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    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    fritz said:
    69bossnine said:
    Why are world events and social movements alwasy dictated by the fringe-extreme-maniac-nut-cases??

    Easy answer is, 'cos everyone else is out enjoying life instead of dictating.

    LOL!!! Touche'....

    It's a touchy subject, that of over-population, and balancing it with freedom. Very touchy. But there's a point at which we can only help each other so much. If population continues to increase at an exponential rate, you can't expect anything other than tragedy and starvation to follow. Regardless of how much beef is consumed, you still arrive at the same ending if population continues to explode. You're just DELAYING the inevitible with your debate and your lifestyle... Another case of obsessing on curing the symptoms, rather than the disease...

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    AUM said:
    I have not eaten meat for 30 years so I have forgotten how it tastes.

    Obviously most people like the taste, but there are similar tasting meat-free alternatives (like seitan) that do not require the spilling of innocent blood.

    Really? Does this mean you have refrained from purchasing cars with leather interiors? Do you buy leather shoes?alternatives to both abound...... if not, with all due respect you are not walking the walk.

    Btw, I attended an event last month which included (veggie vegan) U.S. congressman Dennis Kucinich, he may technically have a healthy diet but he looks horrible!

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    Damian said:
    Btw, I attended an event last month which included (veggie vegan) U.S. congressman Dennis Kucinich, he may technically have a healthy diet but he looks horrible!

    It's not just the diet, it's the combination of the diet and the worrying and the ranting....

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    69bossnine said:We get so focused in on the here and now, and forget how old the earth is, and what a pimple on the ass of earth the human race is....

    How is this for a pimple: The planet has been around for 5 billion years and its got about 4 more until the sun dies out. And we Homo Sapiens have been around for the last 150 thousand years of those 5 billion. Nor was H.Sapiens the only "human" hominid species to roam this earth, i.e. H. Neardentalis that dissapeared only 50k years or less. Just around the time when we H.Sapien Europeans came to Europe a.k.a the Cro-Magnon man.

    Over 99,9% of that time the Homo Sapiens have been since the start, meat-eating hunters & gatherers omnivores, and evolved and developed their phyisiology from earlier also meat eating hominids. To say humans are supposed to be vegetarians or that killing for food is anything else than just a part of the circle of life is just plain ignorance.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    Purification of the Body

    The fundamental human problem is unconsciousness. This is the reason for the spiritual discipline of cultivating awareness: it brings the healing power of divine light into the darkness of your body, mind and soul.
    When you follow your unconscious desires the result is usually more suffering. Most people are creating more trouble for themselves; their hurtful actions inevitably return as their future suffering.
    When the time comes for purification you are blessed. You stop polluting your body with unhealthy food and habits. You are attracted to a more positive lifestyle that increases sensitivity and respect both for yourself and for all of God's creatures. You are interested in freedom from your unconscious past.
    Before that time arrives you will continue with your unhealthy, uncaring diet and habits. You are pulled by your lust for the flesh of sentient creatures and by your greedy mind into more trouble.
    It takes a long time for conscious sensitivity to arise without denial or repression of destructive desires. Hence spiritual teachers suggest a discipline to help you to live more positively, and thus to stop hurting yourself and others in the interim.
    The new way of Unity has one primary ethical principle: Do no harm to any creature, including yourself. When you violate this law, it always brings suffering.
    The time has come for sincere seekers to understand and apply this law. Your body is a temple of God. It is time for you to stop defiling your temple with unhealthy food and habits. No repression is needed, just a little more sensitivity to yourself and all sentient creatures.
    The healthiest and least exploitive diet for people of all ages and conditions is organic vegan wholefood. Eat anything you want from this category.
    It is animal products that cause the most damage to you, the animals and the Earth. Cattle are an extremely inefficient food source.
    Sixteen kilograms of grains and legumes are required to create one kilogram of beef. Ninety percent of all the grains and legumes grown in the United States are fed to animals - they consume ten times more protein and food calories than the American people themselves.
    Huge areas of rainforest are destroyed to grow food for beef production. Meanwhile millions of people are malnourished or starve to death for lack of the grains and legumes that are fed to cattle. Meat is literally murder.
    Milk and dairy products are unhealthy and exploitive; they are also an inefficient protein source. Dairy production wastes essential resources and causes extensive environmental degradation. Soya milk and other healthy and more efficient alternatives are readily available.
    Junk food and sugar are also very bad for your health and are best avoided totally. Many delicious and healthy alternatives can be found easily.
    Raw fruit and vegetables often contain some harmful organisms. Parasites are a major health problem and are present in many serious diseases. It is prudent to cook or purify all raw fruit and vegetables to prevent infestation with parasites and harmful microbes. Fruit, vegetables and their juices can be purified with citrus seed extract, hydrogen peroxide or colloidal silver.
    Your unconscious eating habits create the diseases of excess that fill the hospitals of the developed world with a multitude of sick and obese people. The cost is high; the USA wastes 14% of its GDP on health care that would not be needed if we changed to a vegan wholefood diet. Your degeneration is gradual and not noticed until you become seriously ill. By then it is too late.
    Take this challenge to clean up your act: commit yourself to a healthy and harmless way of eating and living. Start today.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    AUM said:
    Soya milk and other healthy and more efficient alternatives are readily available.

    They are currently readily available only because there is so little demand for them.
    If half the world's population were to suddenly start eating tofu it would probably lead to the First Soya War.
    We are already seeing what an attempted conversion to ethanol fuel is doing to the supply of agricultural products.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    fritz said:
    AUM said:
    Soya milk and other healthy and more efficient alternatives are readily available.

    They are currently readily available only because there is so little demand for them.
    If half the world's population were to suddenly start eating tofu it would probably lead to the First Soya War.
    We are already seeing what an attempted conversion to ethanol fuel is doing to the supply of agricultural products.

    Farm animals eat most of the word's soya. If we fed this soya directly to humans there would be enough for everyone.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    Makes me hungry for Peter Luger.. Come on, I'm buyin! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm~~~~~~~~

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    OT alert!

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    I agree that balance is important and that my friend is what you are failing to see. Never before on the this earth has there been a species that has plundered, abused and destroyed the ecological systems our planet earth has had for its defense.

    Today there is no balance and the earth is unable to compensate for the pillage that is taking place by a species that has a total disregarding for fellow species and the planet they live on. This will destroy the habitability of the planet for future generations.

    Those that believe humans were born carnivores just are not informed. Most informed physicians today have concluded we are herbivores.

    Those that believe raising and slaughter animals for food is cost effective do not know the facts. It has been proven that if humans would go from pasturage (use of land to raise animals for slaughter) to agronomy (use and management of the soil for plant production)we would be able to feed at least ten times the amount we feed today.

    Truth be told is we humans are a parasite on this planet and bent on destroying it as fast as we can. The shame of it is we cannot help ourselves. We are what we are.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    AUM said:
    The fundamental human problem is unconsciousness. This is the reason for the spiritual discipline of cultivating awareness: it brings the healing power of divine light into the darkness of your body, mind and soul...

    With all due respect, this is were I stopped reading. I always found hard to believe how some people can act upon pseudoreligious confabulations/make belief as if they were true

    I myself if I want to know about the universe I turn to cosmology not astrology, if I want to know about the mind I turn to neurscience not spirituality books, and if I want to know about ourselves I turn to anthropology and sociology, not reality shows on TV or preachers. But thats just me, to each his own

    Here is a book I recommend which I'm actually reading right now: "The Accidental Mind" by David. Linden and there is a chapter on the religiuos impulse too
    (careful this book may contain actual facts and scientific based knowledge )

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    Carlos from Spain said:Here is a book I recommend which I'm actually reading right now: "The Accidental Mind" by David. Linden and there is a chapter on the religiuos impulse too

    Looks good - thanks for the tip!

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    nberry said:Those that believe humans were born carnivores just are not informed. Most informed physicians today have concluded we are herbivores.

    Nick, please. Inform yourself better, this is like we come from Adam and Eve or that most scientists do not believe in evolution and believe in creationism.

    Humans = Homo Sapiens (and Neardentalis). Homo Sapiens arose in Africa around 150,000 years and their diet from the start has been "proven" to be omnivore, specifically from hunting and gathering, and has "proven" to have continued so until the recent modern history.

    Never, I repeat, never have humans been vegetarians at any point in time. We have been born meat eating omnivores since the first humans appeared on this platet. Furthermore our ansestors Homo Erectus, were also onminovores for as far back a a million years, so not only the recent humans... to be able to find vegetarians in our ancestor tree you would have to go as back as 5-6 million years to were our branch separated from our comon ancestor of the other great african apes. Which by the way, their current decendants (gorrillas, bonobos, and chimpances) also eat meat from time to time.

    And finally some food for thought: if our ancestors would have not turned to a meat eating diet, we would have never been able to delevop such a brain! Yes, with veggies as a sole food source it would have been physiologically imposible, and you and I would probably be sitting on a tree branch picking parasites off our fur so in a sense, you owe meat-eating the fact that you can enjoy sportcars

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    Carlos from Spain said:
    nberry said:Those that believe humans were born carnivores just are not informed. Most informed physicians today have concluded we are herbivores.

    Nick, please. Inform yourself better, this is like we come from Adam and Even and or that most scientists do not believe evolution and believe in creationism.

    Humans = Homo Sapiens (and Neardentalis). Homo Sapiens around in Africa around 150,000 years and their diet from the start has been "proven" to be omnivore, specifically from hunting and gathering, and has "proven" to have continued so until recent modern history and the made up vegie diet. Never, I repeat never have humans been vegetarians before that. We have been born meat eating omnivores since the first humans appeared on this platet. Furthermore our ansestors Homo Erectus, were also onminovores for as far back a a million years, not only the recent humans... to find vegetarians in our ancestor tree you would have to go as back as 5-6 million years to were our brach separated from the other african great apes. Which by the way their current decendants (gorrillas, bonobos, and chimpances) also eat meat from time to time.

    And finally some food for thought: if our ancestors would have not turned to a meat eating diet, we would have never been able to delevop such a brain (yes, with veggies as a sole food source it would have been physiologically imposible) and you and I would probably be sitting on a tree brach picking parasites of our fur

    don't forget those 4 pointy teeth that we all have

    You know, the ones that are just perfect for tearing leaves from their branches

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    Carlos, you are in need of information. Since your recommending books read Richard Dawkins "Our Ancestor's Tale.

    It scientifically traces the evolution of humans starting from today working backward. Our ancestors were vegetarians.

    Regarding the propriety of vegetarianism you may want to study this link for your edification. It only proves what I have been stating that we were born herbivores and since changing to omnivores our health has deteriorated.

    In the future I will do my best to keep you informed.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    nberry said:
    Carlos, you are in need of information. Since your recommending books read Richard Dawkins "Our Ancestor's Tale.

    It scientifically traces the evolution of humans starting from today working backward. Our ancestors were vegetarians.

    Nick, why don't you explain based on what I just told you, how we were born vegetarians?

    Which ancestors? pre-hominids, Australopthecus, H. Habilis, H.Erectus, etc?

    When in the history if the Human Sapiens Sapiens when were we ever vegetarians?

    I could say is louder but not clearer, the paleoanthropologist comunity has proven that we have been omnivores from over a million years, even way before humans have appeared (through electron microscope studies of their teeth, stidies of their fosilised feces, isotope analysis on bones, type tool marks on animal bones found, etc, etc, etc).
    We started to introduce meat about 5 million years ago. How far back do you want to go to make some sort of a case?

    I think you are confused. You read that over injestion of red meat is harmful, and you are mislead (intentionally by others or not) to believe that we were not made to eat any type of meat. Just because some people may advocate that a vegetarian diet may be healthy diet (though a "balanced" omnivore diet is regarded as the healthiest), it does not mean that we were born vegetarians. Just like avoiding direct sunlight exposure maybe healthy for our skin doesnt mean we were born to live indoors and "some" sunlight is good.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    fritz said:
    AUM said:
    Soya milk and other healthy and more efficient alternatives are readily available.

    They are currently readily available only because there is so little demand for them.
    If half the world's population were to suddenly start eating tofu it would probably lead to the First Soya War.
    We are already seeing what an attempted conversion to ethanol fuel is doing to the supply of agricultural products.

    Look I don't want to get involved in this food fight (I'm with the Boss on this one), but the argument that Soy and the like are more available because of low demand is contrary to all the laws of supply and demand - that I'm aware of, at least.

    Bioethanol is a case in point - it has become so popular and therefore available it is making other commodities (food!) scarcer. By the way, the reason why bioethanol is bad is that for corn / maize at least, it is a pretty crap way of generating energy - the energy required by the process of brewing and distillation is almost as much (more?) than that contained in the end product!!!

    You're confusing the availability of a renewable resource (Soy) whose availability *increases* with demand, with that of a finite and relatively scarce resource (diamonds, or maybe one day oil), which *may* become less available and more pricey over the very long term. Even the cost/availability of these finite resources generally don't strictly relate to demand - because we're such inventive and adaptable little sods, availability and price tends to be cyclic.

    Any commodities traders lurking on this thread I'm sure could do a zillion times better than me on this one... I just hope I've got the basics right.

    Sorry, how did we get from sports cars to Soy again?

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    Carlos read this and tell me you still believe humans were designed as carnivores. The case that we are herbivores is not in dispute. Honestly, the evidence is overwhelming and I am puzzled as to why an intelligent person like yourself is still holding out. Very reminiscent of those that believed the sun revolved around the earth.

    Read and learn.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101mph

    in a perfect world.

    the dept of motor of vehicles of any place
    would have a driver qualification program
    pay more, have more training, go faster.....
    But we have to settle for the lowest common
    denominator. The [beep] driving the SUV
    on the cell phone with tires low on pressure.
    Because of the [beep] above all else suffer.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101mph

    A Divine Temple

    Consumption of animal products has a major negative impact on humans and the environment. Little can be done about such barbarity while most people are ignorant of the harmful effects of eating animal products, and while the murder of animals is condoned by society.

    Health is largely a reflection of diet; you are what you eat. Recent research verifies that cancer, heart problems and degenerative diseases are linked directly to an excessive intake of animal products and junk food. We are eating ourselves to slow and painful deaths.

    We have no nutritional need to eat animals; this is an unnecessary murder of innocent creatures. Soon we will cease all violence towards sentient creatures; we will live in harmony with nature and with our true needs.

    We will look back with disbelief at our present epidemic of self-inflicted disease, and we will shudder at our unnecessary cruelty to innocent creatures. All animals, not just human animals, have a right to freedom from violence and abuse.

    An organic vegan wholefood diet is healthy for humans; it obviates the killing of animals and the squandering of water, crops, land and other vital resources that are used in raising livestock.

    Veganism will allow the Earth to sustain six to ten billion people with high-quality nutrition without harming the Earth or any creature; veganism is the diet for the new dawn. Your body is a divine temple. Now it is time to start treating it as such.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    nberry said:
    Carlos read this and tell me you still believe humans were designed as carnivores. The case that we are herbivores is not in dispute. Honestly, the evidence is overwhelming and I am puzzled as to why an intelligent person like yourself is still holding out. Very reminiscent of those that believed the sun revolved around the earth.

    Read and learn.

    Nick, the problem is were you get your information from. You think that a page from "Go Veg" is a scientific and unbias source of information? The information on that page in wrong, skewed and manipulated intentionally to fit an agenda. Just like you will find pseudo-scientific articles against evolution for example, because of the regilous based creationist agenda.

    I suggest you look into anthropology books, documetaries, etc. for yourself. What I'm saying is not debated anymore in the scientific comunity, we have shifted to including meat in our diet since 5 million years ago, and we have had the last 5 million years adaptation to it, and our decendants in the hominid genus have been always onmivores. And manking has always been onmivore since the dawn of its history. Not carnovores, nor hervivores. You simply can't change history. 5 million years is just around the time we adapted to bipedalism too, should we also walk on four limbs too?

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    TO ALL: I am now very sorry I used eating meat as an example to illustrate my point. Seems it took the thread off at somewhat of an angle.

    To get back to the original thread, I noticed this link today:

    Here's the beginning...


    Cutting CO2 or a Sneak Attack on Porsche, Ferrari?:

    By Doron Levin

    July 10 (Bloomberg) -- If one of the more extreme responses to global warming comes true, driving a sports car anywhere but on a racetrack might be relegated to history's dustbin.

    Fast, powerful cars within a few years may be outlawed in Europe, an idea that has been raised ostensibly because Ferraris and Porsches produce too much carbon dioxide. For those who abhor sports cars as vulgar symbols of affluence (along with vacation homes, furs and fancy jewelry), such a ban could be a two-fer: Saving the planet while cutting economic inequality.

    Who are these people anyway who decide on behalf of everyone what car is proper to drive? In the U.S. they're members of Congress, which is considering fuel-efficiency standards that will affect vehicle size. In Europe, it's the ministers and parliamentarians of the European Union, which wants to limit how much CO2 cars can emit as a proxy for a fuel- consumption standard.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    I got close to 30(uk)mpg out of my BoxsterS yesterday on a 300 mile trip without driving de-spiritedly. I think that's pretty damn good! Certainly compared to older, badly serviced cars and execs.

    There was an article on the radio this morning that stated that 25% of the UK greenhouse gas emissions are down to cows and sheep burping and parping methane. Scientists are doing research into how to reduce cow-burp emissions by changing their food. I think they should fit them with collecting devices to collect all this useful fuel. Ballons on their backs or something. You'd have to put corks on their horns though.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    How about we cut greenhouse gasses by going vegan and then drive as fast as we like in powerful cars (with a clear conscience)?

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    Carlos ignore the article at your peril. It is well documented and provides indisputable proof we are herbivores.

    Do you, your wife and child a favor; slowly phase out meat and learn to eat and love a vegetarian diet. It will be the single most important life style decision you will make. I assure you, you will never regret it and your progeny will thank you for it.

    Regarding the dismal future of high performance sport cars, I have been stating this for sometime. We the owners of these cars are dinosaurs with a very poor future.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    LOL!!!!! WOW!!!!! Just WOW!!!

    Any hey, while we're all clicking on links for "educational reading", allow me to suggest that you visit to read up on the perils of capitalism!!! Nick, I assure you, it is "well documented and provides indisputable proof" we are spawns of Satan.

    Let's face it, if I really wanted to waste 10 minutes of my life, I could find some treatise online offering "scientific" proof that hot dogs, taken anally, cure Alzheimer's disease.... But only beef, with natural casings..

    Introducing children to a vegetarian diet is child abuse, I've seen too many children so-raised, and they either look like anemic death warmed-over, or they're just fat-asses. It's always one or the other....

    I'll put my 997 title on the line against any vegan on this forum who can pin me arm-wrestling!!! (What the hell, if we're going to have a ridiculous debate, why not toss out a ridiculous challenge.... Besides, I'll flatten ya' )

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    AUM said:
    How about we cut greenhouse gasses by going vegan and then drive as fast as we like in powerful cars (with a clear conscience)?

    Sorry, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still going to eat meat. Taking it out of my diet is not an option.

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    SoCal Alan said:
    AUM said:
    How about we cut greenhouse gasses by going vegan and then drive as fast as we like in powerful cars (with a clear conscience)?

    Sorry, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still going to eat meat. Taking it out of my diet is not an option.

    I must agree with Nick, though. The fact that humans have four stomachs PROVES that we are a vegetarian species. No, wait... We do have 4 stomachs, right?

    All the vegans I know are pale, low energy and downright depressing to be around. Who wants to live longer in that state - they are de facto dead, anyway. Meat is an absolutely necessary part of human nutrition and anybody telling you otherwise is a nutjob. Sure, using anabolic substances in order to induce more tissue growth in livestock is problem, which is what leads to the widely publicized health risks of meat consumption, but that is easy to fix. Meat in itself has a huge array of benefits; provides you with crucial minerals (good luck finding enough bioavailable zinc in vegetables), provides the building blocks for the human body (vegetable protein is vastly inferior) and downright tastes good. Also, don't forget that the human body NEEDS a certain amount of saturated fats in order to function properly - nonetheless for testosterone production. Substitute a good beef steak with soy and see what that does to your testosterone levels.

    AUM, again, why should we care that soy could feed the rest of the world? Why are WE to blame that other people are hungry? We have been hearing this for many years now and nobody seems to pose a very rational question: "Why are people hungry?" I can tell you right now that if Africa reduces its population from 1 billion to 300 million and Asia from 4 billion to 2 billion, the population which they had 40 years ago, all these debates would be moot. The fact is that those people are the ones that are selfish. Bringing as many children as possible into the world, so that 5 out of 10 may survive into adulthood and provide for them in old age. THAT is selfish and I don't see why we should tear down our lifestyles for people who regard their children first and foremost as a future meal ticket .

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m


    it's an easy choice for me

    Re: New EU cars after 2012 to be incapable of 101m

    sdy284 said:


    it's an easy choice for me ;!

    Please! Be serious. WhoEVER could refuse the tasty leafy goodness, made of chlorophyl and fibers?



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