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    Porsche & Lawsuits

    With all this talk of lawsuits involving Porsche in the USA and different people commenting on the cases I thought it would interesting for those people (commenting) to know why Porsche lost the first time around.

    Hopefully PCNA won't go changing any memos this time around?

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    That can only happen in the US... traveling 60mph in a 25mph zone and getting $2.5mio

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    Let me get this straight: he buys a "sportcar" of which he obviously knows nothing about, and then drives at over twice the speed limit with it, looses control, and its supposed to be someone elses fault?

    I understand why they lost the lawsuit but what I don't understand is the reason to go to court for something that the driver is 100% responsible for. If the cruise control of the a certain car had a tendency to get stuck or the gas tank catch on fire, then OK, but a car that overteers is not an inherent fault, its a characteristic of sportcars!! you cannot blame the maker for loosing control of a car that YOU are driving at 60 in a 25mph zone in a car you chose to purchase!

    So what happes with all the other cars with similar handling dinamics. Its the manufacturer's fault that the owner can't control the car? or is it the buyers responsability to be able to use the product accordingly to his abilities? a sportbike is much more dangerous to drive than a 930 why not sue the manufacturers for all the motorbike accidents?

    ... keep stuff like this up and the rest of the sportcar fans in US won't be able to purchase and enjoy high performance sportcars anymore

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    Since I am attorney at law I will ask you a question-Why are we talking about something that happend such long time ago? USA judicial system is one of the kind(and I like some things about it...) and this kind of case is probably possible in USA only...
    Few weeks ago one person here crashed his 996GT2 very seriously in almost center of Zagreb(Croatia's capitol,BTW) he sustained only minor injuries but, his passanger got more serious head injury! He was overspeeding a lot(around 180km/h in 60km/h area!!) and Police report says he will be charged for puting someones life in danger. Nobody(even the driver himself) were crazy enough to say something was wrong woth the car, or car is too dangerous for overspeeding and loosing control while driving. What is the point here? You have the control! If you can not handle the car or its power(and potential)-DO NOT DRIVE IT OR BUY IT!
    That's it, IMO. And if you overspeed in city with intention... Well, you can not go against the law(...maybe around it...)...

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    Branimir said:
    Since I am attorney at law I will ask you a question-Why are we talking about something that happend such long time ago? USA judicial system is one of the kind(and I like some things about it ...) and this kind of case is probably possible in USA only...

    I guess I know what you like about the system (no offense intended, having a legal degree myself )

    Maybe Nick has been involved as a La Jolla located lawyer, earning some nice money to buy his F 430 and beating Porsche at the same time (must have been his wildest dream)

    I already foresee 997 coming with dozens of stickers attached to the dashboard in future: Warning, this is a proper sportscar etc. etc....

    The only credit in favour of the plaintiffs (if any) I could see from the article are the "defective brakes" mentioned, but the article provides no further explanation..

    IMO the mixture of a powerful attorneys' lobby, poltical influence (election of judges, attorneys) plus amateur jurors is an explosive one (though I agree completely with Branimir that each judicial system has it's pros/cons - there is no such thing as the perfect system).

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    Damn, I never had RMS problem in my car otherwise I was talking millions here .

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    The USA = lawyers paradise.

    There seems to be a lawsuite going on regarding the Carrera GT too, somebody mentioned it on the 997 Turbo forum.

    This is funny, people in the US buy weapons which can kill but I doubt there is a warning sticker on them saying: watch out, you could kill somebody with this gun.

    EACH and EVERY car on this planet can kill.

    Whoever buys a sportscar should know what he is doing. But apparently some people have less brains than money.
    Look at these parents in wealthy regions of the US who are buying their 16-18 year old kids a 911 for school commuting.
    These parents should be put in court, not the car manufacturer.

    I love the US and I love to be there. But those lawsuits regarding hot coffee, smoking, fat food, etc. are getting ridiculous. They also throw a bad light onto the American Way of Life, sometimes we Europeans get the feeling, that the Americans are sueing each and everybody all the time, some sort of national hobby.

    I can already picture the process of starting a future Porsche car: before you open the door, a warning bell sounds and a voice asks you: "Are you sure you want to enter this high performance car which could kill you?". Then, you have to confirm it by pressing a red button on the remote key control. When you open the door, another buzzing sound comes up and another firm voice reminds you: "Warning, you're going to board a sportscar, a car which can be dangerous to your health and it may even kill you if not used properly. Are you sure you want to sit in this car?" To confirm, you have to take a seat in the driver seat. As soon as you touch the steering wheel, another voice sounds: "Using this steering wheel may kill you. If you still want to use it, push the start button next to it. When you press the red starting button, a warning shows up on the PCM screen: "You're about to start your car. Driving this vehicle can be very dangerous if you're too dumb to learn how to drive it. Are you sure you want to risk your life? Then press the YES button and confirm with your finger print." After pressing the YES button and confirming with your finger print, another message pops up on the PCM screen: "Due to liability issues, each time you're starting/using this car, an email has to be sent to Porsche to confirm that you're aware that you're about to start on a dangerous mission. Please confirm the sending of this email with your fingerprint. (under the finger print field, another writing saying: "I hereby assume full responsibility for my actions driving the car with the registration number XYZ-111 and VIN number ZZZYYYOOOOS79382922 and if I kill my dumb a.., it is my solely fault and Porsche cannot be held liable for my death."). After confirming, an email is sent to Porsche with logged GPS position of the car, name, finger print signature, registration number and so on. Another bell comes on and a voice alerts you to put your seatbelt on and if you don't apply within 30 seconds, the whole starting "procedure" has to be repeated.
    After putting on the seatbelt, the engine starts automaticall and another warning bell sounds and a dark serious voice says: "You're about to board a journey to unknown realms with the risk of dying a horrible death in an accident. Are you sure you want to do that? If yes, press the start button again, if no, please remove the seatbelt, the engine will shut off automatically."

    And now I stop before I get a serious headache...

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    god thats ridiculous. The driver should be charged with involuntary manslaughter (or whatever is appropriate here) and in no way should Porsche be held responsible. A driver could be doing 60mph in a ford escort & lose control & kill some people. So obviously, the Escort has waaaay to much power & is unsafe for the average driver. Porsche shoulda paid a few more bucks for better representation and shoved this case down the families throat. I mean, it sucks because they lost someone, but its obvious they're just out for money in this case. And i can guaran-damn-tee you that somebody in that family bought a sports car with the money that they won. God, stories like this really tick me off

    What ever happen to drivers being RESPONSIBLE? Hmmm, maybe going 60 in a 25 isn't such a good idea...oh crap a car pulled out in front of me and now i crashed. Well that car shouldn't of been there and my car has to much power & isn't safe. Thats why i crashed.

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    RC, FYI, there are warning labels engraved on firearms sold in the US. "Read Owners Manual Before Using- Firearms are Dangerous!"

    My favorite warning label is on Heat guns, the type used to melt paint. "Warning Do Not Use on Hair or Flesh." Duh!

    Such nonsense is the result of state by state differences in tort law, over sympathetic juries eager to punish manufacturers and zealous liberal "safety nazis" pushing social agendas. I am sure there are congressmen who would love to enact RC's sports car start up scenario, but make it also the law for lawn mowers, prams, dog leashes and diswashers. One of them had a problem with a bridge, the fat drunk Senator from Massachussets. Im sure he'd vote for RC's system.

    At one time Porsches and Ferraris were sold with 55mph speedometers in the US at the behest of a liberal congress that was in the mood to ban anything fun at all. It took years to change that back.

    Porsche at least does provide a 4 year warranty here, while in Germany its only two years. Why dont they do that in their home market? You would think that they could stand behind what they sell in Germany easier than in the US?

    There seems to be a German AMT for everything. Is there no Warranty AMT?

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    RC said:
    The USA = lawyers paradise.

    This is funny, people in the US buy weapons which can kill but I doubt there is a warning sticker on them saying: watch out, you could kill somebody with this gun.

    And now I stop before I get a serious headache...

    That's crazy, actually I can remember a case where somebody has been killed by a criminal using a gun in a robbery case. As the parents of the victim could not gain any money from the bloody [censored] who committed the crime, they went against the manufacturer of the gun and prevailed with the case, as the jury found that the gun could be operated too easily....

    I almost p..d my pants when reading your blue print of the future sports car....LoL

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    RC said:
    The USA = lawyers paradise.

    Not for me, I'd starve to death as a lawyer there morals and ethics would make me reject every case I do not beleve just, no matter how much money I could win, I wouldn't sleep at night otherwise. Call me an [censored] but I could not be able to defend someone I believed guilty or accuse someone innoccent like in this case

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    jandreas said:
    With all this talk of lawsuits involving Porsche in the USA and different people commenting on the cases I thought it would interesting for those people (commenting) to know why Porsche lost the first time around.

    Hopefully PCNA won't go changing any memos this time around?

    Lets get this in perspective. This is an old clipping from an old lawsuit. Sometime in the 1980s. This is not a current lawsuit or judgement. In the 80s, carmarkers were sued for not disclosing many things. That is why on American cars, there are probably more disclosure stickers than anywhere else in the world. What was the outcome of the lawsuit? Was it overturned? Many are overturned or reduced later on appeal.

    This is from the 1980s. It has no revelance to today.

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    Carlos from Spain said:
    RC said:
    The USA = lawyers paradise.

    Not for me, I'd starve to death as a lawyer there morals and ethics would make me reject every case I do not beleve just, no matter how much money I could win, I wouldn't sleep at night otherwise. Call me an [censored] but I could not be able to defend someone I believed guilty or accuse someone innoccent like in this case

    You're a good man Carlos..

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    It was not over turned on appeal. Porsche lost and had to pay.

    A jury in Alabama found BMW to be "reprehensible" and awarded a customer 4 million dollars for BMW selling him a new car that was pre damaged. The punitive award was later lowered to only 2 million dollars. It was overturned when the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that the Alabama had no jurisdiction over BMW's PDI operations in another state.

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    I will agree with RC that the USA is a lawyers paradise. There was an article in the Wall Street Journal last summer about frivolous lawsuits and the ridiculous rewards. It went on to say that because of the "easy pickings", approximately 72% of attorneys WORLDWIDE are licensed to practice in this country. Sad but true.

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    First let me make one thing clear. I have spent most of my law career DEFENDING people and companies in personal injuries litigation.

    I was not part of the 1980 litigation but I honestly believe most of you would have voted in favor of the Plaintiff given the secretive memo intrOduced at trial.

    The CGT litigation has many good points in favor of the Plaintiff which I am not at liberty to discuss. One thing you all must understand is these cars with their huge power are basically dangerous in a average drivers hands.

    Porsche and other car companies know this and that is why they developed safety devices to help the driver. In the CGT, Porsche could have installed several devices which would have made the car safer. However they wanted performance to be the prime consideration and installing these devices would have compromised the ultimate performance experience. But what they did not do was consider the buyer. Anyone with money could buy one regardless of driving skill or experience.

    Thus, as many of you have stated ,several of them have crashed their CGT's (notice how many single car accidents?) and many have been seriously injuried. They just did nott know how to handle the car.

    Given the propensity of the car and the necessity of driver skill why would Porsche wily nilly sell it to the public? What warning did they give to these these inexperienced drivers that this car will spin out of control without corrct modulation of the throttle and sharper input than necessary on the steering wheel while at speed over 70 mph?

    Since it was a limited production car why not required training on the opreation of the vehicle with the setup and power it has? They are cash rich but apparently callous in their disregard as to to who is buying the CGT. I could go on but I think you get the point.

    BTW, only recently has Porsche begun to train some owners of the CGT how to drive the car. Mike has posted on his experience and he has has much experience in track work as most do. I am certain he learned a lot about his car after his training.

    Finally this applies not only to Porsche but to the rest of the car manufacturers. I have written this before but it bears repeating. Try flying any airplane without training and approved licensing. .

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    RC said:
    I can already picture the process of starting a future Porsche car: before you open the door, a warning bell sounds and a voice asks you: "Are you sure you want to enter this high performance car which could kill you?". Then, you have to confirm it by pressing a red button on the remote key control. When you open the door, another buzzing sound comes up and another firm voice reminds you: "Warning, you're going to board a sportscar, a car which can be dangerous to your health and it may even kill you if not used properly. Are you sure you want to sit in this car?" To confirm, you have to take a seat in the driver seat. As soon as you touch the steering wheel, another voice sounds: "Using this steering wheel may kill you. If you still want to use it, push the start button next to it. When you press the red starting button, a warning shows up on the PCM screen: "You're about to start your car. Driving this vehicle can be very dangerous if you're too dumb to learn how to drive it. Are you sure you want to risk your life? Then press the YES button and confirm with your finger print." After pressing the YES button and confirming with your finger print, another message pops up on the PCM screen: "Due to liability issues, each time you're starting/using this car, an email has to be sent to Porsche to confirm that you're aware that you're about to start on a dangerous mission. Please confirm the sending of this email with your fingerprint. (under the finger print field, another writing saying: "I hereby assume full responsibility for my actions driving the car with the registration number XYZ-111 and VIN number ZZZYYYOOOOS79382922 and if I kill my dumb a.., it is my solely fault and Porsche cannot be held liable for my death."). After confirming, an email is sent to Porsche with logged GPS position of the car, name, finger print signature, registration number and so on. Another bell comes on and a voice alerts you to put your seatbelt on and if you don't apply within 30 seconds, the whole starting "procedure" has to be repeated.
    After putting on the seatbelt, the engine starts automaticall and another warning bell sounds and a dark serious voice says: "You're about to board a journey to unknown realms with the risk of dying a horrible death in an accident. Are you sure you want to do that? If yes, press the start button again, if no, please remove the seatbelt, the engine will shut off automatically."

    If this ever becomes reality RC, I hope you'll find the rennteam modification to switch it all off!!

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    easy_rider911 said:
    If this ever becomes reality RC, I hope you'll find the rennteam modification to switch it all off!!

    Then, the rennteam will be in trouble...

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    nberry said:
    First let me make one thing clear. I have spent most of my law career DEFENDING people and companies in personal injuries litigation.

    I was not part of the 1980 litigation but I honestly believe most of you would have voted in favor of the Plaintiff given the secretive memo intrOduced at trial.

    The CGT litigation has many good points in favor of the Plaintiff which I am not at liberty to discuss. One thing you all must understand is these cars with their huge power are basically dangerous in a average drivers hands.

    Porsche and other car companies know this and that is why they developed safety devices to help the driver. In the CGT, Porsche could have installed several devices which would have made the car safer. However they wanted performance to be the prime consideration and installing these devices would have compromised the ultimate performance experience. But what they did not do was consider the buyer. Anyone with money could buy one regardless of driving skill or experience.

    Thus, as many of you have stated ,several of them have crashed their CGT's (notice how many single car accidents?) and many have been seriously injuried. They just did nott know how to handle the car.

    Given the propensity of the car and the necessity of driver skill why would Porsche wily nilly sell it to the public? What warning did they give to these these inexperienced drivers that this car will spin out of control without corrct modulation of the throttle and sharper input than necessary on the steering wheel while at speed over 70 mph?

    Since it was a limited production car why not required training on the opreation of the vehicle with the setup and power it has? They are cash rich but apparently callous in their disregard as to to who is buying the CGT. I could go on but I think you get the point.

    BTW, only recently has Porsche begun to train some owners of the CGT how to drive the car. Mike has posted on his experience and he has has much experience in track work as most do. I am certain he learned a lot about his car after his training.

    Finally this applies not only to Porsche but to the rest of the car manufacturers. I have written this before but it bears repeating. Try flying any airplane without training and approved licensing. .

    I dont want to start a big debate about it again, but in Ben's case, you could've been going however fast he was going and that could've happened in any car capable of that speed

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    nberry said:
    First let me make one thing clear. I have spent most of my law career DEFENDING people and companies in personal injuries litigation.

    Good to know that, Nick. You're not such a bad guy after all.

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    nberry said:
    I was not part of the 1980 litigation but I honestly believe most of you would have voted in favor of the Plaintiff given the secretive memo intrOduced at trial.

    No we wouldn't. The memo does not change a thing, he was driving a 930 at 60 on a 25mph zone under his own risk and out of his own judgement and freedom.

    nberry said:
    The CGT litigation has many good points in favor of the Plaintiff which I am not at liberty to discuss. One thing you all must understand is these cars with their huge power are basically dangerous in a average drivers hands.

    And the responsability for making such a tremendous and fine performing car is the maker's? nobody is putting a gun to the onwners head to drive the car, like no one is putting a gun if the owner decides to play with a loaded shotgun or practice hang-gliding...

    nberry said:
    Porsche and other car companies know this and that is why they developed safety devices to help the driver. In the CGT, Porsche could have installed several devices which would have made the car safer.

    You mean like side airbags I'm awaiting yor lawsuit to Ferrari on the issue if you are being honest in what you are saying and consecuent with it. It affects you personally since they have sold you a car without side airbags.

    nberry said:
    Given the propensity of the car and the necessity of driver skill why would Porsche wily nilly sell it to the public? What warning did they give to these these inexperienced drivers that this car will spin out of control without corrct modulation of the throttle and sharper input than necessary on the steering wheel while at speed over 70 mph?

    So does the Pagani Zonda or Enzo, why not sue them? or a freakin' Miata in the wrong hands... a loaded gun can go off by accident if proper precautions are not taken by the onwer... sue the manufacturer too?
    What are you doing driving a 490HP F430 in the streets, its definately overkill for street use and dangerous for most drivers, maybe yourself... yet on the otherhand you support a lawsuit against another maker for the same reasons?

    A current day sportbike with 1000cc has similiar o even more performance than a CGT and on top of it requires more skill and knowledge to use safely its pootential, yet in your country yet its sold to 16 year old kids with a basic license for 15k and are not even required to use a helmet!!

    nberry said:
    Since it was a limited production car why not required training on the opreation of the vehicle with the setup and power it has? They are cash rich but apparently callous in their disregard as to to who is buying the CGT. I could go on but I think you get the point.

    Yes we get the point, lets not fool anybody, its about putting the blame on someone else and trying to get some easy cash out of it, with a percentage going to the suit-happy empathy-faking laywers... so if a 16 year kid who just got his drivers licence crashes a Boxster because to him a Boxster's abilities are like a CGT to an average sportcar driver, lawsuit again? its the makers responsability for the driver's own actions, own skills, and whatever happens to him on the road?... this is ridiculous.

    A real disappointment if you are involved in any of this Nick, I don't mind the Porsche bashing, its all in good fun, but this is very disappointing, and something that can lead to "decafinating" sportcars in the future because of the greediness of a few

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    I 100% agree with you Carlos.This is ridiculous..

    What next? Manual gearboxes will be banned in US because some as*holes don't know how to use it???????

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    Carlos from Spain said:
    nberry said:
    I was not part of the 1980 litigation but I honestly believe most of you would have voted in favor of the Plaintiff given the secretive memo intrOduced at trial.

    No we wouldn't. The memo does not change a thing, he was driving a 930 at 60 on a 25mph zone under his own risk and out of his own judgement and freedom.

    nberry said:
    The CGT litigation has many good points in favor of the Plaintiff which I am not at liberty to discuss. One thing you all must understand is these cars with their huge power are basically dangerous in a average drivers hands.

    And the responsability for making such a tremendous and fine performing car is the maker's? nobody is putting a gun to the onwners head to drive the car, like no one is putting a gun if the owner decides to play with a loaded shotgun or practice hang-gliding...

    nberry said:
    Porsche and other car companies know this and that is why they developed safety devices to help the driver. In the CGT, Porsche could have installed several devices which would have made the car safer.

    You mean like side airbags I'm awaiting yor lawsuit to Ferrari on the issue if you are being honest in what you are saying and consecuent with it. It affects you personally since they have sold you a car without side airbags.

    nberry said:
    Given the propensity of the car and the necessity of driver skill why would Porsche wily nilly sell it to the public? What warning did they give to these these inexperienced drivers that this car will spin out of control without corrct modulation of the throttle and sharper input than necessary on the steering wheel while at speed over 70 mph?

    So does the Pagani Zonda or Enzo, why not sue them? or a freakin' Miata in the wrong hands... a loaded gun can go off by accident if proper precautions are not taken by the onwer... sue the manufacturer too?
    What are you doing driving a 490HP F430 in the streets, its definately overkill for street use and dangerous for most drivers, maybe yourself... yet on the otherhand you support a lawsuit against another maker for the same reasons?

    A current day sportbike with 1000cc has similiar o even more performance than a CGT and on top of it requires more skill and knowledge to use safely its pootential, yet in your country yet its sold to 16 year old kids with a basic license for 15k and are not even required to use a helmet!!

    nberry said:
    Since it was a limited production car why not required training on the opreation of the vehicle with the setup and power it has? They are cash rich but apparently callous in their disregard as to to who is buying the CGT. I could go on but I think you get the point.

    Yes we get the point, lets not fool anybody, its about putting the blame on someone else and trying to get some easy cash out of it, with a percentage going to the suit-happy empathy-faking laywers... so if a 16 year kid who just got his drivers licence crashes a Boxster because to him a Boxster's abilities are like a CGT to an average sportcar driver, lawsuit again? its the makers responsability for the driver's own actions, own skills, and whatever happens to him on the road?... this is ridiculous.

    A real disappointment if you are involved in any of this Nick, I don't mind the Porsche bashing, its all in good fun, but this is very disappointing, and something that can lead to "decafinating" sportcars in the future because of the greediness of a few

    Carlos, well said

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    nberry said:
    Try flying any airplane without training and approved licensing. .

    A typical "Nick-style" analogy!

    Driving a CGT without any previous driver training and without a driver's license could reasonably be compared with flying an airplane without training and approved licensing, and nobody would reasonably think the car manufacturer or plane manufacturer should be liable for any consequences.

    A licensed driver trying to drive a high performance car beyond his own limits (not the same as being beyond the car's limits!) should be compared to a pilot with a "normal" flying license trying to do aerobatics without special training or supervision. Again, no rational person would dream of blaming the aircraft manufacturer for the outcome. In my view, the same should apply for the car manufacturer.

    Re the above newspaper clipping scan:

    Granted that a 930 would be inclined to oversteer at its limits of adhesion, how would this make the car the "guilty party" in the event of an accident in a 25 mph zone?

    Would an accident involving an inherently understeering car driven way beyond the speed limit - and the limits of physics - have resulted in the same outcome in the courts?

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    If you've driven busy Torrey Pines Road ( where this accident happened ) as it winds and descends in some off camber turns down towards the beach , it's easy to imagine the " old style " 911 handling traits of the pre 1984 " Carrera " era biting you.
    It was a big story in the car mags back then , actually. Porsche very much had to put in a lot of understeer in their cars for the US market thereafter.Before that, people just joked about the " going off the road backwards in a 911 " as a jab at the driver's skills, but the legal climate was changing.

    Something similar happened a few years later in Marin County here when a family was wiped out because the driver did some poor judgment things at speed on a wet winding road. The suit claimed BMW's tag line of " The Ultimate Driving Machine " led them to think that the car could defy physics, I guess.


    SoCal Alan said:
    nberry said:
    First let me make one thing clear. I have spent most of my law career DEFENDING people and companies in personal injuries litigation.

    Good to know that, Nick. You're not such a bad guy after all.

    You are being much too generous, Alan.

    In view of all we read about the outcome of personal injuries litigation in the USA, this is just another example of Nick's unerring ability to choose the wrong side to back in an argument!

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    Carlos, or anyone please answer the five following questions.

    1. If a car manufacturer has safety devices which control vehicle stability especially in a high powered sport car which has performance levels never before offered, should the law require the car manufacturer to install them?

    2. If your answer is no, then should the manufacturer make it available to buyers?

    3. If the answer is no, then should the manufacturer warn the buyer of the risk and hazards of driving a vehicle of this nature?

    4. If no then should the manufacturer offer training in driving a vehicle of this nature?

    5. If the answer is no then is it foreseeable for the manufacturer that this vehicle will cuase injuries as a result of driver inexperience and skill?

    FWIW, which ever way you answer these questions Porsche loses.

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    nberry said:
    Carlos, or anyone please answer the five following questions.

    1. If a car manufacturer has safety devices which control vehicle stability especially in a high powered sport car which has performance levels never before offered, should the law require the car manufacturer to install them?

    No. That is up to the manufacturer, and will depend many factors such as the end cost of the vehicle, the effect in perfromance of such devices, etc. And its up to the consumer to buy it or not depending on such features.

    nberry said:
    2. If your answer is no, then should the manufacturer make it available to buyers?

    You mean like the "optional" side airbags in your F430?

    Depends on the manufacturer and the R&D costs, performance, etc.

    Its up to the consumer to decide which car to purchase depending on such features ebing offered or not.

    nberry said:
    3. If the answer is no, then should the manufacturer warn the buyer of the risk and hazards of driving a vehicle of this nature?

    Like the airbag sticker in the sun visors and the engraving in the side mirrors, no?
    Don't be silly, if you sit behind the wheel of a sportcar with 500 or 600HP and you don't know that you can have an accident if you don't drive within your abilities, then its Darwin's law, its not the manufacturers fault for not being your nanny.

    nberry said:
    4. If no then should the manufacturer offer training in driving a vehicle of this nature?

    No. Its not the manufacturer's reponsablility its the driver's, or you could even make the case that its the goverment's responsability to only allow drivers on the streets that are qualified to drive the vehile they choose, but never the manufacturer.
    And there is training readily available to everybody that wants it all around the world without the manufacturer having to make drivers do it by force. If they want the training they can get it, even from most manufacturers themselves like Porsche, if they don't want to get it, its their responsability, not the manufacturer's.

    nberry said:
    5. If the answer is no then is it foreseeable for the manufacturer that this vehicle will cuase injuries as a result of driver inexperience and skill?

    Should all high-end sportcars be ilegal in the US because its forseeable that "some" drivers drive them beyond their posibilities?

    ANY moving vehicle can cause injuries due to driver inexperience.
    Driver inexperience is relative, a CGT in the hands of an average sportcar driver is less dangerous than a F430 in the hands of a poseur. Should Ferrari make a screenign test to prospective owners to rule out the posuers wanting to purchase one?

    nberry said:
    FWIW, which ever way you answer these questions Porsche loses.

    Guess not huh. But lets see... Ferrari has much less passive and active safety in their cars than Porsche and less driver training availability to buyers than Porsche... yet you drive a 500HP open top Ferrari, in what ethical position does that put you Nick?

    Re: Porsche & Lawsuits

    Carlos from Spain said:
    ...Should all high-end sportcars be ilegal in the US because its forseeable that "some" drivers drive them beyond their posibilities?...

    Not illegal, but they do have to disclose. The US is very big on disclosure.

    Re: !

    fritz said:
    SoCal Alan said:
    nberry said:
    First let me make one thing clear. I have spent most of my law career DEFENDING people and companies in personal injuries litigation.

    Good to know that, Nick. You're not such a bad guy after all.

    You are being much too generous, Alan.

    In view of all we read about the outcome of personal injuries litigation in the USA, this is just another example of Nick's unerring ability to choose the wrong side to back in an argument!

    I'm trying to be nice to the poor guy, Fritz.



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