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    Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Went for breakfast yesterday morning in the F430.

    I park the car right in front of the restaraunt just so I can keep an eye one it. Call me paranoid, but this time I was glad I did.

    While in the middle of my meal, a Toyota Corolla parks next to me, but very very slanted. There was almost no space for the rear right passenger to climb out. I look inside the car and it was 4 "large" elderly people and I start to think how the lady at the back is going to get out.

    All of a sudden "WHAMMM" - I almost lost it. The lady doesn't even open her door gently, but flings it wide open with full force!

    I run to the car and say "Look at this? Could you not have been more careful?!" To my suprise the arrogance of the old man just said "Check for damange..." - not even apologetic or anything, as if he couldn't care less. At this point I was about to blow my top!

    So I check my car and luckily I parked it back to front and the lady hit my side mirror. The mirror folded back, but LUCKY I have the 3M film on so there was no paint taken off.

    Honestly, the point of the story is whether it being a Ferrari or a Volkswagen - have some decency to respect other people's property!!

    Next time I'm taking up 2 spots for parking. Better safe than sorry!

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    next time plant land mines next to your works for real! LOL

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    The disrespect and indifference towards the property of others is a sad characteristic of our today's world.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    You should definitely not live in France!!!

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    And if you do , hire a car for your journey.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Things like this pisses me off. This is why I try to park away from others. All parents should teach their kids about respect for other people's properties so that when they grow up they won't be like those you just described!

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Mike S said:

    Next time I'm taking up 2 spots for parking. Better safe than sorry!

    Sorry to hear about what almost happened to your baby. More or less the same thing happened to me once, but my friend and I were still sitting in the car when the lady parked next to us banged her door right into the side of my car - and she never even reacted, just as if nothing happened. We had to lower our window and ask her what the f**k she was doing.

    Anyway, what I was going to say was: I hope things work differently in SA than in Sweden. If you have a really nice car and take up 2 parking spots (you know, just to be safe), over here that means you instead run the risk of getting your car keyed by some jealous bastard because you're taking up 2 spots with your fancy ride.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Hard to believe the indifference of some people isn't it.. trouble is if you are polite and respectful of others it's normal to expect the same back and of course the trouble is..

    Wouldn't it be worse though to obviously take up 2 spots.. that can be mistake for arrogance by some and something worse may happen.

    I can understand your feelings though..

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Rossi said:
    The disrespect and indifference towards the property of others is a sad characteristic of our today's world.

    That's true, but - unlike us pistonheads loving their toys -there are lot of people who regard cars just as disposables.
    In some parts of Italy or France it's hard to spot a car without any dents or scratches (even P/F-cars)
    Reminds me of an episode in Paris: the cab I was using to get from the airport to the city has been rear-ended on the Periphérique. The cab driver and the guy in the car behind us even didn't get out of their cars to check the damage, let alone exchanging addresses or calling the police Only after arriving at the hotel the cab driver found out, that the rear was damaged so heavily he couldn't open the trunk, hence we had to fold the rear seats to get my luggage out of the trunk
    For this sort of people a car is just a mean of transportation, not a precious thing - it gets dented, scratched and will be thrown away just before it disintegrates
    Needless to say that I don't get this attitude - thanks god it's a bit better in Germany, where most car owners (regardless whether they own cheap or expensive cars) have the "Heil'ges Blechle" (holy metal) mentality

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    alexm said:
    Hard to believe the indifference of some people isn't it.. trouble is if you are polite and respectful of others it's normal to expect the same back and of course the trouble is..

    Wouldn't it be worse though to obviously take up 2 spots.. that can be mistake for arrogance by some and something worse may happen.

    I can understand your feelings though..

    Sounds like a losing battle!

    Most places here have a guard watching the cars due to the high car thefts. I was at another spot with the LP640 a couple weeks back and they gave me a dedicated guard to stand at the car to make sure nobody touches LOL!

    Next time I will go to a place with supervision to avoid such scenarios. At least I can enjoy myself in peace!

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    I hate how people can disrespect anothers property too sooooooooo much... I ALWAYS used 2 parking bays with the GT3. ALWAYS.
    Sometimes folks would give me crap about that but its just necessary.
    Glad your car isnt damaged bud

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    I doubt the "large elderly" people had a clue as to where they were parked. I suspect the only thought on their mind was to get out of the vehicle and not concern themselves with the surroundings. Sadly, with age we all will get that way. All part of the process.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Im getting aggressive and red headed even by reading this. Its such a pain in the a.... that some people behave like that. I do the same, park faaaaar away from any other car. And as you said, I'm always tempted to use 2 instead one parking lots.

    Take care mate and hope nothing will happen again!

    cheers, L@rs

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Using two spots also sometimes. But it feels wrong to do so.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    If there are no empty rows, I try to find a gap of just less than two cars and make sure I leave a gap of just under a car width on one side. Failing that I park next to more expensive cars, new cars or clean cars. Cars/vans with sliding doors are also good neighbours. Also, not to park behind vans,4x4's with rear doors.

    I think I'll write a white paper on the subject.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    That sucks you can't be too careful. Fortunately this stuff never happens to guys like this: (as discussed in another thread)

    nberry said:
    SrfCity said:
    You don't drive an F-car expecting to sneak around. It's best not to let it out of your sight and keep an eye on the rear view mirror for anything suspicious. Silverstone will be far less noticeable. The only way to be somewhat comfortable is drive in areas where you see lots of other exotics. If there's the least bit of question just take your daily driver. Have fun.

    I don't agree with this at all. If anything I find that the motoring public respects the car as much as you do. Yes, the will go out of their way to look at it (most ask even before looking) but never have I experienced anyone touching it. I have owned several Ferrari's none of which have been vandalized or in any way violated. However, there will be many pictures taken including while your driving on the road.

    Undertand that the Ferrari is more than a car. It is a work of art which not many see and when they do they are blown away not only because of its styling but its sound and road presence. It is an event to see one on the road. Thus, the attention.

    BTW, Rossi's post is right on the money.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    OK ..I'm glad I'm just not the only one focused in this little paranoid things!!!!

    I always try to park next to the wall of the parking spaces, and therefore be as much as close to the wall to leave a good space for the other car to open the doors....If not I just simply park the car using two spots, there is not a single person that respects the car next to it when they are going to open the doors....

    In my university, there is more parking space than buildings, but still people just like to park their car next to another one, and they even open the doors without wathcing the distance for not damaging the other car....Its something we all have to live with, and just face it with smile, or otherwise we would be in a constant argue.....
    there should be a tv-advertisement for this little society issue

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Well, another solution is that we all get Murcielagos - no more door marks! =)

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    mike take two parking spots, that's what i do

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    JohnJohn said:
    Well, another solution is that we all get Murcielagos - no more door marks! =)

    Problem is, only two elderly people per Murciélago, what means about twice as much cars on the roads, equivalent to twice as much traffic jams.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    I think the thing is to write down their tag number. Find out where they live. Wait a month or two. Then one nice day, go to their house and kick the driver mirror of their car door.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Rossi said:
    JohnJohn said:
    Well, another solution is that we all get Murcielagos - no more door marks! =)

    Problem is, only two elderly people per Murciélago, what means about twice as much cars on the roads, equivalent to twice as much traffic jams.

    agree, but imagine the sound in a traffic jam full of murci's... would love to be there

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    I agree with everyone, it truly is a shame that people cannot respect each others property. Reading this post brings me back to when I first purchased my 997. It was an early morning and I had an apointment to get my suit taylored for a friends wedding. I decided to park AWAY from all the others cars. I mean I was literally the ONLY car in my row. When I returned, I noticed that an old blue Caprice had park alongside me. Mind you, there were a atleast 20 open spaces around me! I checked my car for any scaratches, dents, etc., but didn't find anything. However, when I arrived at my house I noticed a nice dent and scratch on my drivers side door! The paint on my car matched the color of the Caprice! I was furious! I had the 997 for approximately two months! TWO MONTHS! Needless to say, I lost cool but decided not to return to the location.

    Let me just say once again, that this has got to stop. There needs to be a higher level of decency and respect among people in this world. I hope that I never have to encounter a problem like this again. However if I do, I will not be as forgiving as I was then.

    Re: You need parking poles

    like this, on all exposed sides:

    Re: You need parking poles

    wow! It's almost painful to watch that.

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    All about expectations....

    Assume 99%+ of people anywhere in world are fairly careless re: cars (or any other property), whether their own/someone else's....

    If one is curmudgeonly re: choice of one's home/office pkg garages, it reduces exposure to damage/vandalism significantly....e.g., high-end office bldgs in SF have $1000/mth pkg rates (incl tips); pkg valets who are car nuts to watch over the cars; and controlled access to the high-end parts of the garage, so vandalism is fairly unheard-of....

    For restaurants, don't know of a city in world w/more than 2-3 compelling restaurants anyway; in one's home city, presumably one is a regular at these dining spots; valets know you well and take care of your cars (and receive generous tips)...

    For nightlife (or for one's non-primary home city), presumably one will be drinking and not driving self, so would get a new S-Class w/a competent driver to follow one around town anyway....

    For errands in one's home city, whether shopping/cleaners/groceries, etc, tend to identify best stores w/acceptable parking....and visit at off-hrs before the careless SUV crowd is even awake....

    Wouldn't take up two spaces anywhere w/a high-end car....invites violent jealousy w/keying, etc....

    Have followed these approaches for yrs in SF w/never a ding/incident of vandalism; have never owned "normal"/"beater" cars/SUVs in my post-collegiate life; any F/MB/P I have owned has done commuter and wkend duty in both CA's 9 mos/yr of endless sun and 60-70degF...and 3 mos/yr of often rainy, 55degF winter biggest issue is stone chips/small windshield chips from exuberant wkend driving in mtn twisties....but I just trade-in cars every 4-6 mos to solve those pesky, but inevitable, issues of using cars as they are meant to be used before they are obsoleted anyway....

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Here is an example of the opposite, definitely an exception, not the rule.

    I was sitting on the beautiful terrace of a very nice resturant New York. We sat outside with a great view to the car parked in front.

    A minivan pulled up VERY close to my car with almost no room on the unloading side. It had a sliding door (thankfully) and proceeded to unload 5 little kids.

    To my horror I noticed too late to really do anything, but to my surprise, the kids were so careful not to scratch my car, going out of their way to sqeeze against their own car so their zippers and backpacks wouldn't scratch mine. I was so pleasantly surprised.

    That said, most people don't actually recognize slamming their door against another car as something bad.

    My M3 got a huge dent while I was sitting in it. The woman wasn't even multi tasking, just holding a coffee. I waved my hands, no reaction at all. Sigh...

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    nberry said:
    I doubt the "large elderly" people had a clue as to where they were parked. I suspect the only thought on their mind was to get out of the vehicle and not concern themselves with the surroundings. Sadly, with age we all will get that way. All part of the process.

    Hi Nick, yes I understand that. I'm always courteous to senior citizens as much as I can. Like I said - if they were sincerely sorry and didn't realise I could let it slide.

    The old guy just started at me and gave me a "so what!?" look

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    dhayek said:
    mike take two parking spots, that's what i do

    I'll make sure to do that next time

    Re: Almost lost my cool yesterday

    Lars996 said:
    Im getting aggressive and red headed even by reading this. Its such a pain in the a.... that some people behave like that. I do the same, park faaaaar away from any other car. And as you said, I'm always tempted to use 2 instead one parking lots.

    Take care mate and hope nothing will happen again!

    cheers, [Email]L@rs[/Email]

    Thanks Lars



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