First of all his video about 2 seconds to 60 was splitting hairs.  I think you are the one now who suddenly does not like this source which you like in the past.   Not a single peep from you about the content of the video - just some lame fake outrage that I used your own tech source. Don’t make us laugh.  You exaggerate that I called him full of shit to try to make your point. Still you don’t say anything about the analysis of the brakes. Crickets. I guess this video does not suit you. Make up your mind?

What is there to comment about the video? I watched it last week already. Jason tried to explain why the Plaid can do 0-60 faster than stop from 60-0. He made perfect sense explaining how the Plaid can accelerate that fast. He never analyzed the Plaid's brakes. The majority of the video wasn't talking about how bad the Plaid's braking numbers were but why it can accelerate fast. Plaid can only achieve 1.16g of deceleration on it's best attempt, on completely cold brakes. Any car better than a Corolla can do over 1.2g braking.  And we have already discussed any car can perform really well with cold brakes. it's what happens after the initial application that shine a spot light about Plaid's bad brakes. 

Like Tesla's fuel economy numbers, it's a best case once in a blue moon scenario number that they publicize. Not unlike their acceleration numbers, that it needs 20 mins to prepare, and after doing it once, it can't be repeated again. The 104ft stopping distance? Can it do the same number the second time around? Or the 3rd? Those brakes didn't get proper cooling, nor are they sized big enough for repeated use. They are just good enough for one test. Which is all Tesla needed for publishing numbers. Just like their acceleration number, or their economy number for that matters. 

He talked about tuning ABS settings for the C8 Corvette making it stop a bit longer than the C7, it make sense, but the C8 can do the same number over and over again without cooking it's brakes. It was engineered to rein in the performance of the car. Not to post a nice number to be published.

Obviously I was speaking of a Tesla driver not a Elon himself but since you need to be correct once in the discussion I will give you that one. You need a win.  However it is noteworthy that when a Tesla has a panel gap I’m pretty certain you think he is the one building the car - lol. 
Your funniest is that you agree Tesla drivers don’t use their brakes.  You are actually proud of the fact that you know how Tesla drivers use EVs as intended yet you still go on and on about how others use their brakes to stop like it is the best way to stop.  It just strikes me as funny that you defeat yourself in each of your arguments. Plus are proud of your logic. 

You keep repeating and thinking I am the one in the wrong. Yet I am not the only one that say you are wrong. Could it be everyone else is also wrong? Or that you were the only one that's misinformed and everyone else's right all alone? Some food for thought.


Could it be that all other drivers use the brakes to stop because if they did not their cars would crash?  OMG that is it.  I wonder if these people , like me and other Tesla drivers , would also use regen rather than brakes when in a Tesla??? Hmm.  To put it another way - when I’m in my turbo I also use the brakes.  The difference is obvious.  Now do you think that since Tesla drivers seldom use the brakes that this puts different stresses (less, are you still with me) on the brakes?

Did you know regen is still braking? it's not like Teslas aren't crashing using regen. They still do. Heck, their 'safety feature' never even try to slow down whenever they crashed into something. Of course Tesla people can't put stress on the mechanical braking system, as they aren't up to par. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Lastly - did I not mention myself that it is likely they set that amazing lap time while taking care of the brakes?  How many times did I mention that the brakes, like any road car, are fine as long as don’t abuse them or the 1000 awesome horses, which can’t really happen on the street. Bottom line is that the video from the guy you like ( does it matter that I liked him, you trusted him as a source) did not even get a response from you.  That sums it up.  Yet you pretend that me not agreeing with him once somehow makes your point?  If I had found a source you disagreed with in the past would that have convinced you ?   Logic is fleeting.  

And what is the point of the 1000hp again if normal people don't use them? Again. the video only explained why the Plaid get a better number on acceleration than it's braking. It doesn't explain Tesla's brakes. At best it just says Plaid's brakes are adequate. I always told you how the Plaid got it's time. It's not about taking care of the brakes, it's about not stressing them too much as they can't handle the stress. Which is on full display with videos and reports of them failing on track by numerous people, Tesla fans no less. 

PS - using the brakes in an EV as much as a regular car?  Did you turn off all regen in your famous blended braking?  Unless you did you did that you know the brake pedal is also triggering regen not just brakes. So while you may be using that silly old fashioned energy wasting pedal it is not true you are using the brakes as much.  This point is as week as your ‘Elon did not drive the ring himself’ argument.  Enjoy. This was fun. 

Brake pedal. There is no need to choose where to use regen or use physical brakes on every other brand of EVs or hybrids. The car decides for you. One only need to step on the brake pedal, and the car automatically regen and also apply the physical brakes. It's like magic! There is no need to decide whether one wants to use regen braking or use the physical brakes like on a Tesla. One just drive normally. Using the throttle to go, using the brake pedal to stop. Intuitive. Nature. You should try that some time, it's rewarding. And you'd be asking why doesn't Tesla do that. 
