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    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    Are you living under a rock?

    EV tech is actually simpler than ICE and will age better. Indeed if there is a breakthrough leap some depreciation will occur. But so far the advances are small but steady. For example do you think ETron paltry range will jump 50% from one model to the other? Audi will not let that happen...

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    With reference to the movie I'd like to propose to rename this thread to "Groundhog Day". If successful we could do the same with  "Tesla Roadster" 

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    The fact that some here could put a Tesla in the same class to a Porsche is comical no matter how you try to spin it, and thinking you could convince anybody here of it, with the type of high end cars users drive here, shows how warped the reality is for Tesla owners, no wonder they are jokingly called a cult...

    A Model 3 is a people mover with a basic interior most likely built under a tent in the US with an exterior design about as sexy as a bloated Prius, the Taycan is a sporty sedan built by Porsche to much higher standards, that is why it will be more expensive too. It s like comparing a Hamilton to a Rolex.


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    Carlos from Spain:

    The fact that some here could put a Tesla in the same class to a Porsche is comical no matter how you try to spin it, and thinking you could convince anybody here of it, with the type of high end cars users drive here, shows how warped the reality is for Tesla owners, no wonder they are jokingly called a cult...

    A Model 3 is a people mover with a basic interior most likely built under a tent in the US with an exterior design about as sexy as a bloated Prius, the Taycan is a sporty sedan built by Porsche to much higher standards, that is why it will be more expensive too. It s like comparing a Hamilton to a Rolex.

    You seem to forget that Porsche builds in the lower segment of cars too. There is more than the 911 in their lineup. Base Macan? Base 718? They are some pretty shitty cars if you ask me, and with very little options as standard... At least they don't cost much, oh look at that, about the same as an average Model 3 Smiley

    The Porsche marketing is just amazing. People will drink their Kool Aid all day. But hey they must convince their costumers they the ridiculous prices they paid are worth it so they can sleep better at night Smiley Outside of some GTx cars and some Macan models, the value equation of Porsche is broken. They got too greedy and competition is getting better and better. $175k for a mildly specced 992 convertible? $170k for a Cayenne TTS? $200k for a Panamera? $230k for a 992 turbo S convertible? Pass, thank you. Big time. And that’s not even the worse. The worse is the EPIC deprecation that comes after because the used market is smart and has not adjusted for the insane prices of the new cars.

    They are not built in a tent though, I will give you that Smiley

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    Are you living under a rock?

    EV tech is actually simpler than ICE and will age better. Indeed if there is a breakthrough leap some depreciation will occur. But so far the advances are small but steady. For example do you think ETron paltry range will jump 50% from one model to the other? Audi will not let that happen...

    Reading of rocks... Maybe you were hit by one Smiley Seriously, I cannot make any sense of what you write. Basically you seem to believe that car technology has suddenly reached the state of maturity. And that given a significant new technology. What shall I say. Some people also believe in other crazy stuff.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    If only their sales numbers didn't competely ruin your argument. The charge what the charge because they can and still sell, others only wish they could do the same. But funny you mention kool-aid and rationalization 

    Seriously, you would put a Model3 in the same category as a Taycan? It is a serious question, I'm not joking.


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    I call a product mature when it fits your needs at a reasonable price. EVs are mature in the sense that they fit some people’s needs. Nick does not need range, the ETron is mature for him. For the ones who need range, Teslas have 430 miles car.

    Why would you think EV is not mature today? There are hundreds of thousands of them on the road especially in the USA.

    They do not fill all the needs for every single family, but mature they are, no doubt. Infrastructure might be lacking though, especially in Europe and outside of the Tesla network. But that’s another issue.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    Carlos from Spain:

    If only their sales numbers didn't competely ruin your argument. The charge what the charge because they can and still sell, others only wish they could do the same. But funny you mention kool-aid and rationalization 

    Seriously, you would put a Model3 in the same category as a Taycan? It is a serious question, I'm not joking.


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Luxury small/mid size sedans. That’s the category. Unless you think the base Panamera and the top of the line are in distincts categories too (for example)?

    Or do you think that Porsche is it’s own category Smiley? Well clearly some of you think that there are two classes of people. The mighty Porsche owners and then the rest of the word Smiley

    It is all relative my friend, for some people Porsche is a very pesky cheap brand that lost its souls and mass produces SUVs and made for yuppies and show offs to show their wealth... Actually there is a whole class of people that think that cars are useless transportation tools that is not worth their time and money... There’s always a bigger fish in the pond...

    And yes, with the rumored specs, I do think at the fringe there will be cross shopping between a base Taycan and a souped up Model 3 the same way some people cross shop an M5 with a base Panamera... Of course not across the whole line up. But at both edge, absolutely.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    Or do you think that Porsche is it’s own category Smiley? Well clearly some of you think that there are two classes of people. The mighty Porsche owners and then the rest of the word Smiley

    It is all relative my friend, for some people Porsche is a very pesky cheap brand that lost its souls and mass produces SUVs and made for yuppies and show offs to show their wealth... 

    Do you actually listen to yourself? SmileySmiley ​​​​​


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    You don’t think the last part is true? There are 100 of them within 200’ of where I am sitting right now angry

    It’s a big world out there... A world where cars are becoming less and less important by the day.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    I am puzzled. Why buy any EV car today when they all are a work in progress? EV cars are in their infancy and will Improve significantly with each new model.

    It seems like present day buyers are getting EV’s just to say the own one. yes


    There market for EV was artificially created by governments with all the subsidies and incentives. Why did you think I ended up getting one? I can afford to pay for gas, I have some of the fastest cars made in my garage, so it's not the performance or the fact that I don't eat to pay for gas that attracts me to buying a EV. My city has this great 'green' car initiative, EV and hybrids gets access to HOV lanes, prime and sometimes free parking spots for cars that need charging, tax rebates, etc. That's the reason I got a EV for city use. 

    Tesla was first to market with their premium EV to take advantage of that and sold hundreds of thousands of cars.

    Mitsubishi was in first with the mass market I-MiEV, Nissan 2nd with the Leaf. but both are aiming for the cheap segment, most people with decent disposable incoming don't really consider them viable daily car yet. But the Tesla has a better interior than either, still not great, but it's better and with no competition in the premium segment, they have the whole market segment to themselves and sold hundreds of thousands of cars. 

    Due to the nature of how a electric motor works, it has the side benefit of amazing acceleration from rest, which is a hit thing with the Americans as they love drag racing, so that inn turn attracts more people to buy them just for the drag racing ability.

    The premium car makers didn't really get into the premium/luxury EV car segment until now, the EV market was just too small. But now that the market is getting big, they are all jumping in to get a slice of the pie. 2020 will b the year to watch, as it will be the real test to see how a Tesla stack up against real competition with the Jaguar i-Pace, Audi e-tron, incoming Audi e-tron GT, incoming Mercedes EQC and Taycan.

    The other car makers also have the benefit of watching how a Tesla was being used and adjust their EV car's positioning in the market. 

    Not every customer needs amazing acceleration, most car buyers don't care if their car can do 2.5 second 0-60 or 6 second 0-60, only a select few cares. Or else everyone will be buying a AMG and not the regular E-class.

    Not every customer needs amazing range from the battery pack, some do care and need, but others, like myself, that only uses the car for city trips, then the long range is useless. Just like normal car market, for those that want amazing range, they go for diesel. 

    Charging however will be the key. People are used to spending 5-10 mins at gas station to refill range. A Tesla needs a nominal 40 mins. The incoming headlines from Tesla are amazing to hear, 250kw charger. But the fine print tells a different story. The charger can only hits 250kw if the car is almost empty and only for the first 20-30% of charge, after that the charge rate drops significantly. So if someone re-charge their car like most people do the driving a normal car, they go fill up around 1/2 empty, then the Tesla charger will not be charging at close to 250kw. Their normal charger is only at 150kw and also split between 2 plugs, in real life that's only 72kw peak per car. 

    Audi sees that as something they can use against Tesla. The peak charge rate is only 150kw, but the charge curve is a lot more generous. It maintains a nominal charge rate over 100kw up util ~80% of capacity, so if someone goes to charge up their car not close to 0%, the Audi charge up quicker. 

    But that's all corporate speak, real life experiences will varies, especially with how much power those public charging stations puts out.

    Battery life is another key thing. Tesla is first, everyone else examine their pack and improve on theirs. Mainly, cooling. Audi added extra cooling circuits to their pack as compared to the Tesla pack, and so did Porsche, I imagine Mercedes is doing the same thing. Usage also. Tesla pretty much provision the whole pack to be used, charge and discharge the whole thing. Audi reserved a significant portion of their pack as 'spare'. It does't runs the whole pack, it rotates the usage on each cell to make them last longer. There is down side to that as the range is shorter. It's a trade off. 






    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    Spot on imho for the market analysis and why EV is going to grow bigger and bigger, albeit at a moderate pace.

    Not everyone needs top performance, but at the same time not everyone needs beautiful but fragile leather filled interior for daily drivers. Why? Kids angel What they need is a practical beautiful interior and good tech. There is a market for everything.

    Of note: your charging rate only matters for supercharging and is mostly irrelevant for most people. I have never been to one nor do I plan to ever go to one... There is no wait for charging at home. Park, plug it, it is charged in the morning. Never have to go to a gas station or a supercharger unless you go for a long trip.

    Any anyhow, the 0-50% charging time is more important than 50-100. Because while using the supercharger for long trips, you are less likely to need to charge to 100% a second time. It would only be needed for 450+ miles trips, and for these you need to stop at some point anyway. Good luck to Audi to use this as a marketing tool. Also it is already proven that in “miles per minute”, and clearly that’s the ONLY measure that matters, Tesla trounces the completion because they are more efficient and have way more range. It is simple math. Audi can only tweak the math so much angry Your information for the split stalls is outdated. This is no longer the case in chargers V3. Also you can pre-heat them for faster charging, can Audi do that? Tesla also tells you how many stalls are free at each location in real time... They are so far ahead it is not even funny.

    And anyway, there are 3 Superchargers right off the highway on my work commute. There are ZERO for an Audi within 5-10 minutes of the highway.

    Tesla does reserve 4wkh of battery that you can never access. However Tesla let’s you use the whole rest of it unlike Audi. That’s what it calls 100%. Then they recommend that you set the charging limit anywhere between 60 and 90% for every day, unless you need it, to preserve the longevity. But basically they let the user do what they want as educated adults, not cripple their packs and treat people like babies. Of note too: using Superchargers for every time you need to charge is a BAD idea. It WILL degrade your pack faster. Every packs, Tesla, Porsche or Audi. Superchargers are for road trips. And if you think this setting limit idea is stupid, well Apple is doing the same with the next iOS Smiley


    As you can see, the amount of misinformation out there about EV and especially about Tesla is large and I find it hilarious that some here make the statements they make with the little knowledge they have (not you Nick, you made your decision after some good amount of research). There is just too much interest, especially in Germany, for making Tesla fail that anything negative is blown out of proportion and the positive truths are distorted. Between that and the people, especially here that have an agenda or that are just closed minded about new technologies, EV has a long road ahead to convince.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    A couple of other comments on the EV transition.  As one has noted before, the EU, China, and California are currently enacted more stringent regulations related to carbon emissions.  Until those regulations fully go into effect, the legacy automakers have little incentive to release compliance products too far ahead as the economics on EVs remains relatively poor.  This is a classic example of the time value of money: the present value of investing a dollar in the future is less than spending a dollar today.  As an additional incentive, the real option value of waiting increases because other competitors, namely Tesla, disclose their product portfolios and cost structures well beforehand which help refine the legacy makers products, technologies and cost structures.  

    A few other advantages to waiting is that, as more lithium ion cells are produced, the per unit cost per kWh drops, in accordance to its learning or experience curve.  This helps to lower the manufacturing costs for the later entrants as the earliest entrants are encumbered with higher costs.  The earlier entrants also have the disadvantage of traveling down economically, and technologically, unattractive technology curves.  Tesla, for example, has religiously invested its products and manufacturing processes in the small device cylindrical lithium ion battery form factor.  The other market entrants are moving toward prismatic and pouch form factors which, while more costly on a per kWh basis, ultimately lead to lower battery pack costs as labor and and manufacturing costs are significantly lower.  The Tesla Model S/X have over seven thousand cells in its largest configured battery packs while the Model 3, by utilizing a slightly larger cylindrical form factor, has over four thousand cells.  An Audi e-tron, however, has slightly over four hundred cells.  This means that assembling an e-tron battery pack requires a magnitude less in parts count, which increases reliability too.  Every assembly in the battery pack is another potential failure point and having fewer assembly points increases the mean time between failures.  

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    Tesla has said many times that one of their goals is to push EV tech to the forefront and they will take all the pains doing so. They have already succeeded kiss

    Waiting was a good plan, until it wasn’t. BWM CEO missed the boat and lost his job over it. VW seemed to be right in the timeline that made sense and released what they could with their current tech and without killing the rest of their fleet. Not bad for a first product kiss

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    This video illustrate a good example how the traditional auto manufacturers just doesn't get it right from the start... As many already know, Ionity is the charging network that BMW, Mercedes, VW, Audi, Porsche, etc invested in for fastcharging in Europe. They build 4-6 chargers per site. (for comparison, Tesla Superchargers have 10-50 chargers per site).

    The purpose of the video is to clarify how to start a charging session which includes a number of steps. It is the art of making things complicated...


    Meanwhile at a Tesla supercharger:
    Park, grab the charge handle, push a button on the cable (charge port open automatic), plug in and charging session start within 5 seconds and of you go. 

    With Teslas vertical integration they have full control over the entire process and there are lot's of convenience features implemented to support the driver and everything is tied together.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    Spot on imho for the market analysis and why EV is going to grow bigger and bigger, albeit at a moderate pace.

    Not everyone needs top performance, but at the same time not everyone needs beautiful but fragile leather filled interior for daily drivers. Why? Kids angel What they need is a practical beautiful interior and good tech. There is a market for everything.

    Of note: your charging rate only matters for supercharging and is mostly irrelevant for most people. I have never been to one nor do I plan to ever go to one... There is no wait for charging at home. Park, plug it, it is charged in the morning. Never have to go to a gas station or a supercharger unless you go for a long trip.

    Any anyhow, the 0-50% charging time is more important than 50-100. Because while using the supercharger for long trips, you are less likely to need to charge to 100% a second time. It would only be needed for 450+ miles trips, and for these you need to stop at some point anyway. Good luck to Audi to use this as a marketing tool. Also it is already proven that in “miles per minute”, and clearly that’s the ONLY measure that matters, Tesla trounces the completion because they are more efficient and have way more range. It is simple math. Audi can only tweak the math so much angry Your information for the split stalls is outdated. This is no longer the case in chargers V3. Also you can pre-heat them for faster charging, can Audi do that? Tesla also tells you how many stalls are free at each location in real time... They are so far ahead it is not even funny.

    And anyway, there are 3 Superchargers right off the highway on my work commute. There are ZERO for an Audi within 5-10 minutes of the highway.

    Tesla does reserve 4wkh of battery that you can never access. However Tesla let’s you use the whole rest of it unlike Audi. That’s what it calls 100%. Then they recommend that you set the charging limit anywhere between 60 and 90% for every day, unless you need it, to preserve the longevity. But basically they let the user do what they want as educated adults, not cripple their packs and treat people like babies. Of note too: using Superchargers for every time you need to charge is a BAD idea. It WILL degrade your pack faster. Every packs, Tesla, Porsche or Audi. Superchargers are for road trips. And if you think this setting limit idea is stupid, well Apple is doing the same with the next iOS Smiley


    As you can see, the amount of misinformation out there about EV and especially about Tesla is large and I find it hilarious that some here make the statements they make with the little knowledge they have (not you Nick, you made your decision after some good amount of research). There is just too much interest, especially in Germany, for making Tesla fail that anything negative is blown out of proportion and the positive truths are distorted. Between that and the people, especially here that have an agenda or that are just closed minded about new technologies, EV has a long road ahead to convince.


    The whole car industry uses one standard charging plug, Tesla is the one with their own. But at least Tesla give you an adapter to use regular plugs. In my city, there ar more standard charging stations than Tesla stations. 

    There are plenty of stories out there in EV sites that describe the degradation of Tesla battery packs over time, it is what it is, Tesla don't reserve enough capacity for long life.  Also, the Shanghai self combustion of a Tesla story is also related to their battery issue.

    Tesla is first, there is no arguing, but that also means they are the Gen1 EV cars, especially since the car has't been changed for 7-8 years now. Model 3 at least improved a bit and are the Gen 1.5 cars, but everyone else has moved on with Gen 2 cars coming to market.

    Before, everyone has no choice, they are forced to buy a Tesla even with sub par interior as there is no competition, they are the only game in town, that doesn't mean people like the el cheapo interior, they are forced to take accept that interior if they want an EV. 

    2020 is the real test for Tesla, if they can maintain the almost 100% of the segment like they have now, then it will means people LIKE that minimalist el cheapo interior. But if they lose significant market shares, then it just means people prefer nicer interior for EV cars, or nicer styling ones, basically whatever Tesla is not. 

    On a side note, I am doing 3.2km/kw after having the car for like 200km. That's like 2 miles per kw. No idea if that's good or bad. 





    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    The whole car industry uses one standard charging plug, Tesla is the one with their own. But at least Tesla give you an adapter to use regular plugs. In my city, there ar more standard charging stations than Tesla stations. 

    In Europe Tesla Model 3 (and soon X/S) uses CCS for DC charging and Type2 for AC which is the standard. A Tesla can charge everywhere without any adapter except for older S/X which need a CCS-adapter for fast charging outside of Teslas supercharger network. I assume that Tesla will move to the equivalent US CCS standard for US cars in due course and have an adapter for older cars.

    There are plenty of stories out there in EV sites that describe the degradation of Tesla battery packs over time, it is what it is, Tesla don't reserve enough capacity for long life.  Also, the Shanghai self combustion of a Tesla story is also related to their battery issue.

    The Shanghai car was a 2014 Model S so for sure something from the early days. Of course not good, but not representative for newer cars either. Zero fires to date in Model 3.

    All lithium batteris will degrade to some extent. But Teslas batteries seems to keep up very well even after 300.000+km. There are lot's of example and stories about it so just google it.

    And if you have a large battery, why not allow the owner to use all of it?  Even if Audi nerf the usable capacity they still say that they will consider degradation down to 70% after (8?) years "normal" from a warranty perspective.

    Tesla is first, there is no arguing, but that also means they are the Gen1 EV cars, especially since the car has't been changed for 7-8 years now. Model 3 at least improved a bit and are the Gen 1.5 cars, but everyone else has moved on with Gen 2 cars coming to market.

    Not sure where you get that from. Teslas 10 years of experience should not be under estimated. They have their Gen 3 in the works and still with their tech there is still no competitor who can beat them in range and motor efficiency.

    Before, everyone has no choice, they are forced to buy a Tesla even with sub par interior as there is no competition, they are the only game in town, that doesn't mean people like the el cheapo interior, they are forced to take accept that interior if they want an EV. 

    You consider it cheapo interior. I and many other consider it modern and minimalistic. For me it's actually a big negative thing with the traditional interiors and tech. It feels so busy and a bit dated with complex menu structures and buttons everywhere. But if you haven't got spoiled by the Tesla UI and smart features you don't know what you miss either.

    2020 is the real test for Tesla, if they can maintain the almost 100% of the segment like they have now, then it will means people LIKE that minimalist el cheapo interior. But if they lose significant market shares, then it just means people prefer nicer interior for EV cars, or nicer styling ones, basically whatever Tesla is not. 

    Yeah, we'll see. But considering how many people who absolutely praise that cheapo interior compared with their previous Mercs, BMWs and Audis I think it will be quite fine.

    On a side note, I am doing 3.2km/kw after having the car for like 200km. That's like 2 miles per kw. No idea if that's good or bad. 


    That's quite high consumption, but it all depends on how you drive. Mixed consumption for a Model S will be about 18kWh/100km. Add a bit for the Model X and for the Model 3 it is down to 15kWh/100km or there about.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    On the first 3,100 miles the counter indicated 4.2km/wh on my X (385mwh/m) so yours is high but I am assuming you drove mostly in the city when my use is mixed. When pure city driving I get down to 3.5km/wh, it is a drop but not that huge because you do not go really fast. The X efficiency is amazingly good up to 115km/h (72 miles ish) but them starts dropping slowly after that). It will sound unreal but I guarantee you it is true and I have no reason to lie: on a 30 miles stretch I managed to get the counter down to 290mwh/m. That is over 5.5km/wh. I could not believe it but it makes sense: this was in mild traffic but with constant speeds between 80 and 105km/h (50 to 65 mph), no significant change in elevation of course and with AC on and radio, mostly on autopilot.

    But as you said, range in city is irrelevant since you charge every night and it is pretty much impossible to use all the battery in one day, and autopilot is useless in city. In city the big screen is very practical for traffic and for music streaming. So enjoy your beautiful interior.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    F008C586-8BF0-490A-977E-3561497FBAD5.jpegWow busy on here today.

    I love my Porsche GT3 and Teslas! I like analogue and digital experiences. 

    Like my bmw i8 also but needs double the power. Cheap lease up at the end of the year.

    I am looking at replacing my model s p100d with a Taycan Turbo. But if porsche is crazy on price then I will prob get a model 3 performance and a MB AMG GLC63 for the same price. Last ever V8 for me. These are train station cars for me. Or maybe wait for the next Model S P120d which will do 0-60mph in 2.0secs and have 450miles range. Those Taycan v P120D drag strip races will be shameful. But yes drag strip races are only so much fun. 

    I would never get a Panamera. It’s such a stupid price. My dealer even has one at $270k.  Bmw m5 or MB E63s maybe  for basic Panamera money. 

    For the i8 replacement I may get a 718 spyder. Manual and convertible all in one. And a relative bargain from porsche.   Guess I like relative porsche bargains. I may as well get a Mclaren if I wanted something more special for the money.   

    My wife has already told me she wants a tesla model x again. I asked if she wanted a BMW X7. Nope a model x. A Porsche Cayenne. Nope a model x. yes


    Tesla Model S P100D & Model X P90D & 2016 BMW i8 & 2017 Sept 991.2 GT3 ordered. 2020 Porsche Mission E on order

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    A reasonably optioned Taycan turbo with all driving aids should be around $130k as fair value. Below 120 it is a steal, above 140 a rip off. For that price I would expect 0-60 around 2.9s and 260 EPA miles range. Since you will have an X in the family, the Taycan should be a nice complement for short fun rides.

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    On the first 3,100 miles the counter indicated 4.2km/wh on my X (385mwh/m) so yours is high but I am assuming you drove mostly in the city when my use is mixed. When pure city driving I get down to 3.5km/wh, it is a drop but not that huge because you do not go really fast. The X efficiency is amazingly good up to 115km/h (72 miles ish) but them starts dropping slowly after that). It will sound unreal but I guarantee you it is true and I have no reason to lie: on a 30 miles stretch I managed to get the counter down to 290mwh/m. That is over 5.5km/wh. I could not believe it but it makes sense: this was in mild traffic but with constant speeds between 80 and 105km/h (50 to 65 mph), no significant change in elevation of course and with AC on and radio, mostly on autopilot.

    But as you said, range in city is irrelevant since you charge every night and it is pretty much impossible to use all the battery in one day, and autopilot is useless in city. In city the big screen is very practical for traffic and for music streaming. So enjoy your beautiful interior.


    I drive mine like any other normal car, so coasting regen is pretty much off. 

    And I was incorrect in saying I was using 20-25% power when accelerating from rest. I rechecked the gauge and it's was more like ~50% for the initial 3-5 car length before it settle down to ~25%.

    That touch screen is the worse thing ever inside the car, fingerprint magnet and my son was constantly wiping it every time it was used. Plus, I have to raise my hand up to operate it, Audi should have placed a rotary dial near the gear lever like BMW does and that works so much better, I can operate the BMW system without looking but the Audi touch screen, or any touch screen for that matters, needs constant eye attention to operate.

    And I haven't charge it for a couple days, can't be bothered to walk around the other side to unplug the 918 and plug in the Audi. I am waiting for the electrician to come by to install another 240V outlet, as my Panamera Turbo S is due to arrive town Aug 9th. 

    Surprise surprise, I of all people in here will have 2 hybrids and a EV, 3 'green' cars. Smiley




    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    There you go, there you go!


    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    ???? heart

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?

    What type of turbocharger is used in the Taycan Turbo?

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    What type of turbocharger is used in the Taycan Turbo?

    Same kind as my old 386 computer had...Smiley


    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    2017 991.2 Carrera 4 GTS | GT Silver Metallic - The GT3 Killah!
    2013 Audi S3 | Glacier White

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    It's still on track for Frankfurt debut last I check.

    Configurator and ordering will open at that time.


    Smiley Will be very "tight" though, a couple of weeks ago, they weren't so sure they are going to make the deadline but either way, the car will be in Frankfurt, ready or not. 


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Lamborghini Huracan Performante (2019), Mercedes E63 S AMG Edition 1 (2018), Mercedes C63 S AMG Cab (2019), Range Rover Evoque Si4 Black Edition (2019)

    Re: Porsche Mission E...the future of Porsche?


    It's still on track for Frankfurt debut last I check.

    Configurator and ordering will open at that time.


    Smiley Will be very "tight" though, a couple of weeks ago, they weren't so sure they are going to make the deadline but either way, the car will be in Frankfurt, ready or not. 

    can't be worst than 935 with side aero on wheels fixed with tie-wraps Smiley


    GT Lover, Porsche fan

    991.2 GT3 manual, 991 GT3 2014(sold)

    Cayenne GTS 2014



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