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    OT but had to share

    After almost 15 years of DOS and Wiindows I moving to the other side
    and I love it so far

    Re: OT but had to share

    I'm jealous! I love it!

    Re: OT but had to share

    apple sux traitor

    Re: OT but had to share

    Welcome my friend, welcome!!!
    It's a beauty! Fastest PC in the world!

    Re: OT but had to share

    Welcome to a world of no viruses, no constant system crashes, non-nonsense, just performance and great beauty. you just bought the equivalent to a Porsche in a computer!

    Re: OT but had to share

    Very nice Ron. Congratulations.

    I really do like the Mac. The design of these computers, especially since Jobs returned, is just outstanding. I just left a company that wrote software for both Mac's and PC's and I had purchased many different varieties of old (and new) Mac's for testing, going all the way back to the LC3, if anyone remembers that. All of them had a consistency of clever design that I always found impressive. The case design, the interior layout, everything. It all showed that some thought had been put into how the thing should be made, rather than the typical PC manufaturer who just stuffs the cheapest components available into some generic rectangular box.

    BTW, is that an IBM I see on the floor?

    Re: OT but had to share

    Thanks everyone

    GM Austin said:
    BTW, is that an IBM I see on the floor?

    Yes Gary, not one but two .

    Re: OT but had to share

    Ron i've had my mac for 2 years - they're awesome, although i curse having to use windows everyday for work!

    Re: OT but had to share

    Yes Gary, not one but two .

    Oh yes, I see the other one now, a black tower. I had only seen the beige one before. It's interesting how the Apple/IBM relationship has evolved.

    BTW, here's an LCIII. I really liked the simplicity of this design.

    Re: OT but had to share

    Mac rox. Windows sux. Deal with it.

    Congrats man. Welcome back from The Dark Side

    That a 23" screen? Just like mine. Having some annoying blackouts tho. Let me know if you need advice.

    Re: OT but had to share

    Have always been into PCs, but now that I can play with Unix a bit in OSX, I like both.

    Re: OT but had to share

    Nice one Ron!

    I can see that we share the same love for the late GT2

    Re: OT but had to share

    Captain Bady said:
    Nice one Ron!

    I can see that we share the same love for the late GT2

    Re: OT but had to share

    You will like it. I posted about my switch a couple months ago. Apple rules!

    Re: OT but had to share

    Check these..

    Gates gets it...sort of...

    Funny, but true, parody:

    Steve Ballmer- MS Chief a certifiably psychotic sort of way:

    Re: OT but had to share

    My goodness, am I the only one here which prefers PC's?

    Re: OT but had to share

    No worries Danny - I'll back you up.
    I wonder if the Macies know how it is to work with mouse that has not just one button but three.

    Re: OT but had to share

    Danny G said:
    My goodness, am I the only one here which prefers PC's?

    I mostly prefer PC's but I also believe in freedom of religion (or from religion) too so, to each his own I say. I like the Mac design but the reality of the marketplace makes it impractical for many business uses. The Mac works well for personal use and it's still a viable platform for graphical and video use. It is also still strong in the education market, but not so much as in years past. I would like to see Apple regain some market share and become a more viable alternative for business users, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Re: OT but had to share

    senra said:
    Welcome to a world of no viruses, no constant system crashes, non-nonsense, just performance and great beauty. you just bought the equivalent to a Porsche in a computer!

    Welcome to the world of naive thinking.

    There is NO safe OS on this planet, wishful thinking only.

    Re: OT but had to share

    I'm a PC guy myself, but the more choices the less monopoly Gates has and better products we get

    Here is my PC, as the pic says MY2004

    Re: OT but had to share

    Dr. Phil said:
    Check these..

    Gates gets it...sort of...

    Funny, but true, parody:

    Steve Ballmer- MS Chief a certifiably psychotic sort of way:

    If they ever open up a tech zoo, Gates and Ballmer will be
    in the reptile exhibit, while Jobs might be found in the luxury ostrich section.

    Re: OT but had to share

    Matt C said:
    No worries Danny - I'll back you up.
    I wonder if the Macies know how it is to work with mouse that has not just one button but three.

    Matt is right,
    Apple mouse sucks!!!
    I bought a Microsoft mouse with three buttons and it works just fine, didn't even have to configurate it!
    I'm crap at computing, it's a mean to an end (Rennteam! ), just a tool, so the Apple works perfect for me, simple, performant, stable and stylish!

    Re: OT but had to share

    Not to bash your RAND MY2004 but I remember seeing this email at work some time ago and well...
    Someone had some fun with the pic.

    I'm always told that Apple is best for photo/video editing while PC is the best for gaming, is this true or has Apple upped the ante on the gaming side as well?


    Re: OT but had to share

    The last time I used an Apple computer was in high school. In every high tech engineering company I've worked for, I don't remember seeing a single Apple computer anywhere. Not even for the admins (secretaries). But, I understand that there is a use for Apple computers in other industries. Just thought I'd let you know what the engineers use/prefer. Although, some engineers may prefer to use an Apple computer, I've never come across one who's admitted that.

    Re: OT but had to share

    SoCal Alan said:
    The last time I used an Apple computer was in high school. In every high tech engineering company I've worked for, I don't remember seeing a single Apple computer anywhere. Not even for the admins (secretaries). But, I understand that there is a use for Apple computers in other industries. Just thought I'd let you know what the engineers use/prefer. Although, some engineers may prefer to use an Apple computer, I've never come across one who's admitted that.

    I'm an engineer, and all the apps are indeed on PC.
    PC at work,
    Apple at home,
    Works perfect for me.
    Apple is just great for Pics, music, movies, etc. Very intuitive.
    From a Pro point of view, I think Apple is big in education and editing companies. But still tiny, I think we represent about 3% of the market!

    Re: OT but had to share

    Let's face it. Bill Gates "borrowed" Windows from the Apple platform, and to this day it still isn't even close to being as intuitive and easy to use as Mac's OSX...or even OS 6 (from somewhere in the eighties) IMO.
    Microsoft dominate the market because Gates was very clever at piggybacking on IBM back in the early 80s, and because most tech companies (who back in the dawn of computers were the only ones using computers) had little alternative to DOS from IBM/Bill Gates.
    DOS was (and is) a tech language for specialists, or creatures from another galaxy. It's not for normal people...but normal people endured the nightmare that was DOS, because they had, or felt they had, very little choice.
    If memory serves me correctly, by the time Apple launched MacIntosh back in 84, DOS was already being used at so many workplaces, people found it easier (and cheaper) to stay with software and hardware they knew from their workplace.

    The rest is history. PCs absolutely dominate, but if you claim they do so because they offer more or are more userfriendly than Mac you need to actually TRY a Mac. (And possibly get a head exam..)
    Ive never in my life met a person who would say "I just dont like an intuitive computer. I like when it's backwards and difficult".
    PCs arent difficult to use for people who use PCs. They have been forced to learn how to use them if they wanted to keep their job (or get one) or forced to get one if they couldnt afford the hi-priced Mac. And lets not forget: There were (and still is) very few software titles for the Mac compared to PC.

    I understand why people use PCs. I really do. And I also understand why they prefer PCs to a Mac. They have more choices when it comes to software and so many people and companoes use them, they are all afraid what might happen if they changed to Mac.
    Fact is most things are compatible with Mac, but that, too, is a different story.

    I bet you anything that noone on this Planet would choose a PC over a Mac if they weren't forced to do so.
    Mac is both a lot faster, more intuitive, arguably better, more cleverly designed, arguably easier to use and with OSX undoubtedly crashes a fraction of the times MS and PC's do.
    BUT Macs are more expensive, lack software titles and are peceived somewhat as a "creative person's PC". Exclusively.
    It's a textbook "First mover" example:
    PC pioneers like Gates and IBM conquered the market and successfully made people very dependant of their hard- and software .
    Now those people cant change to e.g. Mac. If they do, they can't interact the same with all the other PC users or e.g. use their preferred PC software as effectively. At least that's what they feel.

    Sad. I think many people would see a tremendous change in their work and life in general if they went with Mac.

    And to prove I'm not an undecover Apple employee I'd better tell you that Apple service is just as crappy as PC service, so you dont need to worry about a change there

    Re: OT but had to share

    Is that a new G5 w/ 20" display?

    I just bought 5 of them (dual 2GHz models) for the office, and was wondering what they look like..

    Re: OT but had to share

    Think it's 23" and yes, G5's.
    Hopefully you bought those 2x2.0 mHz G5's some time ago?
    They have just introduced new ones, and the 2x2.3 mHz is a better deal by far if you cosider resale and pci-x slots etc etc.
    I have a 2x2.0 and it's a great not to worry. You didnt buy a bad product at all. Far from it!

    Re: OT but had to share

    I'm 40 years old now.
    My first "real" computer was a C64 and I mainly played games with it. After a year or so, I started more serious things like learning how to crack/copy stuff, program my own things.
    After the C64, the Amiga came. Forget about all those PCs, Macs or whatever, the Amiga was incredible for it's time, incredible graphics other business computers could only dream of at that time and at such a cheap price tag.
    My first PC was a 286. Then, a 386 DX something. I also remember that I paid a fortune when I bought my first 486 DX-66, it had 8 MB RAM and an 80 MB(NOT GB!!!) HDD.
    Yes, I started with computers at age 14, 26 years ago.
    I used BBS systems through the phone with 9600 baud.
    Can you imagine how slow that was?
    I had one of the first internet access in my town using a 14400 baud modem, later on ISDN as one of the first people and probably one of the first broadband connection too back in 1995, more than 10 years ago.

    I'm running two private root servers, I do a lot of PHP stuff for friends and from time to time, I love playing a nice simulation game or even Half Life 2, etc.
    I like Apple and I like Macs, however I would never buy one. I'm using Linux for my root servers and even my satellite receiver runs on Linux. But on my personal computers, I'm using Windows XP Professional.
    If people are saying it is crap, they don't know what they're talking about, it isn't. Windows 98 was crap, even more Windows ME. Windows XP Pro SP2 works pretty good and serves all purposes. I just think it is some sort of Bill Gates anti-whatever or maybe people just feel more "exclusive" if they don't use what almost all other "peasants" are using.
    Apple became the "designer" of the computing age, it is "hip" to use a Mac. Take a look at the iPod. C'mon, I owned a Rio 20 GB HDD player a few years ago which was ten times better than the iPod Apple had to offer by that time. But Apple understood very well the need for something "special", Apple became the luxury brand of computers.
    I wouldn't compare Apple to Porsche, I would compare them to Bentley (VW beneath, Bentley on the outside, good products but not really much better than the competitors).

    Speaking about speed: have you ever tried a Windows XP Pro SP2 PC running an AMD 64 FX-55 processor with 4 GB RAM and two Geforce 6800 Ultra SLI graphic cards? Forget Apple.
    What about the new double core Intel processors or those nice ATI Radeon XT850 graphic cards?

    Don't get me wrong: I really like Apple, I like how their computers look and I like Mac OS. But I think that Linux is a much better choice for professional usage and for personal stuff, a PC running Windows XP Pro is worth gold.

    I own an iPod photo 60GB myself, I'm using iTunes and I was even thinking of getting a Mac Mini for iTunes usage only.
    But it is so slow, not worth the money.

    Another example: right now I'm using a Sony Vaio T1 laptop.
    It has 1 GB RAM, it has a retrofitted Atheros chipset a/b/g wlan mini-pci card built-in, a DVD recorder built-in, all a around 1.4 kg weight. The battery is good for around 4 hours including full wlan usage and maximum screen brightness, not bad. Does Apple offer such a laptop?

    Or let's take my "leisure" laptop, a Sony Vaio S1XP. Radeon 9700 Mobility graphics adapter, almost 4 hours battery life, great speed, etc. And all at a very low weight.

    I won't even mention my server in my basement, you would get all jealous.

    Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Apple. I'm just saying that it is NOT the holy grail as some people might think. But they look nice, I agree.

    Re: OT but had to share

    RC said:
    Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Apple. I'm just saying that it is NOT the holy grail as some people might think. But they look nice, I agree.

    I think Apple's are good but both apples and pcs are good at different things. Apples are by far suppior for video/image/sound editing and for beginner users. I'm in an engineering program and PCs are far better for this not just because of the programs available but also because the components are built differently.

    On another note I hear the "macs don't crash near as much as PCs" This might have been the case for older windows but my computer (XP) has frozen only once in the last year. ---just a little clip about macs



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