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    997 Public Anxiety Report: Negative Reactions

    I have a few different cars and gotta tell you the 997S ALWAYS gets the negative responses!

    Here's a few from the last year (just for fun).

    IMPORTANT: *****In all cases these responses were unwarrented. I "always" drive very nicely and considerately and only get frisky when there's nobody to witness it.*****

    A column of Bikers (choppers) coming from opposite lane on a twisty road with no traffic. Front biker throws me the finger. His followers see him doing that and, a secind later also give me the finger (as if saluting Hitler).

    Coming down a twisty road, a guy starts running from his lawn work toward the road edge and starts aggressively yelling and vigorously motioning for me to slow down. He could have heard me coming though, because five seconds before, I braked and as a result was going the speed limit in front of the residences (as always).

    A smelly truck slows down to an absurd 35 mph and slow me up for a while. I pass him _quickly_ when I get the chance (knowing he's gonna speed up as I pass). The rest of the trip is with him on my rear bumper; he's making all sorts of gestures along the way. We get to A SCHOOL ZONE (!) and I slow to 20 where the [expletive] finally has a chance and passes me!!!!

    And My personal favorite from the past year:

    There's a blockage ahead and I decide to make a "K" turn and go the other way. The Dipsh*t behind me pulls up and blocks my reverse part of the "K" so I can't make the tight turning radius. Nobody's moving, and there's no traffic in the other lane and yet the jerkoff is giving me the finger after he blocks me from doing the reverse portion of my turn!

    Of course the car gets alot of smiles and thumbs up gestures too... .

    Got any depraved "human interest" stories of your own?

    Re: 997 Public Anxiety Report: Negative Reactions

    Geez, you have some real F'ed people....
    I mostly get thumbs up, or the usual racer wannabee, but nothing aggressive or the kind of things you describe.
    Occasionally, I get angry looks by a pedestrian...coz of the PSE always on and they associate noise = high speed.... lol

    In Chicago no one notices

    These things are more common than Camry's and Accords so no one takes a second look. In Chicago they're practically giving them away in Corn Flakes packets they're so common.

    At some social events these things are so numerous that valet guys have to ask you "WHICH Seal Gray 997S Cab do you have sir?"

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    Where do you live? Hell?

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    Wow, that's pretty insane. What color is your car? I got quite different reactions based on color. My yellow C4S got routine thumbs up, and I got flashed once by a teenage girl as I was making my way from New Orleans toward Houston.

    The 3 black 911s I had were either ignored, or occasionally I got the stink eye from a jackass at the fuel station.

    In every car I got the occasional ricer streetrace type want to give it a go.

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    Le Chef said:

    At some social events these things are so numerous that valet guys have to ask you "WHICH Seal Gray 997S Cab do you have sir?"

    Even the answer: "the one with the painted rear center console" may not help really

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    Around here I might as well be invisible. I do find driving slightly faster alleviates the dick heads that see you coming and try to trip you up a bit.

    If you are having that many incidents you must be living in a "good ol' boy" area.

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    911s are everywhere here too in London. But although there are lots of them, there isn't a consequential fall in the level of respect you get.

    People don't drive aggressively towards me nor do people cut me up. I don't find it difficult to get offered a place when I'm joining a main road from a side street. You have to appreciate that I came to the Porsche marque having been a scum-of-the-earth BMW 3 series driver. London people simply hate BMW drivers.

    I think the 911 is well respected here as a true driver's car.

    Ferrari owners and Lamborghini owners are simply considered to be flashy poseurs and a**holes but Porsche drivers are not looked at that way especially if their car has a subtle colour. I'm not sure Speed Yellow gets the same reaction though.

    I've also noticed that when I drive dead slow over a speed bump, people are so patient. No horns, flashing headlamps. I just get understanding and patience aplenty.

    This weekend, I was at my local Shell petrol station checking my tyre pressures. A young boy of about 12 arrived to check the air in his bicycle tyres. He just said "Nice car. Must have cost a lot". I replied, "Yes, but if you work hard, you'll have one too someday". He beemed a big smile and I went on my way.

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    SrfCity said:

    If you are having that many incidents you must be living in a "good ol' boy" area.

    It's definitely a redneck area (whatever that means) where I keep the P-cars. The other thing about rural areas? Everybody stares at the driver heading toward them. When I'm in the city nobody gives any attention to who's driving.

    BTW, I'm citing the negative-disturbing reactions in initial post. Keep in mind I get (we all get?) lots of smiles and a few overt thumbs-ups too.

    Re: 997 Public Anxiety Report: Negative Reactions

    Jeannot said:
    Geez, you have some real F'ed people....
    I mostly get thumbs up, or the usual racer wannabee, but nothing aggressive or the kind of things you describe.
    Occasionally, I get angry looks by a pedestrian...coz of the PSE always on and they associate noise = high speed.... lol

    Same here, even the part about the PSE

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    Heh, I mostly encounter wannabe racers in cars tuned from hell. The 911 attracts them as flies, unlike the Boxster which no one really notices. These tuned cars (and their drivers) are for some reason very common here in Switzerland. I never got their point. A tuned Fiat Punto with four huge exhaust pipes, silly rims and stupid plastic skirts and wings that is trying to race... If they had any clue about cars they would know their car is a piece of crap and not even a worthy opponent to a 911. Firing up the PSE usually makes them even more aggressive and nervous.

    My code of conduct: stay calm, let them overtake and pray to god there is a speed camera up ahead...

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    ...and my best encounter was a red 964 with a grey-haired retired couple waving and making tumbs-up in such frequence they almost drove off the road

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    MMD said:
    SrfCity said:

    If you are having that many incidents you must be living in a "good ol' boy" area.

    It's definitely a redneck area (whatever that means) where I keep the P-cars. The other thing about rural areas? Everybody stares at the driver heading toward them. When I'm in the city nobody gives any attention to who's driving.

    BTW, I'm citing the negative-disturbing reactions in initial post. Keep in mind I get (we all get?) lots of smiles and a few overt thumbs-ups too.

    Porsche's are not too common where I live, in the northwestern part of Virginia. I get tailgated a lot, so I just slow down as I don't want the bozo behind me to pile into my backside because their brakes are good for sh*t.

    The second time I had mine out some jerk in a hot model VW Jetta or Passat tailgated me for about 10-15 miles. I gave him a glimpse of what my 911S could do, and finally, after really riding my bumper, he made a turn (after I gave a false turn signal). If he had tailed me further after that false turn, I would have called the police and charged him with stalking.

    About six months ago there was the kid - probably a face full of zits - with a Subaru Imprezza, probably the turbo - who decided to "blow by me" by passing me on the right. I let the jerk go. Anyone driving that dangerously is going to get themselves killed, but not because I raced them on a public highway.

    There are the occasional drivers who like to follow a bit closer who are just curious, and I don't really mind them. They usually just want to figure out if a Carrera S is a Porsche (the Porsche logo on the rear window is a bit small to read unless one gets really close).

    Some of the rednecks out in this area seem to prefer Corvettes, although I have never thought of a 'Vette as being a redneck Ferrari. They probably like it for the straight-line acceleration from the big-block engine and because it's probably easy enough for them to work on.

    For the most part, I don't think many folks out here would know the difference between a Porsche 911 and a Mitsubishi Eclipse or a Nissan 350Z. They are more interested in pickup trucks!


    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    Usually I get thumbs up... my favorite however was driving to dinner in the city, a police officer pulls up beside me and motions for me to roll my window down. He yells "That car is f*cken awesome, do whatever the hell you want!"

    Lots of Porsches where I am

    I was playing with a large SUV truck with tinted windows in the rain. We both accelerated away hard 2 times at intersections of course with me leaving him far behind.

    When lined up for the 3rd time, the first thing I did was to give him a thumbs up and the kid was cool.

    Sometimes when driving a nicer car, I tend to want to be more generous showing good spirits. Often, people assume that drivers or these expensive cars only buy them for show or are major snobs.

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    MMD said:
    I have a few different cars and gotta tell you the 997S ALWAYS gets the negative responses!

    Here's a few from the last year (just for fun).

    IMPORTANT: *****In all cases these responses were unwarrented. I "always" drive very nicely and considerately and only get frisky when there's nobody to witness it.*****

    A column of Bikers (choppers) coming from opposite lane on a twisty road with no traffic. Front biker throws me the finger. His followers see him doing that and, a secind later also give me the finger (as if saluting Hitler).

    Coming down a twisty road, a guy starts running from his lawn work toward the road edge and starts aggressively yelling and vigorously motioning for me to slow down. He could have heard me coming though, because five seconds before, I braked and as a result was going the speed limit in front of the residences (as always).

    A smelly truck slows down to an absurd 35 mph and slow me up for a while. I pass him _quickly_ when I get the chance (knowing he's gonna speed up as I pass). The rest of the trip is with him on my rear bumper; he's making all sorts of gestures along the way. We get to A SCHOOL ZONE (!) and I slow to 20 where the [expletive] finally has a chance and passes me!!!!

    And My personal favorite from the past year:

    There's a blockage ahead and I decide to make a "K" turn and go the other way. The Dipsh*t behind me pulls up and blocks my reverse part of the "K" so I can't make the tight turning radius. Nobody's moving, and there's no traffic in the other lane and yet the jerkoff is giving me the finger after he blocks me from doing the reverse portion of my turn!

    Of course the car gets alot of smiles and thumbs up gestures too... .

    Got any depraved "human interest" stories of your own?

    Dan L said:
    Where do you live? Hell?



    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    racerx - that was hilarious! I work for a German company and everyone gets the link this morning!

    Re: 997 Public Anxiety Report: Negative Reactions

    Been driving 911's since 1994 and have never received anything other than positive comments. Don't know why the negative folks are all seeking you out.

    Re: 997 Public Anxiety Report: Negative Reactions


    Nobody has ever dissed my triple black 996TSCab. Even the cop who stopped me for my only speeding ticket in it (50 in a 35 ) flattered me with my tastes in cars.

    Re: 997 Public Anxiety Report: Negative Reactions

    I had one run in with some nut, this is just plain insane. Last year I took the 996 out of winter storage for the first time in 4 months. I'm driving and I turn onto a side road where a newer Ford Focus hatch follows me closely. I speed up to get him off me and then continue the speed limit. All of a sudden he's flashing high beams on and off, then finally passes me in a no passing zone. At this point I'm pissed. So as he got in front of me I flashed him. I shouldn't have, but I did. So he slams on his brakes in the middle of the road, and comes to a stop. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!! I stop maybe 5 car lengths back and wait not knowing what to expect. Now there is a line of traffic forming behind us. People start honking, I'm afraid to pass thinking he might swerve at me. So I wait another very long minute and he is still sitting there. My wife is now unbelievably upset as well. Finally I just floor it and swerve wide and gave it all I had till I could hit the next side road. I still have no idea what it was all about, and nothing even close to that has happened since. What's wrong with people these days????

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    thuggy said:
    Usually I get thumbs up... my favorite however was driving to dinner in the city, a police officer pulls up beside me and motions for me to roll my window down. He yells "That car is f*cken awesome, do whatever the hell you want!"

    That's cool!!!

    Most often I get very positive responses: "nice car", long admiring stares, smiles from beautiful women, folks letting me go 1st at an intersection or pulling over to let me pass...

    However, the car also seems to bring out the nutters : One jerk passed me on a two lane road ( I'm driving at least 5 mph over the posted limit, with a few cars lined up in front of me), then cuts me off- only to slow way down and then tried to run me off the road when I tried to pass him as the road widened. I stayed back...took out my camera to take his picture and he jetted like a scared rabbit. A few other bizzare incidents/reactions ( nuts driving a POS), but the positives have far out weighed the negative...

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    racerx said:


    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    Well, if I see you there will be a thumbs up coming...

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    The most ridiculous behavior I see comes from people driving big SUVs. They seem to love to get on my rear bumper - even when I'm not in the left lane - and ride my tail. Often they accelerate and come up from another lane entirely to do this. I guess they think they're intimidating me?

    The most recent occurrence is a good example. I was in the lane to the right of the far left lane, cruising at about 85 mph, when a BMW X5 that I cruised past rapidly accelerated and planted himself on my back bumper. I even moved one more lane over to the right for him (even though the far left lane was wide open also). He moved over with me and continued to sit on my bumper. Really silly.

    Re: 997 Public Anxiety Report: Reactions

    Found this on my windshield:

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    TimN said:
    The most ridiculous behavior I see comes from people driving big SUVs. They seem to love to get on my rear bumper - even when I'm not in the left lane - and ride my tail. Often they accelerate and come up from another lane entirely to do this. I guess they think they're intimidating me?

    The most recent occurrence is a good example. I was in the lane to the right of the far left lane, cruising at about 85 mph, when a BMW X5 that I cruised past rapidly accelerated and planted himself on my back bumper. I even moved one more lane over to the right for him (even though the far left lane was wide open also). He moved over with me and continued to sit on my bumper. Really silly.

    Completely agree with SUV drivers having no idea that they have no hope in hell of stopping in time. I started to get in the habit of slowing down and then accelerating to force safe following distance to people tailgating me.

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    I mostly get positive responses too - bikers in particular give lots of cred and want to race, but have also encountered an odd White Van Man trying to squeeze me off the road occasionally. I once had to wind the window down and punch the side of his vehicle, at which point he let me through.

    Also get the odd crazy wanting to race right in the middle of London but that's not my thing so I just let them go.

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    SonOfStig said:

    Also get the odd crazy wanting to race right in the middle of London but that's not my thing so I just let them go.

    Oh yeah. Definitely let them go. Not worth regretting for the rest of your life if something goes really wrong.

    On a partially vacant highway if a guy and his vehicle seem respectable (not an ahole or POS) I'll do some racing for a few miles and then let him blow by with a wave from me (not a thumbs-up; can be mistaken for a middle finger). Why not? He's a car guy too.

    Re: In Chicago no one notices

    This happened a few years ago. A black Mercedes C class tailgated me and my 997S on MacArthur Boulevard here in Newport Beach. He did this for a short period of time, but long enough to do it in front of a parked Newport Beach Police motorcylist watching the traffic go by. Too late for the Mercedes driver to slow down because he got pulled over. I should have waved at him and gave him (the Mercedes driver) the thumbs up sign.

    Re: 997 Public Anxiety Report: Negative Reactions

    Ok I have two in one night. Beautiful day at the Marin headlands, followed by dinner in the city. I'm driving across the bay bridge from S.F. after a dinner with my wife, we're going with the traffic, and a guy pulls from the right lane in front of me missing my front bumper by mere inches. Suddenly, he turns on a whole bunch of blinkers that are affixed to his rear window and the edge of the roofline on his Honda CRX, then begins slowing way below the speed limit...meanwhile cars start piling up behind me. I accelerate around the freak and as I pass the lunatic doesn't look over at me but stares straight ahead. I leave the guy in the dust. 30 miles later, I am going over the Carquinez bridge and going through the tollbooth. As I accelerate away I see headlights and driving lights hurtling down upon me. As I floor the car I barely pull away in time to avoid being rear-ended by some guy in a white van, who tries mightily to catch up with me and accomplish our destruction. That was one un-nerving evening in San Freakcisco.



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