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    Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    He's been going over the grass in turn one three times now, including once at the start.

    So much for being a better driver than M Schumacher....
    (and bad mouthing him for driving recklessly when under pressure)

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    And now he got a drive through for pitting when the pitlane was closed

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    OMG, I hope Kubica is alright after a horrible crash...

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    4 safety cars! What an eventful race.
    Hope Kubica recovers quickly.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Great result for Hamilton.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Most enjoyable race in years at one of the best tracks for spectators. Good for hamilton and Sato passing alonso at the end.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Alonso didnt look comfortable at all, but I have to say, his car didn't look up to snuff. To be passed by that Super Aguri through the straights? Not exactly tip top McLaren

    then again, it did take a lot of damage when he ran off course and all of the debree. What a chaotic race, but extremely eventful


    Biggest Winners:

    Hamilton- Seems like all of the problems that are afflicting the other members of the big 4 are washing off him. He looked poised and stable. After every re-start he simply pulled away from Heidfeld. Too easy...

    Sato- What a race for him and Super Aguri! The pass on Alonso was especially brilliant! A real testament that money doesn't always lead to success in F1 (note BAR-Honda). It takes engineering prowess, skill and balls

    Heidfeld- Great weekend for him, he's really showing what BMW is able to do in their first legitimate season after the takeover

    Kovaleinen- Who would have expected it, especially after all of his practice/qualifying woes. Congrats

    Wurz- What? How? All jokes aside, he raced well and benefited from some good breaks



    Button- Not his fault, but will eventually be on his back

    Massa- An unforgivable mistake that basically gave a 15 point swing to McLaren and Hamilton in both respective championships. I would like some clarification on why he was black flagged and Alonso/Rosberg were only given a drive through, but simply not a mistake you can afford, especially on a low-downforce track (which should be condusive for Ferrari)

    Raikkonen- If he keeps racing like this, he may get dumped by the Scuderia

    Alonso- Looks like Montoyitis is contagious for some people at McLaren

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Hurst said:

    Massa- An unforgivable mistake that basically gave a 15 point swing to McLaren and Hamilton in both respective championships. I would like some clarification on why he was black flagged and Alonso/Rosberg were only given a drive through, but simply not a mistake you can afford, especially on a low-downforce track (which should be condusive for Ferrari)

    Raikkonen- If he keeps racing like this, he may get dumped by the Scuderia

    Alonso- Looks like Montoyitis is contagious for some people at McLaren

    The final humiliation for Alonso was being passed by a Super Aguri in the final laps But it looked like he was missing a couple of gers, he was extremely slow out of the tight corners.

    I think the difference between drive through and black flag was that Alonso entered the pits when it was closed because the safety car was being deployed, while Massa left the pits when the light was red.

    Yes, it looks like Kimi is a has-been already...

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    @ temm

    Alonso HAD to come to the pits due to lack of fuel, he could'nt avoid it, because if he would have stayed out longer on the track, he could'nt finish the race!

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    temm said:
    Yes, it looks like Kimi is a has-been already...

    I say it again: in this season Schuhmacher would have scored better than Kimi so far.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    temm said:
    He's been going over the grass in turn one three times now, including once at the start.

    So much for being a better driver than M Schumacher....
    (and bad mouthing him for driving recklessly when under pressure)

    At the end of the race Im sure there were something wrong with a car , becasue with everything working OK Sato would never pass him...

    For mistakes in first corner.. at that stage of the race car seemed OK, because he made the fastest lap and he had good pace... mybie he wanted to much and this is reason why he lost a car, but is strange that duble world champion would repeated same mistake in same corner 4 times.. mybie he wasnt happy with tyres or with set up..

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    a LOT of people had trouble in that corner...Rosberg, Truli, Raikkonen, Alonso, Liutzi, Sato etc...the only person who seemed unfazed was Hamilton, probably because he had no traffic to worry about...

    the track was very demanding today and it showed in the sheer number of cautions

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Rossi said:
    temm said:
    Yes, it looks like Kimi is a has-been already...

    I say it again: in this season Schuhmacher would have scored better than Kimi so far.

    Maybe Schumacher will replace Raikkonen in next races... it seems the best solution for Ferrari if they want to stay in battle for WDC

    I wont be suprised if Raikkonen became next "Barichello" in Ferrari to support Massa for WDC.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Rossi said:
    temm said:
    Yes, it looks like Kimi is a has-been already...

    I say it again: in this season Schuhmacher would have scored better than Kimi so far.

    Schumi would be leading the championship if he was still around

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Raikonnen is really not performing..wonder how this affects things within the Ferrari team on a management/political level.. most of the stories last year were that the reason Schumacher was effectively forced out were because Luca signed Kimi and gave Schumacher an ultimatum. Both Jean Todt and Ross Brawn were allegedly against signing Kimi and wanted to stick with Schumacher/Massa for 2007.

    In hindsight, that now looks like one of the biggest cock ups in recent racing history.

    As for the McLaren situation, again a very interesting situation, as the rookie is presently making the highly paid world champion look very ordinary. The reality is Alonso does throw tantrums when things do not go his way, and while he could have done that in Renault, where the team was so reliant upon him, will McLaren put up with him if he acts like he did in Monza last year?

    Either way, a fascinating season... and yes, if Schumacher was still in a Ferrari, he would surely be in a very good position right now..

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    best race i watched in years, hamilton has the consistancy of a robot! amazing guy, i am happy for him. alonso showed he cant handle pressure , and kimi is the new jean alesi

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Rossi said:
    temm said:
    Yes, it looks like Kimi is a has-been already...

    I say it again: in this season Schuhmacher would have scored better than Kimi so far.

    Are you seriously comparing Raikkonen and Schumacher

    This is like comparing the brand new micro Fiat with the Enzo...

    Maybe you had too much wine this evening

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    MKSGR said:
    Rossi said:
    temm said:
    Yes, it looks like Kimi is a has-been already...

    I say it again: in this season Schuhmacher would have scored better than Kimi so far.

    Are you seriously comparing Raikkonen and Schumacher

    This is like comparing the brand new micro Fiat with the Enzo...

    Maybe you had too much wine this evening

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    cgt said:
    Raikonnen is really not performing..wonder how this affects things within the Ferrari team on a management/political level.. most of the stories last year were that the reason Schumacher was effectively forced out were because Luca signed Kimi and gave Schumacher an ultimatum. Both Jean Todt and Ross Brawn were allegedly against signing Kimi and wanted to stick with Schumacher/Massa for 2007.

    In hindsight, that now looks like one of the biggest cock ups in recent racing history.

    As for the McLaren situation, again a very interesting situation, as the rookie is presently making the highly paid world champion look very ordinary. The reality is Alonso does throw tantrums when things do not go his way, and while he could have done that in Renault, where the team was so reliant upon him, will McLaren put up with him if he acts like he did in Monza last year?

    Either way, a fascinating season... and yes, if Schumacher was still in a Ferrari, he would surely be in a very good position right now..

    Well, I think the issue is a bit more complicated than "Hamilton is Good, Alonso is Overated" or "Schummacher was amazing, Raikkonen is trash"

    there is a clear indication that a repoire between the managment and the driver is condusive towards success in F1.

    Look at the last two years. Briatore and Alonso were like fraternal brothers. Any issue Alonso had, he was able to communicate and work with Briatore, who was then able to disseminate the orders to get the job done. We all know what Schummacher brought in terms of communicating with managment and with the engineers in terms of improving performance.

    Right now, I think there is a disconnect between Denis and Alonso. Remember, Hamilton has been Denis' pet project for over 10 years now. They clearly have a better connection... Also, Raikkonen is notoriously difficult in terms of working with the team for the sake of development.

    I think Massa learned alot under Schummacher's wing and that's why he's having more success than Rai. I think Alonso and Raikkonen need to get in the loop if they are going to salvage their championship aspirations

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    MKSGR said:
    Rossi said:
    temm said:
    Yes, it looks like Kimi is a has-been already...

    I say it again: in this season Schuhmacher would have scored better than Kimi so far.

    Are you seriously comparing Raikkonen and Schumacher

    This is like comparing the brand new micro Fiat with the Enzo...

    Maybe you had too much wine this evening

    Well, we have to compare Raikkonen with Schumacher, since the first replaced the latter. At least one year too early if you ask me...

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    I was surprised at Alonso going wide in the first corner, it's not like him to make mistakes like that. One has to wonder if his car was up to snuff as he was passed by an Aguri at the end of the race.

    It was exciting to see Wurz get on the podium, even if it was because of other cars retiring.

    The Kubica crash was the worst I've seen in many years. Very shocking.

    I hope Indy is more of a "race" , with less yellow flags and more passing. Hopefully drafting on the main straight will allow some first corner passes.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    First of all, I'd say that Hamilton is even exceeding all the expectations I had towards him.

    I knew from the first moment that he is a solid winner. But I could never imagine that his matureness could be so, so high.

    In a such race, loosing concentration is very, very easy....He did not.

    My BIG applause to Mr. Hamilton: he has the "wood" of the very great champions, and I'm sure he will write golden pages in the F1 history.

    This said, I can't understand what happened with Alonso. We all know that is not a man of mistakes. Even less, the same mistake three times. What is happening?????

    I'm not trying to "naive" justify the result. For sure, this was not his day, but I've never seen Alonso comitting so many mistakes. It is a fact that something wrong was taking place with his car. Maybe a damage provoked with his initial "go to the grass". But.....I wonder who gave him the order to enter the pits in the wrong moment and therefore deserve a "Stop and go" plus 10 seconds.

    In the other hand, I do not feel happy seing the mediocre performance of Kimi (He was supposed to be the substitute of "THE KAISER"), neither seing the black point over Massa. I feel there is a lack of leadership in Ferrari. An emptiness...(Michael we miss you!!!)

    I totally agree with some oppinion given in the forum, that those walls should be protected in someway...when I saw the accident of Kubika, I felt very scared....the old phantoms of F1.....Fortunately, it seems nothing happened, but Mr. Ecclestone, please take note....maybe this is a signal...

    BRAVO to Hamilton in this hazarous GP. We have a great champion with no doubt. I wonder what went wrong with Alonso...

    Sorry, but he has shown many times he resists the pressure...

    Maybe he should look to other directions in his future, as far as he is not the favourite in his team (and not resting the merit to Louis)....

    I feel so dissapointed with Kimi....I expected much more...maybe too young to be so rich...

    In any case, the swords are up. I'm sure Ferrari will wake up, but not so sure if they have the proper pilots.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Ferrari badly misses Schumacher. A super talended workaholic, that is what he was.
    Well done Hamilton...not an easy race. I hope for Alonso there was something wrong with the car, because he was really disapointing.
    What a race...I am amazed that Kubica has 'just' a broken foot. This is amazing.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Well done Lewis Hamilton!!! I'm so happy for him and so proud that a young British driver is wowing the whole world of F1! Such a flawless performance when all around him were in chaos. This guy has the concentration and focus to perform no matter what is going on around him. I hope he wins the championship this year.

    I was just shocked by Alonso. So many atypical mistakes. In the last 2 seasons, he made very, very few mistakes all year. At Montreal, he probably made more mistakes in 1 race than he made in the whole of the last season!

    He went off in the first lap and maybe his car suffered some damage underneath which meant his car was suspect for the rest of the race. However, the harm to his race was HIS fault for going off on lap 1. He is blaming his luck and everything else except himself when things don't go his way. The only piece of bad luck he had was having to refuel when the safety car was out there - which incurred the 10 seconds stop-go penalty.

    I think it was different when Alonso was handling pressure when fighting Schumi. He didn't crack. What is surprising is the 'egotism' that is on display here. He just can't bear the fact that a rookie is outdoing him. He is therefore driving in a more and more desperate way to beat Hamilton. And it is failing badly. He doesn't look like a 2 time world champ. Come on Alonso, calm down and focus. Don't try to bully yourself in front of Hamilton on lap 1 every time. Try to beat him on merit. Give him some respect. He has earned our respect.

    Kimi is a non-event. I bet Ferrari are regretting signing him. Massa must be kicking himself for not stopping at the red light at the exit of the pit lane.

    The Ferrari challenge is fading with each race. I think the McLaren is just so quick through the corners with its greater downforce that the fast straight line speed of the Ferrari is being negated. Plus I think McLaren has caught up that straight line deficit anyway.

    Well done to the other drivers who performed well yesterday: Heidfeld, Wurz, Sato etc etc.

    What a thrilling pass Sato put over on Alonso. That must have hurt so badly!!

    Roll on Indy next weekend!!

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    911fan said:

    I hope Indy is more of a "race" , with less yellow flags and more passing. Hopefully drafting on the main straight will allow some first corner passes.

    I have always liked the fact that F1 raced w/o stopping for rain or accidents (couple red flags over they ears) but the safety car/ yellow flags yesterday actually created more excitement at the end especially bunching up the cars and making things closer.

    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Jeannot said:
    Ferrari badly misses Schumacher. A super talended workaholic, that is what he was.
    Well done Hamilton...not an easy race. I hope for Alonso there was something wrong with the car, because he was really disapointing.
    What a race...I am amazed that Kubica has 'just' a broken foot. This is amazing.

    Latest word is no injuries at all, just sore! Incredible. Could he drive at Indy?


    Re: Looks like Alonso cracks under pressure...

    Gary(SF) said:
    Jeannot said:
    Ferrari badly misses Schumacher. A super talended workaholic, that is what he was.
    Well done Hamilton...not an easy race. I hope for Alonso there was something wrong with the car, because he was really disapointing.
    What a race...I am amazed that Kubica has 'just' a broken foot. This is amazing.

    Latest word is no injuries at all, just sore! Incredible. Could he drive at Indy?


    you are right, I read that too. Now if drives there. That would be something. I think probably the best for him, because after such a crash if you start to ask yourself questions...



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