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    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Wow...eventhough I am a Ferrari fan, I have to say the stewards' decision was a bit tough there on Hamilton! I was expecting a monetary fine...

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Total bullshit , its whats called racing and Kimi was not in it at the end anyway..

    Point robbery..

    Still proved that LH is by far the best driver out there , he should have been world champ last season...

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    WAY said:
    Wow...eventhough I am a Ferrari fan, I have to say the stewards' decision was a bit tough there on Hamilton! I was expecting a monetary fine...

    What's wrong with the penalty? He gained an avantage by cutting the chicane.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    From today Im not watching F1 anymore . Its not a sport anymore.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Walter said:
    WAY said:
    Wow...eventhough I am a Ferrari fan, I have to say the stewards' decision was a bit tough there on Hamilton! I was expecting a monetary fine...

    What's wrong with the penalty? He gained an avantage by cutting the chicane.

    That would hold weight if KR finished second place close behind LH..However , he could not handle the pressure anyway..Its very unfair on LH to say the least..

    After watching LH today though the other drivers will be needing free points to stay with him.....

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Alonso, Japan 2005

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Walter said:
    What's wrong with the penalty? He gained an avantage by cutting the chicane.

    Its usual practice when a driver gains an advantage through cutting part of the course to gain a place, on letting the car overtaken to re-pass, no more action is taken, which makes the stewards decision here rather odd.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Exactly Ezzie! Perhaps it's because he didn't really let Kimi re-pass him as he tucked up in the slip stream of Kimi and actually gain an advantage by doing so?

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    The Stewarts giving Hamilton a penaulty as they are very very biast towards Ferrari. This is very bad for the sport and I cannot understand that Ferrari always gets away with having to pay pocket money (10000 Euros) and now Hamilton is again penalished for no wrong doing IMO --> this is called overtaking and Lewis went only through the chicane to avoid a crash.

    Absolutely unbelievable and I am very sad for the sport.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    WAY said:
    Exactly Ezzie! Perhaps it's because he didn't really let Kimi re-pass him as he tucked up in the slip stream of Kimi and actually gain an advantage by doing so?

    Thats exactly the reason why, IMO.

    Although I do think Hamilton deserved some kind of penalty, what seems strange to me is why the stewards didn't investigate the incident during the race, and give him a pass thru penalty or something of the sort instead of resorting to post hoc actions.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Remember guys...
    Alonso Japan 2005

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    I also believe that the penalty is not fair.
    To my eyes, he took avoiding action and resumed at the track exactly at the point where he had turned away from Kimi's car in order to avoid collision, that is with his front wheels right behind Kimi's front wheels.
    I think that this decision, should it prove to be a title decider, will harm the sport in every way, and will decrease the value of a championship win in case it is Massa who takes it.
    It is frustrating.. really.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    F1 ruined, thank you very much FIA...

    They succeeded in making everyone doubt F1 after having watched a great race, the opposite should be the case...

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Enzo911 said:
    Remember guys...
    Alonso Japan 2005

    I agree. It was the same thing.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    WAY said:
    Exactly Ezzie! Perhaps it's because he didn't really let Kimi re-pass him as he tucked up in the slip stream of Kimi and actually gain an advantage by doing so?

    After watching the replay several times, I think that's what happened. I believe the stewards thought that Lewis was to close to Kimi and gained an advantage by passing him at the hairpin. Lewis would have been further behind if he had stayed on the track and not cut the chicane, and would probably not have been able to pass at the hairpin.

    That said, I think the penalty was a bit too harsh.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Initially, Kimi locks up and slides into LH just touching tyres. Hamilton just takes avoiding action and cuts the corner. If anything Kimi was not in control of the car! ... Bloody daft this...

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    IMO LH definately gained an advantage by overtaking Kimi by going thru the chikane. LH didnt have the right-of-way and so had to go wide to avoid a collision.
    Som aregue that LH let Kimi past right after, but thet doesnt seem to be the case. LH may have been passed by Kimi afterwards, but he kept very close to Kimi and then used KRs slipstream to fly past him moments later.
    LH gained an advantage simply because cutting the chikane let him stay close to Kimi and soon after overtake him. Had he made the same mistake in a corner with concrete walls or other less forgiving surroundings, he would have been in big trouble.
    Silly move by LH, since he seemed to have been able to overtake Kimi later without that move.

    The ruling seems like another stupid FIA foul-up.
    They didnt give Massa a drive-thru last race, and now they penalize LH for this? Very odd indeed.

    Check out the last laps here:

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    At the beginning of each season, F1 should give Ferrari & its drivers 1st place trophies and let the other teams/drivers battle it out for 2nd place.. It has been a disgraceful and shameful decisions on the part of F1 favoring Ferrari for a long long time, but this one has to top them all . Adios F1!

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    assman!!! said:
    WAY said:
    Exactly Ezzie! Perhaps it's because he didn't really let Kimi re-pass him as he tucked up in the slip stream of Kimi and actually gain an advantage by doing so?

    Thats exactly the reason why, IMO.

    Although I do think Hamilton deserved some kind of penalty, what seems strange to me is why the stewards didn't investigate the incident during the race, and give him a pass thru penalty or something of the sort instead of resorting to post hoc actions.

    At two laps to the finish a drive thru? They had no time to really analyse how everything happened. And at the end it is soo much better for the championship!

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Max Mosley is still there because of Ferrari support.

    He uses the FIA mechanism to reciprocate.

    The double standards in handing penalties are scandalous to say the least. Hamilton was great in the wet today.

    I cannot see how a champion like Massa (non-person and an average driver) can further F1.

    McLaren will appeal and I hope some sense will prevail.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Last year there was a British steward called Tony Scott Andrews in all the races (the other two were changing every race) that allowed things like this:

    He's not officiating this year and LH is not F1 spoilt baby anymore.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Dr. Phil said:
    IMO LH definately gained an advantage by overtaking Kimi by going thru the chikane. LH didnt have the right-of-way and so had to go wide to avoid a collision.

    They did actually collide.

    Dr. Phil said:
    Som aregue that LH let Kimi past right after, but thet doesnt seem to be the case. LH may have been passed by Kimi afterwards, but he kept very close to Kimi and then used KRs slipstream to fly past him moments later.
    LH gained an advantage simply because cutting the chikane let him stay close to Kimi and soon after overtake him. Had he made the same mistake in a corner with concrete walls or other less forgiving surroundings, he would have been in big trouble.

    You're kidding of course, LH made his move initially and has his nose in front of KR, however, he had the wrong line totally so I don't know exactly what he was trying to do. It did however do enough to spook KR, hence the lock up and the eventual "slight collision" where LH decided to cut the corner, I think this was genuine and as not to cause a more serious incident.

    He did let KR past and perhaps did gain a slight advantage being in his slip stream and I think thats where the problem lies. I don't think the advantage was on the chicane. LH would have been all over KR at later stages so god only knows why he did it then.

    Dr. Phil said:

    Silly move by LH, since he seemed to have been able to overtake Kimi later without that move.

    Agreed, but he had his race head on as opposed the tactical one.

    Ah well, LH still a bit to learn I think, but the Stewards inquiry was a little harsh I think....

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    I'm going to start watching rally. Thank you so much for killing F1 FIA, we love you.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    reginos said:
    Max Mosley is still there because of Ferrari support.

    McLaren will appeal and I hope some sense will prevail.

    Don't raise your hopes.

    FIA's reputation is now so tarnished that the organisation has totally lost all inhibitions. It no no longer has to make any pretense of adhering to principles of sportsmanship, fairness or ethics.

    As someone implied above, this increases suspense for the rest of the season by closing up the drivers' point scores. However, this view disregards the possibility of fans being turned off F1 completely due to a perception that it has as much to do with real "sport" as WWE wrestling.

    This was just the latest in a series of black days for Formula 1.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    So do you really think that rules shouldn't be applied to LH, that he should be allowed to cheat (like last year)? If he had kept his head cool he would have won this race without any problem, but he decided to take the illegal way (á la Schummy) and look what has happened to him.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    F*ck the FIA! I am so goddamn livid right now. And then they wonder why their drivers are leaving for NASCAR. Because of bullsh*t like this. How many times have we seen Schumacher do the same when he was in heated battles?!

    Stupid f*ckers. I'm ever more increasingly becoming a ALMS, Indy, and NASCAR fan. No wonder most Americans don't get this b*tch ass brand of processional "racing!"

    It was a clean pass as Lewis & Raikonnen went into the complex side by side - Lewis was on the outside and of TURN 1 which would have set him up to be on the INSIDE of TURN 2, and Raikonnen came over - while Lewis car was 1/2 length beside his and pushed him off the track.

    Raikonnen should be penalized for pushing him off the track! There's a legal BLOCK and SHUTTING THE DOOR but that must happen with the car behind you! In F1 it's generally accepted that if a car's nose is at your sidepod, you cannot cut the road off from them.

    And Raikonnen the Finnish little sh*t, he never thinks he's at fault for anything.

    It's a classic outside - inside manuvuer when going through a tight set of "S's" The guy on the inside of the S's is going to be a just a little ahead at the beginning by viture of having a shorter distance, and the roles reverse at the exit.

    Has anyone on the FIA ruling body ever been a damn race driver?

    FIA = Ferrari Insurance Adminstration.

    You know what, f*ck it ... the FIA wants their brand of racing to be nothing more than a 180mph ADVERTISING procession.

    Have it that way Bernie.

    No wonder the manufacturers want to leave and start their own league!

    One of the most exciting race endings in the last 5 years, and here's how you culminate it.

    Lewis and co. should sit the the next race out in protest.

    If the FIA want to give Ferrari the damn title, just do it already and end the f*cking suspense. Stop wasting everyone's time.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    gangajas said:
    So do you really think that rules shouldn't be applied to LH, that he should be allowed to cheat

    Cheat? How did he cheat? He had fought hard for 5 laps or so so close in on Kimi and when he finally did it was time to get passed. He got dead close and side by side with Kimi, was clearly faster but Kimi pushed him out forcing him to drive over the chicane to avoid an accident. He lifted off and kindly let Kimi pass him and then went in for the kill again. IMO he did the overtaking in a very professional manner especially if you consider that the track was damp and that there wasn't too much room to pass.

    By punishing Hamilton like this, FIA are discouraging overtakings. Not only that but their inconsistency in ruling is pathetic, especially when Ferrari get away with everything.

    Re: Belgian F1 Grand Prix at Spa

    Emperor said:
    gangajas said:
    So do you really think that rules shouldn't be applied to LH, that he should be allowed to cheat

    Cheat? How did he cheat? He had fought hard for 5 laps or so so close in on Kimi and when he finally did it was time to get passed. He got dead close and side by side with Kimi, was clearly faster but Kimi pushed him out forcing him to drive over the chicane to avoid an accident. He lifted off and kindly let Kimi pass him and then went in for the kill again. IMO he did the overtaking in a very professional manner especially if you consider that the track was damp and that there wasn't too much room to pass.

    By punishing Hamilton like this, FIA are discouraging overtakings. Not only that but their inconsistency in ruling is pathetic, especially when Ferrari get away with everything.

    Are we going to start with the conspiracy theories and the crying? Some conspiracy theories and complaints are ok and others not?



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