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    You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Ordered the C4s Cab last month.

    I placed the original order in GT silver with a Stone Grey top. Then after reading all the negative comments about the stone colored top (birds muck, fading lines, dirt etc) - I got scared, called my dealer and changed it back to black!

    I have only found one picture with this GT Silver/ Stone color combo - and it looked gorgeous...but having scoured the net for hours in search of others I have had no luck.

    I hope I made the right's driving me mad. Anyone have any thoughts or better still an actual picture so I don't have to 'imagine' what it would look like!

    This is the only thing I have to work with....

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Have you stopped to think about why it's so hard to find pictures of a cab with a gray top?

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    I think you'll be glad you changed. The gray will show dirt etc. over time.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Well Mish,
    I was looking forward to seeing YOUR car with the silver/stone combo. To bad you changed it, imo

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Yeah, just think of some gooey tree sap right in your face as you pull the door handle to get in. If you don't clean it immediately (might already be too late) and perfectly
    you're about to become long-time good friends with the sap's remains. Black, you done good.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Stay strong brother- don't cave!
    Silver and Grey all the way!

    It is beautiful and rich looking. It's my choice for my C4S Cab.

    Even a black top will look like crap if you don't care for it! 90% of the time the top will be down!It'll be FINE!

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    I would just think about it a little bit more!!

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Thanks guys...My initial plan was to go for the black top anyways...I just thought I would go for something a little bit different and more adventurous.

    I had the first generation BMW 330ci (2000) with a black top and had no problems with dirt even after 2-3 years.

    I still have time to change, but black is just safer I guess....atleast I know what it looks like in the flesh!

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    SVNSVN said:
    Stay strong brother- don't cave!
    Silver and Grey all the way!

    It is beautiful and rich looking. It's my choice for my C4S Cab.

    Even a black top will look like crap if you don't care for it! 90% of the time the top will be down!It'll be FINE!

    Hi Svn, do you have one on order? Mine is due in November...I resisted changing a few times but caved in when I saw that last stone grey thread!

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Sorry I don't have a picture but I had seen a stone grey top at my OPC while I was shopping for my Boxster. I wasn't impressed, to be honest. It looked "dirty", in a way... hard to describe... not quite homogenous in the color appearance? It was inside though so might have looked better in the sun. The sales guys also advised me not to pick a grey top on my own order but I hadn't planned to get anything but black anyway.

    Try finding an OPC near you where they have a grey top either in the showroom or in the shop while servicing and have a look at it in the flesh. Pictures won't provide enough information to go on.

    P.S. I've always had black tops on my own cabriolets of various brands and models since 1992, and have never seen problems or discoloration even over the course of 5 years ownership. No special attention was given to the tops. They got water and mild shampoo every now and then but that's it. Some were garaged, some were not.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    If it's the thread I'm thinking (about a week ago) I didn't say anything because I think the grey top looks really bad. It looks like a faded black top. Very good choice to go with the Black IMO. I can only imagine how badly the grey would look over time.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Ente said:
    It looked "dirty", in a way... hard to describe... not quite homogenous in the color appearance?

    What freaked me when I first saw it was that I WANTED to see it as cool (AS with Grey top Boxster), BUT as Ente suggests, there was something not quite right. Then it hit me: the matt surface of the grey and the extreme brilliance of the paint clashed. Like WHY were the materials so incongruous? That's a GREAT question to be faced with because in good design the answer is not too far away and you KNOW you;re going to learn something (but I digress). Anyway, in my Grey on Arctic Silver Boxster encounter, there was no enriching answer from a design standpoint. The only way out would be that the difference in quality of the materials (shiney vs. matt) would be complimented by them being different hues (colors), wasn't happening though with grey on silver. Maybe it would work better with a Metropole Blue top? So what happens in the case I'm describing is your "design educated" mind starts to spiral and you grab onto anything and all you have it the framework of the top and the subtle urging that you try to see it as a car cover or a tarp. Something like that. Not good. Then when the top gets dirty and creased all heck breaks loose, because good design is supposed to be beautiful and inspired as well as practical.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    I don't much buy the "it'll look dirty with time" argument. Only if you're slack with what I would consider normal upkeep, regardless of top color. Use citrus-based products for sap or bird dropping removal, and just wash it well with the same soap you do the rest of the car with. I've had WHITE tops that stayed tidy and crisp for years, with no real out of the ordinary elbow-grease on my part. Just considerate care.

    Do an honest self-assessment of how clean you keep your vehicles. If that self-assessment dictates a black top, go black. But if your nature is to stay right on top of things, go with what visually pleases you. The grey top should look super for years, as long as you use common sense with it.

    Whenever I'm strolling through our local dealer's service bay, I see SCARY SCARY upkeep and maintenance and care of customer's cars. It makes me cringe, as I always dreamed of being able to buy a brand-new 911 since I was a small boy, and can't imagine achieving that goal in life, and then taking it for granted like a doormat. Filthy interiors, door sills that look like they're used as cowboy boot mud-scrapers, scratches, wheels with a year's worth of brake dust accumulation, etc... People who have the money and driving enthusiasm to buy Porsche, but don't have a whif of pride or awareness when it comes to caring for the car itself. It's like they've never in their life understood what it's like to NOT be able to afford such wonderful things. Dealers see these scary cars day-in, day-out. That's the foundation of their opinions when they say "don't order the gray top", because they see all the trashed cars roll in and out of the service bays. For all they know, you're just another one of those scratch-a-big-check-and-go-on-your-merry-oblivious-way customers.

    I think the combo you originally ordered looks RICH and classy. I also know that this subject is driving you to borderline lunacy!!

    Stay Strong - Grey is a very durable color for the top

    As the owner of a 2002 996 Cab with the grey top, I must say that all of the speculation about the durability of the grey top is overblown.

    I have had my 02 for almost 4 years, and the top looks just as good today, as it did when it was new. With all fabric tops, you need to keep it clean, and coated with scotchguard or the Porsche fabric protector. The grey color is actually much better at hiding dirt than a black top, so taking a vacuum to it every once and a while is usually all that is needed to keep it looking new. Stay with grey, it will be OK. A black top is so pedestrian and common, Grey is a rare and sophisticated color.

    Re: Stay Strong - Grey is a very durable color for the top

    Orient Express said:
    A black top is so pedestrian and common, Grey is a rare and sophisticated color.

    Just having a little fun here (not at your expense either Orient ).

    Black is not common and pedestrian, it is understated and conservative.

    Remember the rest of the car, which in this case would be the paint paint job, is THE gorgeous main attraction.

    The black top is like your tuxedo, it's black (white if very formal) to serve as a background for all the lovely women in their beautiful gowns or party dresses.

    It's impossible to wear a non-black (or non-white) tuxedo unless you want to be noticed for the inevitably wrong reasons.

    Plus the shoes, belt and buttons match: black tires, black trim (windshield, and windows) black top.

    Whichever top mish chooses he'll be fine..., uh..., wait..., but..., which color shows the impossible-to-avoid creases and abrasions first/worst?

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    You made the right choice, mish. Black shows the contrast better and is easier to clean.

    Re: Stay Strong - Grey is a very durable color for the top

    Usually there's reasons why something becomes "common". Most of the time it's because that's what looks good.

    Get what you think looks best. But don't IMO NOT get a color because it is too common. Your Porsche is yours and yours only.

    In the 3 1/2 months I have owned my car I have not seen another Artic with Black top 997 S and it's probably the most popular combination. Even if I saw 1 a week (which will never happen) it wouldn't matter to me. I don't care enough about what other people have for it to change my mind about what looks good..

    It's the only Porsche I have so I want what I think looks best to ME. I'm not concerned with how many others there may be like mine. The car is rare enough that you're always going to have something special so trying to make it even more rare and different by getting the least popular colors isn't IMO the way to go.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Well, if you look at classic marques like Duesenburg, Pre-war Mercedes, Packard, Rolls, etc.etc..., and then follow it all forward to present-day, you find that nowhere in the history of automotive styling were convertible top colors determined using "tuxedo" rationale, or worrying about matching the color of the rubber. Tires and rubber seals have been black, more or less, always. The convertible top is meant to compliment the CAR, not get lost with the tires. It should compliment the exterior and the interior colors, and tie the two colors together to create a pleasing combination. Remember how great old 450SL's looked in gold exterior paint, with Brazil interior and dark brown top? Imagine how revolting a black top would look in that combination, instead of the dark brown? That's because it's the colors of the car that dictate the top, not the tires and weatherstripping. I could nauseate everybody with more bad combos using a black top, but my point is that the "black shoes, black belt, black tie" thing only applies for certain scenarios where a black top would look integrated and nice. But since on a car, your "shoes" (tires) are always black, demanding that the top always match the shoes is a one-way ticket to fashion hell. Go to Pebble Beach or Meadowbrook and count how many black tops you see on the golden-era classics, compared to other more exotic color choices. On those, the top is color coordinated to the interior and exterior colors, black tires be-damned.

    In the case of the car we're discussing on this thread, I think that either black OR grey would work very well. Either choice will look nice.

    Re: Stay Strong - Grey is a very durable color for the top

    STRADALE said:
    I don't care enough about what other people have for it to change my mind about what looks good..

    Yeah, what he said.

    For this reason, I will only own Porsches which are silver. No other color on Porsche cars makes any sense to me.

    But we digress... .

    Re: Stay Strong - Grey is a very durable color for the top

    Very Interesting analogy.

    And good reason why something's look the best when in their most classic color, like Tuxedo's and convertible tops. (for modern sports cars anyway)

    Then again I'm a fan of Tom Hanks' Tux in "BIG" and Napoleon Dynamites' tux.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    There's a big difference between what looks good on a golden-era classic compared to a modern high performance sports car. For modern high performance sports car's black has always been the most popular convertible top colour. I think it's because a black top is the most sporty color and will go well with every other color. All that aside the last convertible I had was a 1989 Mustang GT. It was black with a white leather interior and had a white top. (I was living in LA at the time) I didn't spec. the car out that way, I bought it used. I'm not sure what I was smoking at the time.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Mish, not to further torment you, but tomorrow I will post pics of a seal grey w/stone grey top 987 which looks fantastic.
    Granted, it's a brand new car; but the convertible top woven material on these cars is marinated in every flavor of super-Scotch-guard imaginable. My dad has a 15 year old RR Corniche that has a beige soft top, still looks 98% as good as new, everything bounces right off of it, it is outdoors quite often, treated only once a year.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    Thanks guys, some really super posts.

    I do take immaculate care of my cars - both exterior and interior (no smoking, food, drinks allowed in whatsoever)....but I must admit, if any tree sap or bird's muck gets onto that grey top it could be quite a nasty looking problem. My black top on the 330 used to get a few nasty surprises every now and again, but with careful attention I was able to keep it in very good order.

    For now, I think it's going to stay black - or until I can at least see a couple of good pictures of the Silver / Grey Top combo.

    Come on Grey top folks - Where are you all!!

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    I'm not saying that black does not, or cannot look good. I'm saying that depending on the exterior and interior colors, black may, or may not, be the only choice. The pictures I've seen off the stone grey top on silver and grey cars have looked pretty good, very sporty, to me at least. To limit somebody, or doom them (however you want to look at it), to a black top just because the tires are black... well, it just all comes down to personal taste and opinion. I was just trying to illustrate that the top's color is determined by the car's colors. Would the sports car below look better with a black top?

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!


    I am sure you'll get a silver 997 with grey top

    Here you go :

    Go with it - looks great and you'll be alone and not 1 of thousand

    Carpe diem

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!


    One more from the front :

    Edit: Do you see the big smile on the drivers' face It could be yours

    Carpe diem

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    black... for me!

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    WOW! Even the advertising photos show wrinkles.

    I rest my pro-black top case.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    mish said:
    SVNSVN said:
    Stay strong brother- don't cave!
    Silver and Grey all the way!

    It is beautiful and rich looking. It's my choice for my C4S Cab.

    Even a black top will look like crap if you don't care for it! 90% of the time the top will be down!It'll be FINE!

    Hi Svn, do you have one on order? Mine is due in November...I resisted changing a few times but caved in when I saw that last stone grey thread!


    Not yet- I'm waiting for the Grand Tour, next year.

    Either top will look very nice. I just prefer the Grey- looks great to me with Silver, and the Grey interior.

    Black just doesn't look quite as good, IMO. It really is personal preference! I also believe the dirty or faded argument is way overstated.

    Good luck! You can't lose, as long as you pick the car of your choice.

    Re: You guys scared me - so I changed my order again!!

    MMD probably only wears Black pants, because he's afraid that Grey, Tan or other light colors may look dirty or faded!



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