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    Road Rage

    Me and my partner live on the suffolk/norfolk boarder and today we thought now the weather is better take our 981s out. On our way to norwich we had a white mini ford van with two blokes in it, got out started banging on my window calling me every name under the sun. I was actually the passanger my partner was driving and we had done nothing wrong :(. We have had a Lot of unwanted attention since we got the car in december and its making the ownership of something both me and my partner Love to bits. We were heading to norwich to do some shopping for my partner as it was her birthday a few weeks back. The day was spent in the police station making statements. We had a bright yellow m3 before this a dakar yellow one and people would comment andsay how much they liked the car, the porsche well people seem to want to run us off the road race or punch my head in :s. Also these people are local so now we have to constantly worry about seeing them again. I love the car so much but this stress isnt worth it :(

    Re: Road Rage

    Any idea why they behaved like that? Generally, the car's image is a good way to judge people's reactions by.
    Over here, John Q Taxpayer looks at the boxster, and calls it a mid-life crisis car or a poor man's porsche.
    Other people simply like or dislike it. I have never heard people react jealous/negative/aggressive about it, so I am very surprised why people would do this. The Boxster simply doesn't have enough supercar/sportscar image to it to provoke strong negative emotions...


    Porsche, seperates LeMans from LeBoys

    Re: Road Rage

    My new X5 when I had just purchased it attracted unwanted attention. I was driving it one day cruising along a carriageway and some pr**k come along side me giving me the wanker sign, I was simply just minding my own business having done absolutely nothing wrong. Then just 6 month in to ownership it got keyed along the whole length of the passenger side 4 times which was somewhat confusing being that I have and didnt have any enemy's and keep myself to myself.

    Its the green eye monster brigade, they are so envious. The problem is there are so many of them. It definitely takes away some enjoyment but that's what they would want. 

    Try to enjoy the 981s still, don't let the scum win..



    "I didn't do it"

    Re: Road Rage

    We did nothing we were in a 30 going into a 50 my partner put her foot down slightly they were trying to over take and being a van struggled. We got to some road work lights and they got out. We werent stopping them over taking or being jerks just keeping up with the traffic ahead. Mindless mindless fools. The m3 i had one person try and race me ever the porsche we have had problems maybe once a week if you spread it out. I love porsche's and its our total pride and joy im 26 and my partner she is 28 maybe thats why age?

    Re: Road Rage

    Throt is right - don't let a few oafs spoil your enjoyment of the car.  They are a hopeless minority when you think of the number of people you share the road with


    Gen II Cayman S

    Re: Road Rage

    It's definitely the age mate.. A lot of envy going around in Europe. Please do not let this get to you and keep enjoying the ride! 

    Re: Road Rage

    Yes i think it may be an age thing, how weird that a dakar yellow m3 used to get thumbs up but the boxster s gets this. I actually wish it was due to either of us driving like prats at least i could blame it on that lol ill stick with it, i dont want an m3 again or even an amg as lovely as they are.

    Re: Road Rage

    This is just one incident, don't let it spoil your fun of ownership. wink



    2012 Cayenne S White/Espresso 

    Ex: 993 Targa, 986S, 986 and 964 C2

    Re: Road Rage

    We did nothing we were in a 30 going into a 50 my partner put her foot down slightly they were trying to over take and being a van struggled. We got to some road work lights and they got out. We werent stopping them over taking or being jerks just keeping up with the traffic ahead. Mindless mindless fools. The m3 i had one person try and race me ever the porsche we have had problems maybe once a week if you spread it out. I love porsche's and its our total pride and joy im 26 and my partner she is 28 maybe thats why age?

    Well, that is the explanation. They were trying to pass a new Porsche in a van and the Porsche would not allow it or made it difficult for them to do so. That would get the ire of those feeling inferior on the road. 

    As far as letting the incident cause you to consider selling the car, my advise is to sell it because you will encounter other incidents some good and some bad related to your ownership of a Porsche. Obviously, you are uncomfortable with these experiences.



    Re: Road Rage


    It's definitely the age mate.. A lot of envy going around in Europe. Please do not let this get to you and keep enjoying the ride! 

    It is the car, not necessarily the age.

    Almost every day, I have an encounter. Today I was driving on a speed limited (60 kph) street on the right lane. The traffic was flowing at around 70 kph, so nothing special, everybody was driving slightly faster. I always looked in the left side mirror and there was a Mercedes A class driving at the same speed level, nothing out of the ordinary. At some point, the traffic in front of me looked crowded, so I looked in my left side mirror, the A class was still at around 50 m distance behind me on the left lane at the same speed, so no worries here and I switched on my left turn signal to move to the left lane before the traffic in front of me, on the right lane, would slow down.

    Guess now what happened: The moment I switched the turn signal on, the A class on he left lane started to accelerate, so I did the same and moved to the left lane. Again...speed limit 60 kph...the A class and I were driving at 70 kph. When I was finally on the left lane, the A class was around 10 m or so behind me, so the distance was quite big but the driver (a female) honked and flashed the lights. At some point, I moved back to the right lane because I hate blocking the left lane for no reason and she stopped next to me at a stop light. She looked at me angry and I...threw her a kiss. Smiley She looked even angrier and I couldn't care less.

    This isn't the first time and it happens over and over again. I don't care anymore. In Germany, the risk of someone actually pointing a gun at you because he/she is mad, is minimal, so I usually ignore these drivers or I throw them a kiss (even to men...this drives them soooo mad Smiley). I never show the middle finger or whatever because it isn't polite and you never know if someone is trying to sue you for that. What will the court do? Punish me for throwing a kiss? Smiley

    It is the Porsche and I couldn't care less when something like that happens. I have however to admit that in the past, I got pretty furious and angry and sometimes I even opened the window and made a snappy comment. It doesn't happen anymore, not worth it.

    My advice: Relax, enjoy the nice ride and don't worry. Sh.t happens...idiots happen too. Smiley



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S, Cayenne GTS (958), BMW X3 35d (2012), Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Road Rage

    Luckily it hardly ever happens here.  I had a similar experience to RC's one above last week, but that's about it.  But I do tend to be more courteous in the 911 than I ever used to be, so that I'm never accused of any arrogance.  Oh, and I didn't even blow a kiss.  Some people are still armed here!


    Porsche Carrera GTS (2012); Porsche Cayenne Diesel (2012)

    Re: Road Rage

    Very shocked and saddened to hear about your experiences jamesdamanuk1. It's not easy, but the best way to deal with these jealous low-life's is to ignore them. Don't react, don't race them just let them get on with their moronic ways and treat them with the contempt they deserve. You have nothing to prove by taking them on. Once they realise that they are not getting a reaction or worrying you they will (hopefully) get bored and leave you alone. 

    The alternative is to buy a 12 bore and give 'em both barrels. Only joking.....Smiley

    I must be lucky, having had two Boxsters, a Cayman and now a 997/2 I have never had any issues. I even take the 997 to work in Portsmouth Navy Base occasionally on Fridays in the summer (half day for us) and even with the hairy - arsed chaps there I've never had an issue

    I must admit if I had throt's experience of having our pride and joy keyed repeatedly I probably would give in as I would become paranoid. 



    Porsche 997 Carrera S PDK Aqua Blue / Black - Toyota Yaris D4D  "Clockwork Rat"

    Re: Road Rage

    After driving a 911 all my life I have learned to make myself invisible and move through traffic quickly and out of peoples way.  If someone wants to pass me I alway welcome them to do so (on the left of course).  After all the guy who just passed the Porsche gets the ticket.



    Re: Road Rage


    It's definitely the age mate.. A lot of envy going around in Europe. Please do not let this get to you and keep enjoying the ride! 

    It is the car, not necessarily the age.

    Almost every day, I have an encounter. Today I was driving on a speed limited (60 kph) street on the right lane. The traffic was flowing at around 70 kph, so nothing special, everybody was driving slightly faster. I always looked in the left side mirror and there was a Mercedes A class driving at the same speed level, nothing out of the ordinary. At some point, the traffic in front of me looked crowded, so I looked in my left side mirror, the A class was still at around 50 m distance behind me on the left lane at the same speed, so no worries here and I switched on my left turn signal to move to the left lane before the traffic in front of me, on the right lane, would slow down.

    Guess now what happened: The moment I switched the turn signal on, the A class on he left lane started to accelerate, so I did the same and moved to the left lane. Again...speed limit 60 kph...the A class and I were driving at 70 kph. When I was finally on the left lane, the A class was around 10 m or so behind me, so the distance was quite big but the driver (a female) honked and flashed the lights. At some point, I moved back to the right lane because I hate blocking the left lane for no reason and she stopped next to me at a stop light. She looked at me angry and I...threw her a kiss. Smiley She looked even angrier and I couldn't care less.

    This isn't the first time and it happens over and over again. I don't care anymore. In Germany, the risk of someone actually pointing a gun at you because he/she is mad, is minimal, so I usually ignore these drivers or I throw them a kiss (even to men...this drives them soooo mad Smiley). I never show the middle finger or whatever because it isn't polite and you never know if someone is trying to sue you for that. What will the court do? Punish me for throwing a kiss? Smiley

    It is the Porsche and I couldn't care less when something like that happens. I have however to admit that in the past, I got pretty furious and angry and sometimes I even opened the window and made a snappy comment. It doesn't happen anymore, not worth it.

    My advice: Relax, enjoy the nice ride and don't worry. Sh.t happens...idiots happen too. Smiley



    I found out a long time ago it's the signal that's the problem. MOST drivers, from teens to grandmas, step on the gas the moment they see someone signalling and potentially taking position ahead of them, especially if they are following  in a spot 1-3 car length behind you, any farther away there will be no reactions. With the cars I have, it makes no difference whether they speed up or not, doesn't take much for me gain enough distance to change over. 

    I used to obey the law and signal before changing lanes, and that's the exact pattern I observed, in all the countries I have driven in.  A few years ago I experimented on NOT signalling when I want to change lane. Surprise surprise, no reaction. No one speed up to block, no one have any reaction afterwards. I could sneak left to pass then sneak right and nothing happens. Granted I have common sense and I won't go left if I think it's borderline dangerous, most of the time I do so around a 2-car length gap, any closer I consider it dangerous. 

    My conclusion? Signalling means alerting the other drivers' winning desire, and if they lose they get pissed. While the law has good intention about signalling on lane changing, to let other s know you want to move over, it has a much more dangerous consequence. On the other hand if there was no signal during lane changing, it seems like the other drivers don't even see the event.

    But I do proper signalling when I intent to turn, left or right. This gives drivers behind me time to move over so they don't run into me. 

    Maybe that's why the turn signals are called TURN SIGNALS instead of LANE CHANGE signals.

    Re: Road Rage

    This may seem a little odd but it will work...  When they look at you,  contort your face as MUCH as possible and at the same time smile back.  They will lose there aggressive nerve and be stunned.  Then just drive away, and pull your face together.    

    Re: Road Rage

    Hey guys thanks for the replies :) if it had been just me i wouldnt really have bothered with all the drama but my partner being in the car, and scared is what p*ssed me off. Also for you guys from the uk these gentlemen that got out were 30-35 year old chavs. Tracky bottoms walked like primates lol you know the sort lol. Anyways hopefully we wont have anymore issues, or maybe ill have to get creative like blowing them a kiss :p

    Re: Road Rage

    dashcam(s) might do the trick





    Re: Road Rage

     Tracky bottoms walked like primates

    Perhaps you could offer them a banana  Smiley



    Porsche 997 Carrera S PDK Aqua Blue / Black - Toyota Yaris D4D  "Clockwork Rat"

    Re: Road Rage

     Tracky bottoms walked like primates

    Perhaps you could offer them a banana  Smiley



    Porsche 997 Carrera S PDK Aqua Blue / Black - Toyota Yaris D4D  "Clockwork Rat"

    "Tracky bottoms", but was they also wearing tracky tops with those hoods. Now those type really do come from the "dirt bag" class. Smiley .

    Those guys just purely see James with his girlfriend as an easy pick, James with another guy ?, then they would have thought about it before getting out of there old banger.



    "I didn't do it"

    Re: Road Rage

    Two of my best mates are military ones in royal marine the other is a legionnaire just join its special forces, the bloke is nails. Makes me wonder what would have happend if one of my mates were in the car :p

    Re: Road Rage

    Two of my best mates are military ones in royal marine the other is a legionnaire just join its special forces, the bloke is nails. Makes me wonder what would have happend if one of my mates were in the car :p

    A relation of mine is ex UK special forces, and in my job I occasionally work with them here. Smiley Trust me they are trained to use minimal force only when not on active service.

    The problem would be sorted but almost certainly in a forceful, polite and non physical manner.  




    Porsche 997 Carrera S PDK Aqua Blue / Black - Toyota Yaris D4D  "Clockwork Rat"

    Re: Road Rage

    Not using your turn signal for a lane change because people might see it and react to it (positively or negatively) is NOT the solution.  There is a major flaw in your logic.  You use the signal in case you don''t see someone in your blind spot to prevent accidents and death.  There could be innocent people in your blind spot and because you fear mischief you risk lives?  I think not.  Preventing an accident is more important than preventing road rage or letting someone past.

    While I am aware that in some cases a turn signal causes others to USE that information against you it is no reason not to use it.  It is one of those RULE things that if everyone followed there would be no accidents.  End of rant.

    Re: Road Rage

    Two of my best mates are military ones in royal marine the other is a legionnaire just join its special forces, the bloke is nails. Makes me wonder what would have happend if one of my mates were in the car :p

    The problem is  that over here in Germany, if you hurt somebody (even if he started it), if the court finds out that you have military or any type of professional fight training, you're in big trouble because you are considered to be a professional and you need to use the least possible force to fight your adversary. Very tricky. You are trained but you can't actually use your skills. Smiley On the other hand, if you don't have a clue and just defend yourself and you brake some noses and bones, you're good. Weird laws. Smiley

    I stay out of any forceful encounter because I have two kids and I have a lot to loose (financially and otherwise). I do however fantasize in my head what I would do, this sometimes helps to overcome the feeling of total and devastating wrath. Smiley Smiley Unless my family would be somehow involved, I wouldn't hesitate a single second...

    Like I said before: Relax, fantasize about doing something really bad to these people and move on. Not worth it.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S, Cayenne GTS (958), BMW X3 35d (2012), Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Road Rage


    Maybe that's why the turn signals are called TURN SIGNALS instead of LANE CHANGE signals.

    If I do not use the turn signal when I change a lane and an accident happens, it is my fault. 

    I also hate other drives who don't use their turn signal to indicate a lane change. Smiley

    Yes, you might be onto something with the turn signal but this doesn't mean I have to brake the law. Some drivers are just more stupid than others, so I try to adapt. Usually, I change the lane pretty fast and they can't really react to my signal but last time, I talked to my passenger and I was driving much more relaxed.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S, Cayenne GTS (958), BMW X3 35d (2012), Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Road Rage

    Once you put on a signal to change lanes, I will do my best to prevent getting along side of you! It has proven a bit problematic on a couple of occassions where someone apparently began signaling with the thought that they would change lanes after I had passed; but I don't know what you are thinking, only what you have signaled. (Likewise, I do not know what you are thinking that you have failed to signal)

    Re: Road Rage

    FWIW, you have not experienced envy until you have driven a Ferrari. Many gawk and give a thumbs up taking pictures. Others pull in front of you and use their window wiper solution to clean their windows knowing the spray will go backward on to the car behind. This was particularly bad if you were driving with the top down which I always did. It happened to me several times.

    Not much you could do about other than be smug in knowing they were eating their hearts out wishing they could be me. However, the attention good and bad did get old.surprise



    Re: Road Rage

    Perhaps experiment with an economy car or a SUV, but don't expect any real joy from either!

    Search and find what you like.

    Re: Road Rage

    A superior vehicle, whatever the make, will attract attention.  Sometimes it will be a thumbs up and sometimes it will be the subject of abuse.

    If it is the former, a friendly acknowledgement will be appreciated.  If it is the latter, a gesture of lack of concern will frustrate the perpetrator and life will continue as normal...



    "Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out."

    Re: Road Rage

    My friend purchased a Ferrari lately. Unfortunately he was't thinking that such a rare and exclusive car (here in Israel) will attract so much attention.... After a month and a bit having the car, he ended up by returning the car to the dealer with a major loss of money. He told me that it was horrible. People were surrounding the car at every stop..gas station, cafe....Taking pictures all the time, asking question about the price of the car and what is his work if he can afford a Ferrari....That's a mentality of Middle East...


    Re: Road Rage

    When I am out in the Vauxhall Zafira I do not have those problems. Specially when I step out of it in my tracky bottoms, hoody and Reebok trainersblush indecision..



    "I didn't do it"



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