
Your opinion on this tidbit from rennlist: Will be 4-wheel drive. Front axle is electric only. 780hp. Faster than 918. 
Should apparently not be announced for sale for some theme yet, to avoid clashing with 918 customers, who recently have paid several times GT2 price for a to-be slower car. 

3RS will be released on next Geneva. GT2 further out than that apparently.


Take whatever you read on Rennlist with a big grain of salt. It's full of people trying to make a name for themselves to be famous on Rennlist, like that Eduardo guy, it's an ego thing.

Also pretty sure the info about 918 owners is dead wrong. 918 owners couldn't care less. Just like Ferrari Enzo owners couldn't care less that another Ferrari is faster than theirs. Or a CGT owner that finds out another Porsche is faster. 

And if such a car really do exists, those Rennlisters are also out of luck, they will be at the back of the queue while all the 918 owners take deliveries first, so there is no loss for 918 owners at all.


