
Catégorie: Porsche - 911 - 997 Langue: English Région: Worldwide Share/Save/Bookmark Close

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    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    U Boat Commander said:
    JJBlade said:
    If you want to leave PSM on while on track that is up to you but it would bore me to tears. Maybe I should have bought a GT3 then I would not need to enter this discussion.

    In fact if I admitted driving a GT3 on the road without PSM (ie cos it doesn't have it), I wonder if the mass hysteria about child killer,murderer etc etc would exist in that thread

    Exactly! Oh the horror! A 911 without PSM. How can that be safe?

    Excuse me, but what a bunch of pansies on this thread (first time 911 owners for sure). It is not unsafe to drive your 997 with the PSM off. Get real. And it is not unsafe to put your 997 into a slide if you know how to recover.

    Let's be real here. There was no PSM just a few years ago and it didn't become standard until the 997. And the only reason it is now standard is for liability protection for Porsche (some [censored] lawyer said the 911 was unsafe without it). That's why PSM is in the on position when you start the car. Porsche wants you to make the decision to turn it off.

    I've been driving 911's since 1993 and have experienced PSM and non PSM equipped cars......

    Yes they are fantastic cars to slide around when you are in the mood but,if you are caught out unexpectedly as i was in a 993 (non traction controlled and a total loss) on a greasy corner , you would be grateful for the PSM helping to keep you on the is saying that you should not turn it off if you are deliberately throwing it around and ready for the slides to happen (hopefully nowhere near other motorists), just that for general daily use when just driving to leave it on for those unexpected they are unexpected you never know when or where it will happen so you WILL NOT be prepared for it.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    Hysteria? Nah. Hey, I'll take all the safety and comfort devices I can get as long as they are "transparent."

    I guess the point of the thread is just leave the thing on. Even on the track, to a skilled driver trying to shave tenths having it on would still be "transparent."

    Like airbags, you don't appreciate it (see it as necessary for safety) until you actually have had a need for it.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    PSM, piece of junk causes more problems than it belatedly tries to solve.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    There's a lot of heroic talking going on here .......must be some sh*t hot drivers posting.........

    To all you PSM poo pooers ........i hope you never get yourselves into a situation where the PSM would have saved yours or someone elses lives..........

    Slate me if you will ........but be sensible about it.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    With Sport Chrono switched on PSM rarely intervenes except if you are having 'fun'. If you are having 'fun' most of the time then surely the place to do it is the track or deserted roads?

    IMHO it's hard to use the car daily and have 'fun' except on the occasional empty roundabout or if you are lucky enough to find an empty road that you know. I have had the light flashing at me when the car has understeered or stepped out significantly and it has generally been when I made an error and didn't judge the road conditions correctly.
    On my bike I would have been on my backside or through a hedge.

    Switching PSM off in sport mode would appear to be pointless to me unless you are having 'fun' in a safe place.

    I don't agree that it's a waste of time or a 'piece of junk'. It's a valuable safety net for those who get it wrong or when the unexpected happens. The next time one of you are on a downhill off-camber bend and have to stop for an animal/tractor/person on the wrong side, tell me then you weren't pleased to have PSM.

    There are obviously some heros out there who don't make mistakes and don't need safety nets. Me, I make mistakes occasionally and when I met a tractor in the dark on a downhill slippery bend last month, I was glad for all the help I could get, PSM included.

    You may say I was travelling too fast if I needed PSM. Well I stopped safely and didn't hit anything, with some PSM/ABS help. Probably I was going a bit too fast for the conditions. But I was tired and in a hurry to get home. Most of us have those feelings and when we do that's when PSM is a handy safety net.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    Delbox said:
    Explain that to those who say that they switch it off because it intervenes!!!

    People who are driving cars on public roads like that belong in prison...

    You really have to be thrashing it to let the electronics intervene.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    taffy said:
    U Boat Commander said:
    JJBlade said:
    If you want to leave PSM on while on track that is up to you but it would bore me to tears. Maybe I should have bought a GT3 then I would not need to enter this discussion.

    In fact if I admitted driving a GT3 on the road without PSM (ie cos it doesn't have it), I wonder if the mass hysteria about child killer,murderer etc etc would exist in that thread

    Exactly! Oh the horror! A 911 without PSM. How can that be safe?

    Excuse me, but what a bunch of pansies on this thread (first time 911 owners for sure). It is not unsafe to drive your 997 with the PSM off. Get real. And it is not unsafe to put your 997 into a slide if you know how to recover.

    Let's be real here. There was no PSM just a few years ago and it didn't become standard until the 997. And the only reason it is now standard is for liability protection for Porsche (some [censored] lawyer said the 911 was unsafe without it). That's why PSM is in the on position when you start the car. Porsche wants you to make the decision to turn it off.

    I'm using a GT3 as my EVERY DAY driver and feel much safer in that than i do in my Golf 4GTi. Even when raining...
    Like I said above.... Drive like you should you should be fine.....

    Thats for the situations that you get yourself into though... For situations caused/involving other cars...

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    taffy said:
    And explain it to the driver of the car coming towards you on a corner that you are out of control in as you have unexpectadly just hit an oily patch of road surface...........psm would have allowed safe passage , but by switching it off you have negated the chance of safely negotiating the said corner.

    PSM allows for a large margin of error before choosing to switch it off you are saying that either you are a hero of a driver able to catch it if it unexpectedly goes pearshaped or you want to drive like a loony..........either way not being sensible on the public highway......

    Look, I understand what you're saying. But It's not that your being irrisponsable if you drive without a system like PSM

    If i'm in an bad accident and I'm standing next to Elvis up there looking down I wont be thinking "Damn, if only I had PSM" It would just have been my time to go ... thats just my 2cents though...

    I know that if your'e traveling with passengers its another story though..Thats why I still have the GTi

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    It would just have been my time to go

    That's fair enough, but what about the unfortunate people who you may involve in your accident.....

    If PSM needs to be turned off to have fun in your 911 on the public roads, then it really is time to spend more time with the car on a track as that is the only safe way for the 911 driver to enjoy 100% of their cars performance 100% of the time...

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    Listen guys i'm no holier than the next petrolhead and have in my time been guilty of driving far too fast for mine and others safety.What i have realised though over time is that 911's bite big time and if porsche offer PSM for free then it would be foolish of me to think that i am to good a driver that i don't make use of it when it really is needed......

    on public roads ...yes

    on a track

    I guess i just don't want to be one of the unfortunates who gets gathered up in the aftermath of someone elses FUN

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    In sport mode, the great thing is that is pushes back the intervention of the PSM.

    I only switch the PSM off on the track (four track days only so far) when it's not busy.

    When we're a lot of cars sharing the car, it's best to leave the vehicle in sport mode, PSM on, to avoid a spin and end up facing the other participants which could result in a serious crash.

    But to be honest, PSM is a safety feature and a good way to find out the driver's limits.

    No offense to all the users on that thread who claim they like to drive their vehicle only with PSM off bc of its intervention, but when the PSM intervenes, it's when the driver's done a mistake!

    Unless you like to slide the back out on the open road which is not very responsible anyway.

    And even so, in sport mode, you can still go into a nice little slide with lift off oversteer but that would require a certain speed which just wouldn't be very wise on public roads.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    taffy said:
    It would just have been my time to go

    That's fair enough, but what about the unfortunate people who you may involve in your accident.....

    If PSM needs to be turned off to have fun in your 911 on the public roads, then it really is time to spend more time with the car on a track as that is the only safe way for the 911 driver to enjoy 100% of their cars performance 100% of the time...

    Correct... What I'm saying is that driving at legal(which here the max on highways even is 120km/h) and SAFE speeds, PSM is not really an absolute necesity.

    Im not saying that I never stretch my cars legs now and then
    (hey, i'm only 20:I have to have fun ) but I'll never take my car 100% unless the road is perfectly straight and visibility is excellent.
    If you wanna test a Porsche's PSM or take a 911 to the linits where it is intervening.... The ONLY safe place to do so is on track... And even there I'll hesitate to say it's safe

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    All safety devices have there place, be they ABS, PSM or even seat belts (remember the debates about seat belts?). Car manufactures keep adding saftey devices to help keep car drivers safer.

    I have been driving cars and high performance motorcycles for thirty years. The number one saftey device was our driving skill and the grey matter between our ears. Even today, the most important safety device we have is our judgement.

    I must adbmit that the only safety device I fully embraced, until recently, were seatbelts. Allways used them and always will. I hated ABS and avoided purchasing cars with it. ABS worked OK in the summer months, but was IMHO, dangerous during a Montreal winter.

    Through those many millions of miles, I never got myself in trouble on four wheels (bikes were a different story!). By understanding the physics of the vehicle and honing my driving skills, I was able to learn how to control a car in a slide, be it on ice or regular roads. The only saftey control was the brain and experience.

    Today, our family owns three cars with all the various safety devices, including a C2S. The first thing I have noticed is these new systems work really well! So well that I have come to rely on them a little too much. Be it the PSM on the Porsche or the VDC on the Infinities.

    In slippery situations (ice, snow, sand) these systems are absolutely amazing. They keep the car from going sideways while flashing lights tell you that you messed up. They do keep people safer in difficult driving conditions and on my cars I keep them engaged for the saftey of all passengers.

    But, I do not think they make for safer drivers. After less than one year using these safety systems, I have already lost some skills and techniques that were prudent, if not mandatory in the past. Not once this winter did any of our cars go sideways in the snow and ice! If is very easy to become reliant on technology, so much so, that people forget that no amount of technology can overcome the laws of physics. If you mess up badly enough, no amount of technology is going to help.

    It is neither right or wrong for someone to turn off these electronic saftey devices. A 911 is not going to go into the ditch just because PSM is turned off. Witness the number of old 911 still driving around accident free after 10, 15 or even 20 years. Yes, 911 owners did get themselves into trouble in the past. I personally witnessed two circa '1978 turbos that lost it racing on a mountain road in BC. But by in large, owners and drivers learnt to respect and handle their cars and were safe drivers.

    The key is understanding the car and how it interacts with the environment. If we understand the limits of traction and the basic physics of how it reacts in bad situations and have the skill to mitigate, we are going to be safter drivers. We do not need PSM or other saftey devices to be safe, just our brains and experience.

    I personally think that the worse combination of man and machine is when man cannot drive a car safely without the safety devices. If this is the case, it is inevitable that man is going to get himself in trouble at some point.

    At the end of the day, I do not care if someone turns off their stability management system on a Porsche or any other car. What matters is that the driver is responsible. For me, I am going to keep the PSM engaged and drive as though it doesn't exist. Hopefully experience, judgement and a little help from the computers keep me driving accident free for a good long time.

    But this is my choice. Every driver of a Porsche or any other car for that matter, makes their own decisions. It is not for me to judge or complain if someone decides they want to turn off their safety devices as long as they drive safely and don't harm my family.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    TheOldMan said:
    But this is my choice. Every driver of a Porsche or any other car for that matter, makes their own decisions. It is not for me to judge or complain if someone decides they want to turn off their safety devices as long as they drive safely and don't harm my family.

    Surely this is a contradiction in terms.

    Turning off PSM indicates the distinct possibility that one is about to explore one's ability to control a self-induced slide!! This doesn't constitute "driving safely", on public roads, quite the opposite.

    One further point. F1 drivers still use TC, at present, on safety grounds. There can be no comparison with F1 driving in the old days, with very limited safety features, and some may say that racing is now boring. But the truth remains that fatal accidents are now extremely rare in all motor sport as well as F1.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    Ever think of it this way?

    When you let somebody drive your car and they get crazy when out of your sight PSM will save the car.

    When you are the subject of a televised police chase with PSM you won't look like a fool in the end because the car won't swerve out of control on the highway and crash.

    When you're in a hurry first thing in the AM and you lose it on a familar "fun" turn because your tires are cold you have a chance of recovery.

    When you unexpectedly hit black ice you have a good chance of it not ruining your day.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    The good thing is that Porsche gives you a choice. To drive with it on, on but working later and to switch it off completely.

    If the legislators got involved we'd have no choice and we couldn't switch it off at all. So we should be pleased that Porsche not only fits PSM for those of us who are not driving gods but also see fit to fit a button to turn it off so we can pretend that we are driving gods

    We should also not forget that for many with their first 911, this will be their first experience with a rear engined car and for younger buyers many will only know a world where there was always ABS/DSC/ESP etc etc. For them I would have thought that PSM was an essential thing until they spent a lot of time on a closed circuit learning the more 'interesting' areas of a 911's handling.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    Fanch said:
    In sport mode, the great thing is that is pushes back the intervention of the PSM.

    I only switch the PSM off on the track (four track days only so far) when it's not busy.

    When we're a lot of cars sharing the car, it's best to leave the vehicle in sport mode, PSM on, to avoid a spin and end up facing the other participants which could result in a serious crash.

    But to be honest, PSM is a safety feature and a good way to find out the driver's limits.

    No offense to all the users on that thread who claim they like to drive their vehicle only with PSM off bc of its intervention, but when the PSM intervenes, it's when the driver's done a mistake!

    Unless you like to slide the back out on the open road which is not very responsible anyway.

    And even so, in sport mode, you can still go into a nice little slide with lift off oversteer but that would require a certain speed which just wouldn't be very wise on public roads.

    I was just going to say the same hting, well said!

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    What I find interesting is that you have all missed the point, PSM can cause a potential crash situation with a normally competent driver at the wheel. and at legal speeds. If what I have experienced is anything to go by, very high speed would be lethal.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    F1reblade said:
    What I find interesting is that you have all missed the point, PSM can cause a potential crash situation with a normally competent driver at the wheel. and at legal speeds. If what I have experienced is anything to go by, very high speed would be lethal.

    Would you care to expound on your experience/theory?

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    john999s said:
    The good thing is that Porsche gives you a choice. To drive with it on, on but working later and to switch it off completely.

    If the legislators got involved we'd have no choice and we couldn't switch it off at all. So we should be pleased that Porsche not only fits PSM for those of us who are not driving gods but also see fit to fit a button to turn it off so we can pretend that we are driving gods

    We should also not forget that for many with their first 911, this will be their first experience with a rear engined car and for younger buyers many will only know a world where there was always ABS/DSC/ESP etc etc. For them I would have thought that PSM was an essential thing until they spent a lot of time on a closed circuit learning the more 'interesting' areas of a 911's handling.

    You hit the nail on the head! For most driving, you want it on.

    According to the manual, the other time you would want to switch off PSM is when you're driving in snow.


    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    F1reblade said:
    What I find interesting is that you have all missed the point, PSM can cause a potential crash situation with a normally competent driver at the wheel. and at legal speeds. If what I have experienced is anything to go by, very high speed would be lethal.

    I disagree, for me a competent driver is a driver who knows the difference on how to drive a car with electronic aids and one without.
    There is a difference on how to react to a critical situation in a car that have electronic stability than one without. Its kind of like braking in a car with ABS and one without; just like you can't "pump" the brakes in an ABS car, you can't "fight" the PSM when it interferes.

    PSM in critital situations generally induces underteer until control is regained, and you have to react accordingly and let it do its job, which BTW is much much more efficient than any competent driver at regaining control in most situations.

    In PSM courses were you induce repeatedly loss of control of the car in ice and water surfaces you grow acustomed to how PSM reacts and more importantly how to tailor you intial reaction to fight it.

    The only time I have had a scare with PSM is funnily enough in a private underground parking, were the surface is shinny and slippery and I was fooling around with a tight bend expenting for the rear to oversteer and come around to help me make the bend in between the narrow walls. Unfortunately I forgot about leaving the PSM in the normal setting and when I was inducing the oversteer, the PSM neutralised the oversteer and consecuently the understeer almost caused me to hit the outside wall

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    kw sofadv said:
    Showing off to a new girl friend on wet pavement ..... stupid I know. Long story short, she said "great handling" and I thought to myself, "holy sh..t".

    lol, same thing happened to me, i almost dropped a load in my pants while she just said "wow, that's awesome.".

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    What is one to do? Beautiful women, fast car. I think it must be the centrifugal force that makes the blood leaves the brain. At least that's all I am admitting to.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    JJBlade said:
    Mine is always off. I hate the way it intervenes so every time I get in the car I turn it off.

    I was at the PCA event at the west coast parts distribution point for PCNA today, and Richard Buckley (Cayman instructor for NA Porsche dealers) of PCNA stated:

    1) PSM is actually never off. If you turn it off, it will come back on if you get into a situtation where one wheel uses ABS.

    2) If the sport mode is on and PSM is off, then PSM will come back on if you get into a situation where two wheels require the use of ABS.

    Has this been the experience with everyone else?

    (PSM saved my life yesterday. Came around a turn and hit some unexpected water and the tail came around. It was like a guardian angel took over driver functions for a quick second.)

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    Well it is true. But as it says it will reactivate when ABS kicks in, which means when you are pressing the brake padel very hard (standard human reaction to when you have lost the car)

    But think the reaction time for anybody to slam the brake pedal can mean is already to late for the PSM to catch anything.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    Delbox said:
    I just completed a 'Porsche Driving Experience' prior to taking delivery of my new 997 C4S; the demonstration of power off oversteer from 50 mph with PSM off, and on, demonstrates clearly that it takes very little mishandling in a relatively benign environment to lose control. There is no way that I will be switching off the PSM!

    Good call Delbox:

    I can easily get the tail slightly sideways on the C4S in Sport mode with PSM on, right before the AWD straightens me out... <g>. The last thing I want to do it whack up this car by underestimating its potential...

    I vote for PSM "on". Okay, I'm a wimp. There, I said it.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    JJBlade said:
    It is not that I think 'i am good' or anything of the sort. I ride my bike without any safety features and that has a heck of a lot more power/weight and therefore I drive my car in the same manner.

    Oh boy... We had a saying in the army: once in a lifetime, a gun shoots by itself. This is why we were always VERY careful and respectful when cleaning our gear. One newbie almost killed one of us when a bullet was released accidentally while cleaning a rifle.

    Unless you're on the track, leave PSM turned ON. It doesn't make ANY sense to turn it off for normal street driving, even if you like it fast. If you have Sport Chrono, turn the Sport button on but leave PSM on too. This is the BEST setup for street driving. Turning PSM off and sport chrono on for street driving is like dancing with the devil. It may provide fun but a little bit of oil or sand in a curve (I bet as a motorcycle owner, you know what I'm talking about) and no more fun...maybe forever.

    PSM doesn't cut off your manhood, it is just a safety device to save you from lack of concentration or mishaps in case you're a good and experienced driver. For beginners, leaving PSM turned on should be a MUST.

    A little anecdote: today I was driving home in my wife's Boxster S, nice weather (around 19*C in the evening...finally no more snow), open top, sport chrono turned on of course. I entered my favorite Autobahn exit at around 120 kph and did the 90* curve at around 70 kph, no real problem...usually. This was the first warmer day I was driving the wife's Boxster since the winter said good-bye over here and I completely forgot that I had WINTER TIRES. Now guess what happened in that curve, the rear started to slip away, accompanied by a horrible tire squeaking. At the same time, I felt how the car wants to spin around it's center (mid-engine) and I was lucky I went through this curve without hitting the car coming on the other side to enter the Autobahn. With PSM turned off, the car would have done at least a 180* spin or even worse. Braking wasn't really an option since my wife's Boxster S has Tiptronic and I wasn't able to play with the clutch/throttle to lower the risk.

    Bottom line: if you're thinking you don't need PSM, think again. Either you were never fast enough to understand how PSM can save your a.. or you're just playing with fire.
    Since PSM isn't working like an ordinary ESP system, I still don't understand why somebody would turn it off for street driving. Unless you want to show your drift talents to her majesty in front of Buckingham Palace.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    I attended the PDE (Porsche Driving Experience) and I was amazed at how little the PASM was activated. It only happened a couple of times, which shows that when properly driven the Porsche is not the monster that some people paint it to be. However, the couple of times it did come on, it may have saved my butt. I just got my new C4S with X51. There's no way I'm turning the PASM off - 99% of the time I won't need it. But when I do, it will be there for me.

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    It is a case of if my car slides I want it to slide and have deliberately set out to make it do so. If PSM is on I can't do this so I turn it off. The car won't be sliding unless I want it to so who cares that it is off?

    Re: PSM anyone switch it off?

    once drove a 996 targa without psm for a few days. its a handful to say the least.



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