ponzi scheme either as they got real regular investment profit from him too. Look what happened when the ballon popped. 

    Interesting angle to look at things. 


    Madoff faked the investment reports and returns where as Tesla is delivering cars that work well in most cases. It is a different story alltogether. Tbh not only Tesla stock is in bubble territory but also Apple stock and other technology stocks.


    Re: Tesla

    Carlos from Spain:

    interesting. Under 2 seconds is of course not possible. 


    Nothing can get into your brain? Explained to you many times already, if there is suitable tires available, there is at least 10 if not 20 cars CURRENTLY on the road that can break 2 seconds 0-60. Literally cars are limited by tire traction, not power.

    Cars have more power than traction, waiting for the traction part to catch up. Elementary physics.

    The Roadster will have booster rockets like Knight Rider

    And the Plaid will be even quicker in 2032 Smiley

    Re: Tesla

    Carlos from Spain:

    It does look quite good

    By far better than any existing TeslaSmiley

    Re: Tesla

    It looks like the rebranded Taycan that it is imo...


    Porsche, separates Le Mans from Le Boys



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