
I bought mine in 2018. Afterward there was a change in management at the dealership. I suspect they did not submit my name but honestly I won't go if offered. However, I very much appreciate your offer to help me out. kiss

I am puzzled that a charitable guy like you is also a Trumpite.smiley


Nothing is black and white, everything is a shade of grey somewhere. Believe it or not, I identify more as a Dem than a Conservative.

I am all for LBGT rights and I am not for church over state.

I am not for overly broad gun rights but I respect choices. 

I am however all in for law and order, and I believe that for compassionate reasons some illegal immigrants can be made legal, but only if they go through the proper channels like everyone else, they have to leave the country and reenter legally first. But at least give them a fast track pass or something.

I am all for FAIR tax rate, which, will be 25% max. Who wants to work till July/August/Sept before money start going into their own pocket? Simplify the tax code and make it a flat rate, it will be cheaper for billionaires to just file it themselves than to employ hundreds of lawyers and accountants and shell companies to find loopholes. Make the tax code so simply that there aren't any loopholes, it would work wonders. 



Almost forgot, check your pm.
