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    I won't be driving in a while

    Hi folks,

    I was at the track (Braga circuit) yesterday with my GSX-R1000. It was a hot day and went lap after lap without stopping at all, only to put gas and back in again, I had a GREAT rythm, I had street tires but was doing very well inspite it and was very satisfied, but at the end of the morning my tires just gave up on me, they were street tires so they just got cooked! I should have stopped every 10 laps to allow the tyres to cool down like I ussually do but... Mid corner on a long left hander I was fully leaned with maintenance throttle waiting to open it up, but all of a sudden with all the inputs constant in the middle of the corner, the tires just gave out and the bike went under me, I didn't have a chance. I rolled but hit my hand pretty hard against the asfalt. Result: I'm sitting with here typing with my left hand and with a cast up to my elbow in my right: fractured scaphoid

    But thats not the end of the story, when I fell, I was so pissed that I picked up the bike myself with the bad wrist and drove into boxes to get a crew put in the gear level footpeg because it was broken, the rest of the damage was just scratches. So got a screw for a footpeg in gearlevel to be able to shift and went back out again! The pain was geting worse until it was really hard to drive so I stopped to put some ice to decrease the swelling. I checked the tires and the rear was in bad shape and looks like overinflated with the temp it reached (I had decreased the pressures for the track but still).

    In the mean while only one of the three ambulences available was left, the other two had to take some pilots to the hopital due to other accidents, last week they had to end the track day because they ran out of ambulances from the accidents

    After iceing it and grabbing something to eat, things were not getting better, wrist range of motion was fairly impaired and very painful but guess what? I'm going back out again! screw it! ... so I went out in the afternoon but lap after lap forcing the wrist but worsened and just got to a point were I could not use the front brake and changing direction was unbeareble so I had to retire. The worst part is that I had to drive the bike back 60mph back home still. By then I knew it was no bad wrist sprain and what I was fearing might be true, the scaphoid must of broken and had been beating on it all day long. Got x-rays done and sure enough, 1 month and a half in a cast now

    Here is a small sized only 500Kb clip at the track in the afternoon, when I should of been smart and gone to the hospital sooner:

    So I won't be posting much due to the difficulty I assume, but I will be lurking

    Re: I won't be driving in a while


    Great story!

    I am so sorry to hear about your wrist!

    Hope you recover soon!

    Your sporting spirit impresses me though! The way you got back on the track after the injury, even though it may not have been in your best interest.

    I'll have to check with Ron but we may be willing to make you an honorary Texan!

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Oh boy, Carlos, sorry to hear that.
    I hope you recover soon and try to see something good in it: it could have been worse.

    I heard that there were (and still are) record high temperatures in Spain over the past few days?
    Maybe this is why the tires got so hot, despite the fact that you lowered tire pressure?!

    All the best wishes and take care my friend,

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Some people may want to leave the track after a fall but may then get scared and insecure next time they go to the track, so you have face your ghosts and force yourself and get back out there and get your confidence back, otherwise you may not get it back ever

    GM Austin said:
    I'll have to check with Ron but we may be willing to make you an honorary Texan!

    That would be my honor my brother was born in Texas and one of my favorite all time motorcycle pilots was Kevin Schwantz... a Texan with a huge pair of "cojones" who's driving-style was a show within itself, must of been texas-style

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    I definately learned something from it, and hope others learn from my experience, NEVER TAKE ANY RISKS AT THE TRACK

    The mechanic told me that those stock tires could not handle so much continuous heat from the track temp and power of a 1000cc driving too close to the limit, and at max tilt the small grip was compromised. So it was my mistake in the end and could of have been avoided, either stopping every 20mins and checking tire pressures or putting on more aggressive track oriented street tires which was my intention but didn't have time in the end before the event

    I could of have been worse, the curve had an scape area with grass so I didn't "hit" anything, no wonder the ring has such a bad rep those close barriers. But I learned my lesson

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Hope you get better soon Carlos,

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    carlos fromspain said:
    I should of been smart and gone to the hospital sooner:

    Oh boy, Carlos, just think what you would say to one of your "customers" if he did things like this!

    Glad you came out of it so lightly. Get well soon.

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Carlos are a crazy guy!
    I think you took the good decision in going back on track because as you said, if you didn't, next time it would've been really hard!!! This is what happened to me couple of years ago, but I was quite too much injured to go back again and it took me almost one year to start riding again on the same lap times!

    By the way, which tyres did you have? and at what pressure?

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Hey Carlos we all learn from our mistakes. You exceeded the limits of your tires and I bought a Porsche. Sorry I could not resist.

    Hopefully, your recovery will be quick and uneventful.


    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Get well soon!

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Thanks for the kind words guys I can't picture not to be able to drive anything for so long... snif, snif...

    fritz said:
    Oh boy, Carlos, just think what you would say to one of your "customers" if he did things like this!

    I know, I know, its not exactly preaching through example but we have a saying here "en casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo" which means "in a smiths house, wooden knife"

    Captain Bady said:This is what happened to me couple of years ago, but I was quite too much injured to go back again and it took me almost one year to start riding again on the same lap times!

    By the way, which tyres did you have? and at what pressure?

    Sorry to hear that, I can say I got off easy on this one. I was using the stock Bridgestone BT-20 ot BT-12 (I can't remember the name now) running at 2 (front) & 3 (rear) PSI's bellow recommended, but maybe it should have been even less given the situation. I was going to put the Supercorsas on before the event but never got around to it

    nberry said:
    Hey Carlos we all learn from our mistakes. You exceeded the limits of your tires and I bought a Porsche. Sorry I could not resist.

    You just had to say it didn't you no mercy on a very sick man in his deathbed like me

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    carlos fromspain said:
    nberry said:
    Hey Carlos we all learn from our mistakes. You exceeded the limits of your tires and I bought a Porsche. Sorry I could not resist.

    You just had to say it didn't you no mercy on a very sick man in his deathbed like me

    Isn't Nick just a bright beam of sunlight.

    Never mind Carlos, you will have a little more time to come up with ripostes to his posts over the next few days, and you are more than a match for him even left-handed!

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    So sorry to hear that Carlos .

    You seem to be as hard headed as I'm, that is something I would do .

    Hope you recover soon; before you know it month & half is over .

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Carlos, I'm very sorry to hear about your accident but very pleased that you're okay. I'm even more pleased that you'll be able to continue to share your humor with us, even if it will take you twice as long to type it!

    Have a speedy recovery.

    Re: I won't be driving in a while


    I almost feel guilty, if you remember about a month ago I mentioned to you that I really love your Suzuki...

    Just recover fast as you can that is my wish!

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Hope you feel better soon! Alonso had a pretty good day today,so I hope that helped your recovery a bit. Michael was unbelievable though!

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Very sorry to hear of your misfortune, Carlos.

    God bless you to a speedy recovery.

    Your friend,

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Thanks guys, what hurts me more now is the guilt and remorse for the people around me becuase this stupid lession will take me off work for 1 & 1/2 months, which means that my father and brother will have to work more when they were supposed to work less becuase it is summertime, and the 3 week vacation in Orlando I was planning to celebrate my 6 year anniversary with my wife is off as well They are all really really cool about it but...

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    carlos fromspain said:
    ...and the 3 week vacation in Orlando I was planning to celebrate my 6 year anniversary with my wife is off as well

    Are you sure? I don't know, you should talk to your doctor. I'm pretty sure that a nice vacation will help to forget what happened and you also make your wife happy too.

    BTW: I gave up motorcycles a long time ago. I was doing some motocross in my first years (16-19) but I realized pretty fast that cars have one huge advantage: there is always some steel between me and the street.

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    I'm so sorry to hear about your accident Carlos. Hope you recover soon and go to Orlando to make yourself and your wife happy


    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    carlos, i just noticed this post...
    all the best to you for a speedy recovery!

    So I won't be posting much due to the difficulty I assume, but I will be lurking

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    My wife is a DisneyWorld fan (and I am a rolllercoaster and thrill ride junkie so that works well) and I was going to book a room at the Polinesian Resort for 3 weeks but the reason I'm not going anymore is because since I'll be already 1.5 months off due to the cast and therefore my brother and father have to work extra to take care of my patiens which need treatment, I won't take 3 more weeks to go to Orlando afterwards and next year will probably be out of the question cause we were planning on starting to have kids.

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Polinesian Resort for 3 weeks

    Dont tell us you are going to skip Bora Bora

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Ohhh!!! Carlos, best wishes for a quick recovery!!. Hope your bike is in good condition as well !!.
    I'll say what Carlos Sainz's mom says, "!!tú corre mucho hijo pero ten cuidado!!"(Just speed as much as you can, son, but be careful !!)

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Good luck, Carlos! Get well soon!

    Maybe you should ask your Porsche dealer for a car with automatic transmission...?

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    carlos fromspain said:
    and next year will probably be out of the question cause we were planning on starting to have kids.

    Welcome to the Club. We go every year to Orlando...since we're married (almost 11 years), we didn't miss one year.
    My wife loves Disneyworld, Sea World, all that stuff...we always enjoy our stay there. Afterwards we usually go for a week or 10 days to the beach in Fort Lauderdale.

    Kids? Perfect. We went to Orlando when our girl was 6 months old. We went there when our girl was 17 months old. And we went there... To make it short: our little girl is 3 years and 8 months old and she already has 4(!) US entry stamps in her ID.

    But of course I have to "warn" you: it won't be the same as without kids, so maybe you want to go there one more last time to enjoy yourself with your wife.
    This year, my girl really enjoyed her stay in Disneyworld, we even took her to the Pirates, Medievial Times and La Nuba (Cirque de Soleil) shows. People "warned" us that she's too little but can you believe it, she's only 3 years old but she enjoyed it so much. She danced, she asked so many questions about what she saw, it was unbelievable. Even now she sometimes remembers and talks about the last US holiday, she calls the US "Mickey's land" and she nags us almost every day to go back. She's a bright kid (she started to walk at 10 months and said her first words at this age too, at 18 months she knew the whole alphabet and was able to read all letters and numbers up to 10 and since she is 2, she can write(!) her name, she can read short words like Mama, Dada, Opa, Oma, etc. and now at 3 she can write(!) all letters from the Alphabet incl. short words, she can say the alphabet in german and english I stop before people think I'm just a dumb proud father... ).
    Next year, we'll take our baby boy with us, this year we left him with my mother-in-law because he was a little bit too small (only 4 months old) and we wanted our girl (and us ) to really enjoy this holiday.
    I'm afraid our baby boy doesn't walk or talk yet (he is 10 months old now like our girl when she started to walk and talk) but he can sit by himself, he can stand up on his feet by himself and...he already has 8 teeth. Well, boys always are a little bit behind girls...

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Get well soon.

    I'm already missing your anti-Merc sentiments

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    Sorry to hear about your accident. Fortunately the damage to you wasn't worse. Get well soon.

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    ///AMG Mercedes said:
    I'm already missing your anti-Merc sentiments

    Carlos, that sounds like a challenge!

    Re: I won't be driving in a while

    RC said:
    carlos fromspain said:
    Welcome to the Club. We go every year to Orlando...since we're married (almost 11 years), we didn't miss one year.
    My wife loves Disneyworld, Sea World, all that stuff...we always enjoy our stay there. Afterwards we usually go for a week or 10 days to the beach in Fort Lauderdale.

    Kids? Perfect. We went to Orlando when our girl was 6 months old. We went there when our girl was 17 months old. And we went there... To make it short: our little girl is 3 years and 8 months old and she already has 4(!) US entry stamps in her ID.

    But of course I have to "warn" you: it won't be the same as without kids, so maybe you want to go there one more last time to enjoy yourself with your wife.

    That was exactly our intention, we go every two years and they way we visit there, with small kids is out of the question until maybe they are 8 yoa.

    RC said:
    carlos fromspain said:
    This year, my girl really enjoyed her stay in Disneyworld, we even took her to the Pirates, Medievial Times and La Nuba (Cirque de Soleil) shows. People "warned" us that she's too little but can you believe it, she's only 3 years old but she enjoyed it so much. She danced, she asked so many questions about what she saw, it was unbelievable. Even now she sometimes remembers and talks about the last US holiday, she calls the US "Mickey's land" and she nags us almost every day to go back. She's a bright kid (she started to walk at 10 months and said her first words at this age too, at 18 months she knew the whole alphabet and was able to read all letters and numbers up to 10 and since she is 2, she can write(!) her name, she can read short words like Mama, Dada, Opa, Oma, etc. and now at 3 she can write(!) all letters from the Alphabet incl. short words, she can say the alphabet in german and english I stop before people think I'm just a dumb proud father... ).

    Nothing wrong with being proud of that though kids may develop at different speeds, she may be a gifted child. If by 8 years of age you notice she may be different than children her age I suggest a psychologist to confirm this because gifted children need "special" care and special needs. Many people don't know this but its kind of like a handicap that may give the child problems but if addressed corectly she will develop her full potential and it become an asset. Its a very interesting subject.



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