One Aventador has been spotted on the side of the road in Hangzhou, China, with its boot opened and white smoke surrounding it. Not good. Not good at all...

Taking a second look at the images, which have been posted on a local website, there seems to be some kind of fluid on the tarmac, which might or might not indicate some issue with the radiators.

The incident must have given the Lambo's occupants a good scare, but the police was quick to arrive at the scene, and by the time the fire fighters responded, there wasn’t much to do, since the officer had already cooled things down.

Happily for the Aventador's owner, a young man who had outfitted his Lambo with a Mansory body kit and a new set of wheels, his expensive ride wasn’t engulfed in flames so, whatever the damage, it sure is much lighter than many other cases when all that's left is a pile of melted composites and scorched metal.