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    The social hazards of owning a supercar

    As some frequenters may be aware, I've been agonising for the last couple of months over what next car to buy. I'm relocating to Singapore in August and would love a performance car that could also serve as a daily commute to work (usually a 15-20minute drive).

    The choices are:
    1. 997TT
    2. C2S with Aerokit (love the GT3 aesthetics, but ground clearance may be an issue!).
    3. Aston V8 Vantage
    4. Audi R8 (I might be able to get a slot for October delivery via a friend).
    5. Cayman S with Techart power upgrade.
    6. Buy a low cost, reliable Jap car now, then buy a weekend supercar 1-2yrs later.

    All cars would be for around November delivery (except the Jap car which would be immediate) so I'll be car-less from August till November. Public transport here I come...gah!

    As would be expected, some friends and family have warned that, being a new joiner to a financial institution, people may frown on a sub-30yr old prancing around in a car nicer than most of his superiors. As it is, my senior ranking in the new organisation has been a controversial issue for Human Resources (although not management). Should I give a damn about what the claustrophobic society of Singapore thinks or just fulfil my own desires? Being a dedicated car fanatic, I don't want to wait till I'm over 40 with grey hairs, having to worry about supporting a family, and owning an awesome set of wheels would be lower down the priority list.

    In Singapore, a 911 is seen as an 'acceptable' performance car, but an Aston or R8 would be too bling-bling due to the rarity factor. Should I buy a Jap car first to preserve a modest image, then when I've firmly established myself in the organisation, buy a supercar?

    Please help and VOTE! And post your opinions!

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    If I were in your shoes, I would go for the 997TT just to scratch the itch. But also try to get a driver w/ inexpensive car for daily use on a temporary basis.

    If office social politics not an issue, dump the driver/inexpensive car.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    I do not know the culture in Singapore so it is hard to give advice that is relavent.

    What I do know is that in some cultures supercars or other displays of wealth and work do not mix. My suggestions is to live their and understand the culture in the office before making a decision.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    My personal opinion is that you will get further along in your career if you lay low for awhile. Honestly the only profession I know where you can advance by blatantly flaunting your wealth is showbiz.

    Even though you have a senior position, unless you are the outright owner or are the chairman, it's not a good idea to have others at your company not like you. Good luck in Singapore.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    OldMan - Singapore's a small island which is slightly more spacious and cleaner than Hong Kong. Most middle-upper class residents would live within 5-10 square miles of the City Centre, so you can imagine it's the type of place you're bound to bump into people you know, whether it is your local shopping mall, favourite cafe, or late night bar. Everybody knows who's who and although there are more Mercedes per capita than any other country, only c.5-10% of the population could/would buy anything more expensive than a Cayman S. Just imagine a busier version of Rodeo Drive in Beverley Hills and that's the city centre of Singapore...inclusive of people who spend a large proportion of time gossiping/socially networking!

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    How about going middle of the road i.e. a Cayman S?
    Some interesting stats here about what marques are seen most on the Singapore can see why the Aston would be a head-turner (apart for obvious aesthetic reasons).... As for the R8, there'll only be 8 this year, and 25 next year on allocation (all of which are taken except 6 slots).

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    I find the TT busy and vulgar. It's showy and screams: Look at me, I want attention! much like driving a lime green Lamborghini.

    The car to get is a C2S with the powerkit, maybe a cabriolet even, I love mine. It's tasteful and anyone worth a damn knows it can perform. As for people who dont, they just see a beautiful elegant piece of german craftsmanship.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    I think it's best to get the 997/997S. forget about the kit (I do think it looks pretty but it is like screaming for attention and very showy, just like the turbo). As for the 997/997S, you can get the cab or coupe.
    I do honestly think these cars are the best supercars out there if you want to drive it everyday. Ferrari and Lambos for instances are very GT cars and catches too much attention. (weekend cars)

    Therefore, if i had to choose one, i'll definitely go with the 911.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    None of the cars you listed are supercars. They're all fine, but "supercar" is a term reserved for the likes of Enzo, Murcielago, S7, Carrera GT, etc.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    In Singapore, there are a lot of very nice super sportcar like in Hong Kong. It is all depend on where you live, I don't think there will be any issue in any one of those. Good luck

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    TheOldMan said:
    I do not know the culture in Singapore so it is hard to give advice that is relavent.

    What I do know is that in some cultures supercars or other displays of wealth and work do not mix. My suggestions is to live their and understand the culture in the office before making a decision.

    The very best advice you will receive. Embrace it!

    Tooling around in an expensive car when many feel you are not worthy will only exacerbate the situation.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    In london? get the Aston. Even though brits seem to look down on flash cars, the aston seems to be universally loved.

    You will get right of way everywhere

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    I don't think it is a real issue driving a nice car in Sg. There are plenty of these cars there, especially in IB/banking sector. If you go down to one of the top end hotels on Orchrd on the weekend, you will see what kind of vehicles the rich drive! 599GTBs, Murcie, Phantom etc are all quite common sights. I wouldn't worry too much about an Aston or 997. Oh btw, I just picked up a new Vantage and traded in my 997, and I chose the Aston over the R8. The R8 is much faster car, but in Sg you will have no where to use the power unless you drive to Sepang F1 track in KL.

    Oh btw I am a Malaysian/Australian who spends a lot of time in Sg for business so I understand the culture well. I have also just turned 32 and have owned various high end cars since I was in my mid twenties. Like you, I also love cars and do not want to wait till I am grey before I drive something nice!

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    I think Cayman S is the ultimate 'city' car - that's why I bought one (for City living). I'll keep my real P car saved for real P roads (in NZ).

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    Thanks for the input, everybody. Am still trying to make up my mind but I think the Jap car first, p-car later plan is looking most viable. And what P-car would I get next? Well, I'm still open to suggestions!! Although the Aston on aesthetics alone is winning the race :-)

    911Dave - fine - I concede that the term "supercar" should be reserved for the higher end autos - I was just too lazy to write "performance car".

    Way - I think you make a very good point about the Aston. In urban driving it's rare that you'll be able to feel the difference between 10ths of seconds of performance and the difference in handling perception may only be marginal at city speeds. THe only thing that worries me about the Aston is the reliability issue - have a look at this:
    Have you had any problems yet?

    No love for the Cayman S, guys??

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    Jay said:I'll keep my real P car saved for real P roads (in NZ).

    You're so right about that.

    My girlfriend and I recently returned from a two week driving holiday in New Zealand. The roads there are the best for a good-handling car. We rented an MX5 and drove the crap out of it -- had a blast. Spent a week on the south island, then took the ferry up and spent a week on the north island. Best driving holiday ever.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    i wouldn't be too worried about what people think about the car you drive. you are an expat here in singapore so the locals will comment whatever car you own. i have a 997S and use it everyday and find it easy to use in town and a blast on the track at sepang with the porsche club singapore. my wife has the 2006 audi RS4 and to be really honest, i enjoy driving the audi more so in town than the porsche. the audi soundtrack is superb. my advice would be to hire a car for a few months when you get here and then test drive the cars you want to buy here in singapore. speak to a few people about the after sale service each of the distributors give and then make up your mind. cars are ridiculously expensive compared to england and when you want to unload it within the first 2 years, you'll be taking a bit of a bath. having said all that, owning a nice car will make valet parking in front of hotels and restaurants much easier. my tuppence worth. henry

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    Do what you want. Chances are the car you drive won't effect getting promoted or fired. People know you're young, a car nut, and single; they will probably assume you took out a big car loan.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    911Dave said:
    None of the cars you listed are supercars. They're all fine, but "supercar" is a term reserved for the likes of Enzo, Murcielago, S7, Carrera GT, etc.

    FWIW, the Porsche Turbo is termed a supercar by "Excellence" magazine.

    I see what you mean though... .

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    MMD said:
    911Dave said:
    None of the cars you listed are supercars. They're all fine, but "supercar" is a term reserved for the likes of Enzo, Murcielago, S7, Carrera GT, etc.

    FWIW, the Porsche Turbo is termed a supercar by "Excellence" magazine.

    As the 'supercar' has moved on to the 'hypercar' over the years, I'd say the modern 911 range is now at the lower echelons of super, with the Turbo right at the top of the category (along with the Gallardo and the F430). In my book, the Enzo/CCT/Zonda/LP640 are the very definition of a hypercar.

    As Clarkson says "Supercars are designed to mess with G-forces, Hypercars are designed to mess with G-strings!"

    As for supercars at work - there is no way that anyone at my company is going to know I will soon have a new Turbo in my garage. They found out about my current Porsche and there was definitely some resulting weirdness. So yes, unless you are the CEO/CFO/COO/etc I would personally lay low with whatever you have in your garage.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    If you want to remain below the radar while driving a car that is faster around the Ring than a 997 Turbo and an F430, buy an M3 CSl and rebadge it as a 316i. Most people will think it is just another small BMW.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    Suspect that any mediocre 24yo associate in inv banking, hedge funds, or PE today could easily afford a new 599 every yr ....affordability of high-end cars among colleagues, competitors and most clients in this industry isn't real issue....problem is humans will be humans; some are always jealous of perceived conspicuous consumption....and may try to extract a financial cost from perceived violators during year-end bonus determination or when negotiating some other issue....

    That said, would figure out specific consumption politics of one's office....what cars do senior execs drive? What cars do star lieutenants drive? What do major clients/competitors drive?

    Different car cultures in financial world, dpdg upon local culture/tier of firm, etc (e.g., diffces btwn NYC and SiliconValley are dramatic, even if comparing M&A bankers from same-tier inv banks).....flashy cars in region may mean little....know several senior guys/founders at first-tier BevHills hedge funds who drive unremarkable MBs that are traded-in every 2-3 yrs....

    But would observe that most disproportionately profitable financial groups/firms tend to have 30-45yo senior guys who themselves were young, fast-rising high-achievers earlier in their careers....and, even if they are personally not interested in cars, if a sharp, productive young lieutenant is a car nut, they won't dissuade/penalize him; would argue sharp, productive talent is (always was/always will be) scarce, so a consumption-prohibitive office culture may "self-select" certain personalities/talent levels (or lack thereof)....

    Do know several very talented, car nut colleagues who were able to work in such conducive settings early in career, so were able to start enjoying new F/MB/P in the CA sun in their early-mid 20s...

    Life's simply too short to wait until one's 30s to get a first new F/P if one can afford it sooner....

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    "Life's simply too short to wait until one's 30s to get a first new F/P if one can afford it sooner.... "

    How long should they wait to buy a digital camera to post pics of their new F599?

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    Listen to THEOLDMAN.


    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    I don't know that any of those choices would strike me...

    I've already got a C2S, been there done that, and aerokits aren't my bag man, I also agree that the Turbo looks like a cheap hooker compared to its lower-powered yet far classier brethren, the Audi is too awkwardly styled (just awful from certain angles), and the Cayman has never made sense to me, shouldn't it be cheaper or at least even with a Boxster??

    The only car in your group that inspires lust when I see it is the Aston, but unfortunately from what I've read, driving it doesn't inspire near the lust that looking at it does..

    So what to do?? I'd buy the more affordable car and wait... Although I don't think I'd be shopping Japanese.... I'd probably get a loaded-up Mustang GT, supercharge it, and have a great sounding and running commuter that actually has some cajones...

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    Quite surprising that over half of the votes went to a 997TT! But then again, this is mainly a Porsche enthusiasts' forum

    Erring on the practical side, I think I may opt for the sensible car first, settle into Singapore for at least the first 6 months and then put an order on for p-car later.

    Any suggestions for reliable daily beaters with some cajones as 69bossnine puts it?

    As for the supercar, the Aston is definitely gaining favour with I said, in town driving, I doubt you'd be able to distinguish easily between the handling of an Aston and a 997 - can anybody confirm this?

    Cheers fellas.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    JYH said:

    Any suggestions for reliable daily beaters with some cajones as 69bossnine puts it?

    I like that 3-4 hundred HP Mitsubishi Lancer (?). Totally uninspired looking but packs a punch. Who needs to _announce_ you have a car with cajones that's fun to drive?

    Cheap too... .

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    Posted in a 997 forum, obviously you're going to get a very biased set of votes (I voted Aston Martin). Singaporeans will DEFINITELY think twice about you owning such a car - or any of the cars you mentioned (except the sensible Jap car). If you're thinking career, getting ANY car better than your boss is a career limiting move. My boss certainly doesn't know that I have Porsches in the garage. All he has seen is the 8 year old M3! Think about it, it's human nature. Come promotion or raise time, I'd be more inclined to give more money to the ass-busting "humble" employee than the "flashy" extravagant one. I'd be rewarding an "unwanted" attitude... The solution: get BOTH Aston and Japanese car. Drive one to work, drive the other on weekends and learn to keep a secret... It's what I do...

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    M3Armand has it right. For me honda accord to work; C2 for fun and weekends/days off. Better to lay low with flashy cars to work unless you are the boss and you have your own parking spot.

    Re: The social hazards of owning a supercar

    good point sharmat, i will always have my civic ready
    I rarely drive my MB to school or work. ><



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