OMG Mike, you killing me!!!

Not that long ago you dismissed him as full of shit.

And now you are quoting him. So what is it? Is he full of shit still or is he credible? Make up your mind.

You can't just use him when it is convenient and dismiss him when he isn't.

So what is it now? You want to believe in him now? Which also means he was right before also and you were wrong?

Btw, when I drive the e-Tron, or the Taycan, I uses the brake pedal as often as I drive any other normal car. Brake pedal is there for a reason, it is to be used when one wanted to slow down or stop completely. Heck, I also uses the brake pedal whenever I drive the 918 or the Panamera hybrid, as the brake pedal is act one uses when they WANTED to stop. 

It's really only the Tesla people that only uses the gas pedal when driving, every other single person on Earth that drives a car uses a gas pedal and a brake pedal. Don't believe me? Go ask your neighbour, or a random person at the mall what they use to stop a car when they are driving one. You might be surprised as their answers. 

Oh one more thing. Elon didn't run a single lap at the Ring.

He was never there. Actually as far as I can tell, Elon never ever set foot at the Ring, ever.

He had his minions doing the laps.

He had absolutely no idea what or how it feels like at the Ring. 

As for the actual lap itself, the Plaid wasn't going full on (well it is, as far as its own abilities). It had employed lift and coast just to preserve the brakes to last that one single lap. I knew enough people that as it happens, the guy that drove the Plaid lap is someone I met and knew. The Tesla team did enough laps around to know the factory setup won't last a single lap on the Ring, hence the lift and coast. It was what the testers had suggested back to corporate. 


