RC - just because tesla put up a much asked for Ring time does not mean it is advertised for the track. Tesla does not advertise at all.  Those are brembo brakes btw. Makes no sense to build it with track brakes for the street use it is intended for. Given the weight and power how much brakes are enough?  Even f1 cars have limits based on the exact need down to the millimeter of pad and rotor size.  No more than what is needed.  Given it is a street car it is fine. 
But if you want to you can easily add any big brake package you like, I have mentioned this many times. There is money left on the table if you don’t pick the Porsche.  Question remains - Why do this at the factory for a street car?  Tesla even got rid of passenger lumbar support in the model3 because it saved money and people were not using it. Your premise that it needs track brakes because it is advertised for the track is just not correct.  

As for the whole intuitive braking thing - once your pedal can make you slow down and stop so smoothly it is not intuitive at all to scrub of speed with the other pedal. Exactly the opposite. That is ICE thinking vs EV reality.  99% of Plaid drivers will not run out of brakes like guys suggest - on the street -.  Silly to suggest otherwise but you are welcome to believe it.  Maybe combine a whip with your throttle- perfectly intuitive if you just got off a horse. 

And no, there has not been any type of rash of accidents at all.  The actual numbers tell a very different story. In fact you can’t point to a safer and more consistent 9 second 150 mph car. No wheel spin, no drama, perfectly straight within a tenth of a second regardless the driver or surface or even state of charge to a point.   No other car can pull this off as safely and consistently. You guys know that 100%. Insurance companies know this fact well too.  If any of what you guys assume was correct these cars would be un-insurable and not out of stock for months.  
I love this thread.  Thanks guys!  Cheers