Texas911 said:
BMW is only selling more cars because they include Mini sales and SUV sales.

If you were to say, exclude SUVs from Lexus's US sales , they would fall WAY down the list of the top US " luxury " marques. Last I checked, MBZ is building an X3 sized SUV called the MLX and you know that the new G SUV is basically a luxed out version of the M/R class platform seating 7 and aimed above Range Rover . Jag dealers are screaming for a crossover for the US too, as no one with kids is walking in the doors. VW wants a 4th SUV off the Touareg/ Cayenne/Q7 platform for Bentley .... and how about rumors of a MINI SUV.. oh brother . .. gotta win some kind of " unclear on the concept " award there