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    A Porsche in the USA ?

    As I move to the States ( Boston ) this year I wonder how you guys cope with the speed limit. Already in Switzerland I have major problems to stick to 120 km/h on the autobahn. I do 140 km, but in the USA ??? Do you stick to it or do you use radar detectors ? Are there race tracks where you digest your adrenalin ? Are there Porsche clubs organizing events where you can drive Prorsche like ? Also is safety in a CAB a problem in urban environement like Boston? What is the opinion of the US rennteamers ? Please advise. Thank you.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    You may have to rein in your speeds on the US highways 70 mph is pretty much an average maximum permissable speed throughout the USA, a bit higher (75) in some areas. Going with the flow is a good rule but it is NOT an excuse to get out of a ticket.
    I have a radar detector but ony depend upon it for situational awareness, they are only an aid. In urban areas LIDAR (Laser) is becoming the law enforcement tool of choice, since they are instant on you are pretty much had even with a detector.
    In the Northeast there are plenty of great race tracks, and the local PCA's (Porsche Club of America) are a pretty active bunch, well organized and worth joining,
    Being from California, there are plenty of CAB's and safety is not a problem.
    US rennteamers? they are a great bunch though I've never met one in person

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    I live in Canada and drive to NorthEast U.S. occasionally. I normally drive between 120km/h to 140km/h if the traffic allows. But I do get 3 traffic tickets in Highway in 10 yrs. I don't have radar detector as it is not allowed in my Province.

    The worst thing is more ppl in North American blocking in the fast/passing/leftmost lane (even they're just driving at the speed limit) than European.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Unfortunately the highways in the Boston area are quite congested and I believe the max. speed limit in the northeast is 65 mph. West of the Mississippi River quite a few states have 75 mph areas and there is a lot of open highway. Actual speeds vary of course and you can find some interesting drives near Boston in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine where there are fun country roads. State police are pretty tough on traffic enforcement but concentrate on the main Interstate highways; local police activity varies widely. A good radar detector, like Valentine, is a useful aid but as noted above isn't complete protection.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    make sure you check the penalities. if you go over 80 in va, mandatory arrest and license is usually suspended.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Just go along with the faster traffic and don't do anything that gets you noticed (weaving, passing nearby cars fast). Wait for stretches in road with no other cars in sight, floor it, brake back down to sensible speeds before you find out what's around the corner. Never speed at night, always have a "rabbit" in front of you. Know who's behind you. The biggest pain is having someone in front of you who is doing 60,62, 65, 60, 59, 63, just blow them off and get infront of them. IOW, it's not a matter of getting somewhere at high speed, it's a matter of getting somewhere not feeling exhausted from all the idiots in front of you. Do alot of passing, and for that you need alot of HP esp on rural highways, but not alot of excessive speeding. In most states you take the posted speed limit and add 10-12 percent to it and you're not even noticed by cops.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    I generally agree with everything that has been said so far.

    10 mph over the posted speed limit is generally what everyone drives at anyway. State cops are the only ones that enforce speed violations heavily, local cops are much more relaxed (and as a firefighter I know every single one of them). The state cops usually stick to the big highways, and one can easily learn their target locations. They seem to have a field day here in Pa during the last weekend of the month (when the $$$ matters). The urban areas in the US seem to be much more strict on speeding. Rural areas (where I live) speeding isn't a big deal. There's practically no cops on back country roads, and on the highways (speed limit here of 55mph on the smaller ones 65mph on the bigger ones) just know where to slow down and where I to go 80+.

    thanks guys

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    trice said:
    if you go over 80 in va, mandatory arrest and license is usually suspended.

    Holy cow! Good reason never to go there. I'd drive around the state. Must be something in the drinking water.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    tom911 said:
    As I move to the States ( Boston ) this year I wonder how you guys cope with the speed limit. Already in Switzerland I have major problems to stick to 120 km/h on the autobahn. I do 140 km, but in the USA ??? Do you stick to it or do you use radar detectors ? Are there race tracks where you digest your adrenalin ? Are there Porsche clubs organizing events where you can drive Prorsche like ? Also is safety in a CAB a problem in urban environement like Boston? What is the opinion of the US rennteamers ? Please advise. Thank you.

    Boston is one of the worst places to drive in the US (horrible drivers, poor roads, and lousy weather). Out in the western mountain states, things are a bit more Porsche-friendly

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    trice said:
    make sure you check the penalities. if you go over 80 in va, mandatory arrest and license is usually suspended.

    That's insane, a good portion of the time CA freeway traffic moves at over 80 and a few times I've seen the whole highway move at 90 (although not that often).

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Get used to looking way ahead and checking your mirrors all the time if you want to speed much. You have to be vigilant,
    they do hunt speeders so hunt back! Look for cars ahead
    slowing down and other cars ahead parked by the side of the road, on on ramps and under overpasses.

    Traffic outside Boston moves pretty good and over the posted limit. Dont do anything too conspicous. Americans arent used to cars passing them at 100+ ! So slow down
    first to pass from high speed.

    Police who see cars going really fast assume they are stolen or that the driver is a criminal of some sort. If and when you do get pulled over, keep in mind the officer is already jealous that he cant afford your car,nailing Porsche speeders is a locker room trophy thing and that he got the job because he likes carrying a gun and stoppping strangers on the road.

    Be polite, do not argue,be friendly and sincere, but dont admit to anything! He may not have used a pace, radar or lidar and may try to get you to admit how fast you were going, dont fall for that! Eyeball speed guesses dont stand up in court here! Sometimes you can get off of speeding tickets but thats a whole topic in itself. Just sign and be on your way!

    Good luck with your move!

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    NEVER say or insinuate 'I'll see you in court," to the cop who stops you. If you do the cop will defintely write alot of details into a report which will follow him to court. If you look passive he will "forget" alot of stuff and not write it down. Lots of guys get attorneys which invariably seem to get lesser fines and points.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Being from the Boston area(southern NH), I think the best drives are along Route 1A North along the NH Seacoast and on 1A in the Cape Neddick,ME area. The back and forth around the curves along the ocean wasn't built for pure speed, but brings out the best in a well balanced sportscar. The new private road course in Tamworth, NH might be ready for the summer(No Speed limit). Embarrassingly, I've been 140 on 95 in Topsfield. Hence, my username.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    And don't tint your windows - to many highway cops that's a sign of being a speeder until proven otherwise , per a friend who was once in the Calif Highway Patrol. ( Just from my own observations, it's pretty much true, whether it's a sports car or an old econocar)

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?


    One state, namely Montana, has parts that do not have a speed limit, or so I've been told. I have yet to drive there, but I'm interested!

    Almost everyone exceeds the speed limit in the US. Some people more than others. The limits are ridiculously too low. Some of us wonder if the limits are too low for local revenue generation. When you speed, you have to do it in locations, in which you know the road, traffic, and law enforcement capabilities & patterns. I know a circuit south of my home that is so remote that if you turn the Bose system down you can hear banjo playing from the local Hillbillies. There I can get my speed up to 120 mph, sometimes more, and the roads are very challenging so there are good opportunties for extreme tests of hand-eye coordination, braking, and so on. I bet almost all of us know of such as place that is a short hop from home. The Valentine 1 radar/laser detector also helps. It's probably paid for itself 100 times over in the last year. I wouldn't drive without it. Finally, whether you are driving on the Autobahn or here in the States, you have to constantly check your mirrors either for the police or for someone, who is going faster so we can get out of the way! I'm sure every driver here has three zones that they scan: immediate surroundings, traffic as far as the eye can see in all directions, and the zone that is in the middle of these extremes. They are looking for cops, bad drivers, wild animals, and good looking women. Sorry, I'm such a dork!

    Tactics also are important. For example, knowing where cops like to hide helps. I always heighten my sense of alert when approaching a small bridge over a creek or a highway underpass. Multiple reasons make me cautious at the apex of a major hill in a straightaway because of wild animals (sure) by cops like to set up laser traps there, too. Any vehicle sitting by the side of the road is a speed trap threat, but slowing down there is also good for safety; as I recall, it's the same in Germany and der Schweiz, right?

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Being from the boston area, I can say that your porsche will not get out of second gear very often within the confines of the metropolitan area. Shifting will become a major PITA. The track rockhead speaks of has hit a snag. The PCA in the area is pathetic unless you are into DE.

    On the bright side NH and Vermont are beautiful places to open it up on tremendous roads with few cops for 6 months out of the year. Most p-car owners in the area are poseurs, and surprisingly the most active bunch are ferrari owners. Sad but true. It will be nice to have another rare enthusiast in the area if you still want to come.


    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Holminator said:

    One state, namely Montana, has parts that do not have a speed limit, or so I've been told.

    I haven't been to Montana either, but here are their rules:

    61-8-303. Speed restrictions. (1) Except as provided in 61-8-309, 61-8-310, 61-8-312, and subsection (2) of this section, the speed limit for vehicles traveling:
    (a) on a federal-aid interstate highway outside an urbanized area of 50,000 population or more is 75 miles an hour at all times and the speed limit for vehicles traveling on federal-aid interstate highways within an urbanized area of 50,000 population or more is 65 miles an hour at all times;
    (b) on any other public highway of this state is 70 miles an hour during the daytime and 65 miles an hour during the nighttime;
    (c) in an urban district is 25 miles an hour.
    (2) The speed limit for vehicles traveling on U.S. highway 93 between reference marker 133 northwest of Whitefish and the Idaho border is 65 miles an hour at all times. The speed limit imposed by this subsection ceases to be effective if U.S. highway 93 is upgraded to a continuous four-lane highway.
    (3) A vehicle subject to the speed limits imposed in subsection (1) traveling on a two-lane road may exceed the speed limits imposed in subsection (1) by 10 miles an hour in order to overtake and pass a vehicle and return safely to the right-hand lane.
    (4) Subject to the maximum speed limits set forth in subsections (1) and (2), a person shall operate a vehicle in a careful and prudent manner and at a reduced rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions existing at the point of operation, taking into account the amount and character of traffic, visibility, weather, and roadway conditions.
    (5) Except when a special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with subsection (4), the limits specified in 61-8-312 and in this section or established as authorized in 61-8-309 through 61-8-311 and 61-8-313 are the maximum lawful speeds allowed.
    (6) "Daytime" means from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. "Nighttime" means at any other hour.
    (7) The speed limits set forth in this section may be altered by the transportation commission or a local authority as authorized in 61-8-309, 61-8-310, 61-8-313, and 61-8-314.

    This does have allowances for exceptions to the rules. I just don't know what they might be.


    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    there was a no speed limit area along a good stretch of highway in south-eastern Pa for a while. Some genius tore down all the speed-limit signs!!

    seriously tho...unless i am mistaken Montana did not have speed limits for 4 years (up to '99). The results: a lower fatality rate without speed limits then with them.

    **I do not know whether Montana has speed limits now. Might be a good idea to take a road-trip to check it out I've heard Montana is beautiful anyway

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Porsche Addict said:
    ... a lower fatality rate without speed limits then with them.

    What's your source for this conclusion?

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    I'd heard about it. A few years ago there was some fuss about the speed limits here in the US (when the feds raised the national maximum speed limit).

    But I looked it up for you

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    It's not that great to be travelling 100+mph. keep in mind awful things can and do happen at 100+. Brakes are not as effective, turns are different, reaction times are unusual. You really need experience to do it "safely." Would probably be crazy around other cars with american drivers.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    lol...yea especially in NYC. They aren't the best drivers on the planet. I kid I kid. People from New Jersey get that trophy

    Anyway...ur right about the 100mph+ bit and the concerns with safety. But they is no reason those speeds can't be safe if you are on the right kind of highway with the right kind of traffic. There are roads in the US which are begging for those speeds; good pavement, light traffic without ppl swerving all over the place. I have family in England and have gone there on numerous me MMD Americans drive A LOT SAFER! They seem like maniacs compared to even the worst US drivers (no offense to any of the British guys in this forum )

    Go West... Go West!

    I just drove today from the SF Bay Area to Arizona and made an average of 80+MPH between Bakersfield and Kingman (a 300 miles stretch). (Note: I did not drive the Porsche - something else).

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?


    Although one doesn't have the freedom to speed of Germany, compared with most of the rest of the world, driving conditions in most of the USA are not at all bad and you don't have to drive far from Boston to find really open roads and magnificent vistas.

    Certainly your first and best investment is a radar detector and a Valentine 1 ( is probably the best, at least in the affordable category, and simple to install.

    Radar detectors are legal in the USA except in the state of Virginia and I think one place else. But don't even think of crossing the Canadian border into Quebec province with one. (On the other hand, traffic flies going up to Montreal!)

    As others have said, one just needs to be moderate in one's driving and driving at an enormous differential to the rest of the traffic is always dangerous - both physically and to one's wallet!

    Also be aware that in most parts of the country drivers are typically less disciplined than in Europe with respect to keeping to the right, and flashing is not unfortunately generally accepted. So there is all too much weaving around slow drivers necessary. My current state of New Jersey is renowned for this! Massachussets from my experience (I lived in Boston in the mid/late 70's) is better in this regard.

    Another thing to note: drunk driving laws and attitudes are much more relaxed than in much of Europe and driving while 'tipsy' much more accepted. Boston is certainly no exception to this, believe me!

    In terms of safety with a CAB, there is little to no crime risk while driving in the USA - as seems common and organized in some European cities, although I wouldn't suggest you drive through a gritty urban area with the roof down and your briefcase on the back seat and I wouldn't necessarily park on the street in Boston, especially with a soft top. Boston certainly used to have a high level of car theft and vandalism is always a slight risk with a Porsche so parking in a supervised lot or garage is advisable.

    Certainly there are Porsche clubs and race tracks available and the fact that around 40% of all Porsche sales are in the USA, I believe, speaks to the attractiveness of owning and driving a Porsche here.

    PS: Even at $2 a gallon, petrol is a lot less expensive than in Europe, which also enhances one's driving pleasure!

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    pnoble said:
    Another thing to note: drunk driving laws and attitudes are much more relaxed than in much of Europe and driving while 'tipsy' much more accepted. Boston is certainly no exception to this, believe me!

    I think you got it backwards. DYI is much less accepted in the USA than in Europe - zero tolerance is the rule, as it should be.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Boston drivers are pretty bad. Myself included. No one respects the left as a passing lane, and turn signals are usually counterproductive. I've joked that the "feature" of a nudge of the the turn signal lever on the 997 resulting in a minimum few blinks results in providing "too much information," as a 1/2 second flash is more typical here. The highways are very congested during rush hour--I consider my commute on winding back roads one of the greater luxuries I'm fortunate to enjoy. The city is small and there are some great drives not far away.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Dear to everybody who wrote to me: thank you very much for writing and providing this valuable information. We will sell our two porsches here in Europe and then see what makes sense to buy porsche wise in the US. But most importantly my family and I are really looking forward to move to this great country. All the best and thank you for writing.
    996 4S Cab

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    ADias said:
    pnoble said:
    Another thing to note: drunk driving laws and attitudes are much more relaxed than in much of Europe and driving while 'tipsy' much more accepted. Boston is certainly no exception to this, believe me!

    I think you got it backwards. DYI is much less accepted in the USA than in Europe - zero tolerance is the rule, as it should be.


    Not on the East Coast, I'm afraid to say. Maybe California. Certainly, for example, Sweden. Certainly not, for example, Boston, as I suspect Booger will confirm!

    And the legally acceptable alcohol level is I believe quite a bit higher in the US, among the states, versus certainly Scandinavia.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Drunken driving is frowned upon in Europe but some people still do it. I suspect it's the same in the US, although I believe it has a higher tolerance in general. IMO they should have their licenses revoked for good.

    Re: A Porsche in the USA ?

    Not to worry we have a zero tolerance Pa if you have a BAC over .8 then you are considered drunk driving (and ur screwed).



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