Don't buy a car if you don' t want to loose money! ( Unless it's an Enzo) It is very normal that the price drops once a car has been used,or once a new one comes out!!! If you look for investment try shares!
I do not understand this search for a car that doesn' t loose value!!!! I know some loose more than others, but buying a car like a Porsche is more about pasion, desire, emotions, wibes and pleasure. Caviar is over priced: if you buy some it' s because you like to eat it, not because you made a good deal!
Now I can understand that one thinks it' s too much money for a car... then they are cheaper ones, that are great. For some it would make no difference from a Porsche, ther's can 'feel' the difference and want the 'real stuff'. It' s like wine: does everyone apreciate an expensive wine? Some can' t drink anything else, some are happy with cheap ones..