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    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    SoCalHoosier said:
    Jim... my heart just stopped.

    If that keeps happening, I suggest you get a TR6 to restore!

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    JimFlat6 said:
    SoCalHoosier said:
    Jim... my heart just stopped.

    If that keeps happening, I suggest you get a TR6 to restore!

    If you're lucky, it'd still be fitted with its original Lucas battery, which you could use to kick-start your pacemaker. :

    Ooops! Jim, I think your writing style might be infectious.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    I'de rather push a ford than drive a chevy! Just playing Ronnie, but you otta lighten up. Every time I read your posts you talk about all the Pcars you have owned and all your freinds Pcars that you have treid. When did your love affair end with the Pcars. Let it go they don't make 924's anymore

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    Rhino, how would you like to push the latest Mustang V8 convertible it only weighs... 4000Lbs!

    The "happiest" Porsche video that I ever saw on the net was of the guy in a Mustang Cobra convertible doing 155mph on the autobahn as he kept up with 2 Porsche CGT's....until the traffic cleared.

    I dont think that many Europeans know this, but Ford in the US actually stands for Found On Road Dead.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    JimFlat6 said:
    Rhino, how would you like to push the latest Mustang V8 convertible it only weighs... 4000Lbs!

    The "happiest" Porsche video that I ever saw on the net was of the guy in a Mustang Cobra convertible doing 155mph on the autobahn as he kept up with 2 Porsche CGT's....until the traffic cleared.

    I dont think that many Europeans know this, but Ford in the US actually stands for Found On Road Dead.

    lol, i've seen that video, and you've described it perfectly

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    and F.ix O.r R.epair D.aily

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    Oh Jim after the 997TT w/tip blows away the zo6's doors off you can use an F250 to tow it back home

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    RonnieC6Z -

    One sports car being "better" than another sports car is a matter of what is important to the potential buyer.

    Just because I decided against the C6Z doesn't mean all the reasons I came up with apply to ALL other people looking for a sports car. The 996 Turbo I own is the "better" car for my tastes. While performance numbers were important to me, a few tenths of a second one way or the other just didnt matter to me..I don't track my car and I don't street race. If I did take up tracking, it wouldn't be in either a C6Z or a 997/997 Turbo.

    I personally don't like the looks of the Vette, inside or out. The Vette presents "too large" for me. The sight lines from the driver's seat are not as good in the Vette as they are in the the Vette I feel like I'm sitting in a tub, and there seems to be acres of car around me.

    I also think the Vette's driving controls have way less feedback than the 996 Turbo, and the location and balance of each control is not as good in the Vette.

    Motor Trend didn't like the noise and heat in the C6Z, saying it was too harsh for everyday use.

    I'm glad you like your C6Z...sounds like you bought the better car for YOU. But the C6Z isn't the better car for EVERYBODY, and the sooner guys like you get off the "marquis versus marquis" thing, the better.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    Porsche really does need to lighten up. Too many customers are taking them too seriously and Porsche is feeding back off of that. Their current marketing copy is blatantly dark.

    Porsche used to use upbeat and friendly marketing statements."Porsche A Love Story" "Snow Porsche, Sun Porsche" "Kills Bugs Fast!" etc,

    Now they might as well say "Mean Porsche" or "Lease To Impress" or "Prestige Thru Options!"

    Porsche, bring back some joy please! The customers are getting depressed!

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    rhino said:
    Oh Jim after the 997TT w/tip blows away the zo6's doors off you can use an F250 to tow it back home

    And with a F350 I could do a high speed rolling push start for the Z06.

    According to the Ford TV ads, the F250 should be able to
    pull both the Z06 and the 997TT home at the same time after they are shamed by that guys Twin Turbo Gallardo.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    I just wana watch

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    General tip for future discussions: Guys in the Middle East should refrain from making any comments that could possibly be interpreted as anti-American. Guys in United States should refrain from bashing the Middle East or Islam. Perhaps 100 years from now we won't need this reminder. But I kinda doubt it . . .

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    FWIW, Egypt happens to build BMW's, Jeep Wranglers and M1 Abrahms tanks. Something for all checkbook sizes!

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    amazon said:
    Wich will go faster: american crap (being the z06) or egyptian crap (being a mule) ???

    Well, an egyptian mule is still faster than a piece of belgian chocolate, right?!

    C'mon guys, we're all friends here.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    JimFlat6 said:
    FWIW, Egypt happens to build BMW's, Jeep Wranglers and M1 Abrahms tanks. Something for all checkbook sizes!

    Jim, any idea on the MSRP for the tank, and are they taking deposits?

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    Turbo Al said:
    JimFlat6 said:
    FWIW, Egypt happens to build BMW's, Jeep Wranglers and M1 Abrahms tanks. Something for all checkbook sizes!

    Jim, any idea on the MSRP for the tank, and are they taking deposits?

    Sure they are MSRP is 7 million dollars so if you have the 10% down contact General Dynamics Leasing. And
    shipping, dealer prep and ammo is not included!

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    RC said:
    amazon said:
    Wich will go faster: american crap (being the z06) or egyptian crap (being a mule) ???

    Well, an egyptian mule is still faster than a piece of belgian chocolate, right?!

    C'mon guys, we're all friends here.

    A few years ago a English car magazine held a Donkey
    versus Ferrari F360 contest in Lisbon.

    Starting from the same place and the same time outside the the city,they raced to the center of the city.

    Traffic was awful.

    The Donkey won.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    U Boat Commander said:
    General tip for future discussions: Guys in the Middle East should refrain from making any comments that could possibly be interpreted as anti-American. Guys in United States should refrain from bashing the Middle East or Islam. Perhaps 100 years from now we won't need this reminder. But I kinda doubt it . . .

    Well, I think we all need some more humor, some more understanding for different cultures and a HUGE amount of self-criticism, especially towards our own country/culture.

    And we shouldn't always mix up politics with religion, nationalism and regional traditions. This is not all the same. Most arabs I know are not even close to islamic fanatics and it is no secret that I'm some sort of an atheist, I'm not a very religious person. So maybe we should just try not to provoke religious sentiments or statements which each party may not really mean but when the word is out, it is difficult to take it back.

    The current situation in the middle east is bad for us all, Americans, Europeans and Arabs. And since the Persians started to play with nukes, the region hasn't really become a safer place. Maybe the Americans should understand that their intentions are good and their idealism is refreshing but the execution lacks a little bit of style and brains.
    The Arabs should try to make peace with themselves before they're ready to make peace with the world. And they should start to think about their traditions like bargaining, selling stuff, offering their great hospitality to any stranger and relying on their sense for business. Blowing up people doesn't really gain any profit and it is actually against all TRUE islamic beliefs.
    And finally we Europeans should be a little less arrogant, we didn't invent humanity and democracy, 60 years ago we almost destroyed everything we have, now we're fighting against an overprotected society full of expectations but not willing to give away anything, not to speak about the shameful events in the Balkans where we were watching how hundreds of thousands were killed in our next neighborhood but we cared more about some war lords in Africa.

    We better watch out and look towards China and India: in a few decades, they'll probably sell US their Porsches and Ferraris and we're riding on mules.

    C'mon guys, lighten up. We have only one planet for us all, we have to get along. I know that real life doesn't work that simple but you get my point. No need to get personal and to provoke...unless of course we're talking about cars.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    sdy284 said:
    JimFlat6 said:
    Rhino, how would you like to push the latest Mustang V8 convertible it only weighs... 4000Lbs!

    The "happiest" Porsche video that I ever saw on the net was of the guy in a Mustang Cobra convertible doing 155mph on the autobahn as he kept up with 2 Porsche CGT's....until the traffic cleared.

    I dont think that many Europeans know this, but Ford in the US actually stands for Found On Road Dead.

    lol, i've seen that video, and you've described it perfectly

    Where is this video?

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    Crash said:
    Since you despise BMWs and Porsches so much, you might reconsider your attendance here. It's obvious that our sheer ignorance is really bugging you and us not seeing the light and buying Chevies is really getting on your nerves. Now, let me just state that I would take an M6 or a standard 997 over a C6Z any day. No snobism here, but the mere thought of being associated with ignorant souls such as yourself is making me cringe.
    You don't like this board? Fine. However, unless you have some useful input, please refrain from posting such repetitive and downright childish comments. You sound like a ricer, revving his VTEC Honda and turning on 'da Nawz'.
    Seriously, look at 95jersey. The man loves Corvettes, but can actually back up his statements, which are nowhere near as childish as yours and has loads of experience. Not saying that you don't, but from what you're displaying here, all I see is trash talk from a disgruntled Corvette owner with an inferiority complex.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    I hope the leaders of our countries have a similar way of thinking in the future.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    RC, are you the Rodney King of Germany? "Why cant we all just get along?"

    Sadly, I think its going to be a long time before we see a Tel Aviv to Tehran Porsche rallye with Hamas and Hassidic
    co-drivers listening to Pat Robertson CD's.

    And if you are waiting for any "style" from US politicos you wont see it in your lifetime. Traditionally the US wins or loses wars by throwing money, explosives and people at it. Read Mark Twains "Innocents Abroad", nothings changed.

    As for Tehrans leadership, I suggest they move not just their science into this century but also their political sensibilities.

    Strangely, the only country the US knows it cant beat is Canada. They have beaten the US twice. Go figure, eh.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    I think you all missed the most important factor of them all.

    The Z06 only comes with the steering wheel in the wrong place! You can't buy it with the steering wheel in the correct place (thats to the right for those who don't know!)

    Who would want to buy a car thats only available with a steering wheel on the left. Odd!

    Enough said!


    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    There is ONE single thing I don't understand and maybe somebody can enlighten me because I really have absolutely no clue: I'm a Porsche addict, probably a hardcore one. I love Porsche cars and although I don't like everything Porsche does or offers, my heart is with them.
    But I would NEVER EVER go to a Corvette, Ferrari, whatever discussion forum and start to give my opinion on other cars, especially not by telling people how great my Porsche is and that THEIR cars stand no chance.

    So here's the thing I don't get: why would a Corvette Z06 owner come to a Porsche forum and tell us how great his car is and what crap we actually drive? Sorry, I don't understand. From a medical psychological view, I agree that this may have to do with some sort of inferiority complex. But on the other hand, I wonder if this isn't just the result of primitive childish behaviour of some adult(s) who aren't satisfied with their life, car, marriage, business, whatever?! I don't want to offend anybody but I think that Z06 owners coming here to tell us how great their car is and that it can outrun a car (997 TT) which haven't even been reviewed yet by ANY car magazine on this planet, should really have a reality check.

    Maybe I would understand such behaviour if there would have already been a direct comparison between both cars somewhere in a car magazine, no matter how trustable. Personally, I still wouldn't do it. But right now, all we have of the 997 Turbo are some pictures, some technical specs and nothing more. And Z06 owners claim the Z06 is faster, funny. Based on what? Wishful thinking?

    Yes, the Z06 is fast, very fast. It outruns the 996 Turbo and Turbo S. And judging from our experience (not our fantasy ), it shouldn't have too many problems wiht outrunning the manual version of the 997 TT by a small margin. On the straight line and on dry pavement.

    But the 997 Turbo is available in other "flavours" too, including Tiptronic and Sport Chrono Package. And as soon as the streets get wet, dusty or snowy, the 997 TT is by far superior. I can't say much about track capability, this is something we still haven't figured out but we're sure that sooner or later, we'll have the numbers. And honestly, I don't have a clue who is going to be faster on the track.

    As a last hint: Porsche tested products of their competitors during 997 Turbo development, among them a F430 and a M6. And although the don't seem to consider the Z06 a direct competitor, they didn't overlook it.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    RC said:
    There is ONE single thing I don't understand and maybe somebody can enlighten me because I really have absolutely no clue: I'm a Porsche addict, probably a hardcore one. I love Porsche cars and although I don't like everything Porsche does or offers, my heart is with them.
    But I would NEVER EVER go to a Corvette, Ferrari, whatever discussion forum and start to give my opinion on other cars, especially not by telling people how great my Porsche is and that THEIR cars stand no chance.

    So here's the thing I don't get: why would a Corvette Z06 owner come to a Porsche forum and tell us how great his car is and what crap we actually drive? Sorry, I don't understand. From a medical psychological view, I agree that this may have to do with some sort of inferiority complex. But on the other hand, I wonder if this isn't just the result of primitive childish behaviour of some adult(s) who aren't satisfied with their life, car, marriage, business, whatever?! I don't want to offend anybody but I think that Z06 owners coming here to tell us how great their car is and that it can outrun a car (997 TT) which haven't even been reviewed yet by ANY car magazine on this planet, should really have a reality check.

    Maybe I would understand such behaviour if there would have already been a direct comparison between both cars somewhere in a car magazine, no matter how trustable. Personally, I still wouldn't do it. But right now, all we have of the 997 Turbo are some pictures, some technical specs and nothing more. And Z06 owners claim the Z06 is faster, funny. Based on what? Wishful thinking?

    Yes, the Z06 is fast, very fast. It outruns the 996 Turbo and Turbo S. And judging from our experience (not our fantasy ), it shouldn't have too many problems wiht outrunning the manual version of the 997 TT by a small margin. On the straight line and on dry pavement.

    But the 997 Turbo is available in other "flavours" too, including Tiptronic and Sport Chrono Package. And as soon as the streets get wet, dusty or snowy, the 997 TT is by far superior. I can't say much about track capability, this is something we still haven't figured out but we're sure that sooner or later, we'll have the numbers. And honestly, I don't have a clue who is going to be faster on the track.

    As a last hint: Porsche tested products of their competitors during 997 Turbo development, among them a F430 and a M6. And although the don't seem to consider the Z06 a direct competitor, they didn't overlook it.

    Did you, by any chance, notice that this post was started by someone who, for what ever reason, is knocking a Chevy salesman, and is bringing up the P-Car vs Z06 comparison.
    It was NOT started by some Corvette guy coming on your forum! And anyone who does not like the comparisons, (and there ar many who don't), just don't read and/or respond to them. And, by the way, there are many Porschephiles that come on the Z06 forum and spout off. And that is just fine with me...freedom of speach is welcome everywhere.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    RonnieC6Z said:
    Did you, by any chance, notice that this post was started by someone who, for what ever reason, is knocking a Chevy salesman, and is bringing up the P-Car vs Z06 comparison.
    It was NOT started by some Corvette guy coming on your forum! And anyone who does not like the comparisons, (and there ar many who don't), just don't read and/or respond to them. And, by the way, there are many Porschephiles that come on the Z06 forum and spout off. And that is just fine with me...freedom of speach is welcome everywhere.

    No matter by WHO it was started...this is still a Porsche forum. I apologize for the dumb behaviour of some fellow Porschephiles who may come to Corvette forums and sing the Porsche Hallelujah, at the same time bashing Corvettes.
    Freedom of speech is fine with me but we have rules here, for a good reason. Did you have freedom of speech at your parents' house? Just try to view us as a family and this is our house. And I and the moderators are the parents who sometimes have to spank some to put some sense into some of our "kids".

    Regarding car salesmen: there are some very knowledgable, nice and very often even honest sales persons. But usually they're dumb, they couldn't care less about the product they sell, they're lying, they do everything possible to make the competion look bad. This isn't valid for car sales persons only but unfortunately this business has a pretty bad reputation sometimes. And of course this is valid for all car brands sales persons.

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    Your "universal" comment about car salesman is not quire true.

    There is one car company that has decent, forthright and unerringly honest salesmen, and that is Bristol. But they only have ONE salesman, Tony.

    He looks a bit of a drunk and wont speak with you unless he smells 250,000 GBP on you and is sure he can turn your money into his.

    Bristol makes this..

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    Now thats what the Zo6 should have looked like

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    jlr said:they probably would choose a wine by alcohol content.

    Thats the best analogy I heard in a long time!

    Re: Chevy Sales men on 997 TT

    RC said:
    But I would NEVER EVER go to a Corvette, Ferrari, whatever discussion forum and start to give my opinion on other cars, especially not by telling people how great my Porsche is and that THEIR cars stand no chance.

    Simple, you would if you were INSECURE, but since you are not, you don't have that necesity.
    Thats all it is, insecurity breeds the need for reafirmation, and hence wasting your time at other marke sportcar forums for which you have no interest in, telling the people there how great your car is compared to their marke. I find it amusing actually.



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