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    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    I have this crazy idea that just popped up.

    Was thinking if I can get Porsche to hang onto my RS till October, I might fly into Stuttgart and collect it there and drive all the way south to Paul Ricard for the 918 track training event, then drive all the way back up to Stuttgart for them to ship it over.

    Is this too crazy?

    No it's totally normal.Smiley

    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    Plus I have a custom door sill for 918 owners smiley


    The one that illuminates ? Smiley

    October is fine with summer tires, specially if in the first 3 weeks  . I usually put my winter tire on end of November . ( Dave probably confused October with November Smiley ) 

    The trip would not be a problem  at all . Straight highway all the way down to Marseille . And Paul Richard is worth discovering . Not just the track, but the setting and the region .  


     997.2 C2 ,  -20mm  I 964 Carrera 4 I 991 GT3 RS on order delivery early Sept .

    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    The basic lesson Porsche must learn from the PTS fiasco is that they have been overwhelmed by customer demand due to the fact that they offered such a poor choice of basic colours in the first place. They seem to be completely out of touch with what their GT customers want in terms of colour and trim. The standard offerings are so poor that a huge number of people have opted for PTS which has simply swamped the paintshop capacity in the allotted production run time it would appear.

    From what I've read elsewhere it seems Porsche still hide behind a 3 month lead time for paint from their supplier which is just laughable as any colour can be batch mixed these days on demand.

    IMHO they really need to re-evaluate the whole paint and trim aspect of their production to meet their customers requirements better. Why is it still such a hassle in 2015 to order contrast stitching for instance?? Ferrari sorted this out years ago. Make it one code for a complete interior or design the interiors in such a way that it is possible to provide contrast stitching more easily in stitching packages that allow contrasts to be made on the seats only or dash top and door tops etc. This is an easy profit margin area to promote. I read Eduardo's factory visit report on another forum where he said senior Porsche executives wonder why he spends so much time and effort explaining the options Porsche Exclusive can offer. I had to laugh at that as they were completely oblivious to the fact that this is an area so poorly understood within the dealer network and so easy to screw up when ordering that most dealers simply do not bother to explain or promote it hence why people like Eduardo step in to fill the breach for customers intent on personalising their car to exactly how they want it.  Porsche make this a difficult and often frustrating process when it should be a fun journey that really makes the whole purchase special.

    You make valid points. However, we are not the typical customers. Most buyers work with their salesperson and order the car. Nothing fancy or complicated. You're asking Porsche to change their entire system to accommodate very few picky customers.Smiley 

    BTW, you can't compare Ferrari's system to Porsche's. Ferrari builds 10,000 cars while Porsche builds almost 200,000.Smiley

    Nick, if you can do ED do it. It sounds fantastic. I you need company let me know.Smiley



    Of little, to make much: That is the dream of a human life.


    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Well, it all depends on if Stuttgart had managed to pull my car aside in time before it was loaded onto a transport.

    After that's it's just logistics. My intended 'European Delivery' would be quite different than normal ones, basically it's just me picking up the keys to the car, proper navigation map loaded and have insurances arranged, didn't need the full package tour and stuff, so I figured I could 'squeeze' in somewhere even when they don't have a proper delivery slot for me.

    Will check with them next week.




    Re: 991 GT3 RS

     RE: isuk's post:

    "The basic lesson Porsche must learn from the PTS fiasco is that they have been overwhelmed by customer demand due to the fact that they offered such a poor choice of basic colours in the first place. They seem to be completely out of touch with what their GT customers want in terms of colour and trim. The standard offerings are so poor that a huge number of people have opted for PTS which has simply swamped the paintshop capacity in the allotted production run time it would appear.

    From what I've read elsewhere it seems Porsche still hide behind a 3 month lead time for paint from their supplier which is just laughable as any colour can be batch mixed these days on demand.

    IMHO they really need to re-evaluate the whole paint and trim aspect of their production to meet their customers requirements better. Why is it still such a hassle in 2015 to order contrast stitching for instance?? Ferrari sorted this out years ago. Make it one code for a complete interior or design the interiors in such a way that it is possible to provide contrast stitching more easily in stitching packages that allow contrasts to be made on the seats only or dash top and door tops etc. This is an easy profit margin area to promote. I read Eduardo's factory visit report on another forum where he said senior Porsche executives wonder why he spends so much time and effort explaining the options Porsche Exclusive can offer. I had to laugh at that as they were completely oblivious to the fact that this is an area so poorly understood within the dealer network and so easy to screw up when ordering that most dealers simply do not bother to explain or promote it hence why people like Eduardo step in to fill the breach for customers intent on personalising their car to exactly how they want it.  Porsche make this a difficult and often frustrating process when it should be a fun journey that really makes the whole purchase special."



    Eduardo, Presently in Volkach, Franken Region.  Just too cold & foggy in Carmel right now & I wanted to experience true humidity & heat in Europe for a few weeks!  Smiley​  

    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    You make valid points. However, we are not the typical customers. Most buyers work with their salesperson and order the car. Nothing fancy or complicated. You're asking Porsche to change their entire system to accommodate very few picky customers.Smiley 

    BTW, you can't compare Ferrari's system to Porsche's. Ferrari builds 10,000 cars while Porsche builds almost 200,000.Smiley


    The volume arguement doesn't hold water. Porsche builds it's cars across multiple factories so should be more flexible as a result. Sports car account for less than 25% of that total production figure and within those the number with PTS requests will be a fraction of the volume so the process should be able to cope far better than it does. Audi manages to offer it's Exclusive service much better with a far higher production volume than Porsche and actually produces printed material for their customers that explains the offerings. The only brochure I have seen for Porsche covering Exclusive options has been for the Panamera. Others may exist but the dealers I've visited don't have them which reinforces how badly the service is marketed.

    The Exclusive department for the Sports cars handles much lower volume than you probably think so adapting ordering codes like things for stitching should not be the uphill struggle Porsche are making it. Somewhat crazily IMHO the cars are initially built using standard parts and are them taken to the Exclusive workshop where they are stripped of items like interior trim and the specially ordered trim is then fitted. This adds significantly to the manufacturing time and cost. Quite why the exclusive department cannot make the relevant trim pieces and then send them to the production line to meet the car in build as external suppliers do is beyond me. There may be a valid reason or it could just be a case of "that's the way we've always done it".

    The main issue is paint colour choice. The GT3 RS is already a very limited run car yet the factory simply cannot cope with buyers deviating from the standard offerings in the numbers they have. That suggests Porsche marketing seriously erred in the colours that were chosen for the standard offering and that the paint process around the Exclusive PTS option simply cannot cope with high demand. Look at the launch of the Macan. A new model aimed at bringing a totally new customer base to Porsche yet launched in some of the most boring colours imaginable from Porsche's colour pallette. The biggest criticism on forums of excited new buyers was the poor range of colours offered. The paintshop manager for the Macan production boasted in Christophorus magazine that his facility could paint a Macan in any colour a customer wanted which is possibly technically true but nowhere near the reality for buyers in the first year of production. I am told that PTS is being made available on the Macan now so it will be interesting to see if that factory can cope or if dealers are better geared to advise customers that it is an option. I suspect dealers will keep quiet about it - especially in the US where you seem able to custom order a car then back out with no penalty when it arrives and you don't like it which is just crazy IMHO.

    The biggest growth area for profit margins in the premium sector is personalisation as growing numbers of customers want something different and unique. If Porsche cannot adapt to meet this change by enlarging the Exclusive department's physical factory space and staffing levels then they will be left behind. On this board we are used to spending high numbers on sports cars but to most people the outlay on a Macan diesel is huge compared to what they have previously spent on a car and they want/expect far greater levels of exclusivity and service than Porsche or it's dealers are geared up for. This is the conundrum of stretching a premium brand downwards - new customers are actually more picky as they are not used to dealing with a relatively low volume manufacturer who has greater production limitations Smiley

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    So, to offer a little distraction from the insoluble PTS conundrum, here is a brief synopsis on my first track day experience:


    Great traction out of slow corners and stability under heavy braking, amazing front-end grip in faster corners. The stresses and strains of track use don't seem to bother it in any way, very reasonable brake and tyre wear after a total of well over 3 hours spent on track in very warm and humid conditions. 


    None really, acceleration is slightly better but overall straight line speed is at best on a par with the base 991 GT3 (due to the aero package), and the nominally increased engine power is not that apparent. So you have to rely on the better traction/speed out of corners and marginally better braking points/higher cornering speed.

    Overall, it is a hugely enjoyable track toy, it puts a smile on your faceblush   


    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    ISUK:  You have articulated very well a problem that Porsche needs to solve one way or another.  And as an experienced customer of 'Porsche Exclusive' in the past, you are a voice that is respected both by me and perhaps others that currently work for PAG.  

    In the course of completing my thread at Rennlist re: my visit last week to Zuffenhausen (and my upcoming July 27th tour of Porsche Leipzig),  I plan to touch on various points that address some of the topics you have raised.  And also give some of the feedback from the Porsche executives that met with me at PAG and communicated those to me.  Due to the fact that I am also on vacation in Europe with my wife (an non-auto enthusiast), I don't have time to write all my intended posts all at once.  But I urge anyone that has an interest in the subject of 'Porsche Exclusive'- and PTS in particular - to participate in that discussion with me & others at Rennlist so it's part of the record:

    I know some a PAG & PCNA are reading some of what is written by us on the internet.  That is the 'how & why' I was granted these special meetings at Zuffenhausen.  What to make with the information gathered or communicated at these 'meetings' is a delicate topic matter and often open to different interpretations.  As critical as some of you know I am about certain things at 'Porsche Exclusive', I also have come to understand (and even feel sorry for some of those individuals) for the limitations often placed on 'Porsche Exclusive' personnel by others within the PAG 'suits', marketing 'types' & production engineers with 'why are we complicating our lives with that' attitudes. So as Clinton used to say, I feel their 'pain'.   

    Personally, I think we need responsible & intelligent conversation that is inclusive of as many views as possible on this subject...and always in a respectful tone like the one you ISUK has exhibited here in your posts.  Eventually, we will together make some sense of what they are trying to do with this department.  And try to find out who actually controls the 'strings' behind the scenes.  You will be surprised to learn that sometimes the people we think are 'in charge' are also along for the ride with us...and have less power than we sometime thought they had! 

    I find PTS & Porsche Exclusive' a fascinating topic which I have devoted a considerable part of my time ever since I first ordered a '12 Boxster Spyder in 2011 with a high number of 'Exclusive' options.  Ever since, I decided to do my small part to help others try to figure out this opaque world of 'Porsche Exclusive'...and shed some light on the subject.  After I return to America and are done with the hectic schedule of the Monterey Historics, I will also be able to participate here at Rennteam (if you would so kind as to allow me) more frequently on this topic.   I often monitor this European-centric forum for its interesting chatter & discussions on various topics.  And I think it compliments the work we do in Rennlist quite well!    

    Saludos,  Eduardo, Volkach at the Zur Schwane near the river Main

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Thank you for your efforts Eduardo wink I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation.

    Apologies to those for whom PTS/Exclusive discussions are a boring distraction on this thread. For some buyers though the visual is an important part of the enjoyment of a car alongside the visceral. 50 shades of grey does not suit everyone smiley

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Dario, I will try to get the data to you in the next couple of days (sorry, for some reason the system does not let me reply to your meassage)

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Thanks Olly,no problem!is not so urgent!


    997TT RS Tuning stage II(sold),2011 Cayenne Turbo(sold),waiting 991 GT3 RS

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    First Victory in his class for a 991 GT3 RS team AP CAR DESIGN in Porsche sport cup



    997 GT3 RS 3.6 - 964 RS - Waiting 991 GT3 RS

    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    First Victory in his class for a 991 GT3 RS team AP CAR DESIGN in Porsche sport cup


    I saw a similarly wrapped RS when I was at the Ring a couple of days ago... Not sure if it was the same car, but it looked quite similar, maybe less sponsors if any. The car has so much presence. Smiley


    Porsche 911 GT3 - Guards Red 997 MKII Clubsport

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Iain, I hope Porsche does address your concerns but I am dubious. If you restrict the discussion to only the sport car division (not sure that is valid assumption) you are still looking at 50,000 cars. You mentioned Audi but their sport car production is substantially less than 50,000. 

    My point is the lion share of people buying Porsche's are not into exclusive options. They are expensive, cause delays in delivery and complicated to order. If your point is to simplify all this without delaying of delivery, I suppose it would help. My view is it will not make much difference increasing orders especially if it delays production and delivery.Smiley




    Of little, to make much: That is the dream of a human life.


    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    And the video :) enjoy the 991 GT3 RS is a fantastic car...



    997 GT3 RS 3.6 - 964 RS - Waiting 991 GT3 RS

    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    The basic fact in my experience is that most buyers do not even know that the Exclusive department exists or that there is an option called Paint To Sample. The majority of dealers don't actively promote it either as it delays delivery and presumably brings little added benefit to them in terms of additional profit versus the additional time required to manage the process. The factory add to this by not offering it on a year round basis but instead have a window for this type of work.

    There are a few dealerships who seem to actively order in cars for stock in Paint To Sample or with a host of Exclusive trim finishes. The dealer in Glasgow, Scotland for instance has had a whole host of Boxster and Cayman models in the last year or so as showroom display in vibrant colours like Gulf Orange, Mexico Blue, Viper Green, Fashion Grey etc and sold them without difficulty thereby proving that there is customer demand. There is an US dealership which also orders interesting cars as the sales guy there likes trying out different things. He appears to sell them with ease as well. If you have an interest in PTS or Exclusive it is well worth checking out Eduardo's thread "Custom Ordering a 991, 'Porsche Exclusive' and You!" over on Rennlist.

    Here for example is the choice of stitching thread colours potentially available to customers through Exclusive (photo courtesy of Eduardo). I bet you never dreamt there was such a wide choice potentially available nor will your dealer most likely.

    Stitching colours 3.JPG

    There is also a list of 62...yes you read that correctly 62..... leather to sample colours available. I'm betting that very few people on Rennteam who are more knowledgeable about Porsche than the average customer are even aware of that  

    It is therefore very easy in theory to create your dream Porsche if you had a favourite leather colour from the 964 series for example and wanted to match it to an exterior colour from the 993. Perhaps you'd like your new 981 spyder in the launch colours of the Carrera GT - GT Silver with Ascot leather. That is available on the current approved lists for both paint and leather.

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Very impressive, but they can't seem to deliver on time. My guess is that most local dealers don't want the added delay or politics either. Hence, the Exclusive department is avoided.


    Re: 991 GT3 RS



    The basic fact in my experience is that most buyers do not even know that the Exclusive department exists or that there is an option called Paint To Sample. The majority of dealers don't actively promote it either as it delays delivery and presumably brings little added benefit to them in terms of additional profit versus the additional time required to manage the process. The factory add to this by not offering it on a year round basis but instead have a window for this type of work.

    There are a few dealerships who seem to actively order in cars for stock in Paint To Sample or with a host of Exclusive trim finishes. The dealer in Glasgow, Scotland for instance has had a whole host of Boxster and Cayman models in the last year or so as showroom display in vibrant colours like Gulf Orange, Mexico Blue, Viper Green, Fashion Grey etc and sold them without difficulty thereby proving that there is customer demand. There is an US dealership which also orders interesting cars as the sales guy there likes trying out different things. He appears to sell them with ease as well. If you have an interest in PTS or Exclusive it is well worth checking out Eduardo's thread "Custom Ordering a 991, 'Porsche Exclusive' and You!" over on Rennlist.

    Here for example is the choice of stitching thread colours potentially available to customers through Exclusive (photo courtesy of Eduardo). I bet you never dreamt there was such a wide choice potentially available nor will your dealer most likely.

    Stitching colours 3.JPG

    There is also a list of 62...yes you read that correctly 62..... leather to sample colours available. I'm betting that very few people on Rennteam who are more knowledgeable about Porsche than the average customer are even aware of that  

    It is therefore very easy in theory to create your dream Porsche if you had a favourite leather colour from the 964 series for example and wanted to match it to an exterior colour from the 993. Perhaps you'd like your new 981 spyder in the launch colours of the Carrera GT - GT Silver with Ascot leather. That is available on the current approved lists for both paint and leather.

    Just a quick note to clarify a small but important point.  That photo from my thread on 'Custom Ordering a 991' over at Rennlist ( was taken in 2012 from 'props' taken to the Porsche Parade in Salt Lake City by then manager of 'Porsche Exclusive' in the US - Sascha Glaeser.  The fact is (and I learned this the hard way) that although the synthetic threads in these wide array of colors you see in the photo are available from the manufacturer/supplier, Porsche doesn't have many of these colors approved for their own interior as deviated stitching.  So for example, we currently have no bright 'green' deviated stitching available for the 991/981.  We have no bright 'blue' deviated stitching either. Bright 'Green' deviated stitching was available most recently as an offering on the .1 997 gt3 RS...but never offered on the 991/981 on any model.   Bright 'Blue' was offered briefly at the beginning of the current model production and we saw it on a very few custom early 981 Boxsters...then it was stopped being offered.  A bright 'Orange' deviated stitching was offered also on the .1 997 era gt3 RS, but never in the 991.  But because 'Amber Orange' stitching was offered on the 981 from start, custom 991 orders could be requested in this 'weaker' orange color since the color thread had already been tested & approved for seating and panel work (dash, door, etc) by Porsche.  That is still the only 'Orange-looking' deviated stitching you could get right now...regardless the many beautiful shades of 'orange' synthetic material threads seen in that 'wide world of colors' photo.  'Acid Green' was briefly available as deviating stitching at beginning of 991 production (since it was offered in some special '918 Spyder' Limited Edition 911 for 918 customers), but it was soon stopped too.  In fact, one of the most famous 'demonstrator' for 'Porsche Exclusive', a ''Lichtgrün / Birch Green' 991S Cabriolet I photographed extensively at Zuffenhausen on my visit in 2013, didn't even have the seats done in the 'acid green' deviated stitching found elsewhere on that full leather interior vehicle simply because the production engineers had found weakness with the type of thread used for the seats on all 991/981 and stopped temporarily the ability of anyone (including themselves for a special 'Porsche Exclusive' show car) to get deviating stitching on seats!  Canadian customer JUPJAI recently was delivered a beautiful 'Lichtgrün' 911 Turbo S cabriolet custom order.  But he couldn't get PAG to approved any special deviating thread for his 'Espresso' leather interior.  So he ended up with 'Racing Yellow', which worked well because 'Lichtgrün' has so much yellow and 'Racing Yellow' itself has a bit of green tint.  But for others ordering a 'Signal Green', 'Viper', 'Pure Green', 'grün', we don't have many options for coordinating our interiors with deviating stitching in the non-GT cars. 

    So that picture we are discussing on this post is a bit misleading, even if supplied to us by Porsche as a 'prop' to show us the wonderful (albeit an imaginary) world of 'Porsche Exclusive' options.  The fact is that material testing (e.g. type of synthetic threads used for deviating stitching for heavily used seats) is rigorous at any auto manufacturer, but particular selective at Porsche.  If a deviating thread fails, it's an expensive warranty item for Porsche that might eat up their whole calculated profit on building & selling that particular car.  So they are very careful.  But from a design point of view, 'Porsche Exclusive' has to do more for us (the custom order enthusiasts) in pushing the process along so that more colors are a possibility as interior deviating stitching options to coordinate with the long list of colors available to us via PTS.  

    And yes, there appears at present to be 62 different leathers available via 'Leather to Sample'.  But hardly anyone bothers for reasons that we don't have time to discuss at present.  

    Saludos, Eduardo (still somewhat jet lagged and up at 5 am in Franconia)

    Leather to sample 8.10.2014.pdf

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Totally OT

    Super Darius:

    I'm right now at Lake Como.

    I just must say: What a beautifull place you live at!


    (Picture taken in Cadenabbia)


    Re: 991 GT3 RS



    73 Carrera RS 2.7 Carbon Fiber replica (1,890 lbs), 06 EVO9 with track mods. Former: 73 911S, Two 951S's, 996 C2, 993 C2, 98 Ferrari 550

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    No wonder George Clooney lives there.




    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    No wonder George Clooney lives there.

    Nice place but to use my wife's words: I would die of boredom if I'd stay here more than a week. Smiley Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby SVT (2014), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    No wonder George Clooney lives there.

    Nice place but to use my wife's words: I would die of boredom if I'd stay here more than a week. Smiley Smiley

    It's your fault, RC Smiley


    "Form follows function"

    Re: 991 GT3 RS


    Totally OT

    Super Darius:

    I'm right now at Lake Como.

    I just must say: What a beautifull place you live at!


    (Picture taken in Cadenabbia)



    Great place,but unfortunately i'm not "on" the lake...i live at around 20kms of road,not much but sure not in a location like the one of your picture.SmileySmiley


    997TT RS Tuning stage II(sold),2011 Cayenne Turbo(sold),waiting 991 GT3 RS

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Super Darius:

    Totally OT

    Super Darius:

    I'm right now at Lake Como.

    I just must say: What a beautifull place you live at!


    (Picture taken in Cadenabbia)



    Great place,but unfortunately i'm not "on" the lake...i live at around 20kms of road,not much but sure not in a location like the one of your picture.SmileySmiley

    On this picture one can also see the "marks" left during your latest test drive - just looking at these clouds rising into the sky Smiley

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    A Riva Aquarama would be a nice complement in that picture. Beautiful place indeed.

    Re: 991 GT3 RS



    The basic fact in my experience is that most buyers do not even know that the Exclusive department exists or that there is an option called Paint To Sample. The majority of dealers don't actively promote it either as it delays delivery and presumably brings little added benefit to them in terms of additional profit versus the additional time required to manage the process. The factory add to this by not offering it on a year round basis but instead have a window for this type of work.

    There are a few dealerships who seem to actively order in cars for stock in Paint To Sample or with a host of Exclusive trim finishes. The dealer in Glasgow, Scotland for instance has had a whole host of Boxster and Cayman models in the last year or so as showroom display in vibrant colours like Gulf Orange, Mexico Blue, Viper Green, Fashion Grey etc and sold them without difficulty thereby proving that there is customer demand. There is an US dealership which also orders interesting cars as the sales guy there likes trying out different things. He appears to sell them with ease as well. If you have an interest in PTS or Exclusive it is well worth checking out Eduardo's thread "Custom Ordering a 991, 'Porsche Exclusive' and You!" over on Rennlist.

    Here for example is the choice of stitching thread colours potentially available to customers through Exclusive (photo courtesy of Eduardo). I bet you never dreamt there was such a wide choice potentially available nor will your dealer most likely.

    Stitching colours 3.JPG

    There is also a list of 62...yes you read that correctly 62..... leather to sample colours available. I'm betting that very few people on Rennteam who are more knowledgeable about Porsche than the average customer are even aware of that  

    It is therefore very easy in theory to create your dream Porsche if you had a favourite leather colour from the 964 series for example and wanted to match it to an exterior colour from the 993. Perhaps you'd like your new 981 spyder in the launch colours of the Carrera GT - GT Silver with Ascot leather. That is available on the current approved lists for both paint and leather.

    Our dealer is actually so against it in general. They don't try promote it at all and avoids it, if possible. I guess it's too much additional admin and headache to even bother. I don't blame them, the amount of cars that Porsche are producing and what they are selling are mind boggling.

    I can't remember the last time myself, or anybody I know has bothered to spec a BMW from new, then again why would you if there are so many made and to choose from? You're bound to get one that will not match perfectly, but will match criteria overall.

    I think our dealer has done one or two exclusive order in their history.

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Bad news: I received a message through the intermediary of my dealer , there are behind on deliveries in France.

    I hope my car is not impact... I have some news form my dealers in two days....

    See mail from Porsche France:

    > Objet: Retard de production des 911 GT3 RS
    Mesdames, Messieurs,
    > L'usine nous informe que les 911 GT3 RS auront du retard en production. Nous vous invitons à vérifier les dates de sortie de chaîne qui ont été mises à jour dans VMS.
    > Soyez assurés que nous en sommes désolées.
    > Sincères salutations
    > Jocelyne BAYOT
    > Responsable Identifications &  Administration des Ventes/
    > Identifications Specialist & Sales Administration vehicles
    > Porsche France SA
    > 15 avenue de la Demi-Lune
    > CS 70005 Roissy en France
    > 95735 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cédex


    997 GT3 RS 3.6 - 964 RS - Waiting 991 GT3 RS

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    Please translate Sir!!!

    Re: 991 GT3 RS

    "The factory informs us that the 911 GT3 RS will delay production. We invite you to check the chain release dates have been updated in VMS.
    Be assured that we are sorry."

    Nothing of substance.







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    93 items found, displaying 1 to 30.