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    My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    I have had my 997 GT3 for about 6 months now and I don't drive the car with her as much anymore. Here are some of the complaints. 1st, it jerks her head alot, even when I'm trying to make an effort to smoothly go thru the gears. 2nd, not very comfortable for her, can be very stiff. She drives a 2005 SC430 and I told her you can't compare the cars. 3rd, it's way too loud for her. Not for me of course. Now it wouldn't be a big deal, but we live together and we need transportation we can both can ride in. I don't like to drive her car (which is actually my car), because it is way to girly. That's why I ended up getting the 08 cayenne turbo. Those who have GT3's have you had any of the same complaints? Lastly, if I have to make a choice, her or the car, then she's got to go. Just kidding.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    There sure is a lot of sexual inuendo in that statement.

    "it jerks her head"
    "can be very stiff"
    "too loud"

    Hope you can work this out.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    mvn1971 said:
    I have had my 997 GT3 for about 6 months now and I don't drive the car with her as much anymore. Here are some of the complaints. 1st, it jerks her head alot, even when I'm trying to make an effort to smoothly go thru the gears. 2nd, not very comfortable for her, can be very stiff. She drives a 2005 SC430 and I told her you can't compare the cars. 3rd, it's way too loud for her. Not for me of course. Now it wouldn't be a big deal, but we live together and we need transportation we can both can ride in. I don't like to drive her car (which is actually my car), because it is way to girly. That's why I ended up getting the 08 cayenne turbo. Those who have GT3's have you had any of the same complaints? Lastly, if I have to make a choice, her or the car, then she's got to go. Just kidding.

    I am a married guy and let me tell you either you train her or she trains you. Do it now (train her) while she is a girlfriend. Because when she becomes your wife, you are gone. Her leverage is community property

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    Community Property. Yeah you do have that problem in California. You might be able to circumvent that by forming a corporation with the GT3 as principal asset.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    Marriage is all about compromise !

    Train her ? Are we talking about an animal or a (lifelong) companion
    You must like this :

    Now , my wife hates my GT3 RS for similar reasons. So I compromised and added a Turbo to my stable. Still hard and uncomfortable for her but a COMPROMISE she can live with. And me too

    All the chicks I know...

    ...dig my Porsche. They especially like the way the passenger seat vibrates at higher revs.

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    Sounds like it's time for a new girlfriend

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    Hmmm. Get a new car or new girlfriend. How much do you like the car? If it means that much to you just tell the girlfriend that you want to keep it and hopefully she will get use to it. If the car is just OK get rid of it.

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    My wife doesn't like my C2 and I don't like her Lexus, Thus we also have a "family car", so that we both can "compromise"...

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    I thought your gt3 WAS your girlfriend...get your priorities straight. Also, agree with tony2006, if you're having issues now, forget about it....

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    Looks like its time for a new girlfriend

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    Sounds like a control issue to me. You can always find something "wrong" if you want to, "jerking [her] head" sounds suspicious. If you're driving like an eedeeit all the time I could understand this, but being respectful of your passenger and still have a jerking head problem seems a little exaggerated. "Stiff ride" sounds like a problem for a geriatric with hemmoroids or arthritis; more suspect control issues if you ask me.

    By way of comparision, my current wife (who's not a thrill junkie, nor a control freak, BTW) was in the passenger seat when I reported the first-time 135mph velocity on the highway when the car was new said without looking up from her magazine!, " That's nice dear."

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    My opinion, g/f's or wives hate their man's sports cars not so much b/c they are loud, stiff, jerky or whatever, but b/c they represent competition.

    If my wife is having low esteem moment my cars are evil. When we get a sitter and have a nice meal and a she's relaxed, she loves driving my sports cars. She's a maniac behind the wheel. Hit 130 in the ferrari her first time driving it.

    You gotta get you gurl into the latter mode, where she understands your sports car love is not competition.

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    tell her to step into your office.......because she is fired!!
    j/k. but seriously, don't sell the car.

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    MMD said:
    Sounds like a control issue to me.

    That'd be my guess too. If she complains about any sports car then you know that's the case. Granted, the GT3 is a track car.

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    The other thing? When she's reeeeeally in a good mood and wants to hang with you, "trick" her to go for a drive with you. If she still looks stressed or, remarkably, if she looks like she's actually enjoying herself then you'll know better what's really going on in her head.

    That'll be us$.05, please (check or cash).

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    Time to upgrade to a new girl friend

    Re: All the chicks I know...

    no way on earth i'm giving up my car for a girl.. i would if it were my parents though.. or family members.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    mvn1971 said:
    I have had my 997 GT3 for about 6 months now and I don't drive the car with her as much anymore. Here are some of the complaints. 1st, it jerks her head alot, even when I'm trying to make an effort to smoothly go thru the gears. 2nd, not very comfortable for her, can be very stiff. She drives a 2005 SC430 and I told her you can't compare the cars. 3rd, it's way too loud for her. Not for me of course. Now it wouldn't be a big deal, but we live together and we need transportation we can both can ride in. I don't like to drive her car (which is actually my car), because it is way to girly. That's why I ended up getting the 08 cayenne turbo. Those who have GT3's have you had any of the same complaints? Lastly, if I have to make a choice, her or the car, then she's got to go. Just kidding.

    The SC430 is a disastrous car... Hard to believe she actually prefers that to your GT3.

    Isn't your girlfriend a car enthusiast ?

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    The SC430 is complete joke, but then again, its supposed to be soft as a noodle , after all, it is designed for old men to waft around in.

    The GT3 isn't for everyone, especially not with the Recaro seats and straight pipes

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    I just had a thought...why don't you sell me your GT3 for half of what you paid for it, that would teach her a lesson.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    jpcourt said:
    I just had a thought...why don't you sell me your GT3 for half of what you paid for it, that would teach her a lesson.

    Exactly what I was going suggest!

    The KN Turbo is probably going to be a good compromise! Good choice.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    Just My $.02. It seems that what some have said is true. You have to open her eyes to what it is about the GT3 you like and why. One thought is to take her to the track. The things she will dislike about the GT3 on the road she will like on the track. Also consider taking a track course together. Try Porsche driving school.

    I have a friend and when he was trying to decide what Porsche to buy he went out and drove several Porsches. One was the GT3 and another was the Turbo. He loved the GT3, but he also loved the power of the turbo. He went back numerous times. What it came do to was for him the GT3 was too much a track car and too hard on the streets. He decided to get the turbo instead. This had nothing to with his wife or anyone else. It was down to him. To him the GT3 was a track car and not a road car. The turbo was more of what he wanted day to day. Again just my $0.02 Thanks, good luck.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    My girlfriend isn' t a car enthousiast at all, to say the least ! But she won't make a fuzz about it, we do lots of things together but a Porsche meeting or likewise, I'll go alone because she can't stand all the men going crazy over some silly cars...

    As long as she's not saying not to go (which she doesn't !), I can't see a problem !

    I am also considering to buy a GT3 but she won't mind, even if she's hardly going to be sitting in it.

    Bottom line : your girlfriend shouldn't bother about your GT3. Just choose another car for trips together, as you already do (and as I'm doing mostly).

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    omg man, this is not a problem.

    alpha males lead the pact and thats that. next thing she'l say is she doesnt like your hairy legs , your eye brows of figure. that you need to be more feminine more soft, more refined.

    you're a man, your gt3 is a mans car. its part of your character and its definitely non negotiable. dont share the gt3 with her. ride the sc when you go out.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    mvn1971 said:
    I have had my 997 GT3 for about 6 months now and I don't drive the car with her as much anymore. Here are some of the complaints. 1st, it jerks her head alot, even when I'm trying to make an effort to smoothly go thru the gears. 2nd, not very comfortable for her, can be very stiff. She drives a 2005 SC430 and I told her you can't compare the cars. 3rd, it's way too loud for her. Not for me of course. Now it wouldn't be a big deal, but we live together and we need transportation we can both can ride in. I don't like to drive her car (which is actually my car), because it is way to girly. That's why I ended up getting the 08 cayenne turbo. Those who have GT3's have you had any of the same complaints? Lastly, if I have to make a choice, her or the car, then she's got to go. Just kidding.

    Actually this is't very unusual.When a man outwardly and paasionately expresses a liking to something other than his girlfriend/wife, the reaction is totally anticipated. The object becomes a competitor for your affections and thus must be put in its place9the nickpicking). In many ways it is a positive for you because it confirms she loves/likes you and does not want anyone else to compete for you.

    I could tell you how to handle the situation but it would take to much bandwidth.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    You need a new girl if a 430 is her favorite car.

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    Eric (Plug Guy) said:
    There sure is a lot of sexual inuendo in that statement.

    "it jerks her head"
    "can be very stiff"
    "too loud"

    Hope you can work this out.

    Got it! I don't know. You don't half complicate things.

    5 point harness.
    Cushion for her to sit on.
    Ear plugs.


    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    My .02--if your GF is complaining about your GT3 and you're only living together, never marry her because the complaints will magnify once she's got that ring on her finger. Get used to the two car thing and driving the GT3 alone, or find a new GF. There are plenty of fish in the sea--I've never had any ladies complain about noise/harsh ride/etc., and I tend to pick cars with sports suspension and exhaust packages vs. whisper quiet Lexuses of the world.

    Find someone who loves you and your cars, and you'll be a lot happier

    Re: My girlfriend hates my GT3.

    Get rid of her. If she starts complaining now, she'll rain hell on you as soon as you're married. Just kidding. Well, actually I'm not sure I'm kidding.

    My wife loved it to drive fast with me when we met. She loved doing more crazy stuff, she loved different vacation spots, etc. etc. etc. With the years going by (and after two kids), my wife has moved on and it seems that I have forgot to move on. I'm still the same childish type of guy who enjoys a fast ride, who enjoys having fun at amusement parks with the kids, etc. My wife enjoys the Cayenne (new thing: the Cayenne is suddenly too big for her after she made hundreds of complaints in the past that our cars (ML55, E55) were too small for two kids) but drives her Boxster S actually only when the sun shines and she can drive with an open top (the car's, not hers ). The truth is: she hates the Boxster too but since her friends don't have a Porsche (usually BMW, Mini or Mercedes) she enjoys showing her Boxster off.

    Bottom line is: women change a lot during a relationship and it is a loose/win thing. You gain something but you also loose something. If this starts before even being married...or 10 years together , I don't know if such a relationship can last in the long run.

    My wife hates driving in my 997 Turbo. Even with the stock exhaust, she hated driving in my car. Not that she doesn't like my driving style (she enjoys driving with me in the Cayenne) but she simply doesn't like driving in a stiff and uncomfortable car. She actually started hating to drive in a car generally, she prefers flying by plane, even over short distances. Five years ago, she hated flying and was keeping my hand like crazy when we were in a plane. How times can change...

    As soon as her Boxster S lease runs out, she gets herself a BMW 335i Cab instead. Saves us a lot of money and adds two rear seats, perfect for the kids. Since I have to drive this car too from time to time, the engine delivers enough juice for me too.
    Taking in consideration the current price policy of Porsche, I also compared the new M3 with the 997 Carrera. I have to say that I would probably buy a M3 instead, it would save me 50000 Euro...enough money for another 335i Cab.



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