
Easy solution:  retire.


Did you read the article BTW?

“…Hamilton ran some different parts on his car compared to his team mate, and he said it’s clear they haven’t worked.

“George didn’t the have the same bounces that I had,” Hamilton noted. “He had a lot less bouncing. Yesterday I lost three-and-a-half tenths to him, just on the straights.

“I had an experimental part on my car and different rear suspension. So ultimately it’s the wrong one….“

So let‘s recap again, Lewis is trying to develop the car and therefore is using different specs than George. Do you really think that a multiple-WC team is relying on the opinion/ impressions of someone who‘s about to retire?

I guess that they fully know by the data they‘ve evaluating every race and even whom to trust in order to improve their car


Oh c'mon, let's be realistic, if they gave Hamilton the "supposed" experimental parts is not because Russell can't test the car like Hamilton, it's because Russell has consistently put the Merc in the top 5 EVERY single race, without excuses nor complaining, 8 GPs in a row and is now 4th in the championship. By now everyone clearly knows, on who to put their bets on in Mercedes to secure the most constructor's points, specially the Mercedes team itself, and who gets to test parts during the championship instead...