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    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    Looks like it was a cool event, great to see so many colors. The photos with the reflections in the water stand out especially. Smiley If I'd have been in Australia I'd have loved to go.

    It's awesome to see Magnus Walker was there too-- his collection and passion for Porsche is amazing. I met him briefly at the LA auto show and the Grand Prix event in Long Beach; very nice guy.



    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 


    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    I like wings... smiley

    ... especially in carbon fiber! I went out in the GT3 today and had lots of fun-- as always. She was pretty empty so I had to stop off at Shell to get some more V-Power and I just had to take this photo.

    My daughter was in the co-pilot seat and always kept a sharp eye out for those pesky policemen. Luckily we didn't see any so there was no need for a high-speed chase.


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    More wings...

    I was about 700 feet when I crossed John Wayne Airport on my arrival to our rooftop heliport. I flew a lot lately and I thought I would share this iPhone photo from today: a bunch of Boeing 737s getting refueled and restocked.

    They look like toy airplanes from up there :) Maybe I should bring my toy car and roar down the runway... after all, it's got a wing too. blush


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...




    More wings...

    I was about 700 feet when I crossed John Wayne Airport on my arrival to our rooftop heliport. I flew a lot lately and I thought I would share this iPhone photo from today: a bunch of Boeing 737s getting refueled and restocked.

    They look like toy airplanes from up there :) Maybe I should bring my toy car and roar down the runway... after all, it's got a wing too. blush



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Audi R8 V10 Plus (2017), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    Pushing the story forward...

    I had another lovely evening that finished with the roar of the GT3. Colors add excitement (just like sexy high heels can) especially when mixed with a sweet lychee cocktail and fine Sushi ...smiley


    @RC: It would be so cool, but unfortunately they wouldn't shut down an active runway for that :(


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    Black and White... :-)


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    @RC: It would be so cool, but unfortunately they wouldn't shut down an active runway for that :(

    The 997 GT3 introduction with Walter Röhrl I attended, was actually at Munich airport on a (shorter) closed runway and we were actually driving the cars there...on the runway.

    It was pretty cool to see all those jets landing just right next to us... ( least 200-300 meters but still, we were inside the airport...)

    Not sure this would be possible again with that tight security now. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Audi R8 V10 Plus (2017), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    That must have been a cool experience RC. kiss I'm sure it could still be possible as a corporate/marketing event assuming they'd have added security measures... We will see I guess.


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    June Gloom...

    ...from above; or as my daughter would say: a warm blanket hanging in the sky :-)

    I captured this shot while on my morning flight in the local mountains. This is the typical Southern California weather near the coast around this time of year-- warm and sunny above, cool, grey, and drizzly below.


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    Rooftop HeliPort

    Here is a shot from this morning; I was getting ready to fly with a pilot from a local Sheriff's Department.

    One of the first questions that always comes up with my pilots is, "How is the car...?"  Naturally I love talking about it but I have to limit myself so I don't digress too much. Maybe I should suggest that we have a specialized GT3RS class at work since there seems to be high demand. smiley


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    Hahaha I could imagine that! Nice pics and stories, as always Pilot!


    Porsche, separates Le Mans from Le Boys

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...


    Hahaha I could imagine that! Nice pics and stories, as always Pilot!



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Audi R8 V10 Plus (2017), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    The Shallows...

    I've been looking forward to this movie ever since I saw the first trailer. My daughter and I went to see it yesterday and it was very good-- the story keeps you on the edge of your seat, Blake Lively does a great job (in addition to looking very sexy), and it is filmed beautifully. What made the movie even more appealing to me is the fact that I found out it was filmed partially on Lord Howe Island which is located just about 330 miles off the coast from where we have stayed in Seal Rocks, Australia.


    P.S. Thanks Joost and RC. kiss


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    From Mugello, Tuscany, Italy .

    Your favorite colors together 



     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    Wow Gnil, that is a beautiful photo and great shot! Thank you, it literally made my heart fly :-) I just drove mine last night with a great big smile on my face. Drifting never gets old in these cars!

    I hope you are having a great summer with your RS too. We just had a visit from a pilot friend of mine from Switzerland :-)


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    1468180738833image.jpegSummer is good. Thanks. I have been visiting a few new tracks to me with the RS ( Monza , Mugello ). Really having such good moments in that car !  If your Swiss pilot enjoys Porsche and tracks , I might have bumped into him ....

    wishing you also a great summer. I will be in LV in two weeks 😎



     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    Yay! Love the red PORSCHE on the carbon wing! I was entertaining this idea as well but couldn't come up with a color to go with my setup. yes

    My pilot friend unfortunately doesn't drive any Porsches but he does love cars too. Regarding Las Vegas, is RC going to be there as well? You guys must really dig the summer heat ;-)


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...


    Yay! Love the red PORSCHE on the carbon wing! I was entertaining this idea as well but couldn't come up with a color to go with my setup. yes

    My pilot friend unfortunately doesn't drive any Porsches but he does love cars too. Regarding Las Vegas, is RC going to be there as well? You guys must really dig the summer heat ;-)

    I wish Smiley and my wife really wanted to go to LV for ten days or so in August but it costs a lot of money (if you want to enjoy it...) and we are making big plans for a longer US vacation (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California and Hawaii) in 2018 when our girl finishes school, so... Smiley



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Audi R8 V10 Plus (2017), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...


    Sounds like a great plan RC! I'm sure you're all already looking forward to this trip and your daughter is excited to finish school. All the best to her! kiss Make sure you take your family for a ride with Blue Hawaiian Helicopters for an unforgettable experience!



    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 


    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    Congrats to your daughter ! all the best for her in this new chapter 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    Taking my girl out tonight...

    ...and as always, the pilot is ready :) What started a few years ago turned into a nice tradition of ours-- small surprises in a beautiful gift box from Dior and the RS usually delivers them to the final destination ;-)

    We are planning to have dinner first and then probably see a movie. Looking forward to it. cool



    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 


    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

       Enjoy your evening out !


     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    Four generations of GT/RS Porsches, and successive ones to be precise. Smiley

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...


    Taking my girl out tonight...

    Looks great! So the lady has settled on Dior? That narrws it down a bit for you. Smiley

    Enjoy the evenng!


    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    Still in progress...smiley


    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...



    Sounds like a great plan RC! I'm sure you're all already looking forward to this trip and your daughter is excited to finish school. All the best to her! kiss Make sure you take your family for a ride with Blue Hawaiian Helicopters for an unforgettable experience!



    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 


    Love this pic... Smiley

    Thanks, I wil do my best to make my girl(s) happy. Smiley  Smiley

    That Blue Hawaiian Helicopters thing isn't going to happen though: I did a helicopter tour of the Foz do Iguazu waterfalls over 35 years ago, me and the pilot only alone in a helicopter with that big glas bowl (don't remember the type anymore but it was older) and suddenly he had engine problems and we almost crashed. Never again...since that time, I am very scared of helicopters and I only fly in them if I really have to. Smiley Funny: I probably still have the video of that helicopter ride somewhere at home but I am too scared to look for it and watch it. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Audi R8 V10 Plus (2017), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...


     Funny: I probably still have the video of that helicopter ride somewhere at home but I am too scared to look for it and watch it. Smiley

    Ah c'mon Christian!
    I have the helmet cam footage of my near-fatal crash in 2012... took me a while before I was ready to watch it, but in the end I did... wasn't a very pleasant experience, but it wasn't too bad either. It helps that the final impact is not on the film (SD-card popped out of it's slot due to the shock at impact, so the last 10 seconds did not get written from the cam buffer to the SD card)) and that I have no recollection of the final couple of seconds (I blacked out), but still it wasn't too bad. On the other hand, it didn't bring me much either, I watched it to see if I could find any mistakes I made that could have led to the crash, but that's it.


    Porsche, separates Le Mans from Le Boys

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    The helicopter incident happened to me at age 15 or 16 or so...I do not remember anymore but it was a pretty scary moment and it stays imprinted in my brain. I flew with helicopters afterwards as a passenger (had to... Smiley) but I never felt comfortable. So if I can avoid them, I do. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Audi R8 V10 Plus (2017), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...


    It was a fantastic night out Gnil. Thank you!

    Haha Ferdie, it isn't like that but it sure would narrow things down. indecision

    RC, you have a good excuse not to go up again in a helicopter but they are much safer nowadays. By the way, the photo with the RS and half the palm tree made me think of Florida for some reason.

    Joost, I still remember your accident. That was really terrible and I was so glad you were okay. It is usually not good news when they pick you up with a helicopter which is why I don't want to be an EMS pilot.



    If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS 


    Re: The moment I've been waiting for...

    Was forced to take a helicopter recently because the plane was gone for repairs and was not a happy camper... Plus we had to use two helicopters and at first they refused to place all my family in one and wanted to split us... All ended up well and it was very enjoyable, but still I would not do it again being given the choice.



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