


Also, could FIA man up and come out and say sorry fans we fucked up. Or hang Masi out to dry and say HE fucked up. There is nothing that can be done now, what's done is done, but we will do better for next year?

Perhaps in the minds of FIA and Liberty Media, splitting the titles between Mercedes and Red Bull is the better option to an epic season than say Hamilton winning the driver title under safety car? Let Mercedes have the constructor title using a 2 year old car while letting Max win the driver title for Red Bull.

The more one look at things, the more one feel they should have red flagged the race and let everyone have a 3 lap shootout. Heck Sainz was the one that got left behind Sunday. He was stuck behind some lapped cars and he could have also challenge of the win. Or maybe even Yuki gunning for his first win?

I think the majority of Max and Lewis fans wants a fair fight to the end, them decide on track. Of course some will claim if they finish under safety car and gifting Hamilton the automatic win would be unfair to Max. The other will use the same argument that on a one lap shoot out with Max running fresh softs vs Hamitlon's old hards aren't fair either. This debate will go on forever, over shadowing Max's first championship. I am sure while he felt great Masi turned the table in his favour late, he would have wanted a good fair race against Hamilton for a clean win without controversies. 

Mark my words, if in the future there is a championship on the line with a late accident like this, whoever is Race Director will automatically throw out a red flag to stop the race. 


Letting some day pass and listening to many interviews and podcasts one thing stands, the decision under SC was outside the regulations!!! That is a fact! Now the question is why did they break the rules??? That answer we will never know I think. Now that we know that the SC was going one lap early without any reason is making a case for Mercedes I think! Another fact is that Lewis took the lead in the first lap and managed to fly in that race, so for Verstappen there was no chance to catch him under normal circumstances, so as soon as there was a chance for the FIA to changed the result and they bend all rues in order to get that result. Dont get me wrong, Max would also deserve the WDC but not like that IMO, as he clearly lost that race!!!

I really hope that Mercedes can get through with the appeal as I really dont think this is correct how they handed over the Win to Max.... The real Champion is Lewis this year. The comeback that he had the last few races was amazing, and I think it is really sad he was "robbed" this title! 

And another thing that makes Lewis a champion, is how he celebrated and congratulated Max even though it was clear he was Fuc... by the FIA!!! 
