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    French F1 Grand Prix

    Another race this weekend. We've been a bit distracted by soccer here in Europe

    Some interesting articles appeared during the past couple of weeks. Alonso casting doubt on whether he may remain with Renault.

    Hamilton at first apologising "if" he ruined Kimi's race, then he watched the tapes and accepted his mistake and 10 place grid penalty, then he did a U-turn and started saying that his 10 place grid penalty was too harsh. Unbelievable.

    He screwed up so he should take his punishment like a man. He is showing every sign of being a product of this era in Britain under New Labour & Tony Blair etc where no one admits their mistake, no one ever resigns, the facts are lost amongst layer upon layer of 'media spin' etc etc.

    Hamilton needs to show some integrity and character here.

    Turning to the race itself, I am expecting Ferrari to be very strong both at Magny-Cours and at Silverstone. These tracks will really favour their car.

    Once again, a three way fight between Ferrari, McLaren and BMW? I think so...let's see how things shape up this weekend.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    easy_rider911 said:
    Hamilton needs to show some integrity and character here.

    I appreciate your view and I absolutely share it.

    BMW is considering sacrificing some development capacities for the 09 model to attack the championship already this year. After all there still is some performance margin to Ferrari and McLaren but the situation appears to be promising for BMW. Too bad Heifeld has such difficulties in qualifying, it must be tough for him that he is always in a hassle when there is something to win. He spent so much time with Sauber and now BMW, showing so much development effort and competitive performance last season (and being faster than Kubica) yet cannot benefit from the team's effort this season.

    Renault is gradually improving and it is astonishing to see what a driver as Alonso can do to them, both on and off the track. I assume he plays an important role in development, both direction and amount. They have announced some further updated components and a revised engine yet I still see them battling with the rest of the field.

    I suspect Kovalainen will be back on the top again after his desastrous race at Montreal, furthermore it will be interesting to see if Ferrari decides to concentrate their attention on one particular driver.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    I've read Renault is introducing new improvements to the R28, so lets see what they have achieved....also lets see if this time Alonso's personal errors disappear for everrrr !!!!!!!! (please!!!!!)

    On the other hand, Hamilton's 10th position penalty may be it was too much, its just my opinion....any pilot in that same situation as hamilton would have hit the car in front, no matter who....BUT may be that penalty is for going straight to Kimi....

    I hope we see Kubica right over the top....

    As for Alonso's future, I see him going to Heidfields seat,and..... with a lot of luck (ok with lots lots lots of luck) in Massa' seat , if Alonso goes to ferrari, i can guarantee 99% that Alonso will win every season untill he decides to retire !!!!!, again that is my opinion, but I'm pretty sure that will happen!!!!!!!!

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    easy_rider911 said:
    Another race this weekend. We've been a bit distracted by soccer here in Europe

    Some interesting articles appeared during the past couple of weeks. Alonso casting doubt on whether he may remain with Renault.

    Hamilton at first apologising "if" he ruined Kimi's race, then he watched the tapes and accepted his mistake and 10 place grid penalty, then he did a U-turn and started saying that his 10 place grid penalty was too harsh. Unbelievable.

    He screwed up so he should take his punishment like a man. He is showing every sign of being a product of this era in Britain under New Labour & Tony Blair etc where no one admits their mistake, no one ever resigns, the facts are lost amongst layer upon layer of 'media spin' etc etc.

    Hamilton needs to show some integrity and character here.

    The Hamilton story so far proves Mr. Dennis wrong and those that insisted that young Lewis should be given time to mature before leading the team, right.
    Ron Dennis insistence on equal status not only destroyed McLarens 2007-08 season and drove twice champion Alonso away, but it is beginning to dismantle Hamilton himself.
    I wonder for how long Mercedes will put up with this farcical situation.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    It seems that Hamilton has money to spare now that he doesn't pay his taxes in the UK:

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    If that's true, what a waste of money

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    According to a newspaper article, Ecclestone rates Alonso and Kubica as the best active F1 drivers. His comments had quite an angry undertone when referring about Hamilton. Wonder what was going on...

    This race could bring Kovalainen his first victory, by the way. I do not think that he'd have to hold back in favour of Hamilton but to take important points from the competition.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    I think no matter what McLaren will be behind Lewis and they should, just like how Ferrari was behind MS.

    Nothing wrong with it as long as they win.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    SlvSurfer said:
    I think no matter what McLaren will be behind Lewis and they should, just like how Ferrari was behind MS.

    Nothing wrong with it as long as they win.

    Yes, they were behind him last season in spite of having Alonso, a star driver and a double champion, in the team and ended up empty handed.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    easy_rider911 said:
    He screwed up so he should take his punishment like a man. He is showing every sign of being a product of this era in Britain under New Labour & Tony Blair etc where no one admits their mistake, no one ever resigns, the facts are lost amongst layer upon layer of 'media spin' etc etc.

    This is F1 my friend. People are rarely ever honest about anything and teams love covering stuff up. Pointing fingers at someone else or claiming that you're not the one at fault is typical. Just look back at the stunt Shumi pulled in Monaco back in 2006. That's was not very nice was it?

    Hamilton's "accident" was a joint factor of not just him not being inattentive but also because of the stupid pit lane rules. Either way him and Kimi have hugged it all out and stepped out of Ferrari motor home together yesterday.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    reginos said:
    easy_rider911 said:
    Another race this weekend. We've been a bit distracted by soccer here in Europe

    Some interesting articles appeared during the past couple of weeks. Alonso casting doubt on whether he may remain with Renault.

    Hamilton at first apologising "if" he ruined Kimi's race, then he watched the tapes and accepted his mistake and 10 place grid penalty, then he did a U-turn and started saying that his 10 place grid penalty was too harsh. Unbelievable.

    He screwed up so he should take his punishment like a man. He is showing every sign of being a product of this era in Britain under New Labour & Tony Blair etc where no one admits their mistake, no one ever resigns, the facts are lost amongst layer upon layer of 'media spin' etc etc.

    Hamilton needs to show some integrity and character here.

    Ron Dennis insistence on equal status not only destroyed McLarens 2007-08 season and drove twice champion Alonso away, but it is beginning to dismantle Hamilton himself.

    Strong competition makes you stronger and more motivated. Alonso and Hamilton was a fantastic duo, much more than Kimi and Massa. If it wasn't for the stupid spy scandal Mclaren would have won the constructors championship. Alonso and Hamilton accumulated a staggering amount of points together.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    I'm gonna risk myself !!!!!!

    WATCH OUT FOR ALONSO FOR Q3, he is going to do something important for tomorrow!!!!

    I predict a 3rd-4th place !!!!!

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Alex18_996CC said:
    I'm gonna risk myself !!!!!!

    WATCH OUT FOR ALONSO FOR Q3, he is going to do something important for tomorrow!!!!

    I predict a 3rd-4th place !!!!!

    He's going to be the only one driving light. Hamilton will be running on fumes. He will adopt an aggressive strategy like he did in Turkey. Expect him to qualify at the top but make three stops running very light allowing him to overtake an excessive number of cars. The work works fantastically and led the way in Monaco and Canda int erms of pace.

    Hamilton is an overtaking master and leap frogging 3-5 cars on the first lap won't be a problem. The MP-23 is very fast off the line and we have seen that a numerous times this season. My prediction is that Ferrari will get a 1-2 with Hamilton finishing 4th or 5th. That is if he drives a perfect as he did in Turkey where he really drove like champion and pushed the car to the limit.

    As for Alonso I doubt his Clio will cope with the stress he would have to impose on it to finish 3rd or 4th. That's simply to big a of leap from how the car has performed during the latest races. The reliability simply isn't there.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Emperor said:
    As for Alonso I doubt his Clio...................

    Fantastic, hadn't come across this line as yet, perfect . Alonso will probably crash again while over driving his car

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Alex18_996CC said:
    I'm gonna risk myself !!!!!!

    WATCH OUT FOR ALONSO FOR Q3, he is going to do something important for tomorrow!!!!

    I predict a 3rd-4th place !!!!!


    Alonso has R-E-T-U-R-N-E-D !!!!!!

    He did some amazing powerslides for the last two curves, before finishing Q3, they where absolutely amazing, but that really put his lap 0.1-0.2 slower !!!!!

    Again, I'm amazed !!!!!

    I'm afraid that if next season Alonso, goes to Ferrari....there wont be no F1 no more, it will be another Schumacher era.....poor Hamilton and company !!!!

    Tomorrow is going to be very interesting!!!!!!!

    btw, Alonso isn't that short in fuel (in case somebody returns with the same story!!! )

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Emperor said:
    reginos said:
    easy_rider911 said:
    Another race this weekend. We've been a bit distracted by soccer here in Europe

    Some interesting articles appeared during the past couple of weeks. Alonso casting doubt on whether he may remain with Renault.

    Hamilton at first apologising "if" he ruined Kimi's race, then he watched the tapes and accepted his mistake and 10 place grid penalty, then he did a U-turn and started saying that his 10 place grid penalty was too harsh. Unbelievable.

    He screwed up so he should take his punishment like a man. He is showing every sign of being a product of this era in Britain under New Labour & Tony Blair etc where no one admits their mistake, no one ever resigns, the facts are lost amongst layer upon layer of 'media spin' etc etc.

    Hamilton needs to show some integrity and character here.

    Ron Dennis insistence on equal status not only destroyed McLarens 2007-08 season and drove twice champion Alonso away, but it is beginning to dismantle Hamilton himself.

    Strong competition makes you stronger and more motivated. Alonso and Hamilton was a fantastic duo, much more than Kimi and Massa. If it wasn't for the stupid spy scandal Mclaren would have won the constructors championship. Alonso and Hamilton accumulated a staggering amount of points together.

    Yes, but it is the driver's title that counts most and this is what is remembered in years to come.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    very strange race, indeed !!!!!!

    How on earth Alonso finished 8th, starting 3rd, and having no problems whatsoever?????

    Thought Hamilton was going to finish at least 4th-5th position, but ended in a poor 10th position......

    And what the heck has Trulli done, to finish 3rd???, either way, I'm happy for Jarno, he really fighted for his 3rd position vs Kovalainen, he deserved it !!!!

    Kimi's exhaust issue ended up with a good result, thought he was going to retire in the next couple of laps....

    Alonso's start was pathetic, may be it was him when exiting the clutch , or may be its the pathetic R28, which I though it had evolved but its in the same league....

    The only happy ending was for Massa (I would like to see Felipe driving another car like for example a Williams, Red Bull, Renault, etc....., he wont even pass Q2 )....

    and the other happy ending was for Piquet Jr, finally he scored !!!!!!!, great for him !!!!, two points for Renault and in front of Alonso !!! , hope he stays in that level, at least !

    Again another Ferrari monopoly, quite boring indeed, except for Kimi's new exhaust system design !

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    ^^^It was only a Ferrari monoply because they have this track figured out. Before this race they've won here the last 7 times in a row(!). This makes 8.

    - I don't understand why Hamilton was penalized with a stop and go. He clearly passed the car on the inside but was not given the track to move back over so he had to cut the chicance. He could have easily push the other car off the track, but chose not to and gained no position or time because of it. Bad call Marshalls!

    - Congratulations to Toyota. About damn time.

    - Where did Red Bull go? This sort of high speed track favors them.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Emperor said:... Hamilton is an overtaking master and leap frogging 3-5 cars on the first lap won't be a problem. ]

    Really?? Hamilton is not as good as his marketing machine and fans say he is. Kimi can start in 13th position and finish 3rd - he has done that several times. Lewis can't, at least not yet.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    ADias said:
    Emperor said:... Hamilton is an overtaking master and leap frogging 3-5 cars on the first lap won't be a problem. ]

    Well that's not exactly fair. It's kind of hard to prove your passing skill when 95% of the field is behind you most of the time.

    And then he did make a clean inside pass during the race (as they say, if you can get your nose ahead, you have passed), but was penalized for the shortcutting the chicane - which I think was a sh*t penalty. He could have easily slammed the door and bullied the other car off the side of the track.

    Really?? Hamilton is not as good as his marketing machine and fans say he is. Kimi can start in 13th position and finish 3rd - he has done that several times. Lewis can't, at least not yet.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Everyone wrote Massa off after not scoring in the first two races - now he leads the Championship. Why is he given so little credit??

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Alonso had a miserable day didn't he? He got past by his rookie team mate in the end. That could have saved Piquet from being axed too I reckon. As for Hamilton, what a messy drive. You was clearly over driving.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    John H said:
    Everyone wrote Massa off after not scoring in the first two races - now he leads the Championship. Why is he given so little credit??

    Because he was the direct understudy of Schumi, and finished 4th in points in 07. Being under MS as an understudy lodges heavy expectations.

    And the beginning of this season he was looking pretty dreadful compared to Kimi and Ferrari knows that Kimi is not going to be an "F1 lifer" so to speak, so suddenly you have a underperformering driver on your roster along with a World Champion who may resign at the drop of dime.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Heist said:
    ^^^It was only a Ferrari monoply because they have this track figured out. Before this race they've won here the last 7 times in a row(!). This makes 8.

    - I don't understand why Hamilton was penalized with a stop and go. He clearly passed the car on the inside but was not given the track to move back over so he had to cut the chicance. He could have easily push the other car off the track, but chose not to and gained no position or time because of it. Bad call Marshalls!

    - Congratulations to Toyota. About damn time.

    - Where did Red Bull go? This sort of high speed track favors them.

    I have to say that from the in car footage it's really impossible to tell where the car Hamilton passed was. Considering Hamilton's speed though, a better line would not have helped him much, he would have just run into the back of the car in front of him.

    The same speed that made it possible for him to pass, made it impossible for him to take the corner without cutting it.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Is Hamilton mentally deranged? He is quoted as saying, "You can keep on giving me penalties, whatever you want. I'll keep battling and trying to come back with a result."

    Does he think that race officials and stewards are simply out to get him? He is in denial. Unable to see his mistakes. The fact is that he will get penalised if he breaks the rules. Simple as that. He needs to see the causal connection between him breaking rules and getting punished. Until that happens, he won't get anywhere. Perhaps he doesn't think the rules apply to him?

    He is making more and more mistakes as the pressure on him increases. I can remember Alonso making almost zero mistakes no matter how much pressure Schumi put on him as the season reached its climax. Great drivers don't make such mistakes. Hamilton made a dream start last year. He is himself throwing all that away by carelessness.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    easy_rider911 said:
    Is Hamilton mentally deranged? He is quoted as saying, "You can keep on giving me penalties, whatever you want. I'll keep battling and trying to come back with a result."

    Does he think that race officials and stewards are simply out to get him? He is in denial. Unable to see his mistakes. The fact is that he will get penalised if he breaks the rules. Simple as that. He needs to see the causal connection between him breaking rules and getting punished. Until that happens, he won't get anywhere. Perhaps he doesn't think the rules apply to him?

    He is making more and more mistakes as the pressure on him increases. I can remember Alonso making almost zero mistakes no matter how much pressure Schumi put on him as the season reached its climax. Great drivers don't make such mistakes. Hamilton made a dream start last year. He is himself throwing all that away by carelessness.

    Maybe he will mature before his honeymoon in F1 is over. His father should be trying to help him with that, unless he's the problem.

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix let see the replay!

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    Emperor said:
    reginos said:
    easy_rider911 said:
    Another race this weekend. We've been a bit distracted by soccer here in Europe

    Some interesting articles appeared during the past couple of weeks. Alonso casting doubt on whether he may remain with Renault.

    Hamilton at first apologising "if" he ruined Kimi's race, then he watched the tapes and accepted his mistake and 10 place grid penalty, then he did a U-turn and started saying that his 10 place grid penalty was too harsh. Unbelievable.

    He screwed up so he should take his punishment like a man. He is showing every sign of being a product of this era in Britain under New Labour & Tony Blair etc where no one admits their mistake, no one ever resigns, the facts are lost amongst layer upon layer of 'media spin' etc etc.

    Hamilton needs to show some integrity and character here.

    Ron Dennis insistence on equal status not only destroyed McLarens 2007-08 season and drove twice champion Alonso away, but it is beginning to dismantle Hamilton himself.

    Strong competition makes you stronger and more motivated. Alonso and Hamilton was a fantastic duo, much more than Kimi and Massa. If it wasn't for the stupid spy scandal Mclaren would have won the constructors championship. Alonso and Hamilton accumulated a staggering amount of points together.

    McLaren still would have lost the constuctors championship even without the spy scandal! After adding up Alonso's and Hamilton's points, be sure to subtract for the race where the team was stripped of points before the spy scandal outcome and they still lost (great team anyway).

    Re: French F1 Grand Prix

    easy_rider911 said:
    Is Hamilton mentally deranged? He is quoted as saying, "You can keep on giving me penalties, whatever you want. I'll keep battling and trying to come back with a result."

    Does he think that race officials and stewards are simply out to get him? He is in denial. Unable to see his mistakes. The fact is that he will get penalised if he breaks the rules. Simple as that. He needs to see the causal connection between him breaking rules and getting punished. Until that happens, he won't get anywhere. Perhaps he doesn't think the rules apply to him?

    He is making more and more mistakes as the pressure on him increases. I can remember Alonso making almost zero mistakes no matter how much pressure Schumi put on him as the season reached its climax. Great drivers don't make such mistakes. Hamilton made a dream start last year. He is himself throwing all that away by carelessness.

    Dude, relax. Hamilton's got a grand total of 3 MAJOR errors in his driving career thus far. Not too shabby for a ROOKIE! I think you forget for all his talent, he's only in his second year.

    What you have is a young man saying in other words is, " I make mistakes but penalities be damned, I'm going to give it my all to win no matter how many spots back I am."
    I want that sort of mentality on my team.

    The in-race penalty he received was completely unjust in my opinion. As I said earlier, he had inside position and his nose was ahead. He could have steered the other car off the track if he wanted but shortcutted the turn for the sake of both cars otherwise it would have been a wreck (something after the last race I'm sure weighed in the back of his mind).

    No position or time was made up because of it and he did it clearly to avoid an accident. Thus the penalty was unjust in my opinion.



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