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    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Renault is now Lotus. The former Lotus is now Caterham.

    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Here is a great montage of what we have to look forward to in 2012!! I can't wait! Smiley



    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Mercedes interested in signing Schumi beyond 2012

    According to Ecclestone, the protests in Bahrain were just "some kids in trouble with the police".

    He knows this isn't the case but he's saying it to keep the race alive. It's staggering that he thinks we can be fooled by this.

    Pirelli announces which tyres will be used for the first 3 races of 2012:

    Australia: soft, medium
    Malaysia: medium, hard
    China: soft, medium

    PDLR does not think the narrower gap between tyre compounds will affect racing much. I think it will. It will make things much closer and race stategy will change. Not in relation to the number of stops but which compounds are used at what point in the race.

    Lotus to make plenty more changes to their car before Melbourne

    Franz Tost confirms that RBR did not consider Buemi and Alguersuari to be 'F1 race winners'. Since Toro Rosso feeds rookies to the senior team and they were not deemed good enough, he says that there was no point persisting with them.

    I agree that Buemi and Alguersuari were inconsistent but in the second half of 2011, Alguersuari had a strong improvement. I felt he was a better prospect for 2012 than the rookies, Vergne and Ricciardo. But RBR knows best. I'm sure they will have evaluated both Buemi and Alguersuari very thoroughly in many different ways over several years before deciding that these guys would not reach the eventual standard required of them.

    It's hard for Buemi and Alguersuari, especially Alguersuari who says he was orally confirmed at Brazil before being rejected officially in December. And he says he had turned down another offer that he received (after he was orally confirmed at Brazil but before he was rejected in December). So, not only was the Toro Rosso seat not given to him but he lost another seat elsewhere. That must be really hard to bear.

    I personally think he should have accepted a place at HRT. It was one of 2 seats available back then (the other was at Williams that went to a pay driver: Senna). HRT may be slow on the grid but it would keep him in the frame. Crucially, he would gain experience and learn from Pedro De La Rosa (who has vast experience from testing at McLaren). PDLR is not known for his race craft and race experience BUT PDLR would have taught Alguersuari a lot about how to develop a car, how to give good feedback, how to adjust set up, how to work with engineers etc. PDLR is a decent and generous man who would have helped his younger team mate IMO. Not many F1 drivers are that generous. IMO.Alguersuari missed a golden opportunity because he was too proud to race for a slower team. He said it was a step backwards. Sometimes one has to take a step back before one can take a step forward. For a younger man, this is fine since he has time on his side.

    By comparison, Kovalainen has done this. He was swapped from Renault to McLaren (when Alonso left) before being told he was not good enough. He joined Lotus (now Caterham). He gave a good interview in which he explained that his self-confidence had gone low when he was leaving McLaren. So he re-built himself from scratch at Lotus (now Caterham) to such an extent that the team prefers him to Trulli. No one questions Kovalainen's seat. Any talk of getting a pay driver at Caterham only relates to Trulli's seat. So well done to Kovalainen for really turning things around.

    The key message Alguersuari failed to get was this. People don't just focus on where the car is on the grid. People focus on where the car is on the grid in the light of the car's potential. Only one guy can actually win a race, only 3 guys can be on the podium and only 10 guys will score points. If you race for HRT, no one expects you to get any points since the car just can't achieve that. Nonetheless, people can appreciate you for how good a job you are doing for that car in that team in the light of what the car can manage.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Kovalainen "re-built himself from scratch at Lotus (now Caterham) to such an extent that the team prefers him to Trulli. No one questions Kovalainen's seat. Any talk of getting a pay driver at Caterham only relates to Trulli's seat."

    24 hours is a long time in F1. The above quotation turned out to be really appropriate.

    Today, Caterham ditched Trulli bringing in Petrov. I have no reason to believe that Petrov will do a better job than Trulli. BUT Petrov will bring millions with him in sponsorship from wealthy Russian companies.

    Trulli has taken it with great dignity IMO

    Kovalainen must be happy he will be compared to a mediocre journeyman like Petrov but it is a disadvantage to the team since Petrov is less likely to be able to help with the car's development than Trulli would have been able to.

    I can understand Caterham's decision purely on financial grounds. But the way they have treated Trulli has been really shabby and disrespectful. They said he was confirmed as a driver for 2012 with a contract. They never clarified whether he would have a race seat. They never told him earlier. He even did the 1st test at Jerez. The writing was on the wall when Caterham's reserve driver was given day 3 of testing in place of Trulli. If Trulli was really going to be a race driver for them in 2012, there would be no way day 3 would be given to someone else. Even this week, Trulli was quoted as saying "we are safe". And then this happens. It was not the right way to treat him IMO.

    Petrov, as a driver, is a plodder. What on earth can they expect him to do that Trulli would not have been able to do?

    Caterham don't need to sign a contract with him - they just need to issue him with a receipt for the money he will bring to the team! :)

    Meanwhile Mike Gascoyne becomes Caterham's Chief Technical Officer. I thought he effectively did this job anyway? Big deal.

    Some more on Bahrain's GP which looks like it will go ahead barring a drastic deterioration of the situation re driver/team safety. The Bahraini ruling family clearly doesn't care about its people - it just cares about its sporting spectacle. IMO it's disgusting.

    Interesting quotations from Rosberg on his relationship with Schumi.

    Mercedes did their shakedown at a filming event. The new car will be tested at Barcelona.

    RBR's Newey thinks Mercedes could be hiding a new piece of technology

    Having missed Jerez, HRT not planning to turn up at the Barcelona test. What a shambles!


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Some more info on Sky Sports F1 HD which is launching soon ...


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    I suppose VIrgin customers will just get standard definition and also no interactive functionality..



    "I didn't do it"

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Sorry, I don't know. Don't you get Sky through Virgin? Is Sky Sports F1 HD only available to Sky satellite customers?


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season


    Sorry, I don't know. Don't you get Sky through Virgin? Is Sky Sports F1 HD only available to Sky satellite customers?

    Yes, I have the full movie/sports package but Sky is very slow letting Virging have the HD channels.Have to wait to see if I can go interactive.. Thanks, easy.


    "I didn't do it"

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    New Mercedes for 2012 has a stepped nose as well :(

    RBR trusting FIA and Ecclestone to make the right decision re Bahrain. If there is a race on, they will be there. They are going to Bahrain unless they hear otherwise. I wouldn't expect a team to say anything different. They are keeping out of the politics of the situation.

    This is funny. When I read Petrov's comments about joining Caterham, of course, one can understand that he feels relieved to be racing in 2012 but he seems to think he is actually bringing something to the team (apart from sponsorship money), perhaps because he was able to drive for a while at Renault (again, due to money).

    He is fooling himself. Tony Fernandes is a smiling businessman who only saw dollar signs when Petrov became available for 2012. Fernandes knows Caterham is too reliant on sponsorship money from Air Asia (his own airline). No doubt, he wants more sponsorship money to come in from external sponsors.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Interview with Petrov

    Another glimpse of the new Mercedes


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    No Italian drivers racing in F1

    Trulli's career

    More on Petrov replacing Trulli


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Petrov has been claiming he isn't a pay driver by referring to his podium finish in 2011 and the points he scored at Renault.

    True, but that's missing the point.

    The timing of him joining Caterham depended on his sponsors confirming that they would pay Caterham for hiring him. His driving record didn't land him the job at the end of last year or during the Xmas/New Year break.

    Nope, Caterham only hired him when the money was forthcoming. After the 1st test even i.e. they waited beyond what they should ... just to be sure the money would be paid.

    Petrov is only convincing (i.e. fooling) himself.

    IMO he is a pay driver just like Senna at Williams.

    Incidentally, if Senna thinks his record was good enough to get him the drive, he should think again. Williams were happy to give the race seat to whichever F1 driver would pay for it. In stepped a billionaire Brazilian businessman and the place went to Senna (and Barrichello left F1, just like a pay driver at Caterham like Petrov brought an end to Trulli's career).


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Of course all of these are pay drivers! No doubt about that!


    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season


    Here is a great montage of what we have to look forward to in 2012!! I can't wait! Smiley



    Looking forward to the 2012 season, and I liked the promo. Smiley

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Barcelona testing team/driver schedule

    Stirling Moss hails Vettel as a modern Fangio, also critiques Button's and Hamilton's strengths and weaknesses

    Jackie Stewart thinks Hamilton should stay at McLaren - a good fit for each other

    Haug: Mercedes not hiding any surprises

    Mercedes carry out private test day at Barcelona (in place of the 4th test day at Jerez)

    Efforts till being made to revive a French F1 GP race

    Caterham gets sponsorship from Russia's SIBUR following Petrov's arrival

    Domenicali sad that no Italians racing in F1

    Massa says Ferrari needs mileage

    Ferrari is financially in good health

    Ricciardo calm over pressure to perform at Toro Rosso, given that Buemi and Alguersuari were dropped

    HRT not planning to replace Kathikeyan but he can't take his race seat for granted

    Williams confident that the 2012 car is a step forward (from the terrible season they had in 2011)


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Live text commentary on Day 2 of Barcelona testing

    Vettel quickest on Day 1, Lotus withdraw from test entirely due to chassis problems

    Horner content with RBR early form

    Vettel: cars have less grip than in 2011

    Vettel impressed by McLaren's long-run form

    Brawn thinks RBR is the team to beat

    Senna says Williams need slow-corner improvement

    Schumi pleased with 2012 car so far, won't comment on career beyond 2012 until the time is right

    Rosberg happy with the 2012 car and says it's now time for Mercedes to progress

    Hulkenberg happy with the 2012 Force India car so far

    Trulli reveals he was once offered a race seat at Ferrari by Todt but couldn't accept due to his contract with Toyota


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    I know it's way too early to know - but it really looks like RBR will be comfortably the quickest car at Melbourne. I also strongly suspect that RBR will retain its advantage throughout the season.

    Could it be 3 titles in a row for Vettel? I think so.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season


    I know it's way too early to know - but it really looks like RBR will be comfortably the quickest car at Melbourne. I also strongly suspect that RBR will retain its advantage throughout the season.

    Could it be 3 titles in a row for Vettel? I think so.


    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Barcelona Day 3 Testing live text commentary

    Day 2 reports

    Button: no excuses this year

    Alonso's thoughts on the 2012 Ferrari so far

    Petrov not setting himself any targets. Nonsense. Of course he is. He wants to beat Kovalainen at the very least. He just doesn't want everyone else to start setting him targets.

    Petrov may have to adjust his driving style from aggressive to smooth. I didn't think he had either of them!

    Perez optimistic for 2012, happy with car

    Mercedes may keep Schumi beyond 2012. If he wants to keep going, I think they will keep him.

    Lotus seek an extra private testing day at the final Barcelona Test to make up for the 4 days lost at the Barcelona Test this week

    Force India complaining that F1 costs are too high. Well, the timing of this complaint is no coincidence. Kingfisher is the major sponsor and is owned by Vijay Mallya who is the majority owner of Sahara Force India. Well, Kingfisher Airlines is in serious financial trouble right now and last week, about 30 of 200 flights were cancelled. I assume they have cash flow problems. So it's no surprise that their sponsored F1 team is again raising the issue of F1 costs.

    Brawn is right IMO. Ferrari, RBR, Sauber (which is Ferrari powered) and Toro Rosso (owned by RBR's owner) all left FOTA. I think it was important for the teams to be able to speak with one voice to Ecclestone on issues of joint concern. Brawn says they felt that need more acutely when there were problems but, when those pressures have eased, they now feel the need to speak as one voice less strongly since they are natural competitors. I agree with Brawn's description.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Day 4 Barcelona Testing live text commentary

    Button: not expecting RBR to have such a large advantage at the start of the season as was the case in 2011

    FIA expected to close a loophole re exhaust blown gases

    Ecclestone: thinks Hamilton could leave McLaren, Schumi should join RBR, Bahrain GP to go ahead


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    BBC's Andrew Benson's blog analysing where things stand after the 2nd test in Barcelona

    Webber not writing off Alonso, not just between RBR and McLaren

    Brundle: Hamilton needs to focus and shut out the distractions, pretty obvious observations IMO

    Whitmarsh happy with McLaren's winter testing

    Williams admits it was a mistake to let Newey go

    Kovalainen glad that Caterham's problems surfaced in Barcelona testing rather than later in the season

    Brawn denies contract talks with Schumi have taken place yet

    Rosberg thinks Mercedes is not yet a race winning car, echoing Brawn's comments really

    HRT finally passes FIA mandatory crash tests, due to test in final test in Barcelona

    Massa pleased with improvements in car at Barcelona (compared to Jerez)

    Marussia had a suspension problem with their 2011 car on the final day of the 2nd test in Barcelona. Huh? Still having problems with their old car? Switching to the 2012 car at the final test in Barcelona, I hope they don't keep causing red flags that disrupt the teams that really matter

    Maldonado happy with Williams test in Barcelona

    Di Resta happy with Force India's test in Barcelona

    Kobayashi rightly downplays laptimes in Barcelona saying the top teams aren't showing their real pace. I agree.

    Every year, the teams say that it's just testing, that laptimes don't matter and that it's all about gathering data, checking reliability, analysing performance and trying to find ways to improve etc. And then every year, journalists see which car went fastest. It's as if they can't help it. The reality is that RBR and McLaren are probably 2 seconds faster than they showed in Barcelona. They are doing long runs, high fuel runs etc. None of the leading teams is foolish enough to reveal their real pace from now.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Marussia fail final crash test, can't test at Barcelona

    IMO it's downright dangerous for an untested car to be used in Melbourne by a rookie (Charles Pic) who has only done 2 days of testing.

    Deputy Team Principal of Sahara Force India says team must choose whether to remain best of the midfield or a podium contender. I agree. You need to re-define your targets but this will cost money.

    Williams' drivers happy to learn from Wurz

    Webber won't join a midfield team after 2012

    Why doesn't he go to Ferrari in place of Massa? I actually don't think there are any places in the other teams that will become available to him in 2013.

    Alonso calm about 2012 Ferrari, says it will take time to develop it and get it right

    Ferrari revert to original testing dates for final Barcelona test

    Damon Hill thinks Button could be an outside bet for the title in 2012

    Pirelli happy with testing so far


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season


    All of that and more at:

    It's quick and instant!

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Great, thanks!


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Driver schedule for final test in Barcelona

    Glock sad that car won't be tested before Melbourne

    Vergne not expecting to make friends on the F1 grid

    Sutil not giving up on a career in F1

    Rosberg wants to win races

    Hulkenberg says testing counts for little.

    I don't agree. Laptimes count for little but you don't want to have a disastrous testing season either.

    Patrese says Schumi is not the same driver ... and that change has made all the difference


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    Pit lane speed limit to remain at 100km/h in qualification and races and at 60km/h in practice and testing.

    Live text commentary on the final Barcelona test

    Lotus aiming to catch up after missing the previous Barcelona test due to a chassis problem

    Brawn: Mercedes needs podium finishes

    Ecclestone: Aussie GP may be scrapped after 2015 (due to time zone difference and the State of Victoria's unpreparedness to pay the hosting fees)

    McLaren downplay FIA engine mapping clampdown (regarding induced misfires) as not affecting McLaren

    HRT not joining FOTA yet

    HRT doesn't think it has an advantage over Marussia due to Marussia's crash test failure. Honestly, who cares? :)

    HRT's PDLR calls for in-season testing. I agree. It's necessary for reserve drivers to get seat time. At the moment, they can only do it in-season by taking valuable seat time from a race driver during Friday practice in a race weekend.

    But, if he is calling for more testing pre-season, as some others are, I disagree. HRT just didn't get its act together in time.

    HRT hoping to test during the latter part of the final Barcelona test

    Lotus's Bouillier thinks being in FOTA is still important

    Teams expect a very close season in 2012

    I disagree. I think it's just very hard to tell at this stage who is where comparatively but, at Melbourne, I expect to see RBR ahead by a very comfortable margin.

    Maldonado is expecting Williams to have a much better season. Well, last year, Williams was stuck with Sauber, Caterham (Lotus back then), HRT and Virgin (now Marussia). This year, I expect Sauber and Williams to open up a small gap from Caterham who may have a small gap between themselves and HRT & Marussia. But, there's no question IMO of Williams joining Force India and Toro Rosso in the midfield. They are well ahead of Williams and Sauber.

    Williams sees Parr as his natural successor

    Ecclestone thinks that if anyone can challenge Vettel, it's Webber

    I agree. If the RBR is comfortably ahead of its rivals all season, only Webber in the same equipment has a realistic chance. But that then begs the question, can Webber seriously outperform Vettel? I doubt he has it in him. Webber is very determined and he is a tough competitor who never gives up BUT Vettel is quicker, more consistent, makes far fewer mistakes and, overall, has a mental focus that ensures he is able to perform just when he needs to. IMO he is operating on another level to Webber. For Webber to win a race, Webber needs to have a great day when Vettel is having a bad day. How often did that happen in 2011? ... Exactly.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    dxpetrov, the newsnow link is very useful.

    I won't be posting links to F1 news stories from now on unless I have my own views to express as well ...


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 F1 Pre-Season

    I'm interested to read the analysis for what kind of testing programmes each team was following today ... so that it's easier to make sense of the laptimes and decipher what they were trying to achieve.

    It gets complicated since teams are at different stages in development.

    McLaren look very settled ... low number of laps ... like they are applying finishing touches.

    Ferrari and Lotus look like they wish they had another test after this one!

    Hopefully, James Allen and/or Andrew Benson will post their analysis of what we can learn from the final test once it is over on Sunday.

    It's not long till Melbourne. It will be fascinating to see how the teams perform in qualification given the wide range of experiences they have had in winter testing.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red



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